^ It * ' * * I -|. - ? A . J 'vse THE *(Hr ' TRADl 7a# f?esvi7&. 6'Jt SfU V.0^N FOR MONUMENTS See Sylva Memorial service next to? Ritz Theatre on Main Street. Sylva, N. C. Mar 20 tf FOR RENT ? Rooms and apart ments. Apply at Sylva Hotel. 13-16 CONCRETE BLOCKS for build-' ing hemes, stores, barns, ga-1 rages or foundation*. Suid at plant or delivered. Call or write W. A.! Hays, below bridge in Franklin. | Phone 903, Highland., N. C. 0-21tf The Truth About Catholics?Yoi should know the REAL. FACTS Write for free information to: Bpx 305, Whiteville, N. C. June lO-Oct. 21 FOR SALE ? 3-piece living room suite, and Tappan gas stove, good condition. Mrs. A. M. Hen son, Sylva, N. C. 12, 13 14* FOR RENT ? 3 or 4 rcom apart ment to small family. Modern conveniences and telephone. See Mrs. E. M. Allison, Webster, N. C. 13 WANTED ? Fresn Country Eggs and country hams. Park Lunch Room, Sylva, N. C., No. 50 tf PADGETT'S Specializing In RADIATOR AND MOTOR SERVICE We Clean and Repair All Work Guaranteed One Day Service Cullowhee Road Phone 254-J1 EYES EXAMINED Glasses Fitted DR. ALDKN C. DOWNS will examine eyes and fit glasses in Sylva at the Carolina Hotel Friday, Aug. 27, from 9 o'clock' to 4 o'clock. 11 If yeu have eye trouble or' e#n't eee well yeu should con sult Dr. Downs en above date. , WANTLD?SCRAP 'RON . . . Aa-, I to..iJwue buc>' u..?All types I snect u'w..?Metals. GLAZER STEEL CORPORATION 2100 AILOR AVENUE ? KNOXVILLE, TENN. TEL. 4-8601. We pay tcp cash prices. IFOR SALE ? STRUCTURALl | STEEL ? ANGLES, BEAMS | CHANNELS. We also carry ii | stock a complete line of othei ; structural shapes. We will fabri | cate steel to your specifications. GLAZER STEEL CORPORATION 2100 AILOR AVENUE KNOXVILLE, TENN. TEL. 4-8601. GINSENG WANTED ? $10.00 per pound, dry; $3.00 per pound, green. If you don't see me in town, please leave your ginseng at the Jackson County Farmers Coopera tive and I will pick it up later. R. S. Cowan, Greens Creek. 12-13* FOR SALE ? Wood and coal range. Mrs. John Wike, East LaPcrte, N. C. 12-13* i ! GLASS CUT ? By pattern to fit any make truck or car. All work done by expert glassmen. Phone 69 for appointment. Twin City Bus Service, just below Lefaine Hotel, Waynesville, N. C. 12-15 GINSENG WANTED?$10.00 per' | pound, dry; $3.00 per pound i green.. If you don't see me in town, please leave your ginseng at the Jackson County Farmers Coopera tive and I will pick it up later. R. ( S. Cowan, Greens Creek, N. C J ' 12-13*j j FOR SALE ? Two large lots and I small business building in Love's ; F.eld, on Cullowhee highway. See Moody King at King's Grocery | Store. 13* WANTED ? A reliable girl to live in home and care fcr 2 year old child while mother works. Apply at Parkdr-Dalten Store, Asheville Highway, Sylva, N. C. 13* I WANTED TO BUY ? Used elec tric cook stove and refrigerator. I Must be in good condition. Apply; at Herald Office. 13* | DAVID M. HALL Announces Opening of Offices for General Practice of Law Main St. ? Sylva, N. C. DIT 7 THEATRE I | M? WEEKLY PROGRAM Night Shows: 7:00 4 9:00 P. M.?-Mat. Sat.?Late show Sat. 10:30 Adm.:Adults 36c tax incl.?Children under 12 yrs. 12c tax Inc. Saturday, Aug. 28? KIT CARSON JON tfALL AND LYNN BARI Owl Show SON OF FRANKENSTEIN * BASIL RATHBONE AND BORIS KARCOFF Sunday, Aug. 29? THE LONG NIGHT HENRY FONDA AND BABARA BEL OEDOE8 Monday - Tuesday, Aug. 30 - 31? THREE DARING DAUGHTERS JEANETTE MacDONALD AND JOSE ITURBI Wednesday, Sept. 1? THUNDER HOOF PRESTON FOSTER AND MARY STUART Thursday - Friday, Sept. 2 - 3? THE PIRATE JUDY GARLAND AND GENE KELLY All Children not In arms will have to purchase a ticket to ants' any performsnce st this Thsatra. PERSONALS D. D. Hooper, Jr., and Jce F. Wilson left las: week for a tour through seme of the western and mid-wester* states*. Miss Agnes Wilson returned home Sunday from a four weeks trip through several slates, going' as far west as California and Ore-! gon. On their w. y out and coming back they stopped in Riverton, Wyoming, for a visit with her sis ter, Mrs. F. L. Webber, and family. She was accompanied on the trip by Mr. and Mrs. Harry H.ggins and Mrs. Frank Higdcn of Frank .in. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Williams and two children, Bob and Gloria Ann, spei.t tne week-end here with Mrs. Williams' mother, Mrs. T. O. Wil son, and family. They returned lo their home in Maryville, Tenn., Sunday. Mrs. D. M. Hall, Sr., returned Friday from Boone where she had been the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. H. Council, and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Womack spent the latter part of last week with their daughter, Mrs. Hal H. 3rown and Mr. Brown in Asheville and with friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Brown in Greenville, Tenn., while Mr. Womack was on his annual vacation from the Mead Corporation. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kirchberg and daughter, Miss Kay Ann Kirch-' berg, of New Orleans, and William Hand of Mississippi, left Tues-1, day for their homes xafter spending two weeks with his brother, Dr.| W. R. Kirchberg, and family at their home in Sylva and at the K.rehberg camp r.ejr Glenville. I Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Smith and son, Mike, from Angier, N. C., were week-end guests of Mrs. Smith's parents. Mr. , and Mrs Shaler Gilley, at Whittier. I William L. Curtis of Knoxville spent the week-end with his sis ter, Mrs. J. E. Buckner, and family.' ! Miss Anne Plott returned to her home in Bryson City Monday after spending a week with her aunt 1 Mrs. Ned Morris, and Mr. Morris | Among the out-of-town people attend.ng the funeral of Charles Allen last week were Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Sluder and son, Tommy, of Columbians. C., Mr. and Mrs. L P. Culpepper of Georgia, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Powell, Asheville, Mrs Lewis Sanford, of Clyde, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parker of Fayetteville and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chest er and Morris Chester of Detroit.. Mich. Mrs. Chester Scott returned last week from a few days', visit to her mother, Mrs. Jones, at Wingate N. C. Mrs. Z. L. Cooke ajid Miss Bar bara Jo Cooke, after visiting in i Sylva for a few days last week, I returned to their home in Asheville Mr. and Mrs. Bob Claxtonj Accept Work At Oak Ridge Mr. and Mrs. Bob Claxton have' returned from George Peabody, college, Nafhviile, Tenn., where! they spent the past six weeks do-. ing graduate work. They left Mon- : day to take up work at Oak Ridge, I Tenn. Mr. Claxtcn will have' charge o: a recreation center and Mrs. Claxton w.ll teach physical! education in Junior High school. Addie Home Demon stration Club Meets The Addie Home Demonstra-j ti?n club held its second meeting' since its recent reorganization with Mrs. Mae Bryson. Several interested members took1 pari in a demonstration on pres-j sure POokers. About ten guages w re tested. The followfng committee was appointed on Fair exhibits: Mrs. Robert Holden, Mrs. Robert Shul er and Miss Allie Snyder, The next meeting will be Fri day, September 3, at the home of Mrs. Robert Shuler. Card of Thanks The family of Charles All^n wishes to express their sincere ap jreciation to their friends foj the *ind expressions of sympathy ex terded them at the time of his ! death, also for the beautiful floral I offerings. sunbfcAM MIXMASTER FARMERS FEDERATION tr.e latter part of tre week. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrer.ce Chester, r.d Morris Chester, r turned to heir home in Detroit. Mich., Sat urday al';?i>ft6vTng been called to Sylva tc attend the funeral of Mrs.' Chester's brother-in-law, Charles Allen who was killed in the crash of his Taylorcraft plane while flying in a heavy fog over, the Balsam mountains Sunday,' August 15. | Mrs. Margaret b. Hall arrived. Saturday from Greensboro to spend a week with her brother and sis ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. E.i Bain. M. A. Huggins of Raleigh, and Rev. H. K. McGee of Winston Salem called on Rev. and Mrs. T. F.j Deitz last Tuesday evening. Mr.] Huggins is financial secretary of, the Baptist State convention. Rev. McGee is chaplain of the Baptist j hospital at Winston-Salem. Theyj w re visiting the Baptist associa-j tion, in the interest of their work.i Mrs. Ollie Banks, who has been quite ill for several days, is now a patient in an Asheville hospital for special treatment. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Thurston, after spending three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bryscn, Jr., left Tuesday to return to their home in Miami, Fla. Rev. R. C. Shearin, pastor of Stevens Memorial Baptist church in Greensboro, his wife and two little daughters, spent last Wednes day night with Rev. and Mrs. T. F. Deitz. They were on their way to Hayesville to visit Mrs. Shear ing parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodard. Arch Cowan of Greens Creek, who had been taking medical treat ment for a few days and spending the time with his sister, Mrs. T. F. ?4 Deitz, and niece, Mrs. Ollie Banks, returned to his home. S<>rrirt?M at Thv t hurvhvs | Sylva Methodist (The Rev. W. Q. Grlyg, Pastnr ) i Sandfiv scnool will meet at 10 ' :\. m..- Gadger Crawford, superin* ; vendent. | 11a.m. Morning Worship by the pastor, using as his sermon sub-| ject: "Doe;s ol The Word." 6:30 p. m., Youth Fellowship. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Choir Re hearsal. Sylva Presbyterian (The Rev. W. rl. Wakefield, Pastor) Services held' in Episcopal church. 10:00 a. m. Sunday S<*ho?l. M C. Cunningham, Supt. 11:05 a. m. Morning worship witl ! the pastor using for his sermon subject, "She Was Not Hid." 8:00 p. m. Evening worship ii charge of the pastor. Sermon sub ject, "There Came A Leper to Him." Sylva Baptist (The Rev. C. M. Warren, Paator) Sunday school at 10 a. m., Mi*. Carl Corbin, Supt. 11 a.m. Morning worship. The pastor using for his sermon subject,! "Youth and Common Sense."' Judges 13:2-14. B. T. U. at 7.00 p. m.. Miss Hat tie Hilda Sutton, Director. 8:00 p.m. Evening worship and Ordination of Deacons. , Tuesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer meet I mg. I Crawford Replaces 1 Baldridge On Town Board of Aldermen I fid Baidridge, one of the five I G. I.'s elected to the town board of aldermen in the last city elec tion, has resigned from the board j due to his being out of town most ' of the time. James E. (Archie) 1 Crawford, who also ran for. the board in the last election, has ! been named to fill the vanacy ' created by Mr. Baldridge's resigna I tion. Cultowhee Baptist (Rev. Chrs. B. McConnel, Puctor) y .?a m ?S..IU'1 \ Si:.ou' 11 a.m. M.rr.in,; \V s lip. 4 p. m. Junior H.T L'. 6 p. m. Young Pe.tpic urul Inter- , media-te's B. T. L\ ;rui FcJiows ;i.> Hour. j WeBnesday?7:30 p. m. Sunday school lesson pre-view. Friday, 7:30 p. m. Choir Rehear sal. _________ Cullowhee Methodist (The Rev. R. T. Hout?, Jr., Pastor) 10 a. m. Church scnool. 11 a. m. Morning worship. 6:30 p. m. Youth Fellowship. 7:00 p. m. Vesper Service. 7:30 p. m. Wesley Foundation. Dillsboro Methodist (Rev. W. Q. Grigg, Pastor) Evening Worship. Sermon sub ject of pastor, "Love Thy Neigh bor." Buff Creek Baptist (Rev. Edgar Wllllx, Pastor) Sunday School esch Sunday at 10 a. m. S. S. Charli. Parnsh. Worship service each 1st and 3rd Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7:3u p. m East Svlva Baotist (Rev. E. W. Jamison, Pastoi ) 10 a. m. Sunday School. DeWitt i Beasley, S. S. Supt. 11 a. m. Morning Worship. 6:30* p. m. B.T.U. Jairu? Jo.ies, director. 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship Wed. 7 p. jti. Choir Practice. Wed. 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeti ig. Wesleyan Methodist (Rev. W. A. Todd, Pastor) 10 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Morning Worship. 8 p. m. Evening Worship. Scotts Creek Baptist (The Rev. B. 8. Hensley, Pastor 10 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Morning Worship by the pastor. 6.30 p. m. Baptist Training Union. 8 p. m. Evening Worship. Glenville Baptist 1000 Sunday School; San tv. S .po.'ir.tendent. 11 a. m. Morning worship. 7 p. m. B.T.L'. 8 p. m. Evening worship. Lovedale Baptist Church (Rev. G. E. Scruggs, Pastor) 10 A. M. Sunday School. 11 A. M. Worship Service. 7:30 P. M. Worship Service. Tuckaseigee Baotist (Rev. Edgar Wrllix, Pastor) Sunday School each Sunday at 10 a. m. Supt. Junnie Hooper. Worship service at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. each 2nd and 4th Sun days. Wilkesdale Baptist (Rev. Jarvis Underwood, Pastor) 10 a. m. Sunday S:hool 11 a. m. Worship Service. 6:30 p. m. B.T.U. 7:30 p. m. Bvenmg Worship. The Church of God The Rev. Homer Pope, Pastor 2:30 p. m. Sunday School. 3:00 p. m. Afternoon Worship. Friday 7:00 p. m. YPE. and Pray er Meeting. oW<?N6SS Get Relief New Easy Way ? Sit In Comfort Prolarmon i* a quick, dependable reliever of itching. painful rectal soreness ?symp toms which nmy alio accompany pile* and hemorrhoids. H rings southing sense of comfort upon contact, forms protecting film over sort* nreo, helps destroy infectious Bern us, aid* Jsutrre heal up raw, broken tissues. No oil ?liO greasa to stain cloth ing. Sold on Tioney back guarantee. Be sure to g<ct this modern relief today . . . ssk for ^ PROLARMON ^ PROFESSIONAL , I DRUG STORK Save Up To 50 perct. AT Western Auto -r" . , ? . Associate Store / Weve got ffie one and only NBV car in its ?field "You get the new 'Mid Ship' Ride. Six travel comfortably in the level center section. Lots of hip and shoulder room for attt" "Check this 'Flight Panel' dash. Instruments are grouped in one large cluster, and illuminated by soft, non-glare 'black light'!" \ "It's the most beautiful car on the road! I'll say it's 'The Car of the Year' I look of the year, with /hat 'dream-car' silhouette!" "Beauty, and safety, too, with Ford's new 59% stronger 'Life guard' Body and frame struc ture.lt'sa road-hugging beauty '* WMt "'?i arvihbh at ?*fro coi> ~7%e Car of-Ms far/ 1 /^r /Vew inside and ouftMt, the entire car it new?ne* all the way through . . . from the frame out, from roof to rood. Lower center of gravity with ample road clearance and plenty of head room i "Hydra-Col?" Prftftt Spring*, dfld '^ira-Fiex" Rear Spring*, wM Jevtrte action aircraft type hydraulic shock absorbers that cushidlt Mffti 4k*4kr It rides like a dream on any road t Larger "Magic ' King-Size Brakes that are 35?^ oasior ta apply, by actual f##f! Just a Hp-toe touch puts car momentum to work for extra stopp^f* poWeH you owe it to yourtoH to In and see TSe Car of tho Year *7 0(/f S/iowoosn //(w/ REECE-HAMPTON MOTOR COMPANY, Inc. Cullowhee Road Sylva, N. C. ?Yc:'. Excited Coaler

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