The domestic demand for poul try and eggs is likely to continue very... strong. FREEZE HOUSE ? For ? COOL Comfortable Rooms :Sylvan Hts. Sylva" GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS SOON TO BE AFLAME WITH BEAUTIFUL AUTUMN COLORS Within a few weeks, the annual march of autumnal colors will be gin in the vast hardwood forests of the Blue Ridges and the Great Smokies, those twin mountain ranges which run the entire length of western North Carolina. And with them will come the an nual army of sightseers for the "leaf" season ? a vacation and travel season now firmly establish ed as one of the best visiting times of the year. Late in September will appear the br.lliant red cf the sumac, gums, scurwood, Virginia creeper ( dogwood, red maple and low bush blueberry. They will blend with the yellow of the sassafrass, birch! ar.d yellow poplar, which, as the* early reds fade, continue to blend with the late reds of the scarlet and red oaks, the tan of the white oak, and the yellow of the chest nut oak. These last-to-turn con tinue the color into the first week or ten days of November. The glorious, flaming color pro duced by the greatest remaining1 stand of hardwocds in America is against a background of ever greens, ranging from the bright; green conifers to the sombre j blacks of the balsams. The arrival' of fall color is so gradual that everywhere during October the traveler will find a favorite view. Usually, though, October 15th is considered the climax of the leaf season. Many resorts will remain open as usual to take care of leaf visit ors, and in many instances, sum mer rates are reduced by from 10 to 25 per cent. The Blue Ridge Parkway, the Greet Smoky Mountains Nation al Park and .the forest lands of Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests are favored goals of visit ors, and all facilities of these areas will be made available during the fall. Weather generally is dry at this time, days sunny, nights from cool to chilly, the air clearer. Canadian controls on exports of slaughter and feeder cattle and dressed beef were lifted on Aug ust 16. WE EXTEND A HEARTY WELCOME TO MEMBERS OF N. C. ASSOCIATION OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EXECUTIVES After Your Business Sessions in This Building . . . drop in for a refreshing dish of Ice Cream or Cold Drink. Smokes of all kinds. RITZ ICE CREAM SHOP > Ritz Theatre Building Convention Headquarters Main St. Sylva, N. C. WELCOME CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EXECUTIVES BOWER'S CLOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY HOUSEHOLD AND SPORTING GOODS Ladies' Coats and Toppers $19.50 TO $29.50 Ladies' Fall Suits 100% Wool, Stripes and Solids. $22.50 TO $24.50 Ladies' Fall Dresses. $5.95 TO $11.95 Children's Cotton Print Dresses. Sizes 1 to 14. $1.75 - $2.98 FOR BARGAINS IN MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR VISIT OUR MEN'S DEPARTMENT MEN'S ALL-WOOL SUITS ONLY . . . S i MEN'S FALL SLACKS ^JL BOYS' ZEALAND $7,35 TO $11.95 m JACKETS $2.98 TO $3.98 MEN'S LEATHER JACKETS Off' BOYS' TWEEDAROY $14.99 TO $22.50 f J PANTS $4.98 BOWER'S Main Street Sylva, N. C. VETS' PROBLEMS Q?What is the difference be ween term insurance and con certed insurance? A?The protection in event of death is the same, but converted insurance accrues cash, loan and paid-up insurance values, whereas term insurance does not. Q?I find that the course I am taking under the G. I. Bill is not vrat I txpec'ed i* to be. Can I :* ray course to one that will rrv.'e! my requirements? A?Ye-\ providing you have VA's permission to do so. Whenever the facts in the case indicate that a change will be to your best inter est, VA will grant authority for tne change. Q?I have been working in a garage ar.d now have an oppor tunity to buy a share in the busi ngs. Can I use my loan guaranty Real Estate Tranfers FROM REGISTER'S RECORDS Recent transfers of property as recorded in Register of Deed's office are as follows: Clarence Bumgarner and wife,1 rights to acquire an interest in the garage? A?Yes. Such a loan would be eligible for guaranty under the Public law 346, (G. I. Bill). to T. L. Monteith, and wife. John O'Kelly and wife, to Oscar Gates and wife. Narvie W. Ward and wife, to Walter Bradley. Ernest Denslow and wife, to George B. Hoyt, and wife. "Remember ? Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires" is the slogan which post offices in 38 major cities will use in their stamp cancellation dies this fall. WELCOME ? to Sylva ? Chamber of Commerce Executives For Your 1948 Convention If You are Driving a Buick9 America"s Most Popular Automobile9 We Know Your Trip Was a Pleasant One Not a single thing lacking A Product nj General Motors 4 '< > ? .' f"' ~ '? 're Also Dealers for the Beautiful New Pontiae and GMC Trueks Modern Shop Fully Equipped and 1 Manned by Expert Mechanics Hooper Motor Company BUICK ~ POINTS AC - GMC TRUCKS ? * DEXTER HOOPER, Owner-Manager Main Street Sylva, N. C.