> For The Women I Society News and Club Activities Phone 110 Houston - Frady Nuptials Announced. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Houston of Tuckaseigee announce the mar riage of th?ir daughter, Jean Gladys Houston, to Cecil M. Frady on September 10 at the First Bap tist Church at Clayton, Georgia. Reverend Edgar W. Willix, prs tor of the Tuckaseigee Baptist Church, officiated. The bride wore a gray suit v. Ih black ajcj-so^ic She is a g. adui te o* Wost.rn C r o'nna Teachers C:T.ege at Call. - wh.ee. Mr. Frady is serving in tlie U. S. Army and will be sia'.ioned in Panama. BUCHANAN - NASKETT M - S Mnorecl n.11. ci ir'n tvr v i Mrs. V;!;t" kC ca.an 1 of V. ecs.cr. . . d Mr. C.u.i V . 11 S; v. 10 ?' i ; iv. .r. i vt ,!. 1. v. S. pVm \" ) <. at the 13 ? t. rC.:?..rc 1 in K c\ i'.'.e. "M ry'aad. The S.ew reri ? V.Mii. m B. Aci: ms o iciated. F >1 lowing a short woddin.? tri.">. ;hc yujn^ cou ple will reside in Washir. jf>m D. C. Mrs. Hnskett is a graduate cf Wcb_ /titer High Sc: ool and is employed by tile Government in V.Y.sh'ng t n. . COWAN - PHILLIPS WEDDING HELD GULLBRANSON PIANOS Styled In SHEFIELD CABINET The Piano Beautiful Reasonably Priced SOSSAMON Furniture Company Phone 57 Sylva ; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cowan of Cullcwi.ee hrve announced the .narriage of their daughter, Mis.: Mary Alice Cowan, to Ernest J. Phillips, Jr.. son of Mr. and .Mrs. E. J. Phillips of Andrews. Church To Entertain WCTC Students; Church Choir To Meet The Cullowhee Baptist Church will be host to the freshmen and transfer student of Western Caro lina Teachers College Friday eve ning at 8 o'clock in the recreation room of the church. At 7 o'clock on the same eve ning the first meeting of the The wedding took place in N.ish llle, Tenn., on Augus: 20. Mr. and Mrs. Philiips are gradu ates of'Western C; roiina Teachers College and are graduate students at Peabody College in Nashville, Tenn., where they will reside. Ruby Daniel Circle' To Meet Tonight The Ruby Daniel circle of the .First Baptist church will meet to night (Thursday) at the home of Mrs. Charlie Campbell at 7:30 o' clock. Church choir will be held at the Church under the direction of Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Smith. AIR SHOW FRANKLIN AIR PORT. SEPTEMBER 19,1948 ? STARTS AT 1:30 P. M. TWO PARACHUTE JUMPS DAREDEVIL STUNTS WING WALKING RIBBON CUTTING FORMATION FLYING ACROBATICS SPECIAL AIRPLANE TAKING OFF ANtf lLANDING FROM TOP OF AUTOMOBILE 10,000-FT. DELAYED PARACHUTE JUMP Admission: Adults, $1, including tax; Children, 25c, including tax ?Under Auspices? FRANKLIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ROTARY CLUB LIONS CLUB AMERICAN LEGION VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS Mrs. Beacham Hostess To Church Group Mrs. N. R. Beacham was hostess to the monthly meeting of .the' Women of the Presbyter.an Church at her hyme on Friday evening. Eleven members were present and two visiters. During the business hour, presided over by the presi dent, Mrs. C. C. Pettit, a report a as made by the committee on t.u-? Loi which the gr.'tip is wvrkia.g on and whiah is to bo publ shed t.iis fall. A committee a mpo-cd of Mrs. Rudv Hardy, Mr>. M. C. Cunningham, ar.d Mrs. J. A. Gray was named tc m l.o arranacme;.I ifor a pi a1 t.? 1 . 'ho C\ risina - be.', ar wV\a. \v !i ;.e I:.; hater part of X- i:r.. ia a*- '::: ' o; 15. 1. Ol .1 a bu^ine *?< ma.t "ir .. ? the irvitati >n of Mas. F ' *? : r t;it- * \; \ vr d.nnrr : v. ? ;?*:: ? o i .:v .a no':'*.?. Mr.-. C i a : . ] a.- : a. ! t.? I'liri" ! ? -r at,1 t a.i;r.' > d'laini; < >;t" ?* r. Mrs. '.'i i'/. ?!i MciIan. Mrs. Mom ?- , oi(i Mrs. IV'tit wore s.- o \ ? . s-tiui'.'le aitiales to hi j:, \i iw' i:i t;,e "P. ck-a-Towel" bundle \vi iah is to be sent t i ;? uaa^oc camp over-eas. The Ltao't from! this organisation will cet. Tnis ft rmed a lovely setting for those taking part in the pro gram and wno stood in a semi-circle just back of the pul pit stand on which was placed the i'Pe:i Bible witn burning lape.> on either >ide. Mi>. C. M. Warren 'vwko'iu'u ; ?nemaers . r.ci vis;to: s ; . <\ * \ - pi. iv.ed the jH'.rp se of tne pro gram whia.n w. .s *ne Sla.v- M nm. ram o; the ye..r. T..j> v.. !-'l1.? i (I by a v a. 1 dne.. ".\11 ? ; i.K- A!\ ? Lv Mrs. \V. T. . , . Mr,. V, a r i r!\ . t \i1 . ? . i i v ? . c u a. ?' -. v' S.a.; : ;1 i'i si irn' : Mi . ?\ {. l?enr.,v L e. ? . . 1 V ! ' ?: i ne S ?' ? ?. M > tyi \ p. Mi-.v ?I ;,e ! 1~ i\: i ?i i TT : .? ? i . ?. ? i ..: ? C ' i. ? , ? ? .. ? . 1 .ee \\* ' ( . M. . J : {,' : - a . M-.. H. y C -noil!. 0' v .i } ia.* .aa. n. Mrs. W'? >> a'- w ' n Mi > P.nnnic Lindsay. a a: . .1 ? n !I. .'ones whv sa?v; a :; and tiie vpe: i.. 1 i?:;er iMg was led by the p stor w;i > Us.nis-ed tne group witn p:\iyer. * * HOSPITAL NEWS El RTHS Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Martin of Whittier, a bov, Ken neth Lee. September 13. B< rn to Mr. and Mrs. D. Eugene Hyatt oi Bryson City, a boy, Sam lie! D.vid. September 13. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Buyer o!' Whittier, a boy, Septem ber 13. Mrs. Laura Conner of Sylva is ? recovering from an operation. Mrs. Mary Hall of Dillsbi ro is in for treatment. Mrs. Maude Claxton of Cullo- ^ whee is receiv ing treatment. Mr. Robert Cope of Greens Creek is receiving treatment. Osborne Angel of Sylva is in PERSONALS i Mrs. Hazel Zimmerman, Miss Audrey Jane Jones. Miss Mary I Lou Jones, and Mrs. Taylor Hamp ton and Miss Anne Hampton of Cull, whee vis tec Mrs. Fred Ed wards in Blueiidge, W. Va.. re cently. A O. Allison spent toe week-end ' in Have>ville with his brother. Mr.j Glenn Allison, and 1 milv. Mjss Barbara Bess w 11 leave ii?. Co;.pel Hill, where so-- is a stu-i at the University. Mi.'S Dot Hermes.-ee and Jack He:olessee will K ;>ve Friday i,?. K: ? \ i . ie w u re t nev \v : 11 i .? s' i ? u ? :t - . t t .'o U.o . t rs tv . : ^7;. Hcrb'ort Hib- n ? 1 M.-.' !! .v. r '. Hy..tt ??"' \V; y:.r-.ihe It ' r:4 morniny >;>emi > ?:-? A : . \ ... ,. : r o ; !'?!! s. li. .J. 1 y V . .: n !! y ;\ a::(i J . ni M ?i i ? < ' - : i! : '. . ,'|V ! 1' C lO.H'l Hiil .. >V ' 1 V V. j . : e S.iikO. II > ..* i ?. v. . 1 | ' t. ;? . : ' . It I < 1 !; - \ ( 1 \ , 1 \ . < ;n ;.n a v * ; v. . ; . c? 1 ):!' : < > l> I . - | .. l.\> :i 7 IV it . : (.' ' . i - i < \ e \ 11.4 'if t i i"' ' ! .' I' i ? ? i{i.by Wi ? t11 i:i^, ?i. Tu>- oisei -ii-e is in !<>r 11v.''ment. M I '??. :;:u; C'yru ??: Cocr ? !.t v i io h?r i bsi rv.11 >n. M I! ir i Cii.i'if s (?: C'. s u n i to ! r 1i e;i* p.ent. Mr. Kn'd IJaiion of Clay is re i*i? i\ ion ti entmont. Fricks, and family. Kenneth Terrell leaves Sunday to return to his studies at the Uni sitv of Njrth Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith of Clevel; nd, Ohio, and Mrs. D. W. Smith o:' Candler have spent the past week with Mrs. Raymond stuvall, Mr. Smith's s.ster. Miss Martha Barnett of Win ston-Salem spent the week-end wit.i Mrs. Juanita Davis. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Miller, of Saluda, were guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Williams. Walter C\irri tiger of Winston Salern spe: t the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gray, having fume t > Svlva I'd:' ;he funeral serv ices .>: Mi-. R. Frank J. rrett. Ni'Wi'il Mv'De\'i!t. 11 year old > ? a. M Garland Owen, of W-jI: Mi ,.:n. lo.t Wednesday :< r \. :i ! ). \.Ii. >:?;i .4 in Tamassee, S i) is\ iiry-on visited Mr. L li. Mauney in Mary r. ;.:t. aceK-end. While . c-a : see Miss . .?-?>. a student at T. Murmillo It :. S..turelay, . ? .. t/.cir in i ad by .! .^ -day for ; i . v .-i Waynesville ( i Methodist < ' ?> vis tv:i his sis vi . t s.t .n. t S^m Allison, Mr. : V iiis().\ rind Mr. A.i:-. .1 II. Duncr.n of Murphy ???:? i 1 i Sun-lair 1'Xstributi rs Mirlru ;t Wrightsville Beach, 1? i:> .?. 'J f ? r* >C rk O C kv U 07 i&simeen HII) CROSS SHOES How can they help it? When Go Id (Red) Lrosf offers such irresistible, young shoes designed with Career Girls in mind. All have those twixt