For The Women Society News and Club Activities Phone 110 Miss Cannon Honored With Round Of Pre nuptial Parties Several pre-nuptial parties have been given in the past week for Miss Hebecca Sue Cannon of Dills boro who will be married on Sat urday evening to Walter Wade Wjlson of Sylva. On Sunday Miss Anne Enloe en tertained with a luncheon at 1:00 ~p. m. at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Enloe in Dills boro. The living room and dining room were decorated with vases of sal mon colored gladoili. The dining room table was centered with a large white nosegay, with flower tipped white satin streamers ex tending to each corner. In the living room were placed three small tables, each centered with a small nosegay in pastel shades and tied with matching ribbons. The bride-elect was given a piece of silver in her chosen pat tern. Covers were laid for the follow ing: Miss Cannon, the honoree, her mother, Mrs. M. B. Cannon, Mrs. E. E. Tweed, Mrs. David Hall, Jr., Mrs Jack Allison, Mrs. E. B. LaVange, Mrs. Wayne Terrell, Mrs. Dan K. Moore, Miss Nancy Allison, >Irs. Ralph Tatham, Miss Hicks Wilson, Mrs. J. C. Cannon, Mrs. Ben Queen, Mrs. D. M. Hall, Mrs. S. W. Enloe, Miss Mary Henson, Miss Lou Elsife Parker, Mrs. W. R. JEnloe, and Miss Lela Moore Hall. On Monday evening Miss Lela Moore Hall was hostes? at a bridge shower at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Dan K. Moore, again honor ing Miss Cannon. The home was beautifully decorated with a pro fusion of mixed fall flbwers. Three tables were made up for play. Mrs. Rudy Hardy won the award for high score, Miss Chris A pfWwt OMart THE BOOK STORE In The Htarld Building Maureen Cope Celebrates Fifth Birthday About thirty-three little friends of Maureen Cope gathered at her home Monday afternoon to help her celebrate her fifth birthday r.t a party given by her mother, Mrs. Grayson Cope. i As each guest arrived he was criven a party hat as a favor to wear during the afternoon. Two contests were given with Ann Potts and Billy K.lpatrick receiving prizes. ' After y?.e games &nd contests ' they were invited to the dining i room for refreshments. The white birthday cake, decorated in pink i Jnd green and bearing 5 pink , candles, was used as the table cen terpiece. After singing "Happy Birchday, Maureen," individual cakes, the large cake, each bearing one tiny cande, to gether with ice cream and peanuts were served. Lollypops were giv en as fa\ors. The many gift pack ages presented were then opened. Mrs. Cope was assisted in en f 'ertaining and serving refresh ments by Mrs. Bart Cope, Mrs. ; Johnny Watson, Miss Jo Higdon, and Mrs. J. V. Case, i _____________ Surprise Party Given Mrs. W. T. Brown Mrs. Joe Deitz was hostess at a surprise birthday party at her i home on Thursday evening, Oct. 7, for Mrs... W. T. Brpwn. ! Mrs. Gud^eft Crawford was in f charge of the entertainment which j consisted of contests Three prizes ' were awarded the pinners. Mrs. ! Brown was 'presehfed a number of | j lovely gifts. - . Mrs. Deitz' served a delicious i salad course to the following guests: l Mrs. Brown, Mrs. 'Roger Dillard, 1 Mrs. Grayson Cope, Mrs. Charles ! Pettit, Mrs. Claude Jones. Mrs. i Earl Pcdgett, Mrs Hugh Monteith, Mrs. W. B. Cope, Mrs. Kenyon ( Moody, Mrs. Willie Monteith, Mrs. > Gudger Crawford, Mrs. Ruth Ad | lington, and Mrs. Claude Campbell. j Rucker the one for low score, and j the bingo prize went to Miss Anne i Cowan. The hostess, assisted by her j mother, Mrs. D. M. Hall, and Mrs. 1 Moore, served individual cakes decorated with lilies of the valley t and green heart shaped ice cream with a cupid molded on each. The bride-elect was then pre sented a shower pf tovely gifts. Those pla^iilfg were Miss Can non, H'aifay,,, Mrs. Dan B. Hooper, liftjs. James Myers, Miss ? Chris Miss Lou Elsie Parker,Agnes Wilson, Miss ! Mary lieii^'l&tes Nancy Allison, , Miss Mrs. E. B. La Varige^JPHk Mrs; B?. Tweed. Coming in la^r^F^freshments were Mfs. rRflph*' ^Te^iam, Mrs. Robert M. Hall, Jr., Miss.-riatttejH^da Sutton, Miss Anne Emoe*v..M*ss^ Hjkks Wilson, and Miss DR. DONALD M. RAMSEY announces the opening of offices for the Practice of Optometry, / EYES EXAMINED ?? * Lenses Prescribed * Office Hours 9:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. STOVALL BLDG., SYLVA, N. C. Telephone 304 .-p 30-Day Tm! of hundred* of Camel Smoker* revealed NO THROAT IRRITATION DUE TO SMOKING CAMELS In a recent test, hundreds of men and women all across the country smoked Camels ?and only Camels ?an average of one to two packages a day ?for 30 consecutive days. Each week their throats were examined by noted throat special ists?a total of 2470 examinations?apd these doctors found not one single ease of throat irritation due to smok ing Camels. 79&Z tf-fa/se//1/ Abb -the Came/ 30-Vay Tesf-m Mrs. Tompkins Attends Unit President's Meet Mrs. Dan Tompkins, president of the Jackson County Unit of The North Carolina Education Asso ciation, attended the meeting of the district presidents held in Asheville on last Friday. A. C. Dawson, State N. C E, A. presi dent, was in charge of the meet ing and other state officers ap peared on the day's program. At this time plans for the year's work and training for carrying out these plans were given. A luncheon was given at the S. and W. Cafeteria for unit presi dents, a courtesy of. the State N. C. E. A. Betty Paxton Honored With Birthday Party Miss Joretta Monteith honored Miss Betty Paxton with a birth day party on Tuesday night at the latter's home. Many different games were played during the eve_ ning, and while the refreshments were being served several hit rec ords, party gifts of the honoree, were enjoyed by the group. Miss Paxton received many other lovely gifts. The guests were, besides the ' honoree, Jackie Barnes, Jimmy Warren, Cecil Franklin, Johnnie Revis, Luther Norton, Fannie Mae Ashe, Mildred Cable, Inez Mon teith, Glenn Franklin, Maxine Stanberry, Nettie Jean Bradley, Ray Ashe, Joe Wilds, Douglas Jor dan, Eleanor Cable, Dorothy Ann Ashe, Peggy Patterson, Toodle Ashe, Red Case, and Joretta Mon teith. | Miss Cowan Joins Welfare Staff After serving a year on the Ma con county Welfare staff, Miss Anne Cowan has been transferred j to the Jackson county Department | of Public Welfare as case worker, the same position she held in Ma | con county. Miss Cowan is the daughter of Mrs. Mary Cowan of i Sylva. ! Other members of the Jackson county Department of Public Wel ; fare include G. Carey Henson, su perintendent, and Miss Edith Gar rett, also a case worker. Miss Nicholson Given Surprise Birthday Party i Miss Joyce Nicholson was given I a surprise party on her thirteenth ' birthday anniversary by her sis ter, Miss Jean Nicholson, at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nicholson, Sr. on Friday evening, Oct. 1. After several games and con tests, the guests were served cake and hot chocolate and then went to the movies as a group. Guests included the honoree, Shirley Hartman, Edith Moore, Audrey Jane Jones, Leah Sutton, Jean Cogdill, Mary Morris, Jim my Stovall, Tom Morris, Lambert Hooper, Robert Allison, Eddie Buckner, and Joyce Nicholson. Judy Campbell Has Party At Kindergarten Little Miss Judy Campbell was given a birthday party on Wednes day, Oct. 6, by her mother, Mrs. Claude Campbell, at Mrs. Hair's Kindergardon. Judy's birthday was Tn Oct. 2nd. Mrs. Ha:r, who assisted Mrs. Campbell, directed several games and contents with the children in which Eddie Baldridge, Mary Ka .hcrine Shenill, and Bill Diilard vere named winners. Refreshments of ice cream and c. ke were served, and suckers , ,vcre given the children as favors. ( All the kindergarden children I ;vere guests at the party. i l Scotts Creek Homemakers Class Has Meeting The October meeting of the ; Homemakers Sunday School Class ! of Scotts Creek Baptist Church j was held on Tuesday night. Mrs. Albei t Robinson, vice-pres ; 'dent, presided over the business i session. Plans were made for the' ! class to sell Christmas cards again j .nis year. Mrs. Clifford Cagle , gave an interesting review of the i Do ;k of Esther. Mrs. Johnnie I Watson was appointed to discuss ' the Book of Job at the Nov. meet . mg. A social hour was held and re freshments were served by Mrs. 1 Harris and her daughters, Bonnie Lou and Mrs. Stan Henry of ! Wc.ynesv.lie. Mrs. Kirchberg Honors Mrs. Cheek, Mrs. Morgan ' Mrs. Pratt Cheek and Mrs. Ralph Morgan were jhonor guests at a bridge party given by Mrs. R. W. Kirchberg at her home on Friday night. ^ Mrs. Kirchberg used a color scheme of yellow and white! r.nd a corsage of yellow roses was presented to the honorees. Fall flowers were used throughout the house. I Four tables were made up for play, and at the conclusion of the games Mrs. Grover Wilkes wag winner of high score, Mrs. C. B.' Thompson second high, and slam ? prizes were awarded also to Mrs ' Thompson and Mrs. Wilkes. Mrs.' Cheek and Mrs. Morgan were pre- j sented with guest prizes. I Mrs. Kirchberg served her guests i a sweet course and coffee. The guest list included Mrs. Cheek. Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Wilkes, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Woody Hampton, Mrs. M. B. Madison, Mrs. Nell Johnson, Mrs. Ed Wilson, Mrs. T.' N. Mass e, Mrs. Tom Wilson. Mrs. i Harold McGuire, Mrs. Cyrus Nich- | olson, Mrs. Harry Ferguson, Mrs. C. E. Thompson, Mrs. J. E. Buck ner, and Mrs. C. C. Buchanan of Cullowhee. and Mrs Leo Reiger of Waynesville. Brewer?Mills Wedding Announced The marriage of Miss Clara I Alene Brewer, daughter of the late I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Brewer | of Hacklebury, Ala., to Samuel I Mills, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carey' Mills of Sylva, which took place September 4 in Detroit, Mich., has been announced. For her wed ding Mrs. Mills chose a gray suit with black accessories. Her cor sage was an orchid. She was un- ! attended. Mrs. Mills is a graduate of the Hacklebury High school, and has been employed by the Parkland Davis Medicine Co. in Detroit. I Mr. Mills attended Sylva High school and served 22 months with the Army in World War II. Jhe young couple is now at home in Detroit where Mr. Mills is em ployed. Dr. Woodard, Mr. Beasley To Sponsor Picnic On Monday, October 18, at 4:00 o'clock Dr. G. B. Woodward and Mr. Hayes Beasley will sponsor a nicnic for the junior BTU of Scotts Creek Baptist church on the church lawn. Dr. Woodward is the leader of this group and Mr. Beasley the teacher of the junior boys. All juniors are invited to come. Mr. Roy Dalton is director. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hedden, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fulton, of Kings Mountain, spent the week-end here with Mr. Hed den's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hedden. They attended the an nual homecommg at Cullowhee on Saturday. Kev. and Mrs. Clark W. Benson, and son, Corkey. ^of Charlotte re turned to their home in Charlotte; on Tuesday after coming after Corkey who had been visiting his grand-parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hedden. They were accompanied lome by Mrs. Hedden. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gray and sun. Tiin. spent the w?e!:-end in Statos '.illc with Mr. and Mrs. Eugt-ne Oray & fan.i.'y a <] . t tor nod Home coming at He'rany Prw4*ytrr ar; church on Sun iay. This church Home Coming At Fall Cliff Community Church Held The annual home coming for the Fall Cliff Community Church was enjoyed Sunday by n largo crowd of friends and relatives who met together in a happy reunion. A large number of people from var ious parts of North and South Car olina were present. Mr. Dee Bryson spoke on Home Coming and what it meant to those privileged to gather around the old church and what those were mis sing who were unable to attend. CTood singing which was render ed by the various choirs, soloists nd quartetts. was enjoyed. We j 11 enjoy the good music rendered v >y our p anist. Miss Bettie Jo Moore. She 1- a real blessing to our community. Our own Metho dist and Baptist are pround of our louble male quartett. A bountiful picnic lunch was spread at the noon hour. The afternoon message was ^ by 'Rev. .John Kincaid of Webster. Regret was expressed PERSONALS ! "A"i:s organized in 1775, and w 1! celebrate its 175 anniversary i:. 1950. It was *fof$g*>me church ofi J- A. Gray belore he 'came to j Western North Carolina and has! been attended by members of the Gray family since its organization. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. W.l son. after spending a few days j with his mother, Mrs. J. H. Wil- ! son. returned to their home in Dur- j h.'m. Sunday. They had been call ed home by the death of h.s fath er. ^ Mr. and Mrs. E. B. La Vange of Chicago were called to Sylva last ! Wednesday by the death of her father. J. H. Wilson. Mr. La Vange returned home Sunday, but Mrs. La Vange is spending this week with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wilson, Jr., returned to their home in Swannanoa Saturday after having been called here by the death of his father, J. H. Wilson on Wed nesday. Mrs. Paul Kirk returned to her! home here Sunday from Durham,! where she was a patient last week at Duke hospital. Mr. Kirk went dou n on Saturday and accompani ed her home. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis, after a three weeks trip to California and other Western States, return- 1 ed home Sunday. Miss Alma Fisher of Bryson City is spending a few days with her s ster, Mrs. M. B. Cannon. Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Penland, of Hayesville, recently visited Mr. Ralph Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Cannon and Miss Peggy Painter returned Mon. day from a six weeks vacation in Washington and California. Leroy Brown has returned to Warren, Ohio after a few days visit here with his aunt, Mrs. T. K. Guthrie, and his grandmother, Mrs. R. G. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Smith, Winston-Salem, and Ralph Car ringer, student at WCTC, were week-end guests of Mr and Mrs. Ralph Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sutton and daughter, Cindy, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sut ton. Miss Thelma Moody, of Whit t er, spent the week-end with Mrs. Carey Allison. Mrs. W. T. Wise and three chil dren, Tommy, Mickey, and Sus an, and Mrs. Roscoe Poteet were visitors in Hendersonville, Mon day. The children attended the birthday party of Danny Frady, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Frady. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Lasseter and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Rogers, all of Miami, Fla., arrived for a ten day vacat.on at Sunset Farms. Mr. and Mrs. William Douglas, and daughter. Alma; Mr. and Mrs. |J. G.'Bumgarner, Jr., and small son, Jerry, drove over from Knox v ille Sunday and spent the day with the latter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bumgarner. Miss Elva Rhea of Knoxvilie, Tenn. is spending this week with her mother, Mrs. Sam Rhea. Mrs. Rhea will return Friday with her daughter to Knoxville where she will spend the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. H. E.* Buchanan of Hendersonville spent the week end with Mrs. M. Buchanan, Sr. Mrs. L. P. Allen, who has been seriously ;11 at her home is now improving, Mr. end Mrs. C. F. Dodson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sutton and son, Edward, will leave Friday to spend the remaindtr of the week in the eastern part of the state. ^ Mrs. W. H. Carter of Hender sonville is the guest this week of ner sister. Mrs. J. R. Burhan n. Mr. air! .Vr--\ Willi,>ni C. Thump. I S'K1 IvA I.,,' Fr.d: v to ret urn to | the.r inurie in Vienna. Va. alter a concern i.\^ t;.r? absence of Rev. Jonathan Crown ot Tuckaseigee' and Rev. Hooper of Erastus. GAY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wilson and: family of Webster were week-end guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Wil son. Misses Ruby and Myrtle Hyatt and Marcella Bishop left for Dan ville, Va., last week, where theyj will be employed. Monroe L. Wilson, Grover Wood ard. Kdd.e Hyatt, Clyde Woodard, Charlie R. Wilson, and Arthur Browning attended the Grand Ole I Opry broadcast Saturday night in Kn >xville, Tenn. Mr. Walter Wilson was the guest ! ol Mr. Ruben Bishop, Sunday. Friends of Mr>. Sam Buchanani will be s ;ri y to hear she is ill at ! her home. M.\ and Mrs. R.chmond Deit/I of Canton. Onio, formerly of Greens Creek, a:e h .me due to the illness of Mrs Deity's father. Mr. G. B. Webb. (\yli:\i)ar of Evknts Taursday, Oct. 14 ? Twentieth) Century Club will meet with, Mrs. Dan Moore at 3:00 p.m.! Mrs. R. U. Sutton, president. Thursday, Oct. 14 ? Ruby Daniel j circle of W.M.U. at 6.45 p.m. | at Tiie First Baptist Church. Mrs. Lee Walker, eh. irman, Oct. 15 ? Woman's Society ; of Christian. Service will rneei for their special season of Pray er for Missions at 7:30 p.m. in Allison building. Mrs. Harry Hastings, president. Monday, Oct. 18 ? Sylva Home Demonstration Club will meet i with Mrs. A. S. Nichols at 3:00 J p.m. Regular business session j will be held and plans will be i made for Thanksgiving and! Christmas meetings. Mrs. Isola Thomas, president. Monday, Oct. 18 ? W.O.W. meet in the Hall at 7:30 p.m., Jeff Hed- j den, council commander. Tuesday, Oct. 19 ? Qualla Home: J Demonstration Club meets at 'I j p.m. with Mrs. John Cathey. Mrs.! June Shelton, president. Tuesday, Oct. 19 ? Mattie Hensley j Circle meets at 7 p.m. with Mrs. Ruth O'Kelly. Mrs. R. L. Craw ford, leader Mrs. Dennis Fisher, chairman. Wednesday, Oct. 20 ? The Lions Club will have a dinner meet ing at 7 p.m. at the Sylva school I cafeteria. Roy Reed, president. | Wednesday, Ocobert 20?John's j Creek Home Demonstration Club will meet at 2:30 p.m. with Mrs. Blaine Nicholson, president. lew day? visit here with his lath er, S. C. Thompson, and sister, Mrs. Telitha Stout, and other rel atives. While here they visit the Great Smoky Mountains, and a picnic lunch was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, S. C. Thomp son, Mrs. Stout, M:ss Flora Thomp. son, and Dave Thompson. Misses Eva and Esther McGin nis of Commercfe, Ga. are visiting their sister, Mrs. J. H. Patterson. Mrs. G. O. Hall of Maryville, Tenn. is spending this week with Miss Nellie Allison. , \\\dn: sdi>y, Oct. 20?Junior Wom an's Club will meet with Miss Eli/.abelh Warren at 7:30 p.m. Miss Virg.nia Madison, presi dent. Thursday, Oct. 21 ? Dillsboro Ma. >or.ic Lodge, No. 459, will meet at ,7 p.m. Claude Cowan, W.M. Thursday, Oct. 21?Woman's Mis sionary Society of Scotts Creek Baptist Church meets with Mrs. Everett Harris at 3 p.m. Mrs. D. G. Bryson, leader, Mrs. Joe Sutton, President. Friday, Oct. 15?United Daugh ters of the Confederacy meet* with Mrs. Ellen Bryson at 3 pjm Mrs. J. A. Bryson, president. Tuesday, Oct. 19 ? Rotary Club meeting at 6:30 p.m. in Allison building. J. C. Cannon, pres. CARD OF THANKS The family of John H. Wilson wishes to express its sincere thanks to the relatives and friends for the many kind expressions of sympathy extended during his ill ness and death. . VANCE ELECTRIC ? SERVICE Located with J. B. Madison on Mill St. opposite Depot Specializes in Household Appliance and Motor Repair, and Motor Rewinding Dependable 8ervice Reasonable Charges Business Opportunity Young Aggressive man with personality and minimum capital of $4,000.00 wanted to live in Murphy, N. C. and work surrounding territory ? i right person can enjoy income of over $100.00 per week to start. If you can meet above qualifactions write ? Claude J. Hanan Box 271 Sylva, N.C. WE HAVE A SUPPLY OF GOOD GRADE COAL FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Place your order now while coal is available. WE HAVE A SUPPLY OF CINDER BLOCKS ON HAND WHICH WE CAN DELIVER TO YOUR BUILDING SITE AT ANY TIME. When in need of coal or building supplies of any kind think of . . . JACKSON COAL AND LUMBER COMPANY Phone 38 * Sylva, N. C.