HISTORY'S BEST SEASON IN MAKING FOR CATS1 CULLOWHEE?With three'gf mes rem, ining on their schedule, the Gatamounts of Western Carolina stand a chance of erding this sea son with the best football record in the history of their school. Under the guidanc: of head co?ch Tom Young and assistant Tuck McConnell, who does i\ great job of soou;ing opponents, the Cats have won five of their seven games played to date. They have totaled 143 points against 45 for their op position. On the grourd they have chalk d up 1271 yards rush rg to their opponents' 572, and in first dowrs the Cats are ahe d 69 to 58. In Xh Ar 7-6 loss to Mtryville Sat urday night at Cullowhee they marked 12 first and ten's to :he Sccttics' ive. In th% North State con erer.ee, the Cats a^e^ssured of no 1 ss than thirJ pkee with a 3-1 won-lost recrrd. Tne Your.gmen .sport the bes: defensive record n ire loop with only 20 poi its scored . g.iinst them in league play. They have: finished their conferenc? play. In the passing department the Cats, judging from previous per formances, would do better if they would st ck to pass interceptions. Completing 17 ovit of 54 aerials, the Cat flankmen have made them good for 293 yards, y t they have total ed 360 yards on 15 interceptions? 67 yards more on their opponents' passes than on their own. A general rundown on total sta tistics for their seven games looks like this: WCTC OPP First down 69 58 Yds ga ned rushing ..1271 572 Passes attemp 54 98 Passes comple;ed 17 38 Yrds gained passing 233 646 Passes int re. by 15 10 Yds g ined pass inter. 360 66 Punting aver 31.9 (43 kicks) Opp. 33.9 (45kicks) Yrds kicks returned 232 398 Opponents' fumbles rec. 13 8 Yrds lost by penalty 255 190 - The Cat-Call Catamount Captain I Leads The Way Nestl d far up in the hills of the j great Smokies, in the peaceful val- | ley o. Cullowhee, strange things' are happening on the Western Car olina Teachers college campus. Football is beginning to boom. The Catamounts are on the prod, blaz ng a firey trail down the grid iron to football glory. Many Cat amount players are grasping for Conference honors, but out of the smoke of the battle and rising a bove them all comes Arthur Byrd the 165 lb. guard of Marion, N. C. Who is making a stab not only for All North State Conference hon ors, but is also vieing for a position on the myth cal Little All Ameri can elev n as well. For the ptst 3 years, Byrd has been throwing, his magic, razzle-dazzle football skill at Catamount opponents with all the zeal and finesse of a true star. Co ches Tom Armstrong of Tus culum College, Preacher Roberts Of Fast Tennessee Stat , and Jim Joh son of Eastern Carolina who have sent their teams against the 11 ry of t.*e Catamounts this season tc come out on the short ends of seme very long scores, all comment t'ir.t th v h v? n^viif s en a better guard than this lb. package of c>. a ni.e r.&moa Byrd. Byr-i .s '"i-a spark tlie Cata- 1 C.'. r.sc. Ti'r:e alter .ime the V g ?cl g rs v ?V o.vre t; c.efens s to toss their, h ' ? r- .v g ioss( s. He plays the j fi'th T.a.i in the op^oneius back-i ? li ? d "'or ir-^st tre s me. IIj not ( on y is ti c spar'.;" o the de.ense. j t'. 4 is v. ry prebrbly the best) b'nc'*; ? i.-. the lonvard wall. Hej is by far thgreatest downfield, blocker. Hf unusual amoani ofi speed in polling .rem the lie -2ids I him immenseley in tiiis venture,1 Ke ca.i pull out of the line and bei j down ieid before any of his mates and throws a block that is nothing sh^rt of dev. stating. Crtamount head Coach Tom Your.g in his twenty years of c a?r i g, having seen the b ggest End t.'e smallest says Byrd is the fin. st guard he has ever seen on the grid :on and had the privilege c. coaching. Pec ntly Arthur has acquired ti e nrme of "Bip-Bip" Byrd. Line j CcaCi Tuck McConnell hung the monicker on him for his short, cheppy quick st ps he takes in pulhng rom the line. Tuck is high in his praise of the Little All A merican . candidate, and believes as does Coach Young that he is one Bewara Coughs From Conn? Mb That HAM ON Craocnulstoo relieves promptly becmase It mom right to the seat of the trouble to help loo ten tod expel germ laden j phlegm tod aid nature to soothe end < Deal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial j mucous membranes. Tell your druggist j to tall you a bottle of Creomulsion ' with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough ! or you tre to have vour money back. I C~; "VULSION f 'r Bronchitis 1 of the finest lads he has ever coach ed. One of the big reasons "Bip Bip" has become an idol at the hill in his rare ability to build up team spirit and hold it on a sharp level. He is also a lad that is easily coach ed and a great leader on the field c.t all times. His leadership abili ties won for him the unanamious vote of his team mates for the captainacy of the 48 eleven. An honor he justly deserved. His leadership abilities do not stop vvith his football chores. He is a very popular student on the cam pus and a leader in campus acti vities. Sandy Saddler Upsetes Pep For Feather Crown New York ? Sandy Saddler, a ?.pindle - legged Harlem Negro, -cored a stunning fistic upset here Friday night when he knocked out Willie Pep of Hartford, Conn., to win the world featherweight championship in 2:58 of the fourth round at Madison Square Garden. Pep, a 1 to 3 favorite who never before d been knocked out yi 136 nevious fights, went down for the ?11 court from a murderous left hook thrown by the lean graduate oI the New York police Athletic Flooring Pep twice in the third ??o..nd, each time for a count of line, Saddler swarmed all over vTi y V\ il:i in the fourth to lift the 126-pour.d crown from the little . . l'.ow wno had held it since 1942. Saddler at 124 gave a pound and ' hull to Pep, who we ghed 12512. cat amoitntsclose HOME SEASON saturday NIGHT ; . The Western Carolina C ta mounts clrse out their home sea son Saturday night when they me t the powerful Newberry col lege eleven from Newberry, S. 7. in Gullowhee's Memorial Stadi ;m at 7:30 p. m. Fr'rvh Irom ti.eir 7-6 IokS to j Maryville last Saturday before a 1 iome,crowd of some 2,000 fans, .he Cats will put everything they have on the line in an attempt to iet back on the bandwagon. Coach Tom Young will stop at :oming to win th. game. The Catamounts still have a chance to post their best season in the v story of the school and every nir.g points to a killer-diller ball g; me. Coach Tuck McConnell who scouted Newberry last Saturday, >ays they have a gooi ball club vhat will give the Catrmounls as hard a battle as did M ryvi.le. Mosj o' the Catamount strength will return to action after a we k ! 'ayoff bccause of injur es. Full- ! back Joe Hunt and Tackle Buffalo 1 Humphries head the list of in- \ 5ured men who will be back in; action. ?? ' ! Xhe demand for various fruits lurir.g 1949 will t . a- ui ?.-.e same*! as for thw current year. Scotties Drop Catamounts For 7 To 6 Loss POWERFUL TENNESSEE CLUB TAKES ADVANTAGE OF INJURIES TO THROW YOUNGMEWOR SECOND LOSS OF SEASON Western Carolina's bowl dreams .veie shattered into submission. Saturday night when the Mary ville college Scotties edg.d the in iury-riddled Catamounts by a single poini 7-6. Trailing by 7-0 late in the fourth period, the Cats staged a desperate drive that carried from Maryville's 33 to the endzone. Boyce Win chest r and Cecil Roberts hit the line and swept the ends to push the pigskin down to the four-yard stripe from where Roberts circled light end for the touchdown. Frank Hard n's kick for extra point was blocked by Maryville end Bob Ker.y. The * Scotties, after traveling across the Smokies from their Maryville, Tennesseess campus, took advantage of several Cata-. mount fumbles to keep Tom! Young's boys in the cold through- I out the game. Their hard-driv-1 ing backs punched away at the' disabled Catamount line all the' vv^.y. It was lat_ n the second! period when Maryville struck pay dirt. Their marker was set lip on . a pass interception on their .40 by Bob Nef?r~ who returned the in ttrception to the Cats' 36. Allan Law, wingback who played on the ij45 University of Tennessee Rose Bowl team, swept left end on a reverse tor 13 yards to the 23. From .nere Neff passed to D. M. Miller j on the two, then Henry Marriman. fullback, plunged through \ left guard for the score. Guard Charles Andes booted the game-winning extra point. Fullback Paul Rogers and tail backs Pee Wee Hamilton and Ce cil Roberts staged a Catamount drive in the third period that car ried tne ball irom Cullowhee's 30 A\ the way to the Maryv.lk 9, only .o bog down and lose the ball on downs. Both teams threatened consis lantly, driving deep into oppon nts' territory, but failing to score. Wi(h tackles Buffalo Humphries nd Harry Jaynes out of action the burden of the tackle slots fell on Big Dan Robinson arvd Pinball ?\llison, and both showed good orm. Clark P. nnelU played a ,ood game from right guard but it was team captain Arthur Byrd, running from the other guard, who sparked the Cat line. Time afteri .ime Byrd crashed through to throw the shifty Maryville backs for .osses. . Center Hugh Constance' and blocking back Jack Arrington | looked good on defense as did end j vlace Brown. But thj Cats didn't | ".ave the needed punch to win. They d dn't click like the Cata-! mount powerhouse of previous! rTam*s. Yet, the statistics went in thei. j i' vor. They rolled up 12 first1 downs t.o waryville's 5 arc! made; !42 yards on the ground to t.u j Scotties' 91. In t<K passi ig de parting nt neither team was up to par, with the Cats completing only one out of 11 for 13 yards and Maryville connecting only 2 out of 8 for 21 yards. Pos. WCTC Maryville 1 LE?Brown Miller, LT?Allison Rock; LG?Byrd Willocks! C?Constancep Archer RG?Pennell ' Rutherford' RT?Robinson Kluth RE?Beam * Davis QB?Arrington Fogarty! LH?Roberts Neff RH?Whitaker Law FB?McConnell Merrimani Maryv;lle 0 7 0 0?7 WCTC 0 0 0 0?61 Scoring Maryville TD. Merriman.| Poi/.t after: Andes (placement)., Scoring WCTC. TD: Roberts. Maryville Subs: Keny, Lester,! Proffett, Palmer, Andes, Boyd, Berrong, Baird, Allen. | WCTC Sub: Tate, Etheridge, Ste wart Brown, Nims, Everhart, Clark, Harris, Hamilton, HeaVener, Rogers, Arney,_V?inchester, Duke. >ff cials: Refere^?Clary (USC), Umplr^??rown rUNC), head !inesman?Jelks^fwake Forest), field judge?Herlong (Furman). Statistics on the Western Carolina -Maryville game: WCTCT Maryv. First downs 12 5 Yds gained rushing ... 142 91 Passes attempted 11 8 Passes completed 1 2 Yds geined pass ng 13 21 Passes inc ptd. by 1 3 Yds gained intecptns. 1 33 Punting average 25.7 27.1 Yds kicks returned 19 25 On~>r;n fumbles recvd 0 1 '/res iost nenaltie.-: 5 30 City Basketball League To Be Formed Pk.ns 1 >;? ; city basketball '.eayue ?.;*e now underway for a 1948-49 e ition of i> city basketball league. T.iere will be a meeting, of all p.i.ytTS and managers interested, .t the school next Tuesday eve 1 img ;t 7:3Q. All wh > can arc, arrjed to bv pivsent tor this meet - ng so that pi n> can be made and adopted. i Entries ol tennis .-have already ceen received from Woodmens, W? bster i-nd Velts. We need at '.ast ix teams and anyone in fM'LS ed should notify Cot.ch Barn well and it pos.-ible be at the meet ing Ta sday night. BOWER'S Now is the time to select your toys ... Use our Lay Get what you want . . . while the selection is best ! LAND OPENING Away Plan .. BIGGEST AND MOST COMPLETE IN TOWN 10" front whet I size ? ? ? 12" Front Wheel Size 16" Front Wheel Size T 20" Front Wheel Size STREAM LINER, 12" wheel, oversize tires, mud guards, rear stand STREAMLINER, 18" wheel, roller bearing wheels, oversize tires, mudguards FIRECHIEF, 16" wheel tricycle, with hand rail on rear platform, fire bell, roller bearing wheels ? TRICYCLES $4 $6 $7 12 $10 $14 $19 .95 .95 .95 .90 .90 .90 .90 WAGONS 15" metal bed wag on, metal wheels. $1.29 20" metal bed wag on, American beauty rubber tires. BABY DOLLS SPARKLE PLENTY DOLLS World's most famnus doll, rubber legs, arms and body. 14" size. $5.95 BETSY ? WETSY DOLLS These famous dolls come with complete layette in small suitcase. $7.95 Magic Skin Dolls . . . 14" size . . . feel and look like real skin $4 .98 Metal Doll Fibre Doll TRUNkS TRUNKS All metal doll wardrobe Flbre do|, trunkt juy wide, trunk,. 18" ion, 10" wide. 71..j? -##|>f 10" deep . . . Choice ? ? $4.98 $1.49 $1.98 W 28" metal bed wagon, Radio Special, 8" rubber tired wheels 34" metal bed wagon, Radio Flyer, 10 oversize rubber tires; 36" metal bed wagon, Champion, 10%" rubber tire wheels DOLL CARRIAGES Gladden the heart of the little Miss on Christmas morning with one of our beautiful, sturdy doll car riages with convertible top . . . just like a regular baby carriage . $3.98 TO $9.95 IIORSMAN DOLLS $4.98 TO $6.95 ELECTRIC TRAINS Remote control electric trains, steam typ(.? loc motive, consists of engine, 4 cars and track complete with transformer . . , extra attach ments ava lable $12,50 FOOTBALLS Leatherette footballs, C1.49 official size, 7!/20z. wt. $1 BOXING GLOVES Jack Dempsey . "Everlast" boxing gloves for chil- ^.98 dren, set of four ?* Electric . STOVES Electric stove, ac tually heats, per fectly,.. saf*, com plete with cord. $4.98 GASH REGISTERS All metal cash register . . . rings, registers and drawer opens . . . heavy metal ... rings up to $1.00 BULLDOZER . . . heavy metal, with cater pillar rubber treads . . . only TRAILER TRUCK .. . with sand shovel on back platform ... a great mechanical toy ? FIRE TRUCK ... Complete with three lad ders, 28" long ? COCA-COLA TRUCK ... all metal stake body truck, 28" long DUMP TRUCK . . . 24" long . . . all metal ICE TRUCK . . . complete with ice cubes and tongs ... all metal PIANOS Plastic pianos in bright red color. S398 ?$F J4-98 $298 _$1" $198 $100 Boys' 10-piece tool chest, with workable too welcome gift $2.69 workable tools ... a J|.98 TREE LIGHTS 8-Bulb set of Christmas ti .29 tree lights ? ' 7-Bulb outside Christ BABY GRAND PIANO Thes baby grand pianos have 18 note keyboard ... and can M.98 really be played . STORES TO SERVE YOU f mas lights 9-Light bubble light sets $2 .98

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