For The Women Society News and Club Activities Phone 110 Mrs. Whitted Is Hostess To Glenville HDC Members The Glenville Home Demon stration Club n>et at the home of Mrs. Gordie Whitted Monday, Oc tober 25, with seven members and one visitor present. After a short business session the home ag nt, Miss Mary Johnston, gave some valuable information on the cul ture of the most widely grown fruit tree, the apple. She then pass ed around leaflets containing rec eipes for using appl.s. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. * * ? Homemaker's Club Oi Scotts' Creek Has Meeting The Homemakers Sunday School class of Scotts Creek Baptist church met with Mrs. Chas. Smith Tuesday night with twelve mem bers pr sent. Mrs. Albert Robin- | son presided over the business ses sion. Mrs. B. S. Hensley gave a very interesting review of the book of Job. Mrs. Don Fisher will be in charge of the December program.' She will give the story of the Birth of Christ. During the social hour Mrs. Roy Heed and Mrs. B. S. Hensley were winners in the game contests. Mrs. Smith, assisted by her daughters, Ann and Mary, served delicious refreshments. The December mee^ifrg will be with Mrs. Frank Bumgarner. HOSPITAL NEWS Mrs. John Gloyne, Ch rokee, in for treatment. Mrs. John Corbin, Jr., is recov ering irom tons.letomy. Mrs. E. A. Bumgarner, Whittier, is in for treatment. Mrs. Bell Allison, Webster, is receiving treatment. Otelia Bennett, (col.) Cullowhee, is in for treatment. Mr. and Mr^J Harvey, Donald^op of Speedwell announce the birth of a daughter on Oct. 31. * * * 20th Century Club Changes Meeting Date The 20th Century club will meet with Mrs. Dan M. Allison on Thur sday night, Nov. 18, instead of the 11 ;h, their regular meeting date. FOR SALE Part of T. C. Lcdbetter farm at Cullowhee, pair of mules, seven brood sows, 47 pigs and farm tools. Boxwoods cheap. Land and payments divided to suit buyers. See . . . J. Conway Ledbetter Cullowhee, N. C. Nell O'Kelly Observes Birthday I Little Miss Nell O'Kelly cele brated h r fourth birthday with a party given by her mother, Mrs. Preston O'Kelly on Tuesday, Oct. 26, at her home. 20 of Nell's little friends and about 10 mothers were present for the occasion. Alter sev jeral games were played and con i tests were h?ld in which Wanda Middle;on and Carl' Smith were named winners the guests were in vited into the dining room for re freshments consisting of ice cr am, cak , candy, and leriionade. Bal loons were given' the children as favors. Mrs. O'Kelly was assist ed in serving by her mothej, Mrs. Lewis Sm th. The honoree received many nice gifts. * * * jRuby Paniel Circle [Has Regular Meeting Mrs. Rooert Ensley w^s hostess I lo the regular meeting of the Ruby Daniel Circle on last Thursday | evening. There were ten members present rnd two others welcom ed as new members. They were Mrs. Willie Montietn and Mrs. Dover Gillespie. Tne hos.ess served a salad course to her guests. The n xt meeting will be on Nov. ] 0th instead of their regular .neeting date, the Utri. * * * 'Gay News Fred H.gdon, who has been em ployed at Arlington, Wash., has returned to his home here. Mr. Charles Lee Autry of Gas tonia spent the week-end witl\ his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Writer Wilson. " J. D. Morgan, formerly of Sylva, who is now employed in Virginia, is spending a few days with kis wife here. " i ^ >? r M Mr. and M^/John 'Jbfinson were :he guest of Mr. J^nson's sister, Mrs. Mann >Vpodard, on last Thursday. > Mr. and Mrs* *Ray Woodard of the Greens Creek section were visitors at Gay on Saturday. . Mrs. John p. ^ychanpn s^ent .st wtek syith Cabe. Little Edwin Woodard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Woodard, has been ill. Friends of Mrg. &eorge Franks j will regret to learn of h r illness. The Rev. and Mrs. Marshbank of Cashiers have been holding a revival at Zion Hill Baptist church.' * # 4 Social Meeting Held Members of Oc. chapter, their lusbands and invited guests en joyed a social get-together and dinner at Qualla hull of the Cher- ! )kee Indian Reservat.on on last Friday evening. The dinner, as well as a miscellaneous program of music, etc., was in charge of a group of Indians of the Reserva tion. i DR. DONALD M. RAMSEY announces the opening of offices for the Practice of Optometry EYES EXAMINED Lenses Prescribed Office Hours 9:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. STOVALL BLDG., SYLVA, N. C. Telephone 304 Male* the 30-Day Test? PROVE cm # Smoke Camels and onlfr Camels for 30 days ? and see for yourself bow mild a cigarette can be! ^ This s*m* test was made by hundreds of men and women under the eyes of noted throat specialists. The smokers in this test averaged 1 to 2 packs of Camels every day for 30 days* Their throats were carefully examined each week. After a total of 2470 examinations, these doctors reported * ? ? ? NO THROAT IRRITATION due to smoking CAMELS PERSONALS . Mr. and Mrs. Carroll- Bryson and daughter, Anna, of Ruthertordton spent the week-end with Mr. Bry son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bryson, Jr. Mrs. A. D. Parker, who spent the summer with her brother, C. P. Shelton, and Mrs. Shelton at Gre n Acres Tourist Farm, is back at her home on Ridgeway St., Courtland Heights. Miss Sue Cabe of Asheville spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Ethel Cabe, of Gay. Mrs. Roystan Cowan of Green's Creek and Mrs. R. D. Cowan, Jr., left Monday for Miami, Florida to sp nd the winter months with their husbands. Enroute they will stop at Charlotte for a visit with Mrs. G. A. Settlemyre, and Mrs. Ros coe Higdon, Jr., of Columbia, S. C. Miss Mary Jo Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.- Rufus Hall, is home with her parents. She recently graduated from Cecil's Business college in Asheville. Mrs. S. J. Owens of VV bster is Sunday for Gay Court, S. C. to ?pend some time with her daughter ,Mrs. Charles Gray, and Mr. Gr y. Miss Edith Sims, who is em ployed by Sears Roebuck and Co. in Knoxville, Tenn., spent last week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Sims. Mrs. W. O. Perkins spent the w ek-end in Franklin with her son,/ Bill Perkins, and family. Mrs. Donald Fortson and Mrs. Bothwell Lee, both of Augusta, Ga., spent a part of last week with Mrs. Ben Cathey. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bird and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Terrell of Sylva and Mr. Everrett Camp of Way nesville called at J. K. Terrell's in Qualla Sunday afternoon. Senator and Mrs. Howard T. Ov erby, of Gainesville, Georgia.were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wilson at their home on Main Street. Mrs. Herman W. Green left Sun day foV a two weeks visit with r latives in Florence, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sutton, Miss Linda and Billy Sutton of Ashe ville spent the week-end here with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Allison, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Penland, Miss Dessie Allison, and Miss Anna Marr spent Sunday in Hayesville visiting friends and relatives. Kent Coward and his room-mate, Douglas Bain, from University of North Carolina spent the week end with Kent's parents. They extended the football game in Knoxville on Saturday. Mrs. Sam Rhea returned Tues day to Knoxville, where she has gone to spend the winter months with her daughter, after a few days' stay in Syiva. MNs Margaret Williams arrived .rom ?McConnelsville. S. C. Miss Williams has accepted the position . s laboratory technician I'or Dr. T. D. Siagle and Dr. R.S. Morgan. Mr. u id Mis. John Corbin, Jr., aptnt tne week-end in Asheville vviih Mr and Mrs. Z. L. Cook. Mrs. Cook riurned to Sylva with them lor a lew days visit. Mr. R. G. Queen, of Dillsboro, Calendar of Events Thursday, Nov. 4 ? The United Daughters of The Confederacy will meet at 3:00 p.m. with Mrs. Hugh Montieth. Miss Bertha" Cunningham, pr sident. Thursday, Nov. 4 ? Dillsboro lodge No. 459 will meet in Masonic Hall in Dillsboro at 7:00 p. m. Claude Cowan, W. M. Friday, Nov. 5 ? Men of the Presbyterian church meet at the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Wakefield at 7:00 p.m. with Mrs. Aliney Bryson, hostess, Jackson Dunn, president. Friday, Nov. 5 ? Wild Life club meets in Massie Furniture Store at 7:30 p.m. Dr. W. P. McGuire, president. Mondr.y,wNov. 8 ? WOW meets in the hall at 7:00 pm. Jeff Hedden, Council commander. Monday, Nov. 8 ? Boy Scouts meet in the Scout hall in th: Methodist church at 7:00 p.rru Dennis Barkley, scout master. Monday, Nov. 8 ? Wesleyan Ser vice Guild meets at 7:30 p. m. with Mrs. Edna Hooper. Dr. Noracella Wilson, chairman. 1 Monday, Nov. 8 ? Carrie Rhodes Circle meets with Mrs. Paul Kirk at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Raymon Sto vall, president. Tu sday, Nov. 9 ? Camp Fire girls meet in the Scout hall of the Methodist church. Patsy Buck ner, president. Mrs. John Hen son, guardian. Wednesday, Nov. 10?Annie Rhode" circle meets in the AlLson build ing ;>t 3:00 p.m. Mrs. Dan Moore, president, Mrs.-J. H. Gillis, host ess. Wednesday, Nov. 10 ? OCE chap ter 139 Order of the Eastern ? Star, meets %t 7:3a in' the Ma sonic Hall in Dillsboro, Mrs. Ha zel Carlson, W. M. Wednesday, Nov. 10 ? Woman's Missionary Society of the Bap-1 tist church meets with Mrs. W. E. Campbell at'3:00 p.m. Mrs. Crawford Smith, president. Wednesday, Nov. 10?The Ruby Daniel circle of the W.M.S. of | the Baptist church meets with Mrs. Felix Potts at 7:30 p. m. and Mr. Glenn McHaffey, of Sylva ' -ttended the Carolina-Tennessee' "^otball game in Knoxville Satur day. Miss Ruby Queen, formerly of ~)illsboro, now of Knoxville, Ten nessee, and Bob Lawson, of Knox ville, 'spent Sunday with Miss Queen's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Qu en. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Womack, of Jackson Slreet^ Sylva, spent the Vc-ek-end with their daughter and ?on-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hal H. 3rown at their home at 170 West "'h.stnut Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Williams re w.rned Monday from lnman and 'Z{Vi rtanburg, S. C. Mrs. Joe Aliman a.xl small son. John, of Detroit, Micr.., visited : Mrs. Minnie Green . nil Mrs. John \l!man^?v r the week-era. Mi>. Allman was enrouto to Ci.jld-boro v> visit her mother. ? Mr. .-Mid M.s. Alden Urysor. .>pf-nt ? r.d^y i.ighl in Maryv.lie, Term.,. .ih Mr. and Mrs. Lov Bryson. ihe Misses Ethel Hasket and .rginia Patterson spent Wednes-I a> in Knoxville, Tenn. ?*fop a Pretty Package vitb iJJLuuJf flfwhuu Port of the fun of gift-giving is wrapping the pockoges that go under the tree. It's easy to moke your gifts stond out when you use bright, beautiful Mollmork Christmos Wrappings. Come in today and see the lotest colors ond designs! THE BOOK STORE In The Herald Building Main Street' Phone 110 Sylva, N. C. Here is elegance, simplicity, warmth and rich weight in the finest sterling silver ... a rmw Gorh&m pattern that recaptures -the glory of Melrose plantation . .. recalls the romance of Natches, Mississippi ... for your American way of living today. $32.oo pmr pl*c*-%+ttin? including Fidirml Tm*. LILIUS JEWELRY CO. Diamonds ? Watches ? Jewelry Watch and Jewelry Repairing SYLVA, N. C. JCxXxXxXxXxXOGJG Oce Chapter, OES Initiates New Members Snyder arc! Miss Beatrice Jon s were initi. ted i:Uo '? ? , . Order of The Eastern Star, at the meeting ? ?. s. i r. .rsd \y evening in tin pter o r. o. tilt? M:iso: ic iu'il ;i Dili, b? r Mrs. Ha :el C.ri^on, v.- rj :y matron, - presided. The Crapier voted to h >ld a rummage sale on Friday and Sat urday, Nov. 12 ; nd 13, in the va cant room adjoining th^ Sylva Herald. Proceeds will be Used for the benefit of Oce Chapter and Parris Cemetery of Dillsboro. Hostesses for the meeting, Mrs. Doris Barrett and Miss Mary Hen son, served refreshments. * ? * Business Office Employs Three New Assistants Hayes Conner, Sylva, who grad uated lrom Western Carolina Teachcrs college in June, 1948, has recently accepted a position as bookkeeper in the burs r's office. While a student, Mr. Conner n; jored in Spanish and had a dou ble minor .n English and French. Miss Lou Elsie Park r from Sylva, who has been employed for sometime in the Jackson County Brnk oi Sylva, has accepted a i position with Mr. Sutton as book ! keeper. .Vrs. Hex Ber.ton, who came to ?.is .rem /sr.!a:d, Ohio, ijas re cently : cc pled a position sb. nd, Rex, .s attending school Mid js majoring in physical educa [ tion. They live in the Killian I Apartments. * . ? * Dedicatory Service To Be Held At Baptist Church A dedicatory service will be held at the Sylva Baptist church Sun day evening at the regular eve ning worship hour, 7:30, for the dedication of the new Hammond organ, and the beautiful lamps for the pulpit and the organ. The lamps are a giu oi Mis. joun H. Jones in memory ol Mr. Jonn ft. Jones, Sr., and John R., Jr. George H. Thompson, music teacher and organist at Asheville, will render a program of organ music consisting of the following | numbers: "Liebestraum"?Franz Liszt. "Fanfare"?Dubois. "The Pilgrim'i Song Of Hope" Batiste. * "Cradle Song"?Hauser. "Largo from the New World"? d'Vorak. Hymn, "Lead Kindly Light"? Wewman-Dykes. The Sylva Baptist church cor dially invites the public 10 aueno ii.i*. service ai.u woiship wit./ us. Mis. Lee WalAer, chairman. Fridfly, Nov. 12 ? Ladies of the Presoyterian church meet at 7:oU p.m. witn Mrs. JacKso. Dunn, Mrs. C. C. P. ttit, pres. ' MELROSE North Carolina Vet Wins Home ?s-n' U V/.'W. Ray B. Douth, of Stanley, North Carolina, and Frances, his bride of eight months, are welcomed by Tom Finucane, Com mander of Schenley Post No. 1190, American Legion, as Ray car ries Mrs. Douth over threshold of five-room Lustron house in Washington exact.., like that to be erected .?"e for them back home. Ray's name was drawn by lot from those of more than (1,000,000 Legionnaires as part of Schenley Post's program at na tional convention in Miami. Both 22, the lucky couple now live I with bride's Ray served on a Navy ninesweeper. Eight Students Notice To Circle Members Recently Chosen All members of the Carrie For Who's Who Rhodes Circle of the Woman's So Eight students from Wistern ciety ?f Chlis,ian Service of the Carolina Teachers college have Sylva Methodist church are asked been nominated for inclusion in t0 Please bring their gifU to *e the publication Who'. Who Among circle feting at the home of Mrs. Student. In American Universities Paul Kirk at 7:30 p m on Mon" and'Colleges. day night' Nov' 8' for the Laura ...... ~ Hagood school in China. This is a They are Jack Wesley Barnett, ja, mjssjon jcc, whjch the Murphy, class of '50; June Wnght cjrcle jg sponsoring at this time. Brown, Bryson City, class of '49; ? ? ? Robert Arthur Byrd, Marion, class Xurklsh tobacco pro. of 50; Howard Thomas Collins,; ductrs in CaldweU, class of 48; George counlies received a total of $8,972. Pau Monroe Tabor City, class of 85 for ,heir crop thjs ycar '49; William Clyde Pressley, Speed-, well, class of '50; Jo Pryor, Bear Donald Tomberlin, Swiss, class oi Wallow, class of '49; and James '50. GREAT ELGIN VALUES IN THE fypade of [itches/ hlflin l*e J ux<. i J .MMfK, 15 jettvl folfiin. .4*ifu*trd. Dural'ouvr atljn cii. I Jural'otter Main ^ Mainspring. WK natural ffold filled spring. 10K natural or it lute .ease.