Vqt The Women Society News and Club Activities Phone 110 Observe Birthday And Wedding Anniversary A dinner was served rcently for1 Mrs. E. S." Parker, who celebrated her 68th birthday anniversary and Mr. and Mrs. Ned Brown, who celebrated their 1st wedding *n nivers ty at the home of Mrs. Park er at East LaPorte. Mrs. Parker is the mother of twelve children, and Mrs. Brown is one of her granddaughters, she being the former Louise Shuler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C cil Shuler. Mr. Brown is the son o? Mr. and Mrs. Thad Brown of Cowarts. Twenty five friends and relatives enjoyed the occasion with the honorees. TOWLES KING RICHARD your- Jinedl c/oice Towle STERLING lovely solid silver .. exquisitely crafted reasonably priced E. J. LIUUS JEWELER Waynesville, N. C. JL Mr. And Mrs. Sutton Celebrate Twenty-Fifth Wedding Anniversary In celebration of their twenty fifth wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Raymond U. Sutton were "At Home" to their triends and rela tives on last Saturday from 4:00 to 9:00 p. m. when about 250 called to express their best wishes. Greeting the guests at the door during the* reception hours and presenting them to. the receiving) line were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Moore, Ir. end Mrs. Charles Reed, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sutton. Those n the receiving line were Mr. and ( Mrs. Sutton and their two daugh ters, Miss Rachael and Miss Leah Sutton, Mr. John F. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Payne, and Mrs. W. C. Whitley. From the living room, most attractively arranged with bowls of flowers in pastel shades, Miss Docia Garrett showed the guests to the g ft room where Mrs. G o. L'.?e and Mrs. Porter Scruggs were in charge. Miss Winona Carter and Miss Ruth Mincey pre sided at the guest registei. Appropriate soft music was nlayed throughout the afternoon and evening. The guests were then shown to :.he dining room which was softly lighted by candle-light. The din ing tabl covered with a lovely lace cloth, was centered with a three-tiered wedding cake and topped with the traditional minia ture bride and groom. Surround- 1 ing Qie cake wtfs a circle of white carnations and chrysanthemums interspersed with sprigs of fern. On either side were white :apeis in silver holders. On the buffet was a silver bowl filled with pom pom chrysanthemums and on eith ;r end were silver candelabra with i white tapers. Refreshments of' molded ice cr. am, ?cak.e, nuts, I m nts, and coffee were served.' Green and white were the pre-' dominating colors used in the re- 1 rcshments. Pouring coffee dur ing the hours were Mrs. W. Q. Grigg, Mrs. Harry Hustings, Mrs. Jonah Dills, Mrs. B. E. Gray, Mrs. J. L. Hair, Mrs. E. L. McKee, and Mrs. John Partis. Assisting in serving were Mrs. Joe Deitz, Mrs. Ray Cogdill, Mrs. B. O. Painter, Mrs. W. D. Davis, Mrs. Roy Dills, Mrs. Claude Jones, and Mrs. O. E. Brookhyser. * ? * Beta Home Demonstration Club Has Meeting Eleven members of the Beta1 Home Demonstration club were present for the regular meeting last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. E. L. Erwin. Two new mem bers were welcomed at this meet i ing. They were Mrs. O. E. Mon tieth and Mrs. Ralph Smith. Miss Mary Johnston led an in teresting discussion on, "Home i Life, and Teen Age." , The next meeting will -be the ' Christmas social at the home of Mrs. Roy Reed. All members are J urged to be present at this t me. Mrs. Erwin served delicious re freshments to her guests. * ? * I 6 Mrs. Brookhyser Eiuer | tains For Mrs. Dills ! Mr--. O. E. Brookhyser was ho t j ess at a stork shower given at her 1 home last evening for her sis! r i in-law, Mis. John Robert Dills. ! Three tables were set up for bridge, ' and prizes awarded the winners ! of high and low scores. Other I g mes were also enjoyed during the evening. Following the gam s a lo\elv I bassinet, filled with dainty and I useful girts was brought in and I presented Mrs. Dills. Mrs. Brookhyser served straw berry shortcake and coffee to her guests. * * * Viola Brooks Engagement Announced By Parents Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brooks, of Whittier, announce the engage m nt of their daughter, Viola, to See Our Christmas Lines Before You Make Your Gift Selection Pens and Sets OllVUJJCt $35Q $27.50 J ? Kodak Cameras and Supplies r? Elgin Watches for Men and Ladies $29.75-$72.00 Cara Nome Beauty Preparations Whitmans & Hollingsworth Candies Sylva Pharmacy ffThe Rexall Store" Mattie Hensley Circle Meets With Mrs. Ashe ? Mrs. Harshal Ashe was hostess to the regular meeting of the Mat tie Hensley circle of the Scott's Creek Baptist church at her home Tuesday evening. During the business session a committee, composed of Mrs. Char, lie Smith, Mrs. Hershal Ashe, and Mrs. Roy Heed, were named to nominate officers for the com ing year. Officers will be elected at the next meeting. A very interesting program on "Medical Missions on Foreign Fields'* was presented. Parts w re given by Mrs. Denn's Fisher, Mrs. Tommy Kinsland, and Mrs. Lewis' Smith. Mrs. Albert Robinson h: d charge o.'' tne devotional. "Light For the Whole World," an i: for esting mission study book, was taugbt by Mrs. B.S. Hensley. M:s. Ashe, assisted by h r d. ligh ter, Mrs. Jimmy Ensley. scrwd delicious r fresl.mi.nts. Little Donna Hennessee Celebrates Birthday Lht'e Miss Donna Hi nnesset ?e.o!)ia'c-ci i.er six'th birthday ;m ? ?i.- r.^rry at a party given by her mother. Mrs. W. C. JTennessco. at l:i ir home Friday ai'ternfeon. For entertainment the children *w re d rected in a number of -i- m .s in which John Da\'id Stovall ?vas winner of the prize. The" children were then in\ ited 0 t.ie dining room where the* table, covered with a lace cloth, was ce: t( red with the white birth lay cake, decorated wnn.six p-nk candks. The -little guests were seated at small t bl s cneie ! with pink and green ercpe paper cloths. Places were found by miniature sail boats with then name written on the sails. Jce cijeam, green and pink iced cakes with a white figure "0", lemonade, coca colas, nuts and lollypops were served by Mrs. Hennessee, assist ed by Mary Morris and Betty JoncTs. , FJ>41oons were given the children as favors. Aft?.r refreshments Donna led her guests back to the living room where she opened the lovely gift packages which she received. Those present included the hon oree, Jenny McGuire, Donna Bass. Judy Campbell, Elizabeth Pet.it, Verna Kay Popplewell, -Ronda Jane Watson,, Linda Padgett, Jane Long, Yvonne Crawford, Dinah Brown, Katherine Hair, Tommy Jones, Herbert Schulman, John David Stovall, Kenneth Cope, and \mos Gillespie. ? * * Correction In the account last week of the uneral services of Mr. John Hox.t toe nam^ of a daughter, Mr^. Beu lah Melton, of Love's Field com 1 unity was unintentionally omitt. J from the list of survivors. Mr. Mi'es Crawford! son of Mr. and Mrs. Avery Crawford, of Addie. The wedding w 11 t .kc plare No. vember 27 at 7:00 o'clock p. m. in h? Aduie B; ptist church. DR. D. M. RAMSEY Optometrist EYES EXAMINED Glasses Fitted Offices in STOVALL BLDG. jSylva, N. C. Tel. 304 Mr. And Mrs. Cope Honored On 50th Wedding Anniversary On Sunday afternoon at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Joe' Pop plewell the sons and daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. Walt Cope enter tained lor their parents honoring' th rn on their li.tieth wedding an-! niversarv. Mr. l oppleweil welcomed the! ^.sts on toe porch and Mrs. Ver ion Cope greeted, them at the door and presumed th.m to the members oi the rece.ving ln,c composed 01 U,e nonorees, Mr. Vernon Cope, Mr. Verlon Lee Cope, Mr. Hom er Cope, Mrs. William E. Wi.son Gi\ \ son Cope, Mrs Johnn\ a.son, ui.Q Airs. Joe Popp.eweil. *e.iow rosis and ehysantnemums >LkC usi d in t. e living room dec orations. Tr.e man::, puce was covered with sprays of m. iden hail fern u:.d dotted with yellow mum? In the center was pl.ced a larg gold "50". Mrs. Juan ta Davis invited the quests to the dining room where Mrs. Dan Tompkins, Mrs. Hay Cog dill, Mrs. Porter Scroggs, Mrs Mieha 1 Maiinowski, Mis. Fred j McLain. and Mrs. Oscar Enslev served refreshments oi' sold' eof^ ' ored punch, ii dividual w:ite .cot J cakes markid wit.i the figure in gold. i:nil nuts. The wni., nap kins* Wfiv decor, ted with g,>M embossed orange blossoms l.irm J ing the iett renclosing "Am..n ,(la :-iui Walt. KJ08-1948". The iv i freshmen 1 table was covered w to a hand made lace cloth and en tered with a low crystal bowl l'iil j ed with yellow ros buds. On ,-i.h- I er side were lighted golden candles1 m crystal holders. Scattered ; mong tluse. and the laige punch bowl placed at one end of the table w jv I gold ivy leaves placed at irregular i intervals. On the buffet was placed J C\ large fluted crystal bowl filled 1 with yellow mums and fern. Mis - Doeia Garrett directed the gtrrxt>?trr-the-- gtr^sh reg s t?r wrerei Mrs. Grayson Cope was in charge. Mrs. Tilghman Bass showed them to the gil t room wh re Mr.>. Homer I Cope^and Mrs. Allir.ey Bryson pi e- ? sided. More ihan 300 fr ends and rela tives ol Mr. and Mrs. Cope called during the day to extend then congratulations and best wishes. Out of town friends calling were Mr. and Mrs. Jo,in Davis of Char lent , Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mal inowski of Asheville, Mr. and Mi s Mar on T. Bridges and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ensiey of Waynesville: J. O. Cope, Sr., .VIiss Beverly Cope, nd Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cope. Jr.! ill of Newport, Tenn.; Mr. and I Mrs. O. L. Cope of Franklin; Mr. .?nd Mrs. Lester Jones and chil dren of Brevard; Charles Lee Cooe Miss Marianna Morrow,' and Mr. :ind Mrs. Jimmy Cope and son of Bryson City. # * * Mrs. Campbelx Hostess To W. M. S. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Baptist church met last Wednesday w.th Mrs. W. E. Camp bell. The meeting was opened with prayer by Mrs. C. M. War. n Following the business ses ion, wrich was conducted by Mrs.' Cr; wford Smith, p. esidnt, the irst chapter of the "Light For the Whole World", a for .-ig,,. miss on >tudy book, was reviewed by Mrs. harlie A11 i> n. T. e review will -e completed at ;he next meeting. Mrs. Crr:w;ord Smith, in behalf 7; the Society, pre.-ent d Mrs. -ampbell wi;h a large flower bowl as a b rt /day gift. During the soc al hour "Happy Birtnday" wi s sung to Mrs. Campbell. Mrs. Campbell, assisted by Mrs. Charley Campbell and Mrs. Hugh Monteith, served a salad and sweet course and coffee to the 19 nembers presents. I South Carolina is the only South. :rn state which has state-wide forest fire protection. NOTICE I'VE CHANGED 70 CAMELS. THAT 3Q0AY MtLQNBSS TEST WON ME OVER. fDR. KEEPS! ei Mildness f&Z>tX//eS?LF/ # Make the Camel 30-day test! When hundreds of men and women recently, from coast to coast, smoked (Camels exclusively for 30 days in a similar test, noted throat specialists who examined the throats of these smokers every week?a total of 2470 examinations ? reported lu? to S?ton CAMELS Mrs. Ray Goward Honored With Shower' Mrs. Charl.s Allen entertained vi:h .i shower honoring her sis er. Mrs. Ri.v Coward, on 1. si Fri k>y evening at her home. U;:mo was enjoyed with several '">r./o> taken. r !.. \v;ng this the honoree open d her many lovely and useful P. Huber Hanes of Winston-Sal em has the foundation of one of the top herds or' P;!lcd Hereford beef cattle east of the "Mississippi River, according to L. I Case of the State College Exttnsion Service. Kifts she ivccived. Mrs. AJlen served delicicus re i rcshments. USE OUR LAY - AWAY PUN OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN WILL RESERVE ANY ARTICLE FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING LIST Shop early and get the best Selections. Lilius Jewelry Company RITZ BUILDING SYLVA* N. C. Your Fort, will be ready if ysu^at this "WINTERIZE SPECIAL 1. Complete Chassis Lubrication 2. Change Oil?5 Quarts 3. Spray Springs 4. Change Rear Axle and Transmission Lubricant 5. Refill Shock Absorbers 6. Inflate Tires 7. Check Water in Battery 8. Flush Radiator 9. Repack Front Wheels. CMy SEE YOUR FORD DEALER REECE-HAMPTON MOTOR CO. Cullowhee Rd. Sylva, N. C.

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