sen, 6'S? THE t- ? ""*? CONCRETE .BLOCKS ior build- WANTED ? Fresft Country Eggsi ?'-'t lQ^ FORECLOSURE uig, snores, ^arns, ga rages or foundations. Su.d at plant or delivered. Call or write W. A. Hayt, below bridge in Franklin. 1 Pnone 903, Highland*., N. C. ?-21tf , I For Your Hospitalization Insuranc^ see Mrs. John R. Jones, second floor Stovali Building. Office phone 309-J, house phone 256-J-3. 25 26 27 29 < 1 ???. ** . FOR MONUMENTS See Sylva ' Memorial service next to Ritz ? Theatre on Main Street. Sylva, I N. C. Mar 20 tf FOR SALE ? Household cleaning ' aids. Call THE FULLER BRUSH MAN. M. C. Cunningham, Sylva, N. C. , FOR SALE ? STRUCTURAL STEEL?ANGLES BEAMS CHAN NELS. REINFORCING BARS-' FLATES, PLATES. We also carry in stock a complete line of other structural shapes. We will fabri cate steel to your specifications.; 24 25 26 27 I WANTED ? SCRAP IRON ?' Automobile body tin all types! sheet iron - Metals. Glazer Steel Corporation 2100 Ailor Avenue Knoxville, Tennessee Tel. 4-8601. 24, 25, 26, 27 FOR RENT ? Rooms and apart ment with steam heat and hot water. Apply Sylva Hotel, Sylva, N. C: 554-31* FOR SALE ? Good dry, hard wood?12" x 14" poles. $6.00 per load any size truck. See Haynes V. Reagan, Cox farm, Cullowhee, N. C. 24-29* FOR RENT ? Cottage for two people only. Rent $40.00 per month. On Highway No. 23 Dills , boro, N. C. If interested, see Walt Ashe. 25 26 LOST?Orange and white collie puppy, answers to name of Shep. Anyone knowing the where abouts of this puppy please call phone 102 or 193, Sylva. * 35* LOST?Boy's raincoat at Methodist 4 church in Svlva?tan with red plaid lining. Size 10. Finder please return to Her; Id office. Reward. 25* FOR RENT?A 5-room house, on Speedwell road, approximately 1 mile from the college. If inter ested see or write Mrs. Burke Fer guson, Cullowhee, N. C. v 25 26* FOR SALE?Small 4-room house on lot 120 ft. by 70 ft. See John V. Bryson, 4 miles south of Sylva On Rt. 107. $1400 cash. 25* FOR SALE?1 six-room house and two large lots at the edge of city limits on highway No. 19. In quire at Sim's Grocery Store. 25 26* FOR SALE?One 35,000 BTU Par lor Gas Heater, and one 25,000 BTU Gas Heater. Both practically new. Phone 219-R. 25* FOR SALE?5 acres of bottom land joining the Charlie Dillard farm on highway No. 19. Inquire Sim's Grocery store. 25 26* ai.a country Jams. Park Lunch riov*m, Syiva, N. C. No. 50 tf FOR HLNT ? Warehouse on Cul lowhee Road. If interested write or Cell Dr. Pepper Bo:tling Co., AfRheviile, N. C. 25 FOR SALE ? 1941 Hydro-matic Oidsmobile Sedan. One owner. >900.00 cash. See F. L. Rhoads, Balsam, N. C. 25* NOTICE To Automobile & Truck Owners CAROLINA, MOTOR CLUB AGENCY 1949 License Go On Sale December 1, 1948 ALL KINDS OF AUTOMOBILE AND TRUCK INSURANCE Automoblls and Trucks Financed on easy G. N\. A. C. Terms Waiting To Serve You: C. B. Thompson-Notary Public Mrs. Katie Nicholson - Notary Public Miss Lucille Wilson - Notary Public Allison Auto Parts Co. Main Street Sylva, N. C. Tel. 41 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of John H. Wil son, lite of Jackson County, No*th Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned at Sylva, North Caro lina, on or before the 25th day of Oct., 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery there on. All persons indebted to said estate will please made immediate settlement. This the 25th day of October, 1948. Mrs. Madge B. Wilson, Ad ministratrix or the Estate of John H. Wilson, deceased, of Jackson County, North Carolina. 10:28?12:2 RE-SALE OF LAND UNDER DEED OF TRUST NOTICE North Carolina, Jackson County. ' WHEREAS, the undersigned, act ing as Trustee, in a certain d ed i of trust, executed by Lee Hooper and- recorded in Jackson Cou'i'v. in Book 169. Page 133, in the Of fice of the Register of Deeds of ( Jackson County, foreclosed and oi- ! fer d for sale the lands hereinafter i described; and whereas, within the time allowed by law an advanced bid was filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court and an order issued, directing the Trustee to re sell sa d land, with an opening bid ot $1391.25: NOW, THEREFORE, under and by virtue otsaid order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Jackson County and the power of sale con tained in said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale upon said opening bid, at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door in Sylva, North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, Thursday, Decem ber 2, 1948, the following d' scribed property, located in Jackson Coun ty, North Carolina: First Tract: BEING and compre hending the snme lands and pre mises described in, and conveyed by, a deed dated 9 February, 1905,, from Henry M. McAden et ux al to Lee Hooper for 351.41 acr. s,; more or less, recorded in Jackson County, in Book 38, page 175, to which said deed and record rei erence is had; and the description therein by metes and bounds is by this reference made the descrip tion in this d.ed of trust; also, be ing a part of the lands embraced in State of North Carolina Grant NOW IS THE TIME... To have your car painted ? ? FOR WINTER USE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SPECIAL OFFER Have the dents and broken places fixed in the ? body and fenders MAKE YOUR OLD CAR LIKE NEW We specialize in rebuilding wrecks. Amnions Auto Body Shop Mill St Sylva, N. C. A4AAA4A44 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4444444444444444A4Ai iNorm uaroiina, Jackson County. Under and by virtue of the pow. er of sale contained in a certain Deed in Trust duly executed by I Robert Ball and wife, Thelma Ball, I to C. C. Buchanan, trustee, in fav or of George Wilkes and wife, I Dally Wilkes, dated July 29th, | 1948, ana auly recorded .n Book ! 174 at page 158 et seq. in the I Register's Office for the County | and>. State aforesaid, and default j having made in the payment of I the notes thereby secured, and the holders of said notes having re quested that said Deed in Trust b. foreclosed; Now, therefore, the undersign ed C. C. Buchanan, trustee, will of!er for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in j the Town of Sylva, Jrckson Co'in- ! ty, North Carolina, at twelve o' clock (noon) on December 16th,, 1948. a certain lot.or tract of land, | situate, lying and being in Rhodes, Cove in Sylva Township, in the: County and State aforesauL rd-j joining the lands of Fred L. Cope and others, and more partlcu- < larl^ bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake, common corner of Hum Ash,? ; nd Fred Cope, and running thence North 58 West 121 feet to a stake on the Southeasterly margin of a; street: thence in a South, rly direc_; t on with said street 158 feet to its intersection with another street; thence in an Easterly direction with the said street just named and referred to, 121 feet to Fred L. Cope's corner; thence in a, Northerly direction with the line of the said Fred L. Cope, 159 feet to the BEGINNING, containing ore-third acres, more or less, and the same being a part of the lands heretofore conveyed by ETIen E. Ashe et al ,to George Wilkes and wife, Dolly Wilkes as is shown by deed duly recorded in Book 165 at page 78 et seq. in the Register's Office for the County and State j No. 391, issued to P. L. Davis 28 August, 1857, for 1000 acres, rec orded in Jackson County, in Book No. 2, page 172, to which reference i is had; this tract being known as a part of the Lee Hooper Cedar Cliff lands. 8econd Tract: BEING and com prehending the same lands and premises described in, and con veyed by, a deed dated 9 February, 1905, from Henry M. McAden et" ux et al to Lee Hooper for 41.5 acres, more or less, recorded in Jackson Co., in Book No. 38, page 181, to which said de d and record reference is had; nnd the descr n tion therein by metes'and bounds is by this reference made the d -s- j cription in this deed of trust. BE- , ING ?_ nart of State Grant No. (545 ; for 500 acres, issued on 11 June, | I860, to William H. Bryson, rec- ? orded in Jackson County, in Book | No. 3, page 217, to which reference | is had, and this grant lands arei inside Grant No. 391. This tract is, also a part of the Cedar Cliff lands. Third Tract: BEING the same lands described in, and conveyed by, a deed dated 4 October, 1905, from Willam Shelton and wife, Lillie B. Shelton, and others to Leo Hooper for 230 acres, more or less, recorded in Jackson County, in Book No. 37. page 318, to which reference is had; and the descrip tion therein by metes and bounds is by this reference, made the description. in this deed of trust. This 230 acres are within Grants Nos. 1172 and 1232, issu d respec tively on 11 July, 1879, and 5 April, 1882. recorded in Jackson County, in Books Nos. 7, page 574, and 8, page 258, to both of which reference is had. Also, this tract of 230 acrcs constitutes a part of the Lee Hoper Cedar Cliff lands. EXCEPTING from the above lnnds/a tract containing 145 acres, more or less, heretofore conveyed by the party of the first part in a deed from Lee Hocpper to C. B. Webster, which tract is fully des cribed in said deed recorded in Book 168, at Page 369, in the Office of the Reg ster of D .eds for Jack son County. North C. rolina. to which saii dred iind record ref erence is hereby had for a full and complete description of said exception. This the 10th d;:y of November, 1048. E. P. ST ILL WELL, Trustee. Nov 18 25 Tomorrow's Experts Brainy men know that the trained man gets ahead. When opportunity' for advancement comes along, the man with training gets first call. You can put yourself in this position by getting one of the many in teresting and exciting jobs now being offered by the new Army and Air Force. Opportunities in these services are greater than ever for ambitious young men. Then, too, these jobs offer you a chance to further your educa tion. They are jobs that give you experience with a cash !| value. They're worthwhile from many standpoints. Find out all about them by getting facts j and figures now. They are " yours for the asking. Just call at the U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force Recruiting Station, Post Office, Sylva, N. C. STATE COLLEGE HINTS TO FARM HOMEMAKER By RUTH CURRENT State Home Demonstration Agent Do lyou eat the same things for breakfast each morning, buy the same cuts cf meat each week? Let's get out of that menu-planning rut and use some of the other good foods. Too often we build our mca's out of what's in the pantry rather than building our pantry out of what should be in our meals. How many different vegetables have you eaten during the past week? Vegetables vary greatly in their food value and in the min erals and vitamins th.y contain. Let's not stick to three or four "old stand-bys" but try some new ones on our menus. Many of the vegetables?toma toes, cabbage, carrots, turnips, turnip greens, cauliflower, gretn peppers, beets, and spinach?which wj ordinarily cook could be eaten raw to give variety and to preserve more of the food value. Try a salad made of raw cab bage and raw spinach or other greens, with a good French dress ing poured over it, Have you tried raw cauliflower dipped in cream ch ese? Raw green pepper strips, turnip, parsnip and carrot stfcks and curls, cauliflower flowerlets, and cabbage wedges make crunchy, interesting relish combinations and add zest as well as food value to any meal. Fortunately most inks are wash a foresaid, to which reference is hereby made for a more complete description of same. This the 15th day of November, 1948. C. C. BUCHANAN, Trustee. Nov 18 24 Dec 2 y v PERSONALS i Miss Marion Madison of Ashe % iLie spent the we&K-cnd with h*r p irents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Madi- , son, in Webster. Miss Fr nces Brvson, who is a'- j tending Blanton's Business college' n Asheville, was home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ham Bry son of Gay, over the week-end. Clvdej Vance spent a few days of last week with his brother. Rev. C. O. Vance, of Vi'as. N. C. Carl Stanford spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Stanford. Carl is studying tra/fic management at Blanton's in Asheville. ' ? I Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Cox and , sons. Tony and Jerry, .spent the1 week-end in Hendersonville Mrs. Cox's grandparents, Mr. ar.d' Mi's. S. T. Crisp. i Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Holder and two children, Jimmy and Billy, have arrived from Ontario, Cal., and will make their home at Cul lowhee. Mrs. Holder is the form er Miss Mary Catherine Bryson of Cullowhee. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bryson and daughters, Karene, Jackie, and. Delma Jo; spent the Week-end in Charlotte as guests of Mr. and Mrs. | able. A good sudsing in warm \v: tor and soap is all that's neces sary to remove ink stains from clothing. Occasionally, however, you may have to apply vinegar or lemon jjic . If clothes are white, bleach remaining stains with hydrogen peroxide. With colored clothes sponge clothes with warm glycerin and let stand for 30 minutes. Rinse well. Most candy stains will wash I right out. Chocolate is the only one that is a little difficult to re move. Alter washing the garment in lukewarm water, use hydrogen peroxide to remove the balance of the stain. Rinse well. If the stain is on a coat or jacket that can't | be washed, sponge with carbon j tetrachloride. Sam Audrey. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ashe and M.\ and Mrs. Gree'i spent Sunday with Mrs. Green's siittr. Mrs L. L. Moody, in \V\ ynes\ ille. Mrs. J. II Hug.ics, 'at.? has been ? visiting h r niecv, Mrs. L. P. Allen, has returned ;.ornj to Sa\an:'ah. Ga." Mr. and Mrs. Joe V Shook of Cullowhee left for Miami, Fla., where they will spend the winter monihs. Mrs. Berry Gaither left Tues day morning for Lincolnton to vis.t her, Mrs. Lillian Morris. Sue will be away for a week. She warn accompanied to Asr.eville by Mr. Gr.ither, who returned to Sylva Xbm same morning- Mr. Gaither im manager of Park Lunch room here Mr. ;tnd Mrs. Olen Will ams ancf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winkler, of Harriman, Tenn., visited friends in Sylva over the vv.ek-end. Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Worn? ack, of Winston-Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Hal H. Brown, of Ashe* v. lie, spent the week-end with Mn. Womack's and Mrs. Brown's par? t nts at their home here. prize-winning cook The Fully Automatic NORGE Electric Range The oven, d^ep-well cooker or appliance outlet on this beautiful Norge can be auto matically controlled. FIRST AWARD FeATURES ?jf Fully AutomWc Control*. ?jf Smartly Styled if Fluorescent Top Light ? Savon Cooking Speeds for Surface Elements ^ Deep-Well Utility Cooker ? Balanced Ovin Heat ? Blanket-type Ovtn Insulation ? Smokeless Broiler ? Worming and Utensil Drawers Model E-457 BKFORK YOU 3 UY SOSSAMON FURMTURE CO. Flue Furniture For Every Purpose Phone 57 Sylva, N. CL MegJSS Star Performer for 49/ You're invited to drive the New Hudson ?the car that's nimbJe and rugged beyond anything you've known before! The modern design for '49 " I V ? ""1- i/i HUDSON FLOORS nrr rT?tsod down within th? fram? 'nn ihown shove), -.fats nrft lowered, *> you get more thnn ample h*?d room in thia car with the new lower center of gravity YOU ?ID? DOWN within a base frame (as ahown aUivoj, and rear wiat* are positioned sheed of the rear whr^ln to that full b<?dy width available for wonderfully roomy sesta IVjx-section tt#M?l girders completely eno?r<^#> and protect the i>nmr.n((HT oornpertment nrr AUTOMATIC OCAI SMITTINO in forward speeds as pro Tided hy Hudson'* I>rive-Master Lran*mlaa4oo by far the ?safest of all ways to drive. You osn sooaierate as long and as fsst ss roe liks in pick up rear, than lift tout toe roonieo tsrily. sad you're in high. The shift into high oomes orJr whaa rom are ready! Button control on ths instrument pa mm provides instant shange to conventional driving if ever desired. Driva>Mester traueiuisaiiin Is cat all New Hsisoos st smal^ extra oast. NEW Hudson Come in, try Hudson with the all new, high-compression Super-Six en gine (the most powerful American six built today) or tho masterful Super-Eight. Both provide wonder fully alert power for o new type of motor car with an exclusive "step down" design. Millions say the New Hudson is the reign ing beauty in the automobile parade? but you can't really kn?>w thin ^reat ear until you drive it?and you're invited to do just that?now! Hudson, with the new, HI h p., hi?h compregsion Super-Six engine or the masterful Suj>er-Eii?ht, takes you away with new sip, and outstrips the field with staying power. But amazingly alive engines aren't the whole ttory of this star performer for 'A9. Hudson has a new hug-the-road way of going in cross-winds and on every con ceivable kind of highway. This all happens because?as is widely known?the lower to the ground a car fan !*? built, the more stability it will havr Hudson lias the lowest center of gra\it> in any Ameriean stock ear! This remarkable tar has floors down w it hit; :i base frame (lindson is the only far you stop rittu^n into), enabling liiiiU.di to build the lowest ear on the highway, only five feet from ground to ton-while maintaining more than ade quate head room! You sense a delightful conformity to the road the minute you begin to ride, and this tfivea you a grand feeling of safe well beini.'! This feeling is further enhanced by the ease with which this car is oper ated, and by the quiet with which Hudson glide* along. Come in, let us ?how you why Hudson's great engines and fabulous "Rtep-^own** design principle** put this car so far sheiwl it is a protected investment in motor car value! ?*THe mo my Important advawtofw In Hudjoa't aaw "?tap-doW detlg* are exploited In a booklet ovollobla at ft?a neoreat HwSaoe dealer'*. The.only car you step ldown Into WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO SEE AND DRIVE THE AMAZING NEW HUDSON T IIK II WW AUTO & El. Main Street TIUC COMPANY Sylva, N. C.

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