For The Women Society News and Club Activities Phone 110 Vows Are Spoken For Miss Hazel L. Morrison And Jimmv T. Monroe The marriage of Miss Hazel Lee Morrison of Old Fort and Jimmy T. Monroe of Eagle Springs and Cul- j lowhee was solemnized November 8 at high noon in the Green St.! Methodist Church at Augusta, Ga. The Reverend Youn&> pastor, of ficiated. The bride wore a grey gabar dine suit with white accessories and carried a bouquet of red roses. She was unattended as the couple spoke their vows. Mrs. Monroe is the daughter of Mr.'and Mrs. George J. Morrison of Old Fort. She was graduated from Marion High School and is now a senior of high standing 'at the University of South Carolina where she is drum majorette of the , University Brnd. * Mr. Monroe- is the son "of Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Monroe of Eag le Springs. He was graduated from Tabor City high school and is now a studer.t at Western C. rr.Jina Teachers college in Cullowhee. lie spent two yeaj^ in the Navy. Immediately a ter the wedding the couple left tor Columbia where they spent their honeymoon. Mr. Monroe returned to Cullo wnee November 15 to resume his studies. After Mrs. Monroe graduates in the spring the couple will go to New York where Mr. "Monroe will enroll in the Pratt Institute of Design in Brooklyn. * * ? WSCS Meets In Allison Building The Woman's Society of Chris tion Service of the Methodist church met on Friday evening in the Allison building with nine members present. Mrs. Harry H^tings presided over the meet ing. Due to so few members be ing present there was no important business brought up for discus sion. Mrs. J. H. Gillis, who was in charge of the program, gave a . book review of "Tljr -rStory Of Mankind" by Sam Loon. On Dec. 6 the Society will have their Christmas party. * * ? Date Changed For Halcyon Woman's Club Meeting , The Halcyon Woman's club has postponed their meeting from Dec. 1 until D c. 8. At this time they will have a dinner party at the Jarrett Springs Hotel. Follow ing this they will go to Mrs. Wade Wilson's home in Dillsboro for their Christmas party. For H?r- 17 Jewel Elgin Detune with 1 OK natural gold filled co?^ and new ?apoftflon type bracelet. For Him?21 Jewel Lord Elgin with 14K natural gold filled cose. Hot smort Mo* dlol Calendar of Events Thursday, Nov. 25?Ruby Daniel Circle of Sylva Baptist church meets with Mrs. Woodrow Cox at 7:00 pim. Mrs. Lee Walker, chairman. Friday, Nov. 26 ? American Leg ion meets at 7:30 p.m. in the Community house. F. M. Wil liams, commander. Monday, Nov. 29 ? Boy Scouts meet in the Scout Hall at the Methodist church at 7:00 p.m. Dennis Barkley, Scoutmaster.. A Monday, Nov. 29 ? WOW meets at 7:00 p.m. in the hall. Jefl Hedden, council commander. Thursday, Dec. 2 ? U.D.C. chap ter meets at 7:30 p.m. with Mrs. Dan Tompkins. Miss Bertha Cunningham, president. Thursday, Dec. 2 ? Dillsboro Ma-I sonic Ltd^e No. 459 meets in! thLv Masonic Hall in Dillsboro at 7:or, p.m. Claude Cowan, W.M. ;' Dec. 3 ? Wild Lii'e club i meets in Ma sie Furniture store; a; 7.30 p.m. Dr. W. P. McGuire, president. FVicL.y, Dec. 3 ? Men of tr.e Pres byterian church will meet with Mrs. Jackson Dunn at 7:00 p.m. Mis. Dunn and Mrs. Ralph Bumgarner, hostesses. Mr. Jackson Dunn, president. * * * Gay News Mr. and Mis. Bob Hi^don and j daughter, Clarine, of Sylva were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ingle ?Cope on Sunday. Mr. -Bryant Browning was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs; Walter Wilson Sunday. Mr. Clyde Cope of Ellijiiy spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jud Cope. Mrs. Dave Lee Fox, of Spar tanburg, S. C., is spending the holidays with her parents, M^. and Mrs. Bryant Browning. Junior Johnson and Gene Jones spent the week-end with their aunt, Mrs. Ray Mashburn, in Hazelwood. Mack Higdon of Franklin re- \ cently spent a few days with Mr J and Mrs. J. C. Browning and Mr.' and Mrs. Walter Wilson. Miss Malita Woodard is able to' be out again after having been confined to her home with measles. Mrs. J. C. Browning has been ill. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wilson an-' ' nounce the birth of a daughter, Shirley Ann, at Sylva hospital on November 16. I Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson announce the birth of a son on Nov. 6. . * - ? * * Week Of Prayer For Foreign Missions To Be Observed The Week of Prayer for For eign Missions will be observed next week by the Woman's Mis sionary Society of the Sylva Bap tist church with the following meetings to be held: Monday at 3:00 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Charley Allison, Mrs. E. P. Still well in charge * of the program; Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. at the home of Mrs. James Bennett, Mrs. Charley Allison in charge of pro gram; lfoiday at 3:00 p.m. with Mrs. Bertha Hooper, Mrs. C. W. Warren in charge program. At each meeting the Lottie Moon Christmas offering will be taken. Six 4-H Club members in Polk bounty will raise quail as project 'uring the coming year. CAMELS? thanks! dio you MAKE THE CAMEL 30-0AY MILDNESS TEST,TOO? IVE SMOKED CAMELS FOR. YEARS! I KNOW THEY'RE MILD ? AND HOW GOOO THEY TASTE! ? Smoke Camels for 30 days?and see for yourself how mild a cigarette can be! Ia a recent national test, hundreds of men and women smoked Camels exclu sively for 30 days. The throats of these smokers were examined each week by noted throat specialists who reported NO THROAT IRRITATION . tfu* to smoking CAM KLSI Qualla H. D. Club Has Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Meeting The annual Thanksgiving din ner of the Qualla Home Demon stration club was held at the home of Mrs. C. P. Shelton on Tuesday, November 16. Due to the absence of Miss Mary Johnston, county home agent, the business part of the meeting was omitted. Fifteen women, including three visitors enjoyed the bountiful dinner which consisted of baked chicken and dressing, creamed po tatoes and gravy, peas, cranberry sauce, sweety potato? orange cups, fruit salad, hot rolls, coffee and pumpkin pie. The meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. Edna Beck on Tuesday, December 21 for the Christmas meeting. At this time members will exchange home grits. It is urged that all members try to be present at this* meeting. * * * Greens Creek W.M.S. Elects Officers. The Woman's Missionary Soc ciety or Greens Creek Baptist Church met Sunday afternoon and elected the following officers: president, Mrs. Scott Allen; vice pres dent, Mrs. Carl Cagle; sec retary, Mrs. Elsie Buchanan; mis sion study chairman, Mrs. Grady Tleed; stewardship chairman, Miss Julia Buchanan; community mis sions chairman, Mrs. Roy Buch anan. ?? The Society will meet Thurs d:y afternoon at 2:00 p.m. with Mrs. Greene and study the Mis sion book "Light For the Whole '*Tor'd." The discussion will be led by the Associational Mission ary, Miss Pauline Snelson. All Day Service Is Observed At Speedwell A large number of people from Jackson county and visitors from Florida and Asheville, enjoyed the 11-day service held recently at Speedwell. The delicious picnic lunch, along with the fine sing ing , of the various choirs and quartets added greatly to the en joyment of the,day. . The morning session was taken up with the Suifeay School lesson, with the devotional being giv en, by Rev. Jonathan Brown, of Tuckaseigee. Good singing was also a fetature of the morning service. In. the afternoon other singers ioined the groups already assem bled to bring more good music nd *singing. The Vincen sisters of Macon county were among the welcome visitors. When it comes to singing these young ladies have it. The Vincen sisters' duet and the Blanton sisters' trio from Beta, were grand. All singers are invited to come again.. We enjoyed having Rev. John Kincaid and family with us. We also wish to thank everyone for :e offering of $100.00. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Haskett were ^ appy to have . their twin sons,' ?yn and Lon, of Grstonia, spent he week-end with them. Lon has las been chief of police there for years. He has now been promot :d. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holden of Fall Cliff and Canton announce he birth of a seven-pound, five >unce son on November 19 at the ?Vaynesville hospital. The Hol lens have been married fifteen .'ears and this is the first time he Stork has left them a heavenly package. The young son will bear the name of Ray Lee. The Pressley Creek Communi ty Club met at the home of Mrs. -ling Pressley on Fridf.y, Novem ber 19. A delicious plate lunch <vas enjoyed. Thirteen ladies were present,1 ^eluding the hostess, one visitor ^nd one new member. In the absence of Miss Mary Johnston, county home agent, Mrs. PERSONALS Allen B. Fisher, Jr., who has completed his boot training at San Diego, Calif., recently spent a 14 day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fisher at their home at Addie. He has returned to San Diego for further assign ment. Mr. Jim Miller, ofWaynesville, who underwent an operation in Ossing, New York, and who was recovering nicely, has suffered a stroke and is in very serious condition. His son, Henry Miller, of Wayne sville will return his father to their home by ambu lance this week. Mr. Miller is the father of Mrs. Allen Fisher, and: brother of Mrs. Carey Allison. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hardy, Mis? Nancy Allison and Mr. Bovd Sos samon attended thg lina football game in Chapel Hil 'ast Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M;r tyi'f" -pent the week-end with their daugi ter. a:,d son-in-law, Mr. .nd vlrs. W. RfHupman, at their horru lkin Mebane. ? They also at ende.,: the Duke-Carolina game w!ii> away. Mr. Monteith has .returned to their home here while Mi> Monteith lemair.ed with their daughter and family for a longer visit. Mr. ar.d Mrs. E. E. Tweed and Nancy left today for the remain ^2r of the week with his parents in Chilocothee, Ohio. Mr. Hayes Connor left Wednes day for Libraj-y and Durham to visit friends over the Thanksgiv ing holidays. He will return Sun day. Rev. and Mrs. Parker H. Hager and two sons spent a few days of last week with Mrs. and Mrs. Charlie Bumgarner. Mi?s Claudia Stanford had as her guests over the week-end the Misses Mary Lou Plemmons and Annie Kate Stinnett of Canton. Mrs. Beuford H. Sutton has re turned to Washington after spend ing five weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Rhinehart of Webster, and her father-in-law, Mr. Walter Sutton of Barkers Creek. E. Coleman Jones arrived Mon day from Wake Forest college to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with his mother, Mrs. John R. Jones. Charlie Ridley returned to ?^lva recently from the state of Washington where h% has been employed for the past year, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burch of Franklin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Penland in Web ster. Mrs. S. H. Giiiiam is expected home this week from a 2 weeks visit with her sister in New York City. Mrs. Ei.rl M. Smith, who has spent two weeks with her sister, Mrs.Jf. H. Brown, Sr., left Wed n. sday to return home in Raleigh. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Jarrett of Charlotte spent the week-end with Mrs. Frank Jarrett in Dillsboro. Mrs. Robert Cudeil of Dills boro attended the wedding of her grand-daughter, Miss Billy Phil lips, at the First Presbyterian ciiurch in Asheville, Wednesday. Pressley, led a very interesting discussion on "Home Life and T en Age". Miss Johnson Honored At Shower Miss Agnes Wilson and Mrs. *Vade VVUsjn were hostesses to a bridge shower honoring Miss Alva Johnson, bride-eiecl of James Keener. Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. John Wilson. Three tables weile made uo for bridge with Mrs. Louis Ecstein named winner of high score, Mrs. Grover Wilkes second high, and Mrs. Leonard Huff winner of low score. A salad course and individual cakes iced in bridal motif was served the guests. Following this Miss Johnson was presented her many lovely and useful gifts. The guests included besides the honoree and three prize winners, Mrs. Nell Johnson, mother of the honoree, Miss Gloria Johnson, sis ter of the honoree, Mrs. John Hen son, Mrs. James Myers, Mrs. Clyde Rector, Miss Lucille Wilson, and Mrs. Tom Wilson. Coming in lor refreshments were Mrs. M. B. Can. non, Mrs. E. L. Wilson. Mrs. T. O Wilson, Mrs J. W. Keener, Mrs.' JE E Tweed, and Miss Hicks Wil-j son. * * * Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Harvo Beasley ??! ' Sylva have announced the engage., merit o; t.-ieir daughter, Miss Man BeasJey, to Mr. Ray Parker. .Vi Pu^er i> tie son of Mr. and Mrs McI^iJey P rker o; Brevard. Tne ! Wj-dding will take place in Decem ber. * * * Intermediate Class Of Lovedale Presents Thanks giving Program Under the direction 1 of- I^rs. I Ralph England, the intermediate) class of the Lovedale Baptist church gave a very impressive I Thanksgiving program Sunday) evening at the church. Those tak ing part in the play, "Thankful |'Pilgrims" were Dorris Alexander,' Irene and Christine Angel, Peggy J Middleton, Claudie Monteith.i Jackie Cooper, and Jack and Doyle Alexander. Dorris Middleton. Nola Higdon, Blanche Monteith. Audrey Anne Diilard, Wanda Blanton, assisted by Lowell Scruggs at the piano formed an off-stage choir which sang thru- ? out the program. At,the end of the program the fruits and vegetables used in the program were presented to the Rev. G. E. Scruggs, pastor of the church, by Mrs. England. HOSPITAL NEWS Mr. Carl Allman, Dillsboro, is recovering from a minor opera tion. Mrs. Myrtle Batton, Bryson City, is in for treatment. Mrs. Mary Barnes, Tuckaseigee, is recovering from an operation. _. ? Birth Announcements Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moody i Glenville, announce the birth o." a daughter on Nov. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Bryson | Cullowhee, announce the birth of I a son on Nov. 21. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Norman, Sylva, a daughter ?n Nov. 21. A daughter was born to Mr. and I Mrs. Harold Whitted of Glenville i on Nov. 24. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charley Robinson of Dihsboro a girl, Al ma Louise, on Tuesday, Nov. 16, at' the home. FOR RENT?Small 4-room housei on lot 120 ft. by 70 ft. See John V. Bryson 4 miles south of Sylva on Rt. 107 $1400 cash. 26? The Christmas cards you send are as individual as your own make sure you send the very best... Hollmcrk Christmas Cards. You'll And distinctive Hallmark Christmas Cards for every person on your list. THE BOOK STORE In The Herald Building Main Street Phone 110 Sylva, N. C. SCOH'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT fisrt HAVE &LLH seek <0 <;LIDE, oa 'FLY* a plS<AMCE. of 300 yARP* over-fXl <HL WAfER, r*?/ OFftK LAMP <HL PLCKS Of VESSELS* MAKER SUCKS A, PlECl. OF P?a*l shlll ahp <? y:i SPKS m-fo \ AIR <0 BRiHC RaiK? _ AJQRiqiHLS Bti.ll <HL OBUtC-T IS full OF <Hl ?LSSLMCi* of RAIN i WKICU, VVHLU PROUEC<LP "fowarp <*E SKY v i FORM "THE s<Xr<im<; Poim< For I JH clou PS? irn K-* Fim lol. W?rw i*bj i CKY H<HL world's LXAPIM4 Di>LMpwp-caffm^ CtH-TlR -? hew YORK Ctf/. USE OUR LAY - AWAY PLAN OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN WILL \ RESERVE AN Y ARTICLE FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING LIST Shop early and get the best Selections. Lilius Jewelry Company RITZ BUILDING SVLVA, N. C. HALE'S Fall Clearance Sale Starting Friday, Nov^26thi ? For One Week ? DRESSES - COATS ? SLITS V CLOSING OUT All Fall Dresses, Coats, Suits and Millinery to make room for Christmas Gift Merchan dise. Take advantage of these prices for a new coat, dress or hat .... Dresses All $10.95 Dresses All 12.95 Dresses i I '' *A All 14.95 Dresses All 16.95 Dresses I All 19.75 Dresses * All 24.75 Dresses f All 29.75 Dresses r * \ All 30.00 Dresses All Coats and Suits 25% OFF All Hats 1-2 PRICE HALE'S "THE STORE FOR WOMEN' $7.88 9.48 10.88 11.88 14.88 16.88 19.88 23.88 *?<

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