Fjhtu people in North Carolina eat uiore pork, both fresh and cured, than all other types of meat comoined. WATER WELL DRILLING ? Go Anywhere ? DAVIDSON DRILLING COMPANY General Delivery Franklin, N. C. Phone ?ullasaja 1 7>et's feature Flavor of the Month tfa MowmtMocn Enjoy Pet Black Walnut Ice Cream often all through this month a delightful symbol of good living and the abundance of the aurumn harvest. The mellow, subtle flavor of genuine black walnuts, blended with the delicate, sweet cream flavor of smooth, creamy Pet Ice Cream is as thrilling as the light of the harvest moon' OH FES TWE DAYS On festive days...and, whenever you entertain., .make it a royal occasion! Serve Princess Pet Ice Cream ...the new, de luxe Ice Cream packed in the Orchid Carton, stamped "With the Crest of Quality! Royalty never tasted a more exotic delicacy...Frincai Pet is so rich, so creamy, so dtkcuMi. It's stmply^out of this world! Each Pet Ice Cream...Pet and Princess made only of"daily \ fresh whole milk. daily fresh sweet cream ' and dcUcate natural flavorings, ta, we ask you to compare any p|| Ice >Cream with any other Ice Cream. We're sure you'll agree to i/Umr, body, texture and quality.. Vti ' Ice Creams top them all! Yes, whether you buy richer, creamier, de luxe Princess Pet, or popular Pet Ice Cream, you can't buy finer...more delicious Ice rany price! Take home a pint or two of each, today! PET IC f C Rf AM Her Prize Buddy UTTLE Carol Ann Welcomer, 5, of Middletown, Pa., stands beside her towering pal, blue-ribbon winner Sir Gary V. Athos. The Saint Ber nard romped away with the price in his class at the Philadelphia Dog Show. The owner is George Wallis of Philadelphia. (International) STATE COLLEGE ANSWERS TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS QUESTION ? What equipment is needed to do a satisfactory job butchering hogs on the farm? ANSWER ? A sharp six. or eight-inch butcher knife, a sharp sight-finch boning knife, a smooth steel for straightening edge of knives, a good sandstone or car borundum, a hay hook for handl ing hog in barrel, one or two bell shaped hog scrapers, several hog gambrel sticks or single-trees, and a saw, prexerably a meat saw. In addition, you will need a kettle or vat for heating water,- a bar el or tank for scalding, a table for scraping, and* some type sup port for hanging up the carcass. QUESTION ? Why should meat be smoked? ANSWER ;? The purpose of smoking is to add flavor as well as to give a more desirable ap pearance tj> the meat. Smoking ? lso improves the keeping quali ties ot the meat. Hickory, hard m;: pie, apple, and other hard woods "are satisfactory for smok ing meat, although^ hickory has long been regarded as the best. Green wood and sawdust are de sirable since they give a cooler smoke. QUESTION ? What procedure Sheep Profitable If Well Managed Growers who follow good man agement practices report that sheep are a profitable enterprise for North Carolina farms, accord ing to L. I. Case, in charge of ani mal husbandry extension at State College. As an example, he says, farm flock records of six Person Coun ty farmers show that they averag ed a gross income of $33.33 per ewe this year. Some of them as high as $48 per ewe. However, sa^s Mr. Case, sheep must be property bred, properly fed, and properly mahaged t^ year round if they are to make money for their owners. Right now, he points out, ewes should be gaining in condition so they will be in good, strong shape, at lambing time, which is not far off. Another thing that's important at this season?and throughout the year?is keeping sheep free from internal parasites, Mr. Case says. If the flock had access to phenothiazine and salt during the grazing season, the mature sheep will be pretty well taken care of. About December 1, however, the entire flock should be given individual treatment of some kind. The treatment may be with either phenothiazine or copper sulphate and Black Leaf 40 combined. Full directions for application are given in Extension Folder No. 61, "The Control of Internal Par asite of Sheep," copies of which are available free from the county agent or from Agricultural Editor, State College Station, Raleigh. Pork 'By The Acre' How many pounds of pork can be produced "per acre"? A Tyrrell County, farmer, R. L. Spruill of Columbia, Refute 1, ran a test last summer to find out. And, according to a report by County Agent H. H. Harris of the State College Extension Service, is .recommended for smoking? ANSWER ? After the meat has been removed from the brine or dry cure it should be soaked in cold water for several hours, scrubbed with a clean stiff brush, and then hung to dry overnight in the smokehouse. Care should be taken to prevent the cuts of meat from touching since this will cause streaking. It is possible to smoke meats by either of two methods. It may be smoked 24 to 48 hours at a temperature of ap_ proximately 125 to 135 degrees Fahrenheit. This will give a light mahogany-colored smoke. If the meat is to ^be stored for summer use it is generally more satisfac tory, however, to smoke it at a temperature of 80 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, at intervals of ap proximately five to 10 days, over a period of several weeks. After the meat is smoked many people like to season it heavily with black pepper. WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR IRISH POTATOES and BLACK WALNOTS Best Market Price Paid For e Good Grade Potatoes and Sound Walnuts Leave Your Orders Now For DRESSED TURKEY For Thanksgiving Dinner It will pay you to see our complete stock of Fresh and Cured Meats At Our Modern GRADE "A" MARKET Experienced Meat Cutter \ JACKSON COUNTY FARMERS COOPERATIVE Entrance both Main and Mill Streets BARKLEY VISITS CUBAN PP^?n?fST VICE-PRESIDENT-ELECT Aiben Barkiey (center), combining tiis vacation with neighborliness, visit! Cuban President Dr. Carlos Prio Socarres In Havana At left is Cuban Secretary of Strte Heviet (International) I the experiment was highly suc cessful. Mr. Spruill had a three-acre field of corn which he estimated would yield 66 bushels to the acre. He decided to run a hogging-off demonstration. ? On August 19, a total of 27 pigs I weighing 2,862 pounds were turn ed on the field. For 67 days they went about eating all the corn they wanted. By October 25, the pigs had added 2,688 pounds and weighed a total of 5,550 pounds. Thus Mr. Spruill figures he produced an average of 896 pounds of pork per acre. At $1.25 a bushel, the estimated corn yield from the three acres would have brought $247.50. Mr. Spruill spent $64.80 for 1200 pounds of supplement and $3 for 30 pounds of mineral to feed the pigs. In other words, the corn, supplement, and mineral cost $315.3$, The hogs sold for 25.5 cents a pound. The 2,688 pounds added brought a return of $685.44, and the net profit from thte hogging off was $370.14. Mr. Spruill's records show he made $5.52 a day just by water- j ing and earing for the pigs. And, I considering the hogs us harvesters and marketers of corn, he Was able to realize a return of $125.05 per acre above feed cost, in addition to saving She expense of harvest ing the corn. Beta PTA Changes Meeting Date The Beta PTA will meet at 1:301 p. m., Dec. 15th, instead of. the regular meeting date Dec. 1, Mrs. Joe C. Fisher, president, has an nounced. Eachf member is asked to bring a gift to exchange at this meeting. An up-to-date supervised curb market is now being organized in Craven County . It will be the 38th to be put into operation in the State. Total farm employment in the South Atlantic States, which in clude North Carolina, decreased 1 per cent between October, 1947, and October, 1948. NEW DRESS PRESS INSTALLED % My dresses are so fluffy, clean and like new since they were cleaned and pressed on that NEW DRESS PRESS down at MOORE'S CLEANERS Yes, that is what all the women of Sylva are now saying since they have had their dresses cleaned and presseed in our plant and on our NEW DRESS PRESS Our new dress press it the most modern equipment In the < Pressing industry ... it is a complete press with sleever, puff iron and electric ironer. We are now installing a new air vacuum dryer along with a new press for men's suits. OUR PLANT IS NOW THE MOST MODERNLY EQUIPPED IN WESTERN CAROLINA. Have your raincoats water proofed.. This is also a new service we have for our customers. MOORE'S DRY CLEANING Phone 120 In Bus Station Thanks to many people for many things 7* This 18 THE SEASON OF THANKSGIVING ... And there U much for which toe can all be thankful in this great country of ours. . Certainly toe are thankful for a bountiful harvest of grain and corn, for a high level of production and employment, for a standard of living that is the envy of the world. Most of ally perhaps, we are gratefvl for our American heritage ... freedom of opportunity, freedom of choice, freedom to think and worship according to our own belief4. We Feel as a Chevrolet dealer it is an appropriate time to convey our sincere appreciation to the people of this community for their loyalty, patience and understanding. For Despite Chevrolet's production of more cars and trucks during 1948 than any other manufacturer there is still a long "waiting list" for America's most-wanted cars and trucks. Chevrolet is doing everything within its power to maintain and increase production. Meantime, we would like to express our thanks . . ? Thanks to Buyers and Prospective Buyers of New Chevrolet^ for your generous recognition of the honest value built into this first-choice car in the low-priced field. More people have bought Chevrolet cars and trucks, during the eighteen-year period from 1931 to d&te, than have bought the cars and trucks of any other manufacturer. Thanks to Those Who Are Waitinpt for Orders to be Filled for your patience and understanding. You can be sure we are doing our best to treat all customers fairly . . . doing our best to speed the day when we can give you the good news, "Your waiting days are over!" ? Thanks to Service Customers for the opportunity to keep your present cars in safe driving condition. We have tried to serve you well, and appreciate your patronage. Thanks to all whose friendship and favor hkve helped maintain Chevrolet's leadership . . . , Thanks for your patronage which has made CHEVROLET AMERICA'S No. 1 CAR Kirk-Davis Chevrolet Company, Inc. CULLOWHEE ROAD ?YLVA, N. C.