For The Women - "Society N$ Club Activities Phoac 110 Ruby Daniel Circle Has Meeting The Ruby Daniel circle met with Mrs. Woodrow Cox on last Thurs day evening with 12 members present. Food was brought by the mem bers to fill a basket to be delivered to a needy family. A very interesting study course, "Light For The Whole World," was taught by Mrs. Claude Jones, Mrs. Felix Potts, Mrs. W. T. Brown, and Mrs. Claude Camp bell. Mrs. Cox served the guests de licious frujt cake with coffee* * * * Mrs. Dan Allison Hostess To 20th Century Club Mrs. Dan Allison was hostess to the Begular monthly meeting of the 20th Century club on Thurs day afternoon at her home, with 18 members present. > , During the business session plans were discussed to make the club most efficient during the ensuing year. Plans were also completed to help with the finances of the club. Mrs. W. Q. Grigg introduced Miss Mary Johnston who was in I charge of the program. Miss John ston made a very timely talk on' Christmas decorations and rec ipes and discussed decorations for the different rooms of the home and why we should decorate. She gave several Christmas* recipes and menus, as well as special refresh ment recipes. Mrs. Allison served a sweet course to her guests. The year books of the club will be mailed to the club members before the next meeting. * * Master Tommy Allen Observes Birthday . Mrs. Charles Allen honored her small son, Johnny, with a birthday party at his home Saturday after noon, Nov. 20. The children were directed in a number of games- after which they marched to the dining room where Johnny's birthday cake1 was cut and served with ice cream, candy, and punch. Following this they returned to living room where Johnny opened the many nice gifts he received. Those attending the party were Cordell Wiggins, Paul Howard Green, Dickey Johnson, Dickey Mason, Scroop Lewis, Rachel Pax ton, Roger Montieth, Kenny Ray Holderman, Nell O'Kelly. Cole-1 lina, Juanita, and Harold Crisp, Barbara and Billy Clark, Billy Aikens, Martha Lou and Tommy Allen, and Charles Hudson Allen. * * * Memorial Service For Mrs. McKee A memorial service honoring Mrs. E. L. McKee will be held at the regular meeting of the 20th Century club on Thursday, Dec. 9, at 3:00 p.m. The program plan ned for this meeting will not be carried out. Mrs. H. T. Hunter of Cullowhee will be in charge. All other clubs and interested persons are invited to come to this ser vice which will be held in the Al lison building. ?* Haviland China Lovely Patterns Foxglove - - Windsor Delaware - - Bavarian ?Choose your Pattern today for your ^Christmas Gift ULIUS JEWELRY RIT2 THEATRE BLDG. . SYLVA, N. C. Alva Johnson And R. E. Keener, Jr., We^^-Jg^kly Home Ceremony Miss 'AJto^ohnaon and James Ernest Ke?xjfcr,v of Sylva, were fbarVMi T^far^Jay, Novem ber 25* at^fhe ftome^flf Dr. and Mrs. Thomasson of Bryson City, aunt and uncle of the bride. The Rev. HerbfcrVBrown offici ated. The vowy^je spoken before an improvise^rfitar./ Against a background pfcv ireen were floor baskets of /gladiolus and chrysantbemwAs^fi^^iKed on either side by -i^feite candelabra holding cathedrtjlfJ^pers. A program of wedding music was presemted -by Mrs. Grover Wilkes of Sylva, aiint of the bride, Miss Alice Weaver of Dillsboro and Mr. H. C. Edwards of Mars Hill, vocalists. Prior to the cere mony Mrs. Wilkes played 'Tlieme and Variations" by Hayden, and* a duet, "Still as The Night" by Goitze-Grey, sung by Miss Weaver and Mr. Edwards, a repetition from the wedding of the bride's parents. During the ceremony Mrs. Wilkes played 4 To The Evening Star" by Wagner. At the close of the cere mony Miss Weayer sang "The Lord's Prayer." The traditional wedding marches were used. The bride, given in marriage by her uncle, B. C,'Thomasson, wore a gown of white duchess satin fashioned on princess lines. Her linger-tip veil of imported French illusion was attached to a coronet of gardenias. She carried a bou quet of bride's roses showered with valley lilies and centered with orchids. Miss Gloria Johnson, sister of * the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a gown of aqua crepe trim Qualla Parent-Teacher Group Has Meeting The Qualla Parent-Teacher As sociation met on Wednesday, Nov. 17, in the school auditorium with seventeen tocttiibets present. Mrs. Lillian Gass, president of the As sociation, presided.? The treasurer^.j^?eport shows that to $12&r(ri^is on account. The mertifcers voted and passed on having ~ Car^ Story and his Rambling Mountaineers put on an exhibition here'* Thursday night, December 16. The prctfect for the P.T.A. this year is to get the required num- ( ber of books for each room and the required "^timber of diction aries for sarAe.\x Mrs. Lucy Hall's room won the October prize for having the most parents present for that meeting, and prize for-Novem ber was awarded Miss Jennie Cathey's tootn. The, new grade pothers were selected by the students and an nounced the. meeting. They are as follows: First grade, Mrs' Louise Edwards teacher. Grade, mothers, Mrs. Frances Hughes,! Mrs. Hazel Patton, Mrs. Fetzerj Hovfell, Mrs. Leona McDonald, and Mrs. Mary Freeman. Second grade, Mrs. Harriet Jemmins teacher; Grade mothers,' Mrs. Eula Clement, Mrs. Helen, Jooper, Mrs. Polly Callahan, Mrs. | Hazel Reagan and Mrs. Nelle Crisp. Third grade, and 1st section of 4th grade, Mrs. Lucy Hall teach er; Grade mothers, Mrs. Ida Rea gan, Mrs. Lillian Gass, Mrs. Valorie Ferguson, Mrs. Emma Reagan and Mrs. Shirley Arch. Fifth grade, Miss Jennie Cathey ( teacher. Grade mothers, Mrs. Ruby j Clement, Mrs. Florence Seaman, Mrs. Edna Beck, Mrs. Ruby Wor-t med in cerise taffeta, and carried an arm bouquet of Better Time roses. The bridegroom had as his best man Lewis Wilson of Sylva. The bride's mother wore a dress maker suit of black gabardine with a purple orchid corsage. A reception was held imme diately following the ceremony. The bride's table, covered with an imported lace cloth, was centered with a three tiered cake, topped with a miniature bride and groom. Assisting Mrs. Rowell Stanton of Rome, Ga, aunt of the bride, who presided at the punch bowl, were Miss Anne Bryson, Miss Carolyn Jean Truett, Miss Dorothy Mar tin, Miss Doris Thomson, and Miss Emily Johnson. Individual iced cakes, nuts, and miryts were served. ?/ For traveling the brid^-wor?~^aN French blue suit with a gray col lar. Her hat was a pale pink velour with ostrich tips of the same color. Her corsage was the orchid detached from her bouquet. The bride, daughter of D. H. Johnson of Paris, France, and Mrs. I Johnson of Sylva, is a student at Sylva High school. The bridegroom, son of J. E. Keener, Sr., of Sylva, and Mrs. R. C. McClathchey of Asheville, re ceived his education at Sylva High school and Western Carolina Teachers College, Cullowhee.Dur ing World War II he served with the U. S. Navy. He is now em ployed with the Mead Corpora tion in Sylva. After a short wedding trip the couple will reside in Sylva. Figures Show Campers And Hunters -Biggest Cause of Forest Fires Campers and hunters were the biggest single cause of forest fires j in North Carolina during Octo ber. According to figures released i by the N. C. Forest Service, camp ers and hunters started 34 t)f the 80 forest fires occurring on State protected land. Smokers were responsible for 17 other fires. More than 10,000 acres of forest land were burned over during the month, resulting in an esti mated damage of $10,426. District1 Forester Charles C. Pettit, Jr., of District Nine, points out, however,' this figure does not take into con- I sideration the damage done to wild game within this forest area. Co. Forest Warden Evans urges all j hunters to use extreme care this season while in the woods. If ( everyone will do his part to pre vent forest fires by breaking all ley, and Mrs. Ruby D. nton. Sixth grade and 2nd section of4th grade, Mrs. Bellzora Ferguson teacher. Grade mothers, Mrs. Hel en Cathey, Mrs. Mary Kinsland, Mrs. Kate Smith. Mrs. Cora Still well, Mrs. Martha Bradley. Seventh grade, Mrs. Lois Martin teacher. Grade mothers, Mrs. Josephine Allison, Mrs. Nora Ox ner, Mrs. Georgia Allison, Mrs. Mildred Laws and Mrs. June Shel> ton. Membership cards were given out in order to enlist members in the organization. The meeting adjourned to meet December 15th at 2 o'clock at the school house. Each member is urged to come and bring a new member. The P.T.A. meets the third Wednesday in each month at the school house. i see YOtft? SM0K1N6 CAMELS, TOO! 0ID >0U MAKE THE CAMEL lA-ONf TEST,? i DiD-ANO I SEE WHY YOU'VE ALWAYS' SMOKED CAMELS THEYR? SO miLD-MO TASTE SO 6000! Camel Mildness # Make the Ctmel 30-diy test! When hundreds of Itoen Una women recently, from coast to coast, smoked Camels exclusively for 30 days in a similar test, noted throat specialists? who examined the throats of these smokers every week ?a total of 2470 examinations ?reported NO THROAT TATSOM to smoking CAMELS PERSONALS Jack Norton left Tuesday to re turn to Chicago, Illinois where he is employed, after a weeks visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Norton of Cullowhee. Mr. Roe Long of Hayesville spent the week-end with his aunt, Mrs. Sallie Phillips, who is ill at her home. While here he visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bumgarner. Mr. Harold Grindstaff of De troit, Michigan visited his mother, Mrs Ed Grindstaff over the holi days. Guests of Mrs. Harry Hastings over the week-end were her son, Harry of the Richland University, Mrs. C. R. Latham of Warrens ville, the Misses Mary Elizabeth Latham and Mary Graydeal of Brevard college. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Blalock spent Thanksgiving day with their par ents in Spartanburg, S. C. Raymond Glenn, Jr., returned ^Sunday to Nashville, Tennessee wfi?re~fie is a student at Gupton Jones School of Embalming, after; spending the holidays with his par ents. Mrs. J. H. Wilson and Miss Hicks! I Wilson were guests of Mr. vmd ! Mrs. J. H. Hollifield of Brevard, over the week-end Mrs. Marcellus Buchanan, Sr..1 has returned from Savannah, Ga. alter a visit there with her son, Ralph Buchanan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kirk spent the week-end in Tiger, Ga. visit ing friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Buchanan spent the week-end in Chattan ooga visiting a daugnter, Mrs. Charles Goodard and family. Mr. J. O. Terrell of Boiling Springs visited at J. K. Terrell's Friday. He was enroute to Mem phis, Tenn. to an Educational meeting which lasted through Friday, Dec. 3. He was accompani ed by Rev. P. L. Elliott of Gard ner-Webb and Dr. W. E. Bird and Dr. Killian of Cullowhee. Master Dayton Kirk Has Party Mrs. Paul Kirk entertained at a birthday party honoring her small son, Dayton, on his 5th an niversary at Mrs. Hair's kinder garten on Monday, Nov. 15. Sev eral games were enjoyed by the little children and contests in | which Jennie McGuire and Billy j Kilpatrick were winners. Mrs. Kirk served the group iced cup cakes, bearing one pink can- 1 die, and lolly^ops. The honoree received many use ful gifts. YWA Girls Honor Jean Cogdill On Her Birthday On Wednesday evening of last week the YWA girls of the Sylva Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. Roger Dillard for a cov- j ered dish supper to honor Jean j Cogdill who was celebrating her j birthday. Jean's birthday cake was ( cut and served with ice cream to the guests for desert. The honoree received many love, j ly gifts. At 7:30 p.m. the girls went in' a group to attend t'.ie special ! Thanksgiving service at the churcn. j Little Jennie McGuire Has Birthdav Partv Dr. Patsy McGuire entertained her small daughter, Jennie, and; the children of the Kindergarten, | at a party on Wednesday, Nov. 24, celebrating Jennie's birthday. There were 29 of the little chil dren present. They wer directed in several game, after which Jen nie opened the many nice gifts she received. A very pretty Thanksgiving mo tif was carried out in the refresh ment plates, cups, and napkins. Mrs. McGuire served delicious r. freshments of cake, ice- crt-. and punch. Beta H.D. Club To Have Christmas Meeting The Beta Home Demonstration club will meet with Mrs. Roy Reed on Wednesday, the 8th, at 7:00 p.m. for their Christmas program. All members are urged to be pr s. ent for this meeting and bring an apron to exchange. Weather conditions during Oc tober were generally favorable for 'arming activities in ' the State, especially for harvesting cotton, ^orn, peanuts, and hay. Viola Brooks Wet}* Miles Crawford In Church Ceremony At Addie In a candle-light ceremony Sat- I lrday night at 7 o'clock, Miss Viola Brooks, daughter of -Mr. Charlie Brooks of Whittier, became the bride of Miles Crawford at the Addie Baptist church. The single ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. Edgar Wil lix, pastor of the church, before an improvised altar of greenry and .white chrysantheums and can delebra burning white tapers. The bride, who was given in marriage by her Jorother, Isaac Brooks, wore a white slipper satin gown fashioned with?tight bodice with a yoke of French illusion. The sleeves were long and lily pointed at the wrist, the full skirt extending in a train. Her veil was finger tip length illusion, caught with a cornet of seeded pearls. She carried a bouquet of mums centered with gardenias and show ered with tube roses. Miss Eddie Lou Terrell, pianist, played the traditional weddyig marches. Mrs. Tom Clayton, vocalist, sang. Ah Sweet Mystery Of Life, and Be cause. Mrs. Helen Brooks, sister in law of the -bride, was her only at tendant. She wore a gown of aqua marquisited fashioned with a point de Lille yolk. Her headdress wa? a coronet of matching flow ers. The groom had as his best man, Andy Blanton of Addie. Walter Middleton and Bobby Shu_ Inr served as ushers. Following the ceremony Mr and Mrs. Brooks entertained at a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac BVooks. TJie table was overlaid with a lace cloth. The three tiered wedding cake was banked with white pom poms and topped with a miniature bride and groom. The bride chose as her going away suit a gray gaberdine with green assecories and a corsage of white carnations. Following a trip to FLorida the couple will reside at Addie. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford receiv ed their education in the Sylva High School, Mr. Crawford is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Avery Craw ford of Add^ie and at present is employed with the Sylva Supply Hardware Co. in Sylva. * ' * * Mattie Hensley Circle And W.M.S. To Meet Jointly The Mattie Hensley Circle and the Woman's Missionary Society of the Scotts Creek Baptist church will meet Thursday afternoon at 1:30 at the church to observe their Lottie Moon Christmas program. Mrs. Dennis Fisher and Mrs. Joe Sutton will be* in charge of the program at this time. ? 4c Victory H. D. Club Meets With Mrs. Middleton. The Victory Home Demonstra tion club held its annual Thanks g ving dinner at the home of Mrs. Johnnie Middleton on Wednesday, Miss Ethel Hasket Honored With Surprise Party * A surprise birthday party hon oring Miss Ethel Hasket was giv en by Miss Nola Higdon on Thurs day evening at her home. Several interesting games were enjoyed by the group after which refreshments of lemonade and the birthday - cake were served. The honoree received many lovely and useful gifts. Those helping Miss Haskett cel ebrate the occasion were the Mis ses Claudia Stanford, Claudine and Blanche Montieth, Dorris and Peg gy Middleton, Homer Howard and James Wike, Clifton Taylor, Carl Stanford, Odell Haskett, Arthur Painter, Alvin Morgan and Clyde Vance. # * * Words of the Wise Truth is one forever absolute, t ui opin:6n is truth Altered i'"?i -h the moods, the blood, the deposition of the spectator. ? (Wendell Phillips) Nov. 24th. There were nine mem bers present for the covered dish luncheon. Mrs. Elbert Coward was welcomed as a new member at this meeting. In the afternoon a short business session was held and it was decided for the club to ?ix .1 cheer box for the Rev. and Mrs. George Mills who are ill. _ The next meeting will be at a party in the home of Mrs. J. C. Brown on Dec. 31. It is requested that each member bring a gift as names will be drawn at this time. TO MAKE Christmas ALL THE MERRIER DEPENDABLE JEWELERS Carry The Following Nationally Advertised Lines WATCHES Bulova Elgin Waltham Robot MEN S JEWELRY Forstner Simmons N CLOCKS Westlox Holmes & Edwards 1847 Rogers Wm. Rogers SILVERWARE Community Poole Holloware Alvin Sterling COSTUME WATCH BANDS ELECTRIC JEWELRY Forstner RAZORS Forstner Gem-X Sunbeam Ann Vien Curtis LOVELY DELTA AND MARVELLA PEARLS CELESJEWEL DIAMONDS MASONIC RINGS AND LAPEL PINS LOCKETS STYLED BY BLISS EYANS LIGHTERS WATERMAN PEN AND RONSON LIGHTERS PENCIL S^TS ELIGIN AMERICAN COM- SUNBEAM MIXMASTERS PACTS SUNBEAM WAFFLE IRONS Do Your Christmas Shopping Now It's convenient To Pay By Our Lay-A-Way Plan No Carrying Charges DEPENDABLE ?eet i % JEWELERS Main Street I % Sylva, N. C

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