VS* Si a \.0^ e/se the 1S& rRA, 0( Xjttr T*ADt fox fiesvirs SfU i.o*H CONCRETE BLOCKS lor build. u>g homes, stores, barns, ga ragfs or foundations. Soi4 at plant or delivered. Call or write W. A. Hays, below bridge in Franklin. Pnone 903, Highlands N. C. 6-2ltf For Your Hospitalization Insurance| see Mrs. John R. Jones, second floor Stovall Building. Office phone 309-J, house phoi e 256-J-3. 25 26 27 28 FOR RENT ? Rooms and apart ment with steam heat and hot water, Apply Sylva Hotel, Sylva,1 N. C: * ^ 24-31* FOR SALE ? Good dry, hard wood?12" x 14" poles. $6.00 per load any size truck. See Haynes V. Reagan, Cox farm, Cullowhee,' N. C. * v 24-29* i HELP WANTED j Opening in Sylva area for man or woman with automobile. Sell America's oldest and most beauti ful patterns in solid silver?West-i moreland sterling. Earnings above! average. Write E. L. Ball, Ervins Camera Shop, 645 Haywood Road, West Asheville. 26 27 28 ^FOR RENT?Warehouse on Cul lowhee Road. Contact J. D. Moore, Sylva, N. C., or Jack Bar field, 51 Southside Ave., Asheville, N. C. FOR MONUMENTS See Sylva Memorial servioe next to Rite Theatre on Main Street, Sylva, N. C. Mar 20 tt FOR RENT ? New small 2 bed room house, 2 blocks from heart of town. Ready for occupancy within two weeks. Apply William B. Dillard, Sylva, N. C. 27tf FOR SALE r? Modern home and five acres land. House has liv ing room 24 feet long, 3 bed rooms, hardwood floors, electric hot water heater, gas furnace, built in kit chen cabinets, complete bath with tub and shower. For further in formation see P. E. Moody, Sylva, N. C. 27tf LOST ? Small, gold Bulova watch (ladies), Monday evening be tween Main and Jackson streets. Finder please return to Herald office. No. 28 FOR SALE?1 registered Guern sey bull, 2 years old. Fred Mc Lain, Phone 165W-2 28* FOR SALE ?Good electric incu bator, 600 egg capacity. See Mrs. Roy Tritt, East LaPorte, N. C. 28 29* WANTED?Your Watch Troubles. Leave your worries for me. All work guaranteel satisfactory at Jamison's Watch Repairing. In building with Blue Ribbon Shoe Shop, Sylva. 28* FOR RENT?Rock cottage for cou ple. In city limits. Modern Conveniences. $32.50. See Mack Deitz in East Sylva. ? 28* Available For Breeding Purposes ?Registered Berkshire boar. O. E. Monteith, Sylva, N. C. 28 29 30 31* FOR SALE ? Household cleaning aids. Call THE FULLER BRUSH MAN. M. C. Cunningham, Sylva, N. C. NOTICE RE-SALE OF LAND UNDER DEED OF TRUST North Carolina, Jackson County. WHEREAS, the undersigned, act ing as Trustee, in a certain deed of trust, executed by Lee Hooper and recorded in Jackson County, in Book 169, Page 133, in the Of fice of the Register of Deeds of Jackson County, foreclosed and of fered for sale the lands hereinafter described; and whereas, within the time allowed by law an advanced bid was filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court and an order issued, directing the Trustee to re sell said land, with an opening bid of $1441.25: NOW, t^kpefORE, under and by virtue of said ord.r of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Jackson County and the power of sale con tained in said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale upon said opening bid, at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door i in Sylva, North Carolina, at 12:00 j o'clock, noorj, Thursday, Decern-! ber 23, 1948, the following describ ed property, located in Jackson County, North Carolina. First Tract: BEING and compre hending the same lands and pre mises described, in, and conveyed by, a deed dated 9 February, 1905, from Henry M. McAden et ux et al to Lee Hooper for 1351.41 acres, more or less, recorded in Jackson County, in Book 38, page 175, to which said deed and record ref erence is had; and the description therein by metes and bounds is by this reference made the descrip tion in this deed of trust; , also, be ing a part of the lands embraced in State of North Carolina Grant No. 391, issued to P. L. Davis 28 August, 1857, for 1000 acres, rec orded in Jackson County, in Book No. 2, page 172, to which reference is had; this tract being known as i a part of the Lee Hooper Cedar ! Cliff lands. Second Tract: BEING and com prehending the same lands and premises described in, and con veyed by, a deed dated 9 February, 1905, from Henry M?' McAden et i ux et al to Lee Hooper for 41.5 ! acres, more or less, recorded in I Jackson Co., in Book No. 38, page 181, to which said deed and repord reference is had; and the descrip tion therein by metes and bounds is by this reference made the des cription in this deed of trust. BE ING a part of State Grant No. 645 for 500 acres, issued on 11 June, 1860, to William H. Bryson, rec orded in Jackson County, in Book No. 3, page 217, to which reference is had, and this grant lands are inside Grant No. 391. This tract is also a part qf the Cedar Cliff lands. Third Tract: %BEING the same lands described in, and conveyed by, a deed dated 4 October, 1905, from William Shelton and wife, Lillie B. Shelton, and others to Lee Hooper for 230 acres, more or less, recorded in Jackson County, in Book No. 37, page 318, to which reference's had; and the descrip tion therein by metes and bounds is by this reference, made the description in this deed of trust. This 230 acres are within Grants Nos. 1172 and 1232, issued respec tively on 11 July, 1879, and 5 i April, 1882, recorded in Jackson County, in Books Nos. 7, page 574, and 8, page 258, to both of which reference is had. Also, this tract of 230 acres constitutes a part of : the L- e Hooper Cedar Cliff lands. EXCEPTING from the above lands, a tract containing 145 acres, more or less, heretofore conveyed by Lee Hooper to C. B. Webster, which tract is fully des cribed in said deed recorded in Book 168, at Page 369, in the Office of the Reg ster of Deeds for Jack son County, North Carolina, to which said deed and record ref erence is hereby had for a full and complete description of said exception. Th.s the 22nd day of November. 1948. E. P. ST ILL WELL, Trustee. Nov 25 Dec 2 9 16 SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES ARE NOW AVAILABLE AT THE JACKSON COUNTY BANK 3 9 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INS. CORP. > NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE North Carolina, Jackson County. Under and by virtue v>i the pow er of sale contained in a certain Deed in Trust duly executed by Robert Ball and wife, Thelma Ball, to C. C. Buchanan, trustee, in fav or of George Wilkes and wife, Dolly Wilkes, dated July 29th, 1948, and duly recorded in Book 174 at page 158 et seq. in the Register's Office for the County and State aforesaid, and default having made ia the payment of the notes thereby secured, and the holders of said notes having re quested that said Deed in Trust be foreclosed; Now, therefore, the undersign ed C. C. Buchanan, trustee, will offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder fori casn at the Court House door in the Town of Sylva, Jackson Coun ty, North Carolina, at twelve o' clock (noon) on December 16th, 1948, a certain lot or tract of land, situate, lying and being in Rhodes, Cove in Sylva Township, in the County and State aforesaid, ad j joining the lands of Fred L. Cope and others, and more particu larly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake, common corner of Ham Ashe and Fred Cope, and running thence North 58 West 121 feet to a stake on the Southeasterly margin of a street; thence in a Southerly direc*. tion with said street 158 feet to its intersection with another street; thence in an Easterly direction with the said street just named and referred to, 121 feet to Fred L. Cope's corner; thence in a Northerly direction with the line of the said Fred L. Cope, 159 feet to the BEGINNING, containing one-third acres, more or less, and the same being a part of the lands heretofore conveyed by Etfen^E. Ashe et al ,to George Wilkes and wife, Dolly Wilkes as is shown by deed duly recorded in Book 105 at page 78 et seq. in the Register's Office for the County ptid State aforesaid, to which reference is hereby made for a more complete description of same. This the 15th day of November, 1948. C. C. BUCHANAN, Trustee. Nov 18 24 Dec 2 9 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as adminis- i trix of the estate of H. R. Queen, | late of Jackson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against said estate to present them to the un , dersigned at Sylva, North Caro lina, on or before the 6th day of December, 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery there-on. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This the 6th day of December, 1948. Sadie Queen, Administratrix of the Estate of H. R. Queen, deceas ed, of Jackson County, North Car olina. 21-9-1-13 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM MONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina Jackaon County Velma Beck Burrell John M. Burrell The defendant, John M. Bur rell, will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Jackson County, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute divorce from the defendant, and said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the ? Clerk of the Superior Court of Jackson County in the , Courthouse in Sylva, North Caro i lina, within twenty days after the j 9th day of January, 1949, and an swer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the. plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 6th day of December, 1948. John E. Henson, Clerk Superior Court, ' Jackson County, N. C. Dec. 9, 16, 23, 30. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, In the Superior Jackson County. Court . State ?vs? Harold Griffin Howard Griffin Under and by virtue of an or der directed to the undersigned in the above entitled action from the Superior Court for the County and State aforesaid, in which the said defendants were tried and convicted for the illegal transpor tation of intoxicating liquors at the October Term. 1948, and the said car ordered sold; Now, therefore, I, the under pinned sheriff for the county and State aforesaid, will, on the 22nd day of December, 1948, at 12 o'-| clock (noon) at the Court House i door in thA Tow-v~trf Svlva. selll to the highest bidder for cash to comply with the said order of the Court, all the right, title and interest now vested in one James L. Griffin, in one Ford Coupe, 1937 model, Serial No. W236242, and Motor No. 18-4141412, which ".said car is now being held by me. This December 1st, 1948. Griffin Middleton, Sheriff Jackson County. Dec. 9, 16 ccb More tjitn 80,000 acres of tobac ' co land have been brought back ^ into profitable production with ?ford 28, a wilt-resistant tobac variety. NEW REGULATIONS INCREASE STANDARD OF BABY CHICKS Raleigh, Dec. 5, ? The Nation al Poultry Improvement Plan will move a step closer to fulfillment ir^-North Carolina when .two new amendments to the state hatch ery regulations go into effect on January 1. Purpose of the amendments is to raise the standards of baby chicks by making "pulorum pas sed" the minimum classification for hatchery products produced, offered for sale or brought^ into the state. This means that the chicks are from eggs produced by flocks found free of pullorum dis ease on the last complete test of the current stason. Present regulations permit the sale of baby chicks from flocks having less than two percent pul lorum infection under a classifica tion known as "pullorum control led." The amended regulations, ap proved recently by the State Board of Agriculture, recognize only two classes of poultry breed ing flocks: "pullorum passed" and "pullorum clean". The latter is the most rigid classification and requires that flocks show no in fection in two complete consecu tive tests made not less than six months apart, the last test during the current season. The testing in both classes must be iru.de by an official state in spector or testing agent. , Before adopting the amend Cashiers PTA To Sponsor Christmas [Party The Cashiers Parent-Teacher Association will sponsor a Christ mas party on Wednesday evening, ments to the hatchery regulations the Board of Agriculture was in formed by L. J. Fourie, in charge of poultry work for the Veterinary Division of the Department of Ag riculture, that the higher stand ards proposed had the approval of 95 percent of the state's baby chick industry. Pullorum disease, w{iich once caused heavy fatalities among chicks and turkey poults, has nearly been eradicated in North Carolina since the state began participating in the National Pou ltry Improvement Plan in the late 'thirties. Tests were made on more than 800.000 birds last season. De partment of Agriculture records show, and the rate of pullorum in ; iclonce was less than one-fourth o:' one percent. Dec. 15, at 7:30 o'clock in the Cash iers WOW hall. Among the dif?? ferent features will foe gamea^ fortune telling, refreshments, cakc walks, a grab bag, music and square dancing. Proceeds will go to buy heavjr equipment for the school !?"****> room. HAVE YOU RftNB*un> YOUR SUBSCRIPTION? RELIEF AT LAST; For Your COUGH Creomulsioo relieves promptly becansa it goes right to the teat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ ladam i phlegm and Aid nature to soothe maSg heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial I mucous membranes. Tell your druggist'' to sell you a bottle of CfeomnlslfT. with the understanding you must like ? the way it quickly allays the couajv s or vou are to have your money hanfc CREOMULSION for Coughs,ChestColds, Bronchitis m Chocolate Covered CHERRIES, 1 lb. box QUAKER OATS Large box NAPKINS 80 count box Swansdown CAkE FLOUR, box CRANBERRY SAUCE Can BABY FOOD (strained) 4 for COMMET RICE (long grain) per box Pure Grape JELLY 1 lb. glass IONA PEAS per can Morton s SMOKE SALT 7 1-2 lb. cans .65 .34 13 41 19 .37 .35 23 11 .83 PURE LARD 4 lb. carton ... GOLDEN MAID - Margarine, lb ' Meadows STICK CANDY, 2 lb. box CUT RITE WAX PAPER, roll ? SCOTT TISSUE Roll PINTO BEANS 2 lbs PINEAPPLE No. 2 can A grade RAISINS Seedless, 15 oz. box A PEN FLOOR WAX Quart can SHREDDED COCONUT? 1-4 pkg 15 1 lb. pkg C. 53 $1.05 29 <49 23 10 25 29 17 25 SNOWDRIFT 3 Can $1.17 wift's 31and Larci SWIFT'NING 40c 1-L.b. Cun I'ctcr P;:n PEANUT BUTTER 35c 12-Oz. J..r Cut Rite WAX PAPER 23c 3-Lb. C.ike 5-Lb. Cake $2.45 $3.85 Home Style-Sandwich?Regulai Pan MARVEL BREAD 1 -Lb. Loaf Every Day Values At A&P PEANUT BUTTER Creamy Smooth 35c l ORANGEJUNCE. J NIB' PTC BRAND CORN LIBBY'SPEAS . *. PEACHES Packers Label lona Yellow Cling Sliced or Halves DC A kIC ""'Ann 'Page with r5?ArNj> Pork and Tom. Sauce 46-Oz Can 12-oz. Can No. 2 Can No 2Vfc Can 16-Oz Can 210Vi.Oz, Cans TOMATO SOUP Campbell's FRUIT COCKTAIL w CHEESE Mild American Lb No. 303 Can 23c 19c 21c 29c 10: 21c 29c 50c APPLE SAUCE 2 27c STRAWBERRY SUGAR Granulated Ann Page Preserves Cans 1-Lb. Jar 5* Lb. Bag 39c 45c Armour's Canned TRE?T CHOPPED HAM CORNED BEEF HASH . CHILI CON CARNE . . *OTT!-D MEATS 7AMALES VIENNA SAUSAGE . . . < UNCH TONGUE TRIPE . . LIVER SPREAD ...... FRANKS POTTED MEAT Meats 12-Oz. Can 12-Oz. Can 16-Oz Can 16-Oz. Can Size Can 101* -Oz. Glass 4-Oz. Can 6-Or Can 24-Oz. Can SH -Ox. Can 49c 55c 37c 31c 16c 19c 19c 27c 50c 13c Glass 40C feSlze Can 10c

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