TRULY FINE MONUMENTS For Truly Fine Monuments See Our Many Designs in Granite Or Marble SYLVA MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS JAM-E8 T. BALES, Owner warn?* .?> , *'':''''&'x if* GREETINGS Mo/ o// fhe joys and pleas ures of the Yuletide be yours this Christmas. )And may the New Year be one of abundant good health and good fortune. II "V ' \ i 11 DONNAHOE STUDIO - Phone 174 S.vlva, N. C. iieeli/nx; Once again it is Christmas . . . May it bring you peace, good health and happi throughout the year* Buchanan Auto & Electric Company Phone 53 Sylva, N. C. CHRISTMAS QUIZ How much do you and your family really know about Christ mas? Try this one on -them when there's a lull in the fun. Both cnildren and adults will enjoy matching wits and everybody will 'earn something more about Christmas. 1. The Christmas custom of kiss_ mg under the mistletoe started in (a) Norway, (b) Russia, (c) Hol land. 2. The story of the birth of Jesus is described in which two books of the Ne>v Testament (a) St. John, (b) St. Matthew, (c) St. Luke, (d) St. Mark? 3. The national Christmas tree of America is located in (a) In diana (b) New York, (c) Wash ington, D. C., (d) California. 4. Who wrote "The Night Before Cnristmas" (a) Longfellow, (b) Guest, (c) Moore? 5. There is only one town in the worfd named Santa CI:: us. It is lo cated in (a) Holland, (b) England, (c) Indiana. | 6. Tuberculosis Christmas seals originated in (a) America, (b) Germany, (c) Denmark. "7. The custom of hanging holly in the window- on Christmas was originally started (a) to keep witches away, (b) decorate the window (c) as an invitation to passers-by to come in. I 8. Christmas boxes for the poor originated in (a) France in 1887, (b) ancient Rome,* (c) America in 1763. 9. The children of what country get Christmas gifts from a kindly ? old witch by the name of Bemano instead of from Santa Claus? (a) Russia, (b) China, (c) France, (d) Italy. 10. The word "Noel" means (a) new, (b) holiday, (c) born. Christmas Quizz Answers: As compared with other States. North Carolina is now relatively well off in regard to the numbt! crop-pollinating honey bees .vithin its bo.dcrs. The number o! bee colonies in the State lias increased by 14.000 this'year. 1. a 2 b-c 3. d 4. c 5. c 6. . c 7. a 8. b 9. d 10. c CHRISTMAS MUSIC BY BACH, HANDEL For a great many people the mu- i sic of Bach and Handel make dif ficult listening?until Christmas comes around. Then, suddenly, everybody starts singing and hum ming tunes by the two old mas ters. The reason for this is that both Bach and Handel were church mu sicians. One of their tasks was to compose songs for church congre gations to sing. They proved them selves masters of beautiful, easily followed melodies in their Christ mas music. Our most famous; Christmas oratories and carols came from Bach and Handel. "How Brightly Beams the "Morn ing Star" was composed by Bach and his "Christmas Oratorio" con_ tains the themes of several other popular chorales. In almost every town and village in America this Christmas a church choir will render at least a portion o? George Frederick Handel's the "Messiah." When carolers sing "Joy to the World" they'll be singing part of the "Messiah" too, for that carol comes CHRISTMAS | EVE The minstrels played their Christ mas tune. Tonight beneath my cottage eaves; While, smitten by a lofty moon, The encircling laurels, thick with . leaves, Gave back a rich and dazzling sheen, That overpowered their natural green. Through hill and valley every breeze Had sunk to rest with folded wings; Keen was the air, but could not freeze, Nor check the music of the "strings; So stout and hardy were the band ThSt scraped the chords , with strenuous hand. And who but listened? till was paid, Respect to every inmate's claim; The greeting given, the music played * In honor o[ each household name, Puly pron ?unccd with lusty call, \nd "meivy Chris;mas" wished to all! ?W i 11 inm Wordworth. CHRISTMAS 'MOTHERS DAY' In Yugoslavia, the second Sun day before Christmas is celebrated as Mother's day. While mother pre tends not to notice, one of the chil dren slips in cautiously and ties her feet to the chair. The other children rush in shouting, "Moth from themes found in the great oratorio. Handel also composed tke musical theme of "While Shep herds Watched Their- Flocks." It is a strange fact, but both Bach and Handel were boWi in 1685, lived for many years within thirty - miles of each other, and never met. Yet today, the Christ mas music they wrote is sung by men, women and children in .count less churches of many faiths all over the world. Grade Representatives For Sylva Elementary School Completed v In last week's issue of The Her ald a list of Grade Representatives for the Sylva Elementary school was carried. The completed list of Representatives for Mrs. J. F. Freeze's sixth grade is as follows: Mrs. Frank Moody, Mrs. Law rence Reed, Mrs. Charles Reed, Mrs. John Morris, Mrs. Bill Wil son, Mrs. Wallace McCracken, and ^yirs. Dave Cagle. er's day! ? Mother's day. What will you pay to get away!" The mother then buys her release with Christmas gifts. Read for Profit?bse for Result* HERALD WANT ADS t if if it LIQUID OR TABLETS GIVES when coid miseries strike FAST RELIEF WWW ? ?M . y To one and all we extend . . . sincercsc wishes for a very glad Vuleride, and a happy, happy New Year! We wish all our many friends the abundant /lappmess of a wonderful C/irijrmaj and New Year. ALLISON BROTHERS O.K. Rubber Welders Ph. 136 Sylva, N. C. FISHER'S GULF SERVICE Phone 9109 Sylva, N. C. One of the real pleasures of Christmas is the genuine joy of wishing happiness and good health to our many friends. SYIVA SUPPLY CO. Sylva, N. C. ?4