Fdr The Women Society Nzivs an Clab Activities Phone 110 Miss Jean Poteet Honored With Shower Mrs. Tommy Davis and Miss Lucille Wilson entertained at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Jean Poteet, bride elect, at the home ?of Miss Wilson on Tuesday evening. Games and contests were enjoyed with prizes being won by Mrs. Wade Wilson, Miss Hicks Wilson, Miss Poteet, and Miss Gloria Johnson. Each of the winners pre sented their prize to Miss Poteet. After the games Miss Poteet was presented a shower of lovely and "useful gifts. The hostesses served molded ice cream Christmas trees, individual cakes with red and green decora tions, mints, and nut to the twenty seven guests present. Huihiu i iilil!iZik!iRb 5-10-30 Cu. Ft. FARMERS FEDERATION t Gaynell Murray Has Reg. Meeting And Xmas Party Miss Docia Garrett and Mrs. Hose Hair were hostesses to the Gaynelle Murray Circle of the Woman's Missionary Society of the First Baptist' church on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Hair. Mrs. Jess Buchanan, chairman, presided for her last meeting as the new officers will begin serv ing January 1. Mrs. John Corbin is the chairman for next year. There were 26 members present. Mrs. Charlie Allison and Mrs. John R. Jones, the newly elected presi dent of the W.M.S., were visitors at the meeting. Mrs. Charles Ginn gave the devotional and Mrs. C. M. War ren led in prayer. Mrs. Claude Al lison, assisted by Miss Mary Hen son, Miss Hattie Hidla Sutton, and Mrs. Ray Cogdill presented the program. Mrs. Robert Garrett and Miss Docia Garrett sang "Silent Night." The house was artistically dec orated with Christmas greens. Following the program Christ rri^ gifts were exchanged. delicious refreshments of fruit cake and ice cream, decorated with a holly wreath and candle, and coffee were served . Beta P.T.A. Has Christmas Party A very large number were pres ent for the December meeting of the Parent - Teachers Association of the Bsta school on Wednesday afternoon. The teachers were in charge of a Christmas program which was opened by Miss Margaret Cand ler's music students. Anne Smith, Lela Mae Cagle and Betsy Pannell each played a piano solo, after which a number of children came n and sang carols with Jessie 31anton leading the singing and Tetsv Pannell at the piano. The four lower grades gave a Christmas May. in costume. Tommy Mason .vas King Christmas, Betty Joe Tisher was the queen. The chil dren were dressed to represent King, Christmas' helpers which included b*ells, stars, angels, holly, evergreen^, Santa Claus, reindeer, mother goose characters, and greeting cards. After the program a short busi ness meeting was presided over by Mrs. Jo6 Clyde Fisher. Reports frofh the various committees were heard. It was decided to buy ten dollars worth of new records for the , record player. Mrs. Hensley's room won th? dollar for having the most moth ers present. Names were drawn and while the gifts were being exchanged Mrs. Harry Mason and Mrs. Max ine Pannell served coffee. * * * The Intermediate Class of Scotts Creek Has Party On Tuesday evening of last week the Intermediate girls of Scotts Creek Baptist church met t liio home of Mrs. Roy Reed for pheir Christmas party. Christmas games ar.d contests were enjoyed in which Mrs. Tom 'Jlayton and Miss Barbara Ann Wisher won prizes. After drawing names, gifts from fie beautifully decorated tree, were presented. ? Mrs. Reed, assisted by Mrs. Ver na Vay Monteith, served hot cho ' colate and cookies to the guests. eaocno A warm and friendly wish of cheer, For Christmas and the coming year. THE LEADER DEPT. STORE Phone 92-J Sylva, N. C ?mKWBMNft To our many friends?old and new?May the spirit of Christ mas linger with you to brighten every day of the New Year. SYLVA PHARMACY "YOUR REXALL STORE" Phone 27 Sylva, N. C. PERSONALS Sir. and Mrs. Ernest Penland, Jr., Mrs. Ernest Penland, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cowan, and Miss Dessie Allispn visited the D. Hay Cowan family in Asheville over the week-end. Miss Adeline Turner of Green ville, S. C., was a guest of Miss Claudia Stanford over the week end. Mr. aru^ Mrs. O. H. Wheeler of Pendleton, Indiana, spent the past week with Mrs. H. M. Hooper. Rev. and Mrs. Quay Grigg left Wednesday for Charlotte where Rev. Mr. Grigg will attend a church meeting Thursday. They will spend Thursday night in Albemarle and stop in Durham Fri. for Quay. Jr., who will return to Sylva with them for the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Potts and daughter, Anne, expect to leave the last of the week for Marshal to spend the holidays with Mrs. Potts' parents, Mr. and Mrs. F .A. Dodson. Jimmy Resor arrived Wednes day from N. C. State college to spe?d the Christmas holidays at his home here. Miss Agnes _WTlser^ returned Tuesday after a few days visit in Franklin with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Higgins. Mrs. Edith Bryson O'Kelly has returned from Asheville where sihe has been employed. She is now employed as an operator at the Bon Ton Beauty Shop, a posi tion she held before going to Ashe Officers And Teachers^Of Scotts Creek Enjoy Turkey Dinner On fyst Thursday evening Mrs. Roy Reed was hostess to the of ficers and teachers of Scotts Creek Baptist church at a bountiful tur key dinner. The house was attractively dec orated with Christmas candles and greerify. Joe Sellers, superintendent of the Sunday, school was in charge. Mr^-J^jhn Corbin gave an interest ing lesson review on the Sunday school lesson, "Good News In The Bible." Guests ?or the -dinney* included Mr. .and Mrs. Sam Cogdill, Mr. ville. | Mr. J. H. Wild, of Granite, Okla., arrived _ in Dillsboro Wednesday o spend it a u. .v wi n :?i> >i.-v Mrs. Frank Jarrett... Mr. W*iK ?tupped over in Dillsboro while on a trip with some TO other farmers .lvm Oklahoma who had been a - lending the National Convention of the Farm Bureau in Atlantic City. Mrs. F. B. Houston of Lewis burg, Tenn. was the guest last week of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Wake field, and Rev. Mr. Wakefield. How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the -way it quickly allays the cough or vou are to have vour monev back. CREOMULSION for Coughs,ChestColds,Bronchitis a ( Woman's Club Enjoys Christmas Party Twenty-'one members of the Woman's club enjoyed a Christ mas dinner at the Jarrett Springs Hotel Tuesday evening at 7 o' clock. Following the dinner they Vent to the home of Dr. Patsy McGuire for their Christmas pro gram of Christmas carols and stories. Instead of drawing names this year the club decided for each member to buy a toy to give to some needy child. Mrs. McGuire served salted nuts and mints to the guests. and Mrs. Corbin, and Miss Bea trice Jones. Read Herald Want Ads. Have Jackets and Raincoats water proofed at... MOORE'S^ DRY CLEANERS j Save Up To 50 percl. AT Western Awte i Associate Store I 1 ^^Itruslmas ^liltskes '?sr X. "U "v * \ n St-- ? * I? & 1 May the blessings of good chfeer, good health and good friends visit you this Christmas. :? ? i -M ' * * *' # PARK LUNCH PARK Phone 175 , Sylva, N. C, a None of us is so young that we cannot understand the beautiful meaning of Christmas and none of us so old ^and worldly that we cannot be reminded of the first ' message of Christmas, "Peace on Earth Good Will Toward Meii". For we all come to realize that , the good things in life emmanate from the PIP^ ^ desire to serve our fellow man. It is in this ' wish everyone a Merry Happy New Ye? BELK'S Dept Store "The Home of Better Values Sylva, N. C.