For The Women Society News and V Club Activities Phone 110 Dorothy Mae McKee Weds Donald Burton Swift In Detroit On December 17 | Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Nicholson, of Sylva have announced the mar riage of their niece, Dorothy Mae McKee to Donald Burton Swift at the^St. Marks Methodist church in '? Detroit, Michigan, at 7 o'clock fc. ? m. ^December 17. The Hev. Edward X. Seymour officiated. The double ring ceremony was used. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Joseph. The sbride wore a sand color crepe dress with green and winter white acessories and a white or chid. Mrs. Joseph were an aqua crepe dress with black acessories and a corsage of white gardenias. Mrs. Swift is a graduate of Sylva * high school and attended West-^ ern Carolina Teachers Cbllege. The groom is the son of Dr. Donald A .Syrift. He is a graduate of Detroit Eastern high school and served two years in the U. S. Marine Corp in China. The young couple is now at home at 1303 Belvidere, Detroit, Mich. * * Dillsboro Intermediate Girls Have Xmas Party The Intermediate girls of Dills boro Baptist church had a Christ mas party, Christmas Eve night, at the home of Mrs. Dan Phillips. Games were enjoyed and refresh ments were served, carried Out 'with Christmas decorations. Those attending were: Barbara Phillips, Betty Elltn Shuler, Willa Jo Sut ton, Patsy Dills, Bobby Queen, iMaxine Montieth, Shirley Crisp, .Bobby Nell Jacobs, Betty Lou Sut ton and Betty Jacobs. Following! the party they attended the party j at the church. ? * * Circles Of The Methodist Church To Have Joint Dinner Meeting On Thursday evening, Jan. 6, the Wesleyan Service Guild, Annie Cowan circle, and the Carrie Rhodes circle will have a dinner meeting, jointly, in the Allison1 building. HOSPITAL NEWS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Queen of Dillsboro in - the C. J: Harris Community Hospital, a son, Bichard Keith, December 22. Mrs. Ed Ammons is reported seriously ill at C. J. Horris hospi tal. She underwent an operation en Tuesday night. A new folder on freezing chick* ens for home use has been publish ed by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Bridge Club Meets With Mrs. Cunningham Mrs. Martin Cunningham was hostess to the Thursday night Bridge club last week at her home. Alter one progression of bridge was played, ^gifts from the beauti fully decorated tree were dis tributed. A recording of Dickens' Christmas Stor^ was enjoyed by the group. \ Mrs. Cunningham served a sweet course to ihe following guests: Miss Nancy ^Allison, Miss Agnes Wilson, Mrs. Clyde Rector, Mrs. Rudy Hardy, Mrs. Dan Bry son Hooper, and Mrs. Rebecca Sue Wilson.' Mrs. J. C. Allison, Miss Ethel Reed, and Mrs. E. B. LaVange were special guests at this time/ ? * 9 Qualla News Mr. and Mrs. "^ade Beck called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred House and family Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Still well of Anderson, Sputh Carolina and Mr. Charles Stillwell of Atlanta, i spent the-holidays with their par-1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Zell Stillwell. Mr. and Mrs. Buren Jenkins of Bryson City, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crisp and family Sunday. Mr. Edgar House of the Univer sity of. Tennessee and Mr. Guy House-.of?1&tarjrville College are spending the' holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred House, j Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Reese and family of Greenville, S. C. spent last week wit{i Mr. and Mrs. Caro Jenkins. ' v. ? Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crisp of Murphy spent Friday night with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Massie and son, Brent, of Hazelwood, called on Mr. Phil Crisp and daughter, Dora, Sunday. Mrs. Clyde Marcus and grand daughter, Dixie Lee Nelson, of Portsmouth, Va., spent Monday with Mr. and Mjrs. Ted Kinslartd. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Lee Me cum and son, Eddie, of Winston Salem and Mrs. Mildred Se^y of Washington, D. C. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Oles How ell. Mrs. Harvey West and son, Lar ry Jenkins of Asheville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Caro Jenkins Fri day. Odd Fact A new paper, made from the same taw material as an ordinary paper bag, Is about one-seventeenth the thickness of ? single human hair and It would take 6,000 sheets of it te make a stack erte inch high.. American fanners broke all fer tilizer consumption reconU again in 1947 for the ninth consecutive year. Calendar of Events Thursday, Dec. 30 ? Cub Scouts meet in the Scout hall of the Methodist church at 7:00 p.m. Britton Moore, Cub master. Monday, Jan. 3 ? Gaynelle Mur ray Circle meets with Mrs. John Corbin at 730 p.m. Mrs. Jess Buchanan, leader. Monday, Jan. 3^ Boy Scouts meet in the hall at the Methodist church at 7:30 p.m. Dennis Bar kley, Scout master. Monday, Jan. 3 ? WOW meets in the Hall at 7:00 p.m. Jeff Hed den, council comar.der. Monday, Jan. 3 ? Beta PTA meets at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday. Jan. 4 ? Rotary Club to have regular weekly meeting at 6:30 in Allison building. Pre siding Cole - Cannon, president. Wednesday, Jan. 5 ? Halcyoh Woman's Clb^> meets at 7:30 p. m. with Mr^ Roger Dillard, i president. Wednesday, Jan. 5 ? Woman's Missionary Society meets at 3:00 p.m. with Mrs. Crawford Smith, president. Thursday, Jan. 6 ? Dillsboro Lodge No. 459 meets in the Ma sonic hall in Dillsboro at 7:30 p.m. Claude Cowan, W.M. Friday, Jan. 7 -r Men of the Pres byterian church meet at 7:00 p. m. with Jackson Dunn, chair man. * * * New Year's Eve Watch Service The Sylva Baptist church will have New Year's Eve watch ser vice on Friday night. The service will begin at 9:00 o'clock and con tinue through 12:01. There will be prayer and praise service for all. You are cordially invited and urged to attend this service. How fitting it is to watch in prayer when the old year closes and the new year breaks forth in all the fullness of God's love. # * ? Cashiers Camp Elects NewjOfficers For 1949 On Thursday night, December 23, the Cashiers Camp WOW el-1 ected new officers for the year 1949 as follows: Past Consul Com mander Edwin Fugate, Consul' Commander C. L. Dillard, Advisor Lieutenant T. W/ Reid, Banker Howard A. Zacha^y, Escort Thom-1 as Wright,^Watchman Wayne Dil-, lard, Sentry Bill Passmore, Audi-' tor Willis Hyatt. Installation of the new officers will take place Thursday, Janu ary 6. * * * Grade A dairy farming is ad vancing at a rapid pace in Catawba County, reports Assistant Cjpunty Agent Eugene C. Berryhill. Giwtt/Rfi/fef noM mmr, tram diitmm op HeadCokts! 9ririlr^ nsux if mn iic4u Cuiu jtarti to corn when you put a little Vt-tro-noi uachi , nnlrtM 'OOiuS in time! Try it! In pekflgp. * nostril. What's room tually hel VATRO-NOI SET FOR HOLIDAY FUN PERMANENT WAVE _ ?Specials? Cold Wave 1 $6.50 Machine 3.50 and op Machineless 1 5.00 and up TUCKASEIGEE BEAUTY 'SHOP Mrs. Sam Allison, Owner-Operator Dixie Goins, Mary Franklin, Operators > Main Street ^ - Phone 60 Wonderful Winter Coats Wool duretyne with lyns caffs. By ViRA WINSTON A WONDERFUL DIVERSITY, of stylo, detail, color and fabric, marks tho fur-trimmed coat ssc tion of this winter's wardrobe re gardless of the price bracket. In deed, some of the nicest coats of the ssason are not the most es i pensive, bat those that use a small ' amount of for in a tasteful way. Wine rod wool dovotyne is mm for this coat made with a simple rolled collar above the single breasted dosing. There Is nice encrusted detail at either sido forming slit pockets at top* The - lyra coifs add a distinctive toucfc X PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Bill Patterson of Atlanta, Ga.# and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Bryson and daughter, An na, of Rutherforton have return ed to their homes after spending Christmas with their parents, Ml. and Mrs. T. C. Bryson, Jr. Mr. A. M. Anderson has return ed from Birmingham, Ala. where he spent the holidays With h^ mo ther. Mrs. Cary Allison of Ml. View Farm had as her guests during the holidays, Mr. and Mrs. Burch Allison and children, Sarah Joan and Richard of Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shepherd ui Ashevilfb Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hooper and Drew, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutton and Peggy Jo, all of Sylva. Mr. Carl Allman, who recently Underwent an operation at Mission hospital in Asheville, is reported to be recovering nicely and is ex pected to be able to return to his home the last of this week. - E. J. Doyle of Washington. D. C., joined Mrs. Doyle and son at the home of Mrs. Doyle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gibson, for the Christmas holidays. He returned to Washington Wednesday. Mrs. Doyle and son will remain here for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McCollum and daughter, Mildred, of Atlan ta, spent Christmas with Mrs. Mc Collum's mother, Mrs. Ollic Banks: Mrs. Banks also had as her guests over the holidays, her daughter, Mrs. T. E. Childers, of Lansing, and granddaughter, Miss Joye Elaine Banks, of Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gibson and family sfcent Christmas Day, in Waynesville with their daugh ter, Mrs. Harold Hyatt and fam Mr. and Mrs. Gudger Fortner spent Christmas in Woodleaf, with Mrs. Fortner's parents, Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Freeman. Charles S. Deitz, with the Naval Aviation Service, Norfolk, Va.. spent Christmas here with his 2 sons, Charles and Victor and his parents, Rev. and Mrs. T. F. Deitz. Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Noland have returned to their home in Amigo, W. Va., after spending the Christmas holidays with Mrs. No land's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond McClure of Addie. -Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McClure of Durham spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond McClure of Addie and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward of Whittier. Miss Edith Sims who is employ ed by Sears Roebuck and Co. in Atlanta, Georgia, spent Christmas holidays with her parents, Mi. and Mrs. Marvin Sims. Mrs* W. R. Hupman and small daughter, Susan, arrived Wednes day to spend 10 days with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Montieth. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Crawford over the holidays were; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wilson of Mont gomery, Alabama, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hall and daughter, "Patty" of Brevard, Mr and Mrs. Fred J. Miller of Canton, and Mr.1 and Mrs. Bill Smart of Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Lemmond of Monroe, and Miss Nancy Owens of Charlotte spent the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Lemmond's and Miss Owens' grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bumgarner. Mrs. J. C. Hoxit of Bridgeton, New Jersey is spending the holi days with Her parents, Mr and Mrs. J. W. Bumgarner Mrs. Paul Kijpajtrick of Ontario, California spent the holidays with Bids Tdt Good-bye PRINCE GETS HIS FIRST AIRING PETTING ner dog; "Pal," Josephine Becker, 19, finishes his bath in Chi cago before she leaves for Johns Hopkins Hospital tn Baltimore to undergo a serious operation. Since her birth, Josephine's heart has been a number of inches out of its normal position. Doctors hope to be able to put it in ths correct loca tion. (International Soundphoto) her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Bumgarner. Mrs. Kilpatrick is the former Mrs. Love B. Owens of the Old Mill Inn. i Mr. Jess Parker returned home Tuesday from C. J. Harris hos pital where he had been takirig treatment. He is reported to be very much improved.' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Thomp son and daughter, Glenda Jo, of West Virginia spent the holidays with relatives at Green's Creek and Sylva. Mrs. J. Frank Ray of Washing ton, D. C. arrived Friday to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Morgan. Mr and Mrs Andy Adams of Kelso. Washington have recently returned to make their home in Sylva Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yonally and son, Charles. Jr., of Kustis, Fl^., have arrived to spend the holidays with Mrs. Yonally's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Montieth and son, Bud, spent Christmas day in Canton - with Mrs Montieth's fa ther, Mr. A. U. McClure. Mr. Bill C. Brendle of Rock Hill, S. C. arrived Friday to spejid^ the holidays with his wife ancf^ daughter at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Morgan. Hugh Montieth, Jr., who is a student at Blanton's Business col lege in Asheville was home over the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reed and daughter, Brenda. left Friday to spend the holidays with Mrs. Reed's mother in Georgia. WALKING At A BRISK -PACE in an to elude cameramen, a nurse takes the three-wccks-old Prince of Edinburgh for his first airing around Buckingham Palace The carriage is a 22-year-old one which once carried his mother, Princess Elizabeth. (International Radiophoto) Watch Service At Wilkesdale Church There will be a watch service at Wilkesdale Baptist church Fri day evening, December 31, be ginning at 7:30 and continuing un til the New Year rolls in at 12 p.m. The program will consist of nmsic and song and all singers are urged to be present and take part. Refreshment^ will be served. The public is cordially invited. (Jcid ract A twaoty-fiva year old girl had htr noae cut off In a traffic smash up la Naw hall, Calif* but tha po 11 capias who wara sant hack to tha acana of tha accident found it on tha automobile's running board and tha | hospital physician sawed it back on. HAVE YOU RENEWED YOUR &UB8CRIPTIONT household Hint When you cut waxed paper to fit the bottom of s cake pan, place the pan on the paper end trace around it with a pencil, then cut out. Or trace around it with a small, sharp knife and it will not be neeeesary to use scissors. Grease tha cake pan before putting the paper to It* NEW LEASE ... on security can be yours' \in/3> worthwhile career with tKe new U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force. Steady employment. Job training. Free retirement plan. Educational advantages. For the ladies, a career in the WAC or WAF. Your recruiter is eager to tell you the full story. See him now at the Post Office Building, Sylva. A new lease on your life! Tussy Wind and Weather Lotion ? soothes rough, chapptd hands ? creamy-smooth... fragrant ? ? softens skin from hood to too ? protects against woattior exposure ? guards against complexion drynoM ? doubles as a make-up foundation Come in or phone todayf Safe for limited time only! PROFESSIONAL DRUG STORE Your Walgreen Agency Phone 49 Sylva, N. CJ Regular I size bottle now only ? large $2 size ^^1 1 now $1 V Economy carton (6?$1 size bottles) ror only $3. all pricts plut ton m ew V s To Make Your Holiday Parties Aa Festive Ap A Palace Ball! ^^>^Princcss Pet is the richest, creamiest, most delectabte Ice Cream you've ever tasted! It's made only of tlaily fresh whole milk and daily fresh tweet cream! Buy Princess Pet Ice Cream at your dealer's, today! It's a real Holiday treat! Four popular standard flavors-Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Buttered Pecan - and the Flavor of the Month_Royal Fruit Supremcwfull of delicious Holiday Fruits! 40? P//rr