???? J. ' f?K v ^ ~ ' ' * ' . ^ *M *c- ' ' "?T "l.,lA"P %L/''///, 1? $lp| 'a a ^', , 3ER / 1949 irm Unc rte" Can odhandler's J >whee Dec. 7 ! Vliss Lela Moore Hall j Improving Following injuries In Auto Mishap Miss Lela Moore Hall, daugher of Mrs. David Hall, of Cullo vhee and Sylva, is said to be makng satisfactory progress at Duke lospital following serious injuries ;ustained last Friday afternoon vhen the automobile she was in vas in an accident with a State i highway truck near Siler City. \lso injured at the same time vere Miss Mildred Cabe, Mrs. ^eida Sutton and Mrs. Margaret tfyers, of Franklin. It was said that the highway * ruck backed out of a side road J nto the car occupied by the lad- I es. Miss Moore, driver of the car ? vas thrown out and her car con- I inued on to hit another truck a s ew feet ahead. I Miss Moore, a case worker in he Macon county welfare office, | eceived concussion, lacerations ind skin abrasions. Miss Cabe, 1 ilso welfare worker, sustained a ikull fracture; Mrs. Sutton cuts mSace, and Mrs. Myers compound ? kull fracture. t Judge Dan K. Moore, Mrs. Hall, > ind Bobby Hall went to Siler City >n hearing of the accident. The young ladies were on their vay to Chapel Hill to attend the Duke-Carolina football game. BALLOTS PREPARED IF C OF C OFFICERS' Roscoe Poteet, president of the :hamber of Commerce, has announced that ballots are being prepared for the election of oficers and board ot directors of J he Chamber of Commerce for the c lew year. These ballots are in the I nail and those voting are urged o return them to the Chamber of j Commerce by mail not later than ; November 30. I The ballot contains the follow- r ng from which five will be elect- 1 >d to serve next year: Ed Nich- < )lson, J. A. Gray, Dr. David Dan- I el, Claude Campbell, Chester Scott, < Sol Schulman, William McKee, < Felix Picklesimer, Dan Allison, < iugh Monteith, Jeff Hedden and Srnest Keener. ; Retiring after two years of ser- i < Finht Cnnror w?aa wb DOCTOR Rulon W Rawson (left) and Dr. Leonard P Eliel are two of the five medical scientists who used two rare hormones to retard and partially destroy cancerous growths In six patients at Memorial Hospital New York The hormones were ACTH, a secretion of the pituitary, and cortisone, an adrenal secretion. (International) SO88AMON8 In Rylva ULD lertakes tipaign ! * Festival Speaker Ml->, * ; * \ '"Si':"; v.K v#- ' Judge Camille Kelly, one of the lation's foremost authorities on Tuvenile problems, will be the , jrincipal speaker Friday evening it the Haywood county Tobacco restival in Waynesville. She will , :peak at the Court House at 7:30 ( ).m. Cancer Clinic Is Held Every Friday Dr. T. D. Slagle, Chief of Staff it the Harris Community Hospial in Sylva, urged this week that Takson county citizens take ad'antage of the Cancer Clinic beng conducted weekly at the hos- ' )ital. 1 All women 35 years of age and )ver and all men 40 years and ovir are urged to have an examina;ion at the clinic regardless of symptons. Any persons of any age vho d|ight have suspicious cancer r symptoms are urged to come for ? check-up. Registration period or the clinic is from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. each Friday at the hospital. Examination of those regstering begins at 10:30 and is coninued until all who register are hecked. There is no charge for ;he service. Cancer has become the number I killer in America today and icalth officials are fearful that he rising age average of the Anerican population will increase he importance of this already ireaded disease. One out of two families will be affected by Can:er sometime in the future and pne person out of every eight, will iie of it. Cancer can be cured however, find the Cancer Detection Clinic at the Community Hospital, the only one of its kind west of Ashe - # ville, is for the purpose 01 its early detection. Most cases are curable if discovered early enough. vice are: Rudy Hardy, W. J. Fisher, and Grayson Cope. From this group three will be elected to serve another year: Roy Reed, Ray Cogdill, Edd Bumgarner, L. H. Higdon, Roscoe Poteet, H. J. Landis and Joe Wallin. Town Repairin Water Lines Bi The Board of Aldermen has announced that work will begin during the next two weeks to repair the bath house at the City Swimming Pool, and also to paint the playground equipment. Builders Supply and Lumber Company of Sylva is to place a new roof on the bath house and re-do the outside woodwork. The playground equipment is to be painted by regular Town employees. It was also made known that 2,000 feet of extension sewerage line has been installed during the last few weeks in different parts of the town. One thousand feet of additional water lines were also installed. This work was done by the regular town crew. According to Town Hall figures, the parking meters on Main St. have been making on the average of about 125 dollars a week dur ****** j