r Vhelp our? taBa VOL. XXIV?NO. 28 CommitteeNj Study Jacksc Rural High w Commissioner Wants Group to Map Program Sixteen Jackson citizens have been appointed to the "Go For- , ward" road program committee by L. D. Thrash, Highway Commis- ' sioner, 10th Division. Messrs. J. * C. Passmore, W. A. Taylor, Fred Brown, Mitchell Shelton, Frank Rigdon, Ed Hooper, Shirley Wilson, C. J. Cowan, D. C. Higdon, Guy Sutton, Rufus Robinson, Joe Green, Bill Buchanan, General Jones, Albert Patton and Dan M. Allison were Thrash's choices for the group. The duty of the committee will l be to call a public meeting and let the people of the town discuss , roads of the Township, recom- mend road locations changes, point out danger spots and muddy places on school bus routes and discuss any other matters necessary for 1 the improvement of the Road Sys- ( tern. i In a letter to the newly appointed committee, Thrash said, "At the meeting I hope the people who < live on each road will give their , road a name and make plans to put up a post with the road name on it, at each end of the road. Also plans could be made to paint all mail boxes and place the owner's name and box number on it." "At your meeting the people I will probably wish to select two or four others to serve with you as a township committee on the , road program. Early next spring these township committees, the county commissioners, county i school board members, road and adiool bon* drive chairmen, town , npgrors, and other interested in \ jjhe road/progfgm, will be asked to , / meet with the highway engineers and me to select the first group of , roads that will be black topped < twelve, sixteen or eighteen feet wide." Thrash asked that any road _ maintenance matters be referred to the County Road Foreman H. , A. Pell who is at the prison camp or maintenance shed every morning at 7:00 o'clock. * Sylva Parent - Teacher Association To Meet The Sylva Parent-Teachers Association will meet next Tuesday j night at 7:45 in the grade school auditorium. A Christmas message ^ will be given by Rev. C. M. War- , ren. A group of boys and girls under the direction of Mrs. Maggie A. Crisp will present a selection of Christmas songs. Mrs. Dan Tompkins is program chairman, Mrs. Dan Moore, president. A _ x 1 * /\ gwu anciiuaiice is expeciea. 1 Coffee Shop Opens t Lewis Cannon was the first cus- ? tomer at the opening of the newly i remodeled Coffee Shop, according r Temperature9 3 Factors In Hate By A. T. MILBURY To produce a good hatching eggj ? and maintain the moisture in the eggs, we should gather eggs at e least three times a day, in ex- c tremely cold or warm weather, t four or five times a day. Most poultry-men find wire . baskets best for cooling eggs. 8 Bulletin No. 350 of the Missouri ^ College of Agriculture and Agri- t cultural Experiment Station, ^ states they found that in their tttfO nikl lar nW4V> n tannruir?tiii>A /?# '-ftP VVAMI4 Willi ? I^Ul^ViOlrlilV Vi SO deg. r, an egg cooled in the c middle of a wire basket containing 156 eggs in 5 hours, an egg in the fc center of a pail containing 156 5 eggs in 10 hours. c All eggs should be packed daily ** after all animal heat is removed. b It is important that all eggs be 11 packed at least every 12 or not d over 24 hours. All eggs should 8 be packed on small ends. This b holds yolk centered in large end b of egg. Yolks of fresh eggs, if (1 allowed to settle in the small end of shellf will rupture or strain the t] very fine membra nee that holds _ - . Pi I The amed To >n Count)' fay Needs Cullowhee Methodist Choir To Present Christmas Cantata The Junior and Senior choirs of hhe Cullowhee Methodist church will present a Christmas Cantata, "In David's Town," on Sunday evening, December 11, at 8:00 o' clock. This Cantata is an unusual md effective combination of Latin America Carols which are seldom heard in this country. Soloists for the cantata will be Mrs. Irene H. Clark, soprano, of vVeaverville, Mrs. Inez Gulley, contralto, of Cullowhee, Mrs. Bob Bowers, tenor, of Cullowhee, Mr. Herbert Poster, baritone, of Cullowhee, Miss Virginia Kilpatrick, mezzo-soprano, of Cullowhee, Miss Jean Callison, soprano, of Cullowhee. Accompanists will be Mrs. E. R. McConnell, pianist, and Mrs. R. T. Houts, organist. The chorus will be under the direction of R. T. Hout, pastor of the churOh and will be composed of 45 voices from the Junior and Senior choirs. 4-H COUNTY COUNCIL TO MEET ON SAT. An important 4-H County Council meeting will be held in the County Agent's office at the Court House on Saturday morning, beginning at 10 in the morning. All advisors, leaders, workers, and persons Interested in 4-H work, are urged to be present. The meeting will be of special mportance since it will be for the primary purpose of planning the 1050 program of work for tffe county 4-tt CfttbS. The winner of the loviac cun Will also be decided jj- , ? at thi^ time by me Council. Following the business portion of the meeting, a Christmas party will be given for the group. Rereshments will be served. MERCHANTS ASSQ. TO MEET TONIGHT TO ELECT OFFICERS Joe Wallin, president of the Merchants Association, has announced an important meeting of the members to be held at 7:30 n'clock tonight in the Allison Building of the Methodist Church, rhe purpose of the meeting is to jlect officers for the coming year and to discuss the work of the >rganization. Refreshments will he eorwH All nembers and those interested in ;he work of the Association are . lrged to attend. o Larry Mull, employee of the 1 sating establishment. The man- i igement reports excellent busiless since opening. 1 ioisture Vital hing Egg Care yolk in position. This will tffect it as a hatching egg of lower 1 ne quality of a market egg. If :ggs are left in baskets the same ondition is true as they are on heir sides. ^ I would suggest egg holding be ^ >artly or entirely underground. If J tbove ground, you will have to nsulate and furnish refrigeration o maintain proper cooling and tumidity. 1 As the egg holding room would t >e too cold for graders to work in, would suggest the egg grader j in a separate room, x nm room hould be large enough to hold gg grader and a few empty cases, j *he temperature should be held t etween 60 dqg.F-65 deg. F. At f hese temperatures, graders will c o a more satisfactory Job. Eggs c hould never be left in this room ^ efore or after grading. All eggs fl a baskets should be cooled in a c ooling room. The egg cooling room temperaure should be 55 deg. F. to 65 deg. r (Continued on page 13) c Syi Sylva PECKED BY CO T B. id r U ' . . i ' : ! i': :< VIRTUALLY DRAFTED by delegates of to oppose Sen Robert Taft in nex Lincoln (left) shakes hands with CI< a button on Lincoln's lapel is Joseph The candidate is a national farm coo] Legion Aux: Sponsor Dir The Womens Auxilary of the* American Legion will again sponsor the annual "Dime Board" this year, for the benefit of Jackson County war veterans still in hospitals, and needy families at home. The Board will be placed directly in front of Belk's Department Store this year, and will begin collections on Saturday at 10:00 - ? - a 1- i? i.i ?? ^ rru * c ciock in ine ruunun^. xnc ouaiu will be operated again the following Saturday and the week before Christmas it will be open ev.ry day during that period. Last year the Dime Board took in a little more than $200. The ladies of the Wojnan's Auxiliary are anxious fto up that -total this Christmas. Mrr. Dan Tompkins^d Miss Lucille Hunt will be in charge of the Board this Saturday. On the following Saturday, Mrs. John Parris and Mrs. Walter Jones will handle the collections. Mrs. R. L. Glenn will handle the Board the inal week before Christmas. Wishing to raise the maximum . in funds for the worthy causes, he women are hopeful that some of the male citizens of the comnunity will lend a hand in running the board. Mrs. Glenn, president of the Auxiliary, made it clear that volunteers would be more than welcome. CUB SCOUT PACK ORGANIZED HERE Cub Pack 5, of Sylva, held a a-?^ -ai / ^11 ^l iraming meeting ior an rata Leaders and the parents oi boys j of Cub age, 8, 9, or 10 years of , age recently. Mrs. Annie Louise Reed, the President of the Sylva Woman's Club, expressed the need ot a Cub Scout Pack for the young boys of Sylva and the surrounding communities. The following have been elected to serve on the Pack Commitze: Mike Strong, Chairman; O. E. 5 rookhyser, Dr. 1'. D. Slagie. 1 Britton M'ore, and Ed Nicholson. ; Tommy Cannon is to be the Cubas'.er, with Lyndon Stone as the c ssistant Cubmaster. * These parents and friends attended one or both of the train.g courses, conducted by Scout .xecutive A. W. Allen, of the . Daniel Boone Council, and Don i B. Euwer, Field Scout Executive ( >; the Smoky Mountains District: i Mrs. Hose G. Hair, Thomas F. i Gannon, Britton M. Moore, Mr. 1 ;nd Mrs. Michael D. Strong, Mr. r md Mrs. Jack Gunter, Lonnie t Nicholson, Mrs. Charles Allen, i Mrs. Ralph Parnell, Mrs. Walter t Fones, Mrs. Harry E. Ferguson,' r Dr. T. D. Slagle, Mr. and Mrs. H. t P. Cathey. t The Dens of this Pack are be- c n rr anH all on/j ikaiv 1 1*5 AV* **r one of the members of the Syl- s 'a Woman's Club, and they will r issist you in belonging to the Cub Scout Pack 5, of Sylva. t p More farm people are killed in ^ t notor vehicle mishaps than any v >ther class of accidents. t j LVA I , N. C. Thursday, Dec. 8, O OPPOSE TAFT the CIO convention in Cleveland t year's Ohio election, Murray D. D president Philip Murray. Pinning B Carey, CIO secretary-treasurer, ^erative leader. (International) iliary To ne Board Christmas Holidays 7or Jacksoa Schools Begin December 16 ' Superintendent of Jackson County Schools, W. Vernon Cope, has announced that all the schools of the county, including Sylva high school, will suspend work on Friday, Dec. 16, for Christmas holidays. He also announced that all school will resume work on Monday, Jan. 2, 1950. WEBSTER PTA? HAVE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM ON 14TH The Webster school ParentTeacher Association will give a Christmas program at the school on next Wednesday, Dec. 14, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Mack Hall, president of the association, will preside. The program will start with the invocation by Rev. Bruce Roberts, pastor of the Webster Meth-( odist church. The story of "The Nativity" will be given by Wanda Blanton, followed by "Bells of | Christmas Morning" by Joanne I Higdon, Joanne Sutton, Kathryn I Budhanan, and TV) elm a Sutton. [ Other Christmas songs will be giv- * en by the Junior and Senior Chor- j uses under the direction of Mrs. t Pearl Madison. | $ The public is cordially invited to ' hear the program. * ^ Tobacco Spe Money In Tu Approximately fifty-five Jack- c son county farmers gathered in ^ :he County Court Room on Wednesday afternoon to hear two J orki-h Tobacco specialists dis- ^ :uss the crop prospects and possibilities in this area. Mr. John Wildins, South East- f Tn Auromatic Tobacco Company ; xecutive, told the gathering of t he use and importance ol the t eaf. He pointed out that the \ ?ntire 75 million pounds of Aro natic leaf which is added to cigirettes to give them the "spicy" lavor, was once imported from * rurkey, and other countries * iround the Black Sea region. He * vent on to explain that 10 yea.: ?go Duke University led the ex- k :>eriment which brought some of 1 he seed to this country and proved 8 hat Turkish Tobacco could sucessfully be grown in the Caro- J inas?and of just as good a grade lb that found in Turkey itself. I Wilkina told the farmers that t was M? wide open field?a field vith new money in it. We once * ent this money to Turkey but tow we can keep it at home/* Mr. Roy Cross, Extension To- c )acco experts demonstrated (he ^ iroper methods of growing the obacco to the farmers, illustrating is talk with colored slides. He b >ointed out that it has been prov- e Ier; 1949 PICKLESIMER IS NAMED PRESIDENT OF SYLVA C. OF C. At a joint meeting of the outtoing board and new board of iireetors of the Sylva Chamber Df Commerce Felix Picxlesimer vas elected to serve as president if the organization for the coming year. Retiring president, Roscoe 'oteet was named vice-president and William McKee was named secretary-treasurer. The new board of directors is composed of H. J. Landis, Roscoe Poteet, Joe Wallin, Dr. W. A. Ashorook, Felix Picklesimer, David Daniel, Sol Schulman, William McKee and J. A. Gray. The board meets the first Monday night in each month but due to the first Monday in January being a holiday the Doard will meet in joint session with the old board the second Monday night in January at which time the new officers will be installed and take over the business of running the jrganization. Record Sailfish pigPM|m j !- if! i ' i ^^>^^81881^:^: :'^:^ <^H ' I! K&^Ijjf^l ; I : ! 'i: i ' [J |: .; l ^Hsmk^;>??>.;'vXf<^ f . i . ! !. [ I .:J"i;\: : '.[ 'j ;^h?k !* ;'* 1, |.' j : [ :'i ' :'{ :.f:'; "i ,'|; -: w^R ! ! I jg ;! |r' i'j:;;PROliO Mrs. George Bass of Oxford, Mich., stands beside the world'srecord sailfish for a six-thread line the caught off Palm Beach, Fla. rhe deep-sea giant weighed 59 ty >ounds, ten pounds heavier than he previous record holder. Because Mrs. Bass had a toothache ind her husband helped reel in the Isb there is a possibility this may lisqualify her. (International) cialists See rkish Crop ;n that Aromatic Tobacco can be >rown in this county. He drew ittention to the fact that Mr. and tfrs. J. B. Farmer of Barkers >eek had the highest per-pound .verage in North Carolina at the ecent sales. They averaged $1.05 >er pound. Cross went on to tell he group that the advantages of ne new leaf is its desire for pooi and; its ease in harvesting; and ligh monetary return to the larm;r. County Agent Brown told the armers' that he was planning to lold several more meetings in he spring and summer to demoni cte the techniques of growing ..e leaf. In that way he hopes o avoid anyone making unnecesary mistakes. [>an Allison, Jr. Is Mow Cadet Sergeant Lebanon, Tenn. ? Cadet Dan A. Allison, Jr., son of Mr. and ifrs. Dan M. Allison, Sylva, has >een promoted to the rank of adet sergeant, platoon guide at 'astle Heights Military Academy, Lebanon, Tenn. The appointment to this rank is ased on the cadet's military and fficiency record. f mld! Glenville An Clubs Win A Prize In Clu * Young Democrats Of County Map Plans For Membership Drive At a recent meeting of the Executive Committee of the Jackson County Young Democratic Club plans were formulated for a membership drive to be held in the near future. A membership committee comprised of Democrats for every township in the county was appointed to spearhead the drive. Local membership cards will be made available to campaigners as soon as they are received from the State headquarters. At the conclusion of the drive a county-wide rally will be held at the courthouse in Sylva at which time a prominent leader in the national Democratic ranks will be presented. In addition to the appointment )f the membership committee, whose names will be released at a later date, a Speakers and Program Committee was appointed. Headed by Clerk of the Superior Court John E. Henson, this committee is composed of State Representative Frank Brown of Cullowhee, L. L. Allen of Cashiers. Vincent Jenkins of Qualla, and Mont Green of Green's Creek. Funeral Services For V. Parker Held In Bakersville Saturday Funeral services for Vida Parker, 72, were held Saturday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock at the Bakersville Methodist church with the pastor of that church and the Cub Creek church in charger Burial followed in the church cemetery. Webb Funeral Home of bakersville was '1 chrrgiv ot arrangements. Mr. Parker was visiting his daughter, Mrs. Crawford Young and family at Bakersville at the time of his death, which followed only a week's illness. Since moving to Sylva in 1945 Mr. Parker and his wife hacLmade their home in the Lovefield community. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Lydia D. Parker, six sons, Frank, of Forbes, N. C., Hafe, Jason, Earl and A. D., all of Baltimore, Md., and Robert Lee of the U. S. Army; three daughters, Mrs. Young at Bakersville, Mrs. Jack Cooper, Sylva, and Mrs. Roy Byro of Baltimore, Md.; 36 grandchildren' and one great grandchild. Going from Sylva for the funeral services of Mr. Parker were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooper and family. . Garage Liability Insurance Revised In North Carolina Commissioner o f Insurance Waldo C. Cheek today announced that completely revised underwriting rules and plans for insuring automobile dealers, garages, repair shops, service stations, storage garages, machinery and implement dealers and similar risks have been adopted for insuring such risks in North Carolina, efective Dec. 1, 1949. Methodist Choii Annual Christn The choir of the Sylva Methodist J church, in cooperation with members of the choirs of the Sylva Presbyterian Church and the St. John's Episcopal Church, will present a Christmas Cantana entitled "King of Kings and Lord of All" by Stults, on Sunday afternoon December 18, at 5:00 o'clock in liaiici uuuu. Bass soloist will be Dr. David Daniel; soprano soloists will be Miss Margaret Candler and Mrs. | Dan K. Moore; tenor soloists will be Jack Dunn and Tommy Davis; and the alto soloist will be Miss Eddie Lou Terrell. Under the direction of Mr. Ralph Kemmerer, director of the Methodist choir, the combined choir has been practicing on each Wednesday night for the Cantata. Mrs. Blanche Parry is serving as pianist. lOIIAMOfn im ftytva WIBOWZEl t LOCAL ? IJRCHAKTSJ $2.00 A Year?5c Copy id Savannah nother First b Work Both Clubs Tie In Raising Funds For d_H ri 11K r?i m n M. M. M. J U. M W Two of the outstanding 4-H Clubs in Jackson county, Savannah and Glenville, continued their good work last week by being the first to complete the raising of their quotas for the proposed 4-H Club Camp to be built in Waynesville at an early date. All during the funds campaign, these two 4-H Clubs had run neck and neck in the race to see who would report "quota filled" to the County Agent's office first. It had been a hard fought contest all the way, with each club particularly eager to beat the other ? then they ended in a tie! The County Agent says that the report from both schools came in by phone at practically the same moment, and as a result, TWO 1st place honors are to be given. As for the rest of the Clubs in the County, they are at present battling for second place, and no-one wanting to be that "cows tail", bringing up the rear! The fact that the Savannah and Glenville schools should finish 1st in this contest is in accordance with the usual practice of these fine 4-H Clubs. At Savannah, the 4-H Club, under the sponsorshipof Mrs. Stella C. Bryson and H*. H. Bryson has continually taken prizes in every contest they entered. This year they took first prize in the Achievement Day Program for the best record book kept during the preceeding year. They took 3rd prize on their fine booth and several individual prizes in ^addition. M?*s Bobby Sucton won 1st prize in the county for her work in home canning. i For this year, Billy Sutton la serving as president of the Club; Mark Deitz is filling the office of vice-president and Irene Cabe is doing the job of secretary. There are more than 63 members in the club, a majority of them being girls. One of the hardest working of them is little Robert Alexander* pint-sized 10 year old who has. really gone to town his first year in the Club. He won 1st prize at the Achievement Day Program ?Continuing on page 7 HAROLD SMITH BETTER FOLLOWING ILLNESS Friends of Pfc. Harold D. Smith of Speedwell will be happy to know that he is improving following a serious illness in the General William Beaumont Hospital in El Paso, Texas. His father, Wood Smith, went to El Paso last week when Harold was reported in "serious condition" following an operation. He returned to Speedwell on Sunday after improvement in his son's condition. Pfc. Smith is a member of the United States Air Force. r To Present nas Cantata EXAMINATION DATE SET FOR DILLSBORO P. 0. POSITION A written Civil Service exam* ination will be held on January 5th for the purpose of filling the position of Substitute Clerk at the Dills bo ro Post Office. The usual entrance salary at ^.141.- I- ? ? A* uiu twwvlun is fi.m per nour, limit for experienced clerk three hours per day, inexperienced lees than three hours per day . Competitors will be required to report for the written examine* tion at ftt Post Office Bufidtaft Syiva, N. C., at MM sen. en fit 5th. Full information and qptt* ' cation Mnks may be obtainsd from the Postmaster at the DUla* boro, N. C. Poet Office. i , , ^