Xotl . IMF ? -VOL. XXIV?NO. 30 Castor Oil C< ^Possibilities Production Farm Agents Investigating1 Possible Production Of Bean As Cash Crop The Jackson County Farm Office was quick to take advantage of the recent announcement of the Castor Oil Products Company that this region might be suitable for the growing of Castor beans. In reply to the Farm Office's correspondence, the following telegram was received by W. T. Brown,, county farm agent: "Replying to your letter of December 11th please conduct preliminary survey to determine approximately how much acreage you can get planted in Castor Beans. Will be in your territory shortly after first of year and will call on you personally". Claude C. Ballew Regional Sales Manager Castor Oil Products Co. The sudden interest in the Castor Bean comes as a result of the decision of the Castor Company to build Western North Carolina into a Castor Bean producing area. Previously the beans have been imported from China, India and South America. The Castor people have also made known their intentions to build a plant in the Western part of the state if enough farmers can be interested in producing the crop. Farm Agent Brown reported that the interest of the Farm Office was in line with the plan of the agricultural workers of the coun-* ty to increase the yicome of Jackson county farmers by taking advantage of the natural conditions tnat exist here. "We don't know absolutely that our County is suited to the production of this crop, but in the event it is, we want to be in on the ground floor of this development if there is money to be made out of it," the farm agent said. Farmers, who might be inter estea in producing mis crop, are requested to let the County Agent, Vocational Agriculture Teachers, or FHA Supervisior know. This crop is being investigated, and if it appears worthwhile the farmers of our county will be notified. Herald Shop To Be Closed Friday, Saturday And Monday In order to give the shop force of The .Herald a much needed rest the shop will be closed Friday, Saturday and Monday for the holidays. The force will be back Tuesday morning, December 27. The front office will only be closed Monday the 26th. Santa Due Her< Enjoyed Visit 1 Santa Claus has returned to his home and workshop at the North Pole following his visit to Sylva and other Western North Carolina towns last Friday and Saturday. Just before leaving town late Saturday evening he expressed thanks for the fine reception given him by the people of Sylva "especially that fire-truck ride", he said. "J don't get many chances to ride one of them very often!" Santa reported that he talked with a great many Jackson county children during his visit. On Saturday he met more than 3,000 because he passed out 3,400 suckers and just as much chewing gum. He said that he heard a great many requests for Christmas presents and knew that there were many millions more letters waiting for him to read when he returned to the North Pole. Efll TH] 20 PAGES THI! O jmpany oees In Bean In Jackson | PMA Community Committeemen Are Selected Elections were held in the fifteen communities * of Jackson County for the purpose of electing a delegate to attend the County Convention which was held in the PMA office at 10 o'clock December 16; and for the purpose of electing commiteemen to serve their respective communities for 1850. The following committeemen were elected: Barkers Creek?J. T. Jones, chairman; Frank C. Green, Arthur Brooks, Henry A. Green, Genera] Jones. Qualla?W. T. Gass, chairman; Fred Ferguson, Smith Queen, Frank Kinsland and H. O. Crisp. Caney Ford?Wayne Lovedahl, chairman; John Farley, Harry Brown, Alvin Moore, Howard Wood. River ? J. C. Millsaps, chairman; Edwin Brown, T. A. Jackson, Walter Jackson, J. J. Hooper.* Canada?Dewey Parker, chairman; Ralph Broom, Vessie Mathis, Walter Melton and Charles Parker. Cullowhee?R. S. Shelton, chairman; John Phillips, Carl Smith, | Henry Taylor and Lonnie Dills. Sylva?TV C. Bryson, chairman^ Lee Bumgarner, F. E. Parker, Fred McLain, Kenyon Moody. DillSboro?Boyd Brown, chairman; E. B. Monteith, J. C. Patterson, Lewis Cochran and Fred Jacobs. Webster ? Charlie Frizzell, chairman; Paul Green, Caro Cole, Walter Allman and Alvin Cabe. Scotts Creek ? L. M. Crisp, chairman; Robert Holden, J. D. ?Continued on page 12 Methodist Sunday School Program Tonight The annual Christmas program of the Sunday school wil be given at the Sylva Methodist church to night (Thursday) at 7:30 in the church auditorium. The program will be presented by the boys and girls of the Sunday School. A religious pageant is scheduled as well as a Santa play'ett. A soecial feature of the evening will be a visit by Santa Claus himself. The adults of the community are invited to join with the children in fjie Christmas entertainment. * e Sat. Night; Aist Week-end "While I was in Sylva I had ~;:e of the best times ever," the jolly old man said. "I wish that I could stay longer, but there are a great many things to do before Christmas Eve. I won't get to see my little friends on that night of course, but I'll be back again next Christmas to talk with them." Santa Claus said that he would return to the North Pole and supervise the loading of his sleigh for his midnight ride. He reported .hat work on most of the toys had been completed for several weeks by his little brownies, but the loading of the sleigh would keep the entire work-shop force busy ; ight up until the last minute. He plans to leave the North Pole about 4:30 Saturday afternoon so that he will reach Greenland about dark. Erom there he will come directly to ihe United States and then on into Mexico. \ BY ' E SY] S WEEK Sylv I And she II son, and wraj < | and laid him i fet. A - was no room M^HIh And lo, th them, and t | round about And the a | -great joy, wl ' For unto 3 Lord. Mjjr j4 '1 i 9^@6l **4i And this | J shall find th< clothes, lying fflj And suddc nPii' a multitucie < ' *7 God, and say fj i Glory to G llfnli peace' ^ooc*w jjj || ^ ^ J ^ Scott Promises More Rural Fire Protection Cities Bearing Burden Of Fire Departments, Seek County Support Governor Scott asserted at a recent firemen's meeting that he would use all the means at the disposal of his office to further efforts to obtain more adequate fire protection for rural areas. The Governor addressed about ! 100 members of the State Fire Chiefs Association and a number 01 city and county officials from throughout the State at a banquet , meeting in the Sir Walter Hotel ( of Raleigh. Three Jackson county citizens were present at the mod- J ing. Tommy Clayton represented : the county, Bart Cope, went on behalf of the Fire Department and f Carl Corbin attended the meeting as a representative of the town, I Britton Moore also represented [ :he Fire Department. > During an afternoon meeting in | the House chamber of the capitol. December 13, the association reviewed plans for rural fire control and adopted a resolution requesting the Governor to appoint ' a committee to study those plans. ^ A + K /~v / 4 V-? d-i UnMni t/>4 IUC V.1U3C Ui U1C Udliquci, Governor Scott said he would give f the names of those appointed to ; the committee to State Insurance ; Commissioner Waldo C. Cheek s sometime soon. i During his address, the Governor g pointed out that a rural fire pro- t tection plan was first dependent v upon adequate communication c mediums such as telephones and good roads. 3 The Chief Executive of North JI Carolina told the gathering that r when he was a youngster living s on a farm, he was constantly faced c with a realization that greater j fire protection should be avail- c able for rural communities. He e said that this realization was one t of the things affecting his decision s to run for Governor. ?Continued on page 12 w LVA ] a, N. C. * Thursday, Dec. S $ I Heraled Message brought forth her first born | pped him in swaddling clothos. |i. i in a manger; because there for them in the inn. i e angel of the Lord came upon he glory of the Lord shone f them: and they were sore | ngel said unto them, Fear not: 1 bring you good tidings of lich shall be to all people. I; fou is born this day in the city g Saviour, which is Christ the | shall be a sign unto you; Ye 2 babe wrapped in swaddling ! in a manger. ;nly there was with the angel ^ of the heavenly host praising u I ^od in the highest and on earth g ill toward men. Luke 2:7-14 I ? fil - To Observe 100th Hk^^M '.' ' | I | K/*>^ RJfe v This is a picture of the Hambur vill be the scene of spccial service ^ ' ' 1 - > l, ,. U ' Jl llltJ iU'JUl Ui I i I ?_T LliUI Lll, J 1940, of frame with asbestos sidir seating caoaci'y o4 350; has 8 Sun ollment (?'. 15C. The church memb< A beautiful, modern manse of i dieted and stands to the right o.r th CITY LEAGUE HEAOS MEET FRIDAY NIGHT i ro PLAN SEASON A meeting of managers of the Tity Basketball League was held, Monday night at the High School or the purpose of making plans, or the coming City League sea-i on T'np main arrnmnlishmpnt of I ? 1 ?I he meeting was that of making everal suggestions and the calng of a meeting for Friday night it 7:30 at the same place, at which ime these suggestions will be preented to the team managers for idoption. One important difference in this rear's set-up will be that the -?eague will publish rules and egulations before the start of the season and have them in the hands >f the managers. Such a system is litended to prevent a recurrence; )f the difficulties which preced-i ?d last year's tournament whenj he rules were misunderstood by evcral teams. Another point to be decided at ?Continued on pago 7 m Her; 52, 1949 Vr-y I fiHSjCj. A i Anniversary 25th / ./. . . //. .. './/?>to*fy/t'\ / ; . . ' .-'. ' 'Y/fVjs.')'//. . '.' 'vv /*. ' '.:- ':\'/-'7/*Ys- . m jft I *1 H?" Iflfc, B _v?^_ Bf? ' ^31 jfl Mmfife '^1 9 I g Baptist church at Glcnvillc which is on Christmas Day in Observance Hie building above w.is erected in ig. It contains an auditorium with 'lav school class rooms and an encrship is now 220. oek veneer has recently oeen come church building. x Sylva Firms Extend Season's Greetings Practically every * business firm in Sylva is represented in The Herald this week in their annual Christmas Greeting to their friends and customers. Sylva business firms have enjoyed good business this year and they appreciate the patron | age of the people of the county. | They certainly deserve the loyal support of every Jackson county J citizen as there is no group of | business people anywhere who have responded to as many calls for financial support for various Causes as have these firms. The churches, the schools, the clubs, j civic organizations, and individuals are constantly seeking j and receiving money and mer> ' chandise from the merchants. They, along with the farmer, ' are the backbone of the economy | of our county. They deserve I our business. SO88AMON'S In tylva m \LD Hamburg Bag 100 Years Of On Christmas Crop Collections j Total 138 Bushels f> gan Jackson county's CROP ship- mer ment left yesterday to join the O i est of the nation's goodwill offer- o'cl< ing to needy persons of the world, orin 198 bushels of corn were col- The lected in the county. Combined free with the 175 bushels collected in Ma* Macon county it made up a half Jacl carload of corn. Lyd The shipment brought to a close ^ec( the efforts of county ministers who had given much of their time ^crri since November in planning and The conducting the campaign. Min- L. J isters throughout the county were tors instrumental in bringing the ap- T. F peal for generosity to the attention of their congregations. Spe- orc* (ial collections were taken in order scv* lo give those who had raised no|Arn corn a chance to contribute to the hole cause. jterv The corn will go to the CROP central collections location from Sylva and from there to areas was f rGr of the world which are in dire , need of assistance. a* 1 will r?V -AJ HUGH MONTEITH AGAIN HEADS = SCOUT COUNCIL ? Mayor Hugh Monteith of this t'011 city was re-elected president or T the Daniel Boone Council, Boy is I Scouts of America, Tuesday night kno at a meeting of Scout Executives bee in Asheville. cnu It was announced th;it final figures for 1949 reveal that 2,504 son Scouts and Cubs are enrolled in ( troops and packs in the council. scn This is "the highest membership f^ay total the council has ever had. ^ lets The annual council Scouters . convention will be held at Central Methodist church in Asheville' . January 9. ;f_S! I LJl . Floi Men Named To Administer 1950 PMA Program Delegates elcctcd by the fifteen Sy communjties of the county rjriet in Mc the PMA offve Friday, December s H>, and elected the fallowing men Sur to administer the PMA Program Ass or 1850 as County Committeemen: J. L. Stewart, Chairman, Norton; on Blaine Nicholson, Vicc-Chairman, cw; Cowarts; C. P. Shelton, Regular in < Member, Whiltier; Wayne Love- ]ay dahl, First Alternate, Cowarts; \ Frahk Owen, Second Alternate, ern] Whittier. dav The newly elected Committee 'and held its first meeting Tuesday, Sat December 20, and elected Mrs. the Ellen N. Corbin as Secretary and da> Miss Frances Bryson as Treasurer sho of the Association. Sat k V Sylva Firemen In Cope Puts Out Hi s j The Sylva Fire Department puts tooI a fire out wherever it finds one, brother! There are some bewild- gwJ ered firemen in High Point who will vouch for that. .. Bart Cope, local fire chief, was dri^ on his way to the fire-chiefs meet- trus ing in Raleigh last week, accom- had panied by Carl Corbin,? Tommy A Clayton, and Britton Moore. Just out after passing through High Point, Dei Bkrt suddenly told his compan- tru< ions, "I see some smoke up ahead Cop there ? guess there's a fir?!" And fire with that, he went racing up tM cigi highway in the direction of the _ suspected fire. on IS $2.00 A Year?5c Copy ptist Mark Service 4 Dav J jlenville People To tfonor Memory of Founders In Special Program his year, 1949, is Centennial r for Hamburg Baptist Church Ulenville. The church was orized on July 12, 1849 witft 16 nbcrs. n Sunday, December 25, at 11 xk a service will be held ho*- ^ ig the founders of the church, y are: Alexander ^Wilson, AlI Wilson, Thompson Wilson, jness Teague, Milton Moss, kson Shelton, Sarah Wilson, ia Led ford, Elvira Teague, Re:a Wilson, Mary Wilson, Jane is, Lucinda Evitt, Ruth Moss, limah Evitt and Mary Stuart, pastor of the church, the Rev. F. Rogers, and two former pas, the Rev. W. N. Cook and Rev. Deitz will conduct the service. . he church has a previous recto the actual organization. For ?ral years it was the Hamburg i of the Caney Fork Church, ling meetings in a building afvards known as the Burnt ?ting House. he original site of the church on property donated by AlI Wilson, one of the founding iers. The building was of logs i a huge fireplace for heating. i pews hand hewn benchThis building was replaced in . ^ 5 by a two story frame struc> used jointly as a church and ;onic Hall. The present buildwas erected in 1940 when the rcn was movea iu us jjicscih ition because of the construci of Glenville Dam. he oldest member of the church VIrs. Tallulah Owen Franks wn as "Aunt Lula" who has n an active member of the rch for seventy years. She is granddaughter of Alfred Wil, and daughter of the Rev. John Dwen, a pioneer pastor, having /ed the church in its early s for about forty years. inong the prominent minisi who have gone out from the rch are Dr. Fred Brown of )xville, Tennessee; the Rev. ;e R. Owens of Asheville; and Jesse C. Owen of Lakeland, rida, former Missionary to (Continued on page 12) lva To Observe mday As Holiday ince Christmas Day falls on iday this year the Merchants ociation of Sylva has announcthat all stores will be closed Monday in order to give the iers and employees a holiday addition to the regular Sunday -off. lead Corporation will give its ployees an extra day on Satur\ closing the plant on Saturday I Sunday. In closing down on urday the Company feels that men would rather have that - to do last minute Christmas pping rather than to work on urday and be off on Monday. crease Range gh Point Fire ure enough, they soon overk a tobacco truck which was ying along the highway unire of the flames which were ring in the tobacco behind the ;er. Cope called to the truck /er to pull over, took out his ;ty fire-extinguisher, and soom everything under control. i moment after Bart had put the fire, the High Point Fire >artment roared up in their :ks. They were greeted by standii\g proudly beside his -extinguisher _ puffing on a ir ? "Everything's O. K. boys Sylva Fire Department right Jgij the job!" '1 >* +? Ai

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