f 1 '? Thursday, Dec. 29, 1949 ^SERVICES^I ATTHE I Scotts Creek Baptist I (The Rev. B. 8. Heneley, Pastor)' 10 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Morning Worship by the pastor. ?**** ? A?-1 Ml 1?1?^ y:uu p.m. oapilSl lraming union. | 8:00 pjn. Evening Worship. Sylva Methodist (Jhe Rev. W. Q. arlQ?, Pastor) Sunday school will mast at 10 jl m.t Paul Kirk, superintendent. 11 a.m. Morning worship. "Ring In The New" will be the sermon subject of the pastor. 6:15 p. m., Youth Fellowship. Wednesday 6:45, Youth Choir. ^ Wednesday 7:43, Adult Choir. Sylva Presbyterian M1B H J&9 WH'Koirf *A?RAJLGW6. mS^^M v . K iMM 1 'fiCii.yi*y /l f cJtsssnsfe ?%M. \ 1 ?C^ *5i _ fa# ?A U? Man * I Mr. W. O. Womack spent Christ-1 Brown, Mr. Brown and son, Hal mas with his daughter, Mrs. Hal H. I Jr. %at their home in Asheville. I RESOLVED to Mgte?^^;Sy>jfc .JaR^BF 'y' ' &?. > jgjl^frtJL -MRock Ground 10 Lb. Bog t*A?.j?;t?. T?. Corn Meal . 37c i Quaity Ter Dixie-Crystal 5 Lb. Bag S. G00I Sugar . . . . 46c CHUCK ROAST Virginia Pack No. 2 Can CIIADT DISC Tomatoes 2 for 23c ?TcL April Shower No. 303 Can BONELESS STI June Peas . . 19c Fresh Libby's Fancy No. 2Vi Can GROUND BEEF Fruit Cocktail 35c SIRLOIN STEAI Southern Gold Oleo Va lb Prints Boneless (Colored) _ Pound I SHOULDER RC Margarine 38c jowls for th Nabisco 1 Lb. Pkg. Fresh lb. 15c - S Rltz . . . . 32c! II HUNT'S 14 OUNCE BOTTLE TAMATA AATSIIP 2 for 31c I AUNT JEMIMA 2Vi POUND PKG. PAN CAKE FLOUR 33c DUFF'S - PILLSBURY 1 POUND PKG. WHITE CAKE MIX 33c Needs For The I PARTY SNACKS New Year Baby Gordon's Large Be JOHNSON AND JOHNSON ALLa Atki Baby Powder, Oil, Cream, 01310 CHipS . 4? Lotion and Soap! ^ys m 4 EvenFlo Bottle and Nipple POtfltO StlGKS >9^ Clapp's Baby Food fcmax IV2 Oz Ca 10. LibDys oqDy rooa Will VlCljlfd Gerber's Baby Food 0 & C Cheese 2 - 21y2 0z Car Poblum Potato Sticks. 23< Formulae Planters 4 Oz. Ca ivory soap Mixed Nssfs . 27i Mennent Baby Ponder iPeter Pan 7Vi Oz. Gla? r:r $a??l Peanuts 2ft MnrKrhinn R Or Rnftl i'al Milk i Mb ? f?4i Dixie-Home Milk j CNOfflCS . . 31< fgiBP Ar*' ) _ Whittier News Miss Wilda Varner who is teaching in Eagle Lake, Florida is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Varner. Miss Lottie DeBord, teacher in he Winston-Salem City Schools is visiting her father, Mr. T. H. DeBord, during the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gibbs and Mr. Laszlo Horanyi of Winston Salem spent several days last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Gibbs. Mrs. J. U. Gibbs spent the Christfnas holidays visiting her sons, Ulrich, and Eugene in Greenville and Clinton, S. C. On Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock the Young People of the Whittier Methodist church presented a Christmas Pageant, "A Light In The Window." The church was made very impressive by the light on the Christmas tree and candles. Mrs. Bob Childers was accompanist for the program. Mrs. Sam Roane gave a dinner party and shower honoring Mrs. Carl Byrd Fisher, recent bride, on Monday evening. wa Dixie-h Everyday I Uifll I i ttiii neip you oaia Everyday in the week-E |CUD AHY'S GOLD COIN S j BflCOt ider" Beef , > GRADE ' . . . lb. 55c . . . .lb. 29c W . . lb. 65c . . . lb. 49c IS . . lb. 89c I AST .lb. 69c E NEW YEAR IL HWU1WU ?! fcAW j 2 Veri-Besl FRESH TENDER COLLAR Greei U. S. No. 1 Irish POTATOES. . m Crisp Golden Heart CELERY . . ir Western Winesap 5 APPLES.. Fresh Tender Mustard or . TURNIP GREEI Fancy ; SLICING TOM/ B York Imperial ? BAKING APPL! ft Sugary Sweet n CAROLINA YAI 5 Laundry Soap Washin 5 P&G Tl \r> f nra<* Rnr f arm c 13 for 21c 1 2 Page 9 Rev. Mr. Houts Attending Conference In Illinois Rev. R. T. Houts, Jr., pastor of 1 Cullowhee Methodist church, is attending the World Student conference being held this week in i Illinois. Mrs. Houts and daughter, , Linda, are visiting her family in West Virginia white Mr. Houts is attending the conference.. The three drove to her home leaving Gullowhee on Christmas afternoon. There will not be a worship service at the church Sunday due to the fact Mr. Houts will not be back until later in the week. He has urged the members of his church to attend the local Baptist church to hear Rev. Charles McConneJL Sunday School will be held aa usual. < Birth Announcement Sgt. and Mrs. William S. McClung of Fort Smith, Arkansas* announce the birth of a daughter* | Toni Karen, Nov. 27, at St. EdI wards Mercv hosDital in Port Smith. Mrs. McClung is the formi er Miss Ruthalene Sims of Sylva. lomes' ow Prices nee your budget j ^ very week in the year LICEt>JV POUND J I 39c [ Radar Factory Package :alifornia blackeyi PEAS 2 lb. Cello Bog 35c ' Shortening CRISCO 3 Ik can 79c Phillip's Croom GOLDEN CORK -no. 303cans 29c I Produce , D LARGE BUNCH is 17c . . 10 lbs. 37c . Ig.sta!k 13c . . 3 lbs. 33c NS . 2 lbs. 25c HOES lb. 25c ES . 3 lbs. 25c MS . 3 lbs. 33c _ n i I g rowaer aoap de dial I * PI'n, Reg. Sixn 8c | 25b i IBfc 1 ......J