I ''?S.' ^ VOL.XXIV?NO. 32 Scouters Coi V ^ Expected Tc Attendance ) Stanley Harris To Speak* { To Group In Central ) Methodist Church j Monday At 6 P. M. / on onAI 1 f/M-c; from Svlva are I OUII1C 0U Skuufcbiu ** w??. ? /expected to join with other memIbers of the Daniel Boone Council I and journey to Asheville next? Monday afternoon to attend the Twenty-Ninth Annual Scouters (Convention at the Central Methodist Church. . Dr. Stanley A. Harris, former National Officer of the Boy Scouts of America, will make the principal address at the dinner meeting vfhich will be held at 6:30. ^During the afternoon beginning at p p.m. meetings for members of Committees on Advancement, Health and Safety, Finance, Organization and Extension, Leadership Training and Campinjg will be attended by scouters. These committees will participate in group discussion. At the 6 p.m. dinner meeting Presentations of the Silver Beaver award and Scoutmaster's Key will be made following Dr. Stanley's address. Council officers for 1950 will be installed by A. W. Allen, Scout Executitve of the^ Daniel Boone Council. A feature of the evening meeting will be the presentation of the ?j^^ndance Cup which the Smoky kic urnn fnr flip J.TXV'Uli ICl J.11 11UJ TT Wit 1W4 ? ^>ast three years. Hugh Monteith, President of the Daniel Boone Council, urges that all Scouters, Cubbers, Senior Scouters, their wives and friends be present at the meeting. It was pointed out that limited facilities for the dinner make it important that reservations be made early. The meal will be $1.50 a plate, and reservations must be in Friday, January 6 to 7215* Asheville. "GO FORWARD" ROAD COMMITTEE TO MEET COMMISSIONER HERE L. D. Thrash, Commissioner of Highway Division and Division Engineer Z. V. Stewart of Asheville, will meet members of Jackson County's "Go Forward" Road committee and any other persons interest at the courthouse in Sylva a-nn n m Thursday. Januarv 5. for the purpose of discussing roads which the State hopes to let to contract for black topping .this year. January 15 Is Closing Date For PMA Forms January 15 has been set for the closing date for signing applications for conservation practices carried out in 1949. All farmers who have not been to the PMA ^ office and made reports and signed their applications are urged to do this at once so that they may receive their first check for the year 1949. Co-op Essay W Scholarship At "My Part In The Farm Program Of Tomorrow" has been selected as the title for the 1950 Cooperative Essay Contest which is conducted annually each spring for rural boys and girls in the Carolinas. The title for the 1950 contest - ? A. 1 1 A was recently seiecxea ay a committee appointed by the sponsoring organizations from a long list of subjects that were submitted rural high school principals, ^ 'vfToonnty agents, vocational afTricul? ture teachers, home economics ^si^gachers and home demonstration 'jfciS^htMbroughout the two states. v T*' awsfd of $50 was made to Mi^s Jo Karp, Route 2, Cleveland, x o North Carolina for submitting the winning title. Miss Earp is Home Economics teacher at the Cleveland High School. In announcing the title for the 1950 contest, M. G. Mann, general manager of both sponsoring organizations and originator of the popular event twenty-two years t THI i tivention Is 5 Draw Big From Sylva ? h C ' u Speaker {s DR. STANLEY A. HARRIS i j Formerly National Officer of the f Boy Scouts of America, to be 1 , Scouters Convention speaker, Jan. 1 ;9- 5 COUNTY 4-H CLUBS j 'WILL SPONSOR MOVIEI, j The county 4-H Clubs will spon-,( sor a movie "Green Promise" on j January 20th at the Ritz Theatre j in Sylva. The movie is of the ] | family type and according to ad- ' vanced reports is an excellent 1 production. Regular admission prices will be charged and all proceeds will!' be used to help finish the quota j for the 4-H Camp. 3 LOCAL ClffZENS i aY TO COTTON BOWL Three Sylva citizens were on , hand in Dallas, Texas to witness . 4U~ DahiI Bomo nr\ MnnHav , IXIC V^UUUIl UUWi gainv WW , J Dan B. Hooper, Cary Reed Sny- , der and Dr. T. D. Slagle flew to j the Texas city and watched the { North Carolina Tar Heels lose their third bowl game 27-13 to , the Rice University Owls. The three took turns flying the 4-place cruiser with which they . made the trip. They left the Sylva airport on Saturday morning, spent the night in Louisiana and traveled on to Dallas Sunday morning. They returned to Jackson j county by air-route through Tenn- { essee and arrived Wednesday af- , ternoon. ] Methodist Young People 1 Will Meet On Monday At Cullowhee Church To,%lro/-kr>_Q\i7ain Methodist i I1C --- ? Youth Fellowship Sub-district - i meeting will be held at the Cullowhee Methodist church Monday i evening at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. R. T. Houts will have charge : of the program, and it is hoped?' Uhat each church of the District | J ; will have a good number present. Edward Sutton of Cullowhee is : ' president of the Sub-district. J, ???????????????? , inner To Get ! i ?d Cash Award I 1 * t ago, said, "While there were hun-: J dreds of worthy titles submitted,! I feel that the committee has se- j ( lected a title that is most out- L standing and timely. It offers con- ( 1 ? * - n/icc 1 hi 1 i tto ' , , ICMdlUS Uiliiiiiivvu yuuvii ... j put forth ideas on some of the i most current farm plans for thej future of farming. In addition to! offering a challenge to every rural youth ,it is exceptionally appropriate at this time when it is so j evident that farming must be adjusted to fit into an era that will? bring about great advances in I < farm practices." i Approximately 75,000 rural youth entered the contest from 1928 < through 1949, and Robert A. Ponton, director of the contest, is preparing for 8,000 entrits this spring. The contest is open to any rural boy or girl in the Carolinas not over 21 years of age who is enrolled in regular high school work and who has not been a state win| ner of a previous contest. It will 11 (Continued on page 12) : Syi Sylv; 1,000 TVA SEEDLING 1ELIVERE0 TO THREE IACXS0N FARMERS The following TVA seedlings yere delivered to Jackson county itizens Wednesday morning, Janlary 4th: Colonel D. Lee Hooper - 3000 White Pine; Dr. A. S. Jichols ? 2000 White Pine and ;000 Yellow Poplar; T. C. Bryon, Jr. ? 1000 Short Leaf Pine ind 1000 Yellow Poplar. Applications are now being takin for free TVA seedlings for the Qf>n Rnrincr nlantiriff. Amplications WW ? "'O f O - --I-I j or seedlings may be made at eithx the County Agent's office or at he District Forester's office in>ylva. LJ. S. Britain, Canada Seek To Standardize \rms And Training The United States, Great Britain tnd Canada announced on Decem>er 19 a united plan for standardizng their arms and military trainng. The program, it is stated, is limed at correcting and eliminatng technical differences which in;erfered with easy co-operation of ;he three powers in two world wars. Its purpose is to permit swift integration of their men and irms into a smoothly-functioning nilitary machine in event of another international conflict. The British Ministry of defense said technical experts of the three .-ountries have been working on standardization since 1947. They lave made considerable progress in preliminary studies, it is known, and have made recommendations for standardization of pertain k^y weapons. Leftist forces m-N^ptain opposed this co-operation, and in parliamentary debates called the Tiove toward arms standardization an aggressive weapon aimed at Russia. In connection with the standardization studies there have oeen frequent exchanges of miliKo + trraoi-i fho furn LCtl y JJCI auillltl ur. i vv 11 vt?w v? V nations on operational levels. American pilots have been assigned to fly and study Britain's jet bombers. At the same time British and Canadian officers have worked in developing and flying many American planes. Similar exchanges have been made in the sther branches of the armed services. AMERICAlT LEGION MEMBERSHIP DRIVE We are still very much behind in our American Legion membership quota for this year and we urge all veterans to renew youi membership at this time or if ycu are not a member, now is the time to line up with this oragnizatior which is doing its best to help you and your families. Some of the officials of the Legion hope to run our Chaplain, Rev W. Q. Grigg as State Chaplain this j-ear aiid we are especially anxiouj Cor our post to make a good showing in its membership as this ii very important in our effort tc have Mr. Grigg elected. if you are a veteran and havt not joined our post please do sc at once as we need you and yot need to become a member of the Legion. Felix Picklesimer, Membership Chairman J. L. Miller Observes 80th Birthday Dec. 31 Mr. J. L. Miller, only brothei of Mrs. Caroy Allfcon, and a nephew of the late John Keener observed his 80th birthday at his home in Waynesville on Saturday December 31. Mr. Miller is very active fox his age. He recently made a trip to New York city alone to visil two of his daughters. A Hinnpr wnc servec honoring Mr. Miller on this occasion with the following people going from Sylva: Mni. Caicy Allison and daughters, Mrs. Joe L Sutton, Mrs. Nelson Shephard, anc Mrs. Robert Fisher; Mrs. Aller Fisher and children, Jimmy anc Sarah Bell. Mrs. f Fisher is f daughter of Mr. Miller. Production of frozen concentrated orange juice has increased rapidly during the last few years anc reached a total of 10 million gallons last season. LVA ] a, N. C. Thursday, Jan. 5, Sylva Church To Be Host To Asheville Pr'bytery On 16th Ministers and elders of AsheI D?ocKutorv \ui11 r<omp> to Svl ? V 111 tr A. i ww; wv* J WW ^ va next Tuesday for the quarterly meeting of the Presbytery. The session will convene at 10 a.m. with the opening sermon by Rev. W. G. Thomas, pastor of the West Asheville church. Following the sermon the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered. During the business session in the afternoon a commission to the General Assembly, to be held in Montreat in May, will be named. About 37 ministers from 32 churches in the Presbytery are expected to attend along with one or more elders from each church. The ladies of the church will serve lunch to the visitors in the fellowship hall of the church at the noon hour. Rev. W. H. Wakefield is pastor of the host church. This will be the first meeting of the ruling body of the Presbytery in Sylva since the new church was completed. Saunooke To Meet Martin At Spruce Pine Match Chief O. B. Saunooke of Cherokee will defend his Super Heavyweight Championship Title tonight (Thursday) in Spruce Pine when he meets Wallace Martin of ^ Bryson City. | Chief Saunooke who weighs a mere 317 pounds has grappled and ( defeated such wrestlers as Man , Mountain Dean, Ed (Strangler; ; T ' - T'? t 1 n_4 * /r . _ ee j-.ewis, Jirri i-.onuus, rt'ic iviagaiiuu, Casey and Maurice Tillett (The French Angel). Martin will come ?Continued on page 12 i Calls On Truman Ifii - ! j | David E. Lilienthal ? CHAIRMAN of the Atomic Energy ?; Commission, David E. Lilienthal, is shown leaving the White House 5; after he had conferred with Presi- ' } dent Truman. Lilienthal, whose ! , resignation become^efTective on | Jan. 1, 1950, ind;caJBfe*> newsmen i that he may continue his duties for ) a short period beyond Jan. 1 until i the Chief Executive picks his svic; cessor. (International Soundphoto) I ??? Clinic Date Changed The general clinic at the Health Department will be held on each Friday instead of Tuesday as has been the case in the J past. This schedule will coni tinue under the direction of Dr. | Carh Janowisky. ' ] 5! _ ( On n.C.HIGHWAYS j Killed December 27 thru I, December 30 ? 5 Injured Drcrmhrr 77 thru December 30 ? 111 Ij Killed thru December 30 11 tKIt year ? 838 11 Killed thru December 30, i 1948 ? 730 Injured thru December 30 tHis year ? 9,578 Injured thru December 30, *! 1948 ? 7,445 11 I ? "|8088AM0N'S *yfv? fiER/ 1950 BUS SERVICE WILL SERVE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, CULLQWHEE ! Through an arrangement with j Mr. Joe Fowler a bus will begini operating next Sunday morning' between Cullowhee and the Sylva I Presbyterian church. The purpose) of the service is to bring any Pres- | byterian student, member of the | faculty or any other persons desiring to attend service at this| church, to the services each Sunday morning. The bus will also pick up any person between Cullowhee and Svlva desiring to attend these services. Through a special fund provided for the service there will not be a charge to anyone riding the bus to attend the services at this church. The bus will leave the admin istration building at WCTC at 9:25 Sunday morning, arriving at the Sylva church at 9:55, and will leave I i Sylva at 12:05 for the return trip, reaching the campus in ample time for lunch. A number of students have in' dicated their desire for tne ser' vice as well as people along the highway. i Episcopal Bishop To Hold i Joint Council Meet Here i The Right Rev. M. George Henry, | Bishop of the Diocese of Western: North Carolina Episcopal churches,] j will be in Sylva on Tuesday eve- | ning, Jan. 10, and will address the, I 1 j | Rotary club at their regular dinner | meeting in the Allison building.) At 7:30 o'clock the Rev. Mr. Henry1 will meet with the Mission Coun| cils of Highlands, Cashiers, Cherokee, and Sylva, in the Sylva Epis-j copal church. At this time Mr.; W. Beekman Huger will present the whole program of the Episcopal church at this joint council j meeting. Bishop Henry's picture recently appeared in an issue of Life magazine in a procession of Bishops at the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal church held in San Francisco in September. I He is an Outstanding clergyman of the Episcopal church. ROTARIANS HEAR MAJOR TIDMARSH | Major Harold Tidmarsh.son of Mrs. W. H. Carter, of Whittier, 'graduate of West Point Military | Academy and veteran of fighting in the Pacific theatre during World War II, who recently landed in the States with his family after 18 months as Military Attache, handling confidental military matters [ in Greece, was the speaker at the weekly dinner meeting of the Sylva Rotary Club Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock. Major Tidmarsh . gave some interesting facts concerning conditions in Greece and on what part our government hns played in helping the little country stave off communism and from being over-run by other nations. I Two new members were received into the rr.c mbcrsiiin of the club at this time, Dean W. E. Bird introduced Paul A. Keid, President of Western ^Carolina Tcaehers Col-' lege, as one of tne members ar r| j Ralph Kimmerer introduced Ed j W. Wilson, owner and ' operator j of Western Auto Associate Store, as the other new member. Mrs. Carter, motner of Major j Tidmarsh, was the guest of William McKee and Henry Cabe, of the| Franklin Club, was the only visiting Rotarian at the meeting: I I Directors Of C Of C j To Meet Monday Night There will be a joint meeting of the new and retiring boards of directors of the Chamber of Commerce next Monday evening at 7 30 o'clock in the Legion home. / 11 members are urged to attend as plans for the year's work will be discussed at this time. All persons, interested in the work of the organization, are also invited to nttrnH and express themselves on the type of work or projects they might like to see , carried out this year. The new board of directors are: H. J. Landis, Roscoe Poteet and Joe Wallin, hold over from last year and Dr. W. A. Ashbrook, Dr. David Daniel, J. A. Gray, Sol Schulman, William McKee and Felix Picklesimer^ Mr. PickleJ simer has been named president of , the organization. ILD New Health Organized A Here Friday. ? WT 1 ?> ? i. n aru aeiurns : | < ..;... !.:; :j;:: j i 'i ! '; ; i^j r : ; : ; : ijj ' ; ;' i:jj;!;!: j:|i;:! ' :!l;!;;;;.: ' 1 . ' ; :! '1' I1 :|; : : . ] I 1 I 1 ^|P I ' Jm ' iSf m mm ?& smv ji ffKT | V HP" i < JUST BEFORE sailing from Yokohama, Japan, on the President Wilson, U S Consul General Angus Ward posed for this excellent close* up portrait Accompanied by his , wife and 11 members of his Mukden stall, the consular head, who was ^ kept under arrest for 13 months by Chinese Communists, will fly to Washington after reaching San Francisco (News of the Day Newsreel photo from International'/ Graham To Speak At Franklin Meet Franklin ?/Dr. Frank P. Graham, this stage's junior U. S. senator and former president of the University of North Carolina, will address a pinner meeting of the Franklin Chamber o/ Commerce the evening of January 18, it was announced this week. _ * During his administration, tft$ University won recognition as one of the leading educational institu ' ' 1 U rv_ lions in me nation, ui. uianaiu bccame nationally known during the war, when the late President Roosevelt repeatedly called on him to serve on important boards and commissions. And he sprang into world prominence when he was sent ,about a year ago, to Indonesia on a peace mission. Since the maximum seating capacity of the Memorial building is 200, it was decided to give preference to chamber of commerce members and their guests. WKile it is hoped that some dinner tickets will be available to non-members, tickets will not go on sale to the general public until members of the organization have had an opportunity to reserve seats for themselves, their wives, and such guests as they may wish to take. whittierbabyTs YEAR'S FIRST BORN The first baby 1o be born in Jackson county in 1950 was a boy born to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bradley of Whittier. Coming into the new half-century at 2 minutes past 10 on the nigru 01 me xsi, uie yuun^sici weighed 6 pounds and 9 ounces. I 81st Congress / Fight Over Ta Taxes and spending were the top hot issues facing congress when it convened in the 81st session this week. A hot fight over thes* issues is expected to develop as members keep their eyes and ears on the reaction of the voters back home in this election-year session. Other issues expected to draw hot debate an the session $ci into swfing ara the administration's foreign policy, in Europe and the Orient, with the Chinese crisis destined to be a main factor In determining such policies. The law-makers face a hard task in the seven months session ahead i of them and before thej' face the voters next fall. Sam Rayburn, (D., Texas) charted the administration's tax * . ? mmsftr j ?*mm / pmws out/r- / IJ90&' $2.00 A Year?5c Copy District t Meeting , Dec. 30 Jackson, Macon, Swain And Cherokee Reservation Now In One Grouo * Dr. J. W. R. Norton, of The State Board of Health, Raleigh, met with board of health officiate in Sylva on last Friday and completed the organization for the new health district by naming Jennings A. Bryson, Sylva, chairman, and W. L. Lathan, A. J. Sutton, Swain County; W. E. Baldwin and H. W._ Cabe, Macon County, Boah3 members. This board then met and elected the following: Dr. C. C. Janowsky District Health officer to be located in Sylva, and additional board members, Dr. T. D. Slagle and W. R. . ? Hampton, Jackson County; Dr. J. L. Woody. Swain County, Clarence E. Mitchell, Cherokee Indian Reservation. The office staff for each county is: Clarlie Thomas, Sanitarian; Miss Viola Mann, nurse, and Mrs. Juanita Phillips, Clerk, Jackson County. W. T. Grant, Sanitarian, Mrs. Doris Hicks, nurse, and Juanita Meadows, clerk, Swain County. Miss Mary Oliver, nurse, Cherokee Reservation. H. T. (Rollins, Sanitarian; Gladys ShojDe^nurse and Eva Conley, Clerk, Macon County. T< U ? ^ 1 ,1 J: Uotr_ I lilt; uiu uiau iv. b iiiLiuucu iiojrwood county, which is now a unit within itself. The new district will provide a muchi greater and more efficient service to the people of the var- s ious counties and will not cost the counties any more than the old i arrangement did. STATE 4-H LEADER VISITING LOCAL CLUBS Mr. O. H. Phillips, Assistant State 4-H leader is visiting in Jackson county this week, attending club meetings and passing on to 4-H members information and ideas from other 4-H Clubs in the State. Mr. Phillips said that he placed i rv< nnrionro r?r? nftnnHiriff Ill OV llll|/vyi v/li M V WV w- -w different clubs in the county and meeting the'' boys and girls. He added that he has some plans, projects and ideas which have proven successful in other North Carolina 4-H Clubs and that he wants to tell Jackson county farm youth about them. In addition to meeting with as many 4-H Clubs as possible, Phillips will help the Farm Office make plans for the year in regard to 4-H Club work. a JL Improvements Made On Local Church Interior Instead of having their regular program meeting the Ladies' Auxiliary to St. John's Episcopal church met at the church Tuesday evening and laid the carpet they recently purchased. There have been a number of improvements made in the church recently, the latest being the purchasing of the carpet and redecorating the Sunday School class room. issembles, Big i xes Expected . ] course with an announcement that he will aim for a "one-package" , tax bill that stresses adjustments rather than cuts. If taxes are cut . j in one place they must bj raised v in another. House Republican Leader Joaeph W. Martin, Jr., (Mass.) outlined the opposition strategy by appointment of a "price tag" committee to ride held on federal i spending as a means oi cutting J excise taxes without a raise in V i other imposts. I The opening day ceremonies : were, as usual, brief and routine. I I A bit of extra color was added* > however, by the remodeling done I to the two chambers while the , members were on an 11-week va? : cation. ' ?

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