""Page 10 -?. ^ ? RITZ THEATRE WEEKLY PROGRAM Night Shows: 7:00 & 9:00 P.M. Mat. Sat.? Late Show Sat. 10:30 Adm.: Adults 35c tax incl.?Chil dren under 12 yrs. 12c tax incl Thursday- Friday March 30 - 31 BLUE GRASS OF KENTUCKY | in Technicolor with all star cast and the most beautiful horses in the world--Ess The Derby. C nlnr/l qi; Anril 1 "'"RIDERS OF THE i DUSK with Whip Wilson, your new western star the world champion Bull Whip expert, good with a gun too. Also?DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAMS FOR SATURDAYS START ON THIS SATURDAY . . . IT'S "THE NOOSE HANGS HIGH" with Abbot dnd Costello, one of their funniest features, both pictures and thej serial . . . and a colored Cartoon will be run continuous from 1 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. You can come anytime from 1 o'clock on and see as many shows as you like, you can come n at 5 p.m. and not have to wait until nigiit, just go in any time Saturday afternoon or night for two full length feature, pictures at the usual admission price. Late Show? HE WALKED RY NIGHT Scott Brady - Roy Roberts Sunday, April 2 ADVENTURES OF GALLANT BESS in technicolor with Audrey Long, TU/imor 1\/T i r>Viol 1 nnrl (ho u;r>rlH 1 IIUIUUO iUilV.ilV.ll U?4W Wttv ?* V* ??? famous horse Gallant Bess. Monday-Tuesday April 3-4 THE HEIRESS with Olivia DeHavilland-Monfgomery Clift. This has been nominated for Academy Award. It's great. Wednesday, April 5 BELLS OF CORONADO in color - with Roy Rogers - Dale - Evans and Trigger. This is Roy's very latest color picture. I A] LODI TAKES TIRE GUA VA ANSWERS TO VET PROBLEMS The Veterans Administration expects loan money lor GI home loans to remain plentiful in most . communities throughout the com| ing year. That is the prediction of T. B. King, director of the VA loan guaranty service, expressed in a statement to the 1950 annual convention of the National Association of Home Builders. King pointed to the increasing supply of money for mortgage loan lending purposes, and noted that savings and loan associations alone had a net inflow of well over a billion dollars last year. Several factors were cited as ' + n loroo nrr>nnr_ I lllUlL'cl Llllg IUUI a migv ^yi. o Open ^ the Door WINTER COMFORT I 0 For a limited time only we are offering a FREE furnace inspection, adjustment and checkup to the people of this community. If you are interested in a cleaner, safer and more comfortable home with lowered fuel costs, call for details or use the attached coupon. *-x i! _ tt a: /villomauc ncciuiig vu, Ph. 1104 Hazelwood, N. C. t aCLIP THE COUPON 9 We wculd like t/ iw*e advantage of # ^ V>ur FREE furnace inspection and ^ check-up service. Please have a rep* resentative call. # ? Signed ? _ Address ^ l 9 5 NNOUNCir INSTALLATION OF NET PASSENGER WITH NEW FULL CAP STANDARD AND LOW I IS FROM ALL PASSENGEI lRANTEED long life si BUILT LIKE vSw SEE 1 ijjj YOUR NEX' 9 Sylva Tir Phone 58 THE SY SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK |^\ ^ I VW^.' ' yr Cr? I/tO ICa>| ftttortt >;n4..?i tion of mortgage money will go into GI loans in the current year. First, the demand for investment money by U. S. business appears to be declining, according to this VA official, since the postwar capital expansion of manufacturing plants has passed its peak. At the same time, he pointed out, the, yields on government and high-; grade corporation bonds declined j substantially during the past year, and this made such bonds less, attractive as an investment for lending institutions. A third factor cited is the purchase operations of the Federal National Mortgage Association, which support the GI loan program through re-purchase of mortgage loans. Approximately 2,000,000 veterans of World War II have used their GI loan privilege up to this time. King estimated that nearly 4 1 tar i 1 1 lllwo i~v V-l O 1 T"l _ lUU Acinic Will iiavw VM WUA**~ ed guaranteed and insured loans between this date and the end of the GI loan program seven years hence. Q?I am taking on-the-job training under the GI Bill. Will I be permitted to go to school at the same time under the law? A?Yes,* you can go to school under the GI Bill while you are taking on-the-job training if the school course is determined by VA to be related to the on-thejob course. Q?I am at present receiving $15 monthly conpensation. If I become permanently and totally disabled for causes not due to service, will I be entitled to nonservice pension? A?Yes. Payment will be made to you under the benefit paying I STG N MOLD PRESSURE I CARS 2RVICE A NEW TIRE LJS for r recap job -o 5 e Company Sylva LVA HERALD AND RURA ByR.J. SC0TT \ rltDS IM Yrti SLai-?tStR-r Rtcqioss 1 A.U*fAALlA _ fAflOM FOR. \ . i<; purposlS. jj 1 our if, you H^SSI fi Of GOTHAM?) ^ \ (A>^ ^SPIDERS t^4? ft?cr>?4 STATE COLLEGE FARMER'S AID QUESTION ? How many cows were bred artificially in North Carolina last year? ANSWER ? Final reports show . that the State's 50 artificial breeding units bred a total of 27,123 cows during the year, says J. F. Brown, extension"*^fiiry specialist at State College. The Forsyth unit, oldest in the State, led with a total of 1,499 cows bred. Other leading units were Union, 1,276; Iredell, 1,156; Davie 1,109; Randolph 1,089; Buncombe, 1,061; Mecklenburg, 1,044; and Alamance, 1,002. Brown says the breeding efficiency of technicians has continued to climb. Nonreturn percentages for September, October, and November, 1949, ran 65, 66, and 64 per cent respectively on a 60-to-90 day basis. That is, cows first bred the higher amount, if you are otherwise eligible. How Dc Compar Competent bus vestment in pro] use their advertis a systematic plar The following p according to surveys s Department Men's Store Women's W Furniture S Drug Stores General Me Jewelry Stc Grocery Stc Meat Markc Specialty SI Dry Cleanei Hardware S Other Busii What / Check your gro business cannot it ... or even h< ... And maybe Ti Figures compiled b LITE Former Resident Of Willets Dies Of A Heart \ttack In Asheville Funeral services were held last Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the Hayvood Street Methodist church for C. Robinson, a Republican eader and former member of the :>oard of elections of Asheville, vho died of a heart attack the ^receding Monday, March 20, at lis home. He was 68 years old. The oldest son of the late D. L. Robinson and Mary Henson Rob- ? ;nson of Willetts, he resided in Asheville for the past 42 years. He was retired from service with Southern Railway 4 years ago, having worked with the system i ? 1 AAft since i?vo. Active pallbearers were members of the Odd Fellows' lodge. Honorary pallbearers were other members of the Odd Fellows' Lodge and the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, of which he was a member. Serving as honorary pallbearers from Sylva were Dr. A. A. Nichols, "Dr. A. S. Nichols, Dr. D. D. Hooper, S. C. Cogdill, D. G. Bryson, J. T. Gribble, E. P. Stillwell, Hugh E. Monteith, and Glenn Hughes. Survivors include ''the widow, Mrs. Clara Robinson; one daughter, Mrs. Charles H. Campbell of Vineland, N. J.; one son, Harry W. Robinson of Asheville; one grandson; four sisters, Miss Annie Robinson of Willetsn Mrs. Etta Howell of Newton, Mrs. W. E. Christy of Asheville and Mrs. G. M. Blanton of Concrete, Washington; four brothers, W. O. of Willets, Glenn of Canton, Edwin of Asheville, and D. L. Robinson of Hickory. during these months were not re-bred during the following 6090 days. Several new associations were formed during 1949 and operated during only a part of the year. To Relieve ? M Misery CP1666 UQUID ?? - SAME PAST RIUEP yes Your Adi e With The ? iiness men scale their adverti portion to gross sales . . . Th sing on a program basis so as t i. icrcentaget of gross sales usually arc made by recognized authorities: Stores ... ;s ear Shops tores I . rchandise .. >res >res its - hops :s and Dyeing stores nesses djout YOUR Fii ss sales and your advertisin differ much from the avera 3ld it where it is today . . . th : we can help you. HE SYLV PRINTERS ANI PHONE y Harvard Bureau of Business Resear Resea Thursday, March 30, 1950 ' WANTED?Fresh Dead Stock r A new Free Service for vour Community ?Call? LEWIS ESSO SERVICE STATION Phone 9105 % We pay collect calls and our special equipped truck will remove your cows, horses, and hogs without any cost to you if called at once. MNSni iniTFI) HIDE AND METAL GO. I V V m m w an av hv MM ? w * * ? ? * / i lertising Investment A iu>mart> : jl my m ? w w ^ _ ising inlen they CT\ 0 follow y J 5 followed, v* 1 - 95% 2.9 1?5 of all failures in business are from the ranks of nonj'q advertisers . . . Only 5 per ' 3*g cent of those that fail are 4 3.3 advertisers. ? According .1.0 to Bradstreet. 20 . , rm, Mr. Business Man? g percentage can easily be figured . . . Your ge in your line, and if you wish to improve it en you cannot ignore your duty to yourself a Herald 3 PUBLISHERS 110 Jl ch and Northwestern University Bureau of Business irch. A * l