<* Thursday, April 27, 1959 9^ *llL 5a inert/it *1 | FOR SALE ? Concrete blocks to retard water, cinder blocks to retard heat, superock blocks to retard heat or sound. Sold at prices between eleven and twenty-five cents determined by size, quantity, material and distance hauled. Use these steam-cured blocks for your protection. We deliver. W. A. Hayes Block Plant. Phone 499, Franklin, N. C. 15tf FOR RENT ? 4 room unfurnished apartment on 2nd floor with bath. Preferably couple. Main St. See M. Buchanan, syiva, ?. v;., or Buchanan Auto and Electric. 40t WALKERS CLEANERS and LAUNDRY ? a complete cleaning and laundry service. Callous for pick-up and delivery. Phone 254* J-4, Cullowhee Road 44TN POR MONUMENTS See Sylva Memorial service next to Ritz Theatre on Main Street, Sylva, N. C. Mar 20 tf FOR SALE ? FREE, FREE with each purchase of a New Domes* tic Sewing Machinfe we will give FREE . . . No. 1?a life time written guarantee. No. 2?1 year's Free Service. No. 3?a full set of attachments and instructions to use same by experienced mechanic. Campbell's Shop, Box 5. Phone 525-J, Waynesville, N. C. 43tf FOR SALE ? Crossed spotted Poland China and Tamworth pigs. Roy Tritt, East LaPorte, N. C. 48 49* FOR RENT ? 3-room furnished apartment with electric kitchen, also hot water heater. Desire couple. See or call Mrs. John R. Jones; 'office phone, 309-J, house phone, 256-J-3. 48 FOR SALE ? Fresh Guernsey cow and calf. Also one-horse wagon with harness. R. D. Cowan, Greens Creek, N. C. 48* ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator, c.t.a. of Edith Douglas Camp. bell deceased, late of Macon County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of April, 1951, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please snake immediate settlement. This 10th day of April, 1950. R. S. Jones, Administrator, c.t.a. Ap. 13,20,27; May 4,11,18 i I Do Your Le DURO T] You Can Any Si{ Duro TRANSFER LETTE FOR DOORS - WINDO MAILBOXES, ETC. Will Stick on An j #Last a Lifetime / # Easily Applied \ Made in 8 sizes f: J VERY INI ) See the variety of su J most suitable I The Bex C 8YLVA HER/ dtflSSt FOR SALE ? 2 fresh Guernsey cows. See Mrs. W. E. Grindstaff, Sylva, N. C. 48* FOR SALE ? Modern 9-room brick veneer house, hardwood floors. 8 acres land with several J .LaIIbm (flAIMMA in _ utuusauu uwuaio amwmav aaa ber. Will sell house and lot separately or entire holding. Phone 219-R. 48 tf. FOR SALE ? 4 weeks old Poland China pigs $5.00 each Ranzie Mathis, Argura. 48* STRONG BOXES ? Now available at Jackson County Bank. SYRUP MAKING ? I am equipped with a power Sy^up grinding mill and modern boiling equipment to give you guaranteed syrup that will not turn to sugar. See me this' fall when your cane is ready. Bob Wood at Rhodes Cove road. 47 48* FOR SALE ? 3 year old fresh Guernsey cow with 2 week old Guernsey heifer calf. $150. D. G. Bryson, Sylva, N. C. 47 48 / NOTICE State of North Carolina County of Jackson. DeWITT P. DOWDLE, Executor of the Estate of THOMAS CLARKE RAVENEL, Deceased Petitioner, vs. FRANCES RA VENAL GARWES and VIRGINIA BAIRD RAVENAL, Respondents. . PURSUANT to Orders of the Court heretofore entered in the above entitled action, I, DeWitt P. Dowdle, ^Executor of the Estate of Thomas fclarke Revenel, Deceased, ...ill *U/? Pniirf U/mico Hnnr r\f WU1| Ob UIC WUt V vtvw* va the County Court House of Jackson County in Sylva, North Carolina, on the 15th day of May, 1950, at 12:00 Noon, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow, ing described real estate, to-wit: Approximately fifty (50) acres of land containing one house lying near Glenville Lake in Hamburg Township in Jackson County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in a deed from Cedar Creek I Realty Company to Thomas Clarke Revenel dated April 17, 1926, and recorded in Deed Book 100, Page 74, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Deeds of Jackson County, North Carolina. . You will FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a ten per cent deposit must be deposited with the Clerk of Superior Court of Jackson County with said bid. This the day of A.D., 1950. DeWITT P. DOWDLE, Executoi of the Estate of Thomas Clarke Ravenel, Deceased. Apr 20 27 May 4 11 tiering With RANSFERS Rf" Now Make | %n With I Decal :rs and numbers \ WS - TRUCKS - BOATS ything i rom 1-2 to 5 1-2 inches \ EXPENSIVE ( tea and select the ones ) for your needs ( 9k Store j kLD BUILDING ? THE-g FOR SALE ? Corn mill with power unit complete. Also stock of groceries and store fixtures, located at Beta. See C. H. Stanford, or Glenn Blanton at Farmers Cooperative, Sylva. 48 49* ? a.? /i i _ t ?: f orijr-iivc ueau ui ic^uicicu r Hereford cattle brought a total of $28,970, or an average of $643.78 each, in the 10th annual State sale of the North Carolina Hereford Breeders Association at Statesville recently. Dr. Hardy, Chiropractor, over Slack's on main street in Waynesville. Nights by appointment. Call 1123, Waynesville. 46tf NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Jackson County. MARY M. FRANKLIN, By her next friend, W. E. MESSER, Plaintiff vs. J. O. FRANKLIN, Defendant The defendant, J. O. Franklin, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Jackson County, North Carolina, against said defendant for judgment in favor of the plaintiff for an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years' separation. That said defendant will further take notice that he is required to be and appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Jackson County, North Carolina in the courthouse in Sylva, on or before the 29th day of April, 1950, or within 20 days thereafter and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 1st day of April, 1950. JOHN E. HENSON, Clerk of Superior Court. ? SUBs "Wt ' HHp/: y$^M gMH i ;.:}:'.' ;::'/ ; SHOWN IN AIOHT over Washington craft target of the U. S. Navy (s to b appearance it resembles the Gerr Known as the KD2G-2. it is remot wlwtftn onwnUtoH it ran flnat A Your Child A By Miss I As we have seen, the purpose of Elementary Arithmetic Is no1 to train mathematicians, but tc train the child so that he can deal adequately with the many quantitative situations which he faces as a dhild and later will face as an adult. It is necessary to emphasize that arithmetic is to be learned for its practical importance and its social values. So s great variety of experiences ir all types of problems must be used in the Elementary School Arithmetic course. These problems of < addition subtraction, multiplication, anc division are to be solved by all oi us every day. All types of measurements are used by most of u? in some form each dav. For in stance, mother measures the ingredients of her biscuits, pies cakes, and other cookery even day. One of the children needs t new dress so mother decides hov much material is needed. Ther the next problem is the cost o each yard. Father has monej enough to finance part of a project he needs. How much mon does he need? What is the rati of ir terest? Will the returns tx sufficient to finance the project' All of these are practical everyday problems. We must find thi answers and there is no answei book. Common sense must heli solve the problem. Then the question of geometry faces a child in school, and hi immediately wants to know wha good that will do him. The housi needs painting. How much pain ;ylva herald and rur ^ thadi ixfiAwtrsf f/< t.0*H ' Notice | This is to notify all citizens of the South Ward that the registration books will open Saturday the 29th at Davis Furniture Store. ! Mrs. Glenn Davis, registrar. gay news Mr. and Mrs. Lee Higdon spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson. Mrs. Charles Rankins of Frank lin spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Browning. Charlie Cope of Cramerton was home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Mann Woodard, Mrs. Dover Burnett, and Edward Jones visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mashburn and Mrs. Zellie Mashburn in Hazelwood Sunday. Misses Frances and Bonnie Cope were week-end guests of their aunt, Mrs. Griffin Browning. Friends of Mrs. Calvin Wilson will be glad to know she has recovered from a recent illness and is able to be out again. Robert Bishop, Leonard Franks and Junior Webb attended the Baptist Training Union convention at the First Baptist church in Murphy Sunday. Mrs. Polly Ann Solsbee and little granddaughter, Alice Faye, of Etowa, Tenn. are spending a few days visiting her brother, Calvin Wilson, and her sister, Mrs. Frank Hyatt. Rev. Corsey Hooper filled his regular appointment at Zion Hill Baptist church Sunday. - ^ 'LANE IN FLIGHT ' this pulse-Jet powered pi lot less air? used for training naval gunners In nan "buzx bomb** of the late war. tly controlled from air or land and, down by parachute (International) \ nri THp Sehnnl a m vwiiwvi /Ucille Hunt i will it take? How* do you figure t the surface? Immediately you , begin work with squares, rectanl gles, triangles, and other geome. trie figures. Mother has a given . piece of cloth to cut a garment. . She turns the pieces until the fig. ures, stripes, or other materials , are fitted for the press. She has . used geometry in many forms bel fore.she finishes the garment, i Another necessity in arithmetic [ is the vocabulary. There are cer. tain terms and words that must be mastered if we are to talk intelligently in the every day use | of commonly accepted terms such , as budget, note, long term loan, [ square, triangle, circle, and man? others that we can name. Arithmetic is an exact science and requires exact knowledge of some facts. These must .be mastered step ' by step from the first concepts 7 of numbers. Two balls to the baby is the concept of one and one. From these tiny beginnings we build step by step until we can solve complicated problems. The whole field of money from the first penny a child has and 5 knows whet it can buy until the ' adult realizes the dream of his J own farm or business that he has ' successfully financed is also built step by step on previous under' standings and concept. r Thus we see that arithmetic is 5 not just another subject in school but a practical everyday tool that r is necessary to modern living. The t more we understand the fundat mental principals of arithmetic i the more successfully we can solve t our own problems. &LITE _ Blind Prodigy* ?/ L^^H^-: ;a ;fl| KPKB r* 1 ^ JBr '. . /:1^| ^ JF 1 W ' 4,j.y .v^pr f^yj;;>...;.;^M ,m^,v 'iS^ip' ''''^m*^* -;'|^| mm' i -BUHHHB BLIND since birth, three-year-old Rosalie Hoffman goes through a few finger exercises for her proud father. Sidney Hoffman, after she had astounded a Brookline. Mass., audience Her performance on the piano is considered particularly remarkable because unable to read music, Rosalie learned to play by listening to records