DAILY NEWS SHEET AND ADVERTISER NUMBER 40 FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 18, 1896. PRICE 2 CENTS. gpE CIAIj WOTIOB. The morning Service. All the stores and bar-rooms were closed Zaccbeus was probably tbe meanest man in Jericho. 3. How tbe sinner must be sayed. 4. Tbe compassion of Jesus. 5. The importance of salvation now. Jesus never passed through Jericho again. At the close of the sermon Dr. Guerrant This paper will be sold by newsboys at 2 again this morning for the Guerrant Meet- mf22&V3Z ln Dri Grrant preached what aany dvance It will be mailed, post paid, at say was. his best sermon, although he calls S 00 per year, payable (in advance) (quarterly, his morning discourses Bible talks. He Iemi-aVuallyarly' "' T Pke of the Penticostal Blessing and the Advertisements will be inserted at the rate Widow's jars of oil. As one gets used to it gave an, invitation to any who wished to of 50 cents per ipchfor the !friiot o? his slight brogue becomes attractive and confess Christ before men to come forte-continued (unchanged), i 4 -A . . Sf-. t per inch for eacn suosequenu issue, icuuo tuioicsi in ms every sseuieuce. do CeEvery copy offered for sale on the streets tween 700 and 800 people attended, should bear the stamp, For Transient Sale, Hotel Amy alt. in red ink. 1 J in 4s iAi'prttidria is to ousmess wnut, einum n w Mchinery-the grand motive JACAULEY T. W. Andrews, Charlotte; J. P. hunty, Pittstoo. Pa.; J. W. Scaffe, more; C. M. Kilmer, Baltimore; Dilo- Balti J. W. rue- is hut one wau of obtaining business Read, Baltimore; Theo. Walker, Rich- jftww .. ll; -i.. I - nuhlicitv; but one way of obtaining publicity advernsmy Cotton is dull at 71. mond; R. T. Faucett, Durham; Chas. W. Hughes, N. Y.; A. J. Riddle, South Bend, Ind.; T. E. Yates and wife, Indianapolis; H. W. Reeves and wife, Beaver Falls, Pa.; Jno. T. Reeves, Beaver Falls, Pa.; Jno. F. Hanis and wife, Fort Edwards, N. Y.; T. ward, and three responded to the invita tion. It is believed that a great many are anxious about their soul's salvation. The whole community is stirred as perhaps never before. Dr. Guerrant believes in the conversion of souls through the preached gospel, and that any converted soul will confess tbe Saviour before men. And so the only in vitation given is to come forward and confess Christ. The meeting will continue throughout the week. The boys of the Military Academy were AT THE CLOSE OP BUSINESS THIS DAT. . (BT TELEGRAPH.) New York Cotton Market, Future market advanced 7 or 8 points from the opening. May, August, October, Opening. 7.72 7.74 7.27 Highest. 7.81 7.81 7.30 Lowest. 7.7 1 7.71 7.25 Sales to-day, Rec't at all ports. Market closed stroug. There was 7.5 feet of water in the Cape A Honour, Jr., S. C, E. M. Bean, S. C, out ih full force last night, and seals were Fear at 8 o'clock this morning. We welcome to our exchange list the Wilmington Daily Herald and the Bur lington Daily News. R. T. Draughon, S. C, Fred Bond, N. C, Jno. B. Culpepper, Richmond. reserved for platform. them on the left of tbe Port receipts, Since September 1st, Port exports, bmcc September 1st, Port stocks, Interior receipts, Since September 1st, Interior shipments, Interior stocks, Came into sight, Since September 1st, World's visible supply, Of which American, Last Week. 71,518 4,617,015 130.503 3,508,127 737,393 31,583 3,291,485 53,217 362,634 82,239 6,181,876 3,599,930 3,102,730 Closing. 7.79 - 7.81 7.29 315,300 9,742 Last Year r 132,33 6,988,415 . 82,734 5,360,300 979,625 77,685 5,193,339 112,569 353,976 127,990 8,805,463 4,701,228 4,382,028 Attempted Burglary. A bold attempt at burglary took place in the heart of the city early Monday Dempsey Council was discharged this morning. Mr. Wilson, who lives in the Chicago Grain. People and their Movements. May Wheat, 63 to 63 63 63 63 to TT morniDg. nis wire paia they went off rejoicing. the costs and Mr. Geo. Overbaugh is having the fence around his property on Bow Street, which was burned by the recent fire, rebuilt. one-story brick building between the Mil itary Academy and the Marsh House, on Hay street, heard some one walking on the tin roof above his room about -io o'clock. He hurriedly arose, and grabbing Miss Douglas Evans is visiting Miss Belle Alderman on Russell street. Miss Jean Evans is visiting Miss Maggie Whitehead on Cool Spring stieet. Dr. Lilly is confined to his room with the grippe. Misses Janie Fairly and Janie Mc- Liverpool Cotton. Spots, 4.13-32; demand fair, pi ices hardening. Futures opened firm at the advance 4.17 and 18, closing very steady at 4.18 and 19 bid. New York Stocks. up his pistol stepped outside. Just as he A gentleman who travels a great deal made his appearance a man ran across the niarmid are visitine at Mr. McD. rlobin was heard to remark after attending one roof, and jumping to the ground made ori. of Mr, Chas. Glover's sales, the other day, Mr. Wilson fired several shots at him, but that Fayetteville could boast of one thing without apparent effect. The man was -among many others that she had the evidently on the point of trying to get in one of the second story windows of the Marsh House. 113. AAV best auctioneer in the State, if not in the South. Weather Predictions---Chief Moore, Washington, D. C, 11:30. Increasing cloudiness and rain and warmer to-night and Thursday. Wen. Thos. Gill, city, 10:30. Consider Playing With a Pistol Almost Fatal Re sult. Two colored boys were playing with a pistol on Mr. W. N. Williams1 plantation yesterday, when it accidently went off, the son's. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Williams of Little River Academy, are attending the Guer rant meetings. Mr. Chas. W. Hughes, of New York, is on a visit to his uncle, Rev. Isaac Hughes, on Green street. Rev. E. W. Oaks, the Evangelist is in the city, stopping with Mr. H. McD. Robinson, on Green Street. He is on his Am. Sugar. Ref., 117 117 115f Am.Tob. Co., 82 82 80 Atchison, 15 J 15 15 Quotations furnished daily by John S. Chiles, Broker, Thornton Block, Fayetteville. 81i lit CHAS. GLOVER, Licensed Auctioneer, FAYETTEVILLE, N .0. 40 2t w f ii . i e j way to Lumber Bridge where he will bold ably warmer to-night and to-njorrow, pos- bullet entering, the neck of one and rang- .... sible slight rains. ing down. It was thought at first to be a TL.ru. - " , . , mortal wound and the one who aid the ine list handed to us yesterday for pub- .. , . . , liratinti it. r i- shooting was almost distracted. ncation containing the names of liquor m. j j u i,i dealprc a 4.1. i j. The wounded boy was immediately aeaiers who agreed among themselves to , - , t - , , , . 4. , cWimH,ia brought to town and placed in tbe hands coseup during the morning services at the c urtn0 Armory.idid not contain that of Mr. W. ,M " ? - prooiug me uocror iouna me pan, lougeu near the windpipe. A fraction's difference in the direction would have meant death. The wound, though a severe one, is not dangerous. a big meeting. J. McDonald, although, we understand that he was one of the first to agree to such a course. Fi' Alarm. At two o'clock this afternoon a great cloud of smoke was seen to come from the Episcopal Rectory on Green street. The 6 &larm was sounded and the company Promptly turned out. It happened to be Jing more than a burning chimney, evw, and the excitement was soon over. , - - The Guerrant Meeting. Between 1,000 and 1,200 people listened to Dr. Guerrant last night. His descrip tion of the crazy man pacing the corridor of tbe insane asylum, crying, "O that I had, O that I had, O that I had," was in- AnaA. Gna 'Fl-io man Via3 arnnn fr 7. V Vtn Thn"6 Reachins Mf' cause be had caused the wreck of a train p Uotl SERVER'S editorials have been and the death of hundreds of people by a L 7 the New York World, the great- few minutes7 needless delay. its newspapers, side by side with The conveision of Zaccheus was the uub- leadSymPsiuras of quotations from the ject of Dr. Guerrant's sermon. The story times ?JUrnals of the great cities, five illustrated : ' vert'11 laSt Six weeks Jt is the best 1- The importance of being where Christ isementthe town has ever had, for was. Zaccheus put himself in the way of aree millions 'y ' " 9. Thn wnrst man is not bevond helo. Garland, N. C, March 18th. Your correspondent from this place has been at Kerr for the past two months "teach ing the young idea to shoot." The measles and grippe are all the rage in this section. Several deaths from measles. Last week two Mormon elders passed here, leaving tracts with those who would take them. Miss may uromartie nas , returned irom a visit to Kinston. Mr. Sloan has employed Mr. Bob. Shaw, of Kerr, to clerk for him. Mr. Angus Cromartie, who has been teach ing school in Pender county, came home last week. Mrs. Graham, of Warsaw, is visiting rela tives here. Receivers' Notice. Hnlrtars of Receivers1 Certificates of the Peo ple's National Bank of Fayetteville must present rneir vjeruncates at ufluii u iuc nuum their money thereon. Theinai dividend is now ready, and the business must close at once. WM. U. IjELIUU, d39-wl9-26 Receiver. 3d EEIPrvdEHT OF SPRING : CLOTHING RECEIVED AT FOR SALE I BEAUTIFUL NEW DRESS PATTERNS. They are HERE and must be sold. Onlv 90 stens from the Market House will carry you to the Cheap Clothing Store. The following are some of our prices: Men's Pnll Snita from $3.00 to $5.00. for which others would ask $8.00 to $10.00. A No. 1 AlLWool Black Suit, $8.&u, ror which others would ask $12.50 to $15.00. All other goods in proportion. They were bought CHEAP, and will be sold CHEAP. EIT Come at once and get our prices. Respectfully, RIBBONS. RIBBONS. RIBBONS. DESIRABLE SHADES JUST RECEIVED. cube mxpty CORSETS. All Sizes and Lengths. At J. P. COOK & CO.'S 30-tf CORSETS. Prices Reduced. RTTnTTT.Tl YOTJ TRY TlcDOU AID'S COUGH and fail to be benefitted by it, return emj DOiiie ana your muuoj wm wo iwuuuou Pitcher's Caotoria, I . wnuaren ry lur