1 - The tlorpfanton Heiolationi. the Silver Convention held at Mor eanton od Monday. Major James W. Wil sou chairman of the Resolutions com -pitteo presented the following, which Were adopted with but one dissenting voice: ; i That the interest and happiness or pverv producer, laborer add debtor in the 1 nd is largely bound up in and dependent noon the triumph of the silver cause, and the consequent overthrow of the wicked lud unconstitutional method .devised by the minions of capital to destroy the work of our fore-fathers and fasten upon us the single gold standard of England. 9 That while we are assembled neither to severold party ties nor to form new ooes, we believe, that in the coming cam- jrn the question, whether the mints of this country shall be opened for the coin age cf stiver, in the ratio of 16 to 1 and to their full capacity, will be considered by neoDle devoted to agriculture as para mount to all other issues, and that farmers, wbO nave reil me curse ul iuo siuio sinuu- ard shrinkage in the diminished values of their homes, and in the inadequate re muneration of their toil, will not tolerate an attempt on the part of any party to deceive them with janus-faced planks jn their platform or uncertain or deceptive deliverances upon this vital subject. 3. We ask uo novel legislation, we ad vocate no financial experiment, we urge no new policy, but desire and design to reinstate the law in force from the time of Washington to the time of Grant, and in sist, that money good from the days of Abraham till the financial reign of John Sherman will maintain its parity in the old ratio, if the hand of hostile legislation and unfriendly administration be once re moved. 4. We denounce as unjust, unprecedent ed and oppressive the attempt to fix the pold standard upon us at a cost of $2C3, 000,000 of interest-bearing bonds in a sin gle year, and we condemn ' all persons in authority in ever' department of the governmeut, who have lent their influence to this wicked scheme to further enslave the people by subjecting their land and labor to such a mortgage and to deprive them of the power to resist the sway of National banks by a needless reduction of the currency issued by the government. But we commend to public confidence the gallant defenders of the white metal the money of the poor man and tho producing nations who in tvhe Senate of the Uuited States have withstood the temptations of patronage and the abuse of that portion of the press controlled by capital, and have ndhered with fidelity to the cause of the people. 5. We cannot close our eyes to the fact, that popular indignation has been justly aroused against the policy of the present administration in discrediting silver and enhancing the value of gold and allying itswlf with the leaders of the party nomi nally opposed to it to carry out its plans. We believe that the revolt against our own State governmenCthe overthrow of those iu power in Maryland, and the marked changes in political sentiment in other States are unmistakeable evidences or a purpose to rebuke the disposition iu high places to yield to the dictation of banks and chambers of commerce in the administration of the financial affairs of tne government. 0. We denounce as an effort to mislead and derive the people of North Carolina any jWempt to compromise by providing for a limited coinage, confined to a fixed amount wto thn product of the mines of the ortnwest, because of the fact, that our interest as an agricultural people depends not upon consuming the output of pai ticu r mines, but upon doubling the amount v.in dempctl0D money and restoring the old labor Ur lands, Ur Crop3 and our J' W solemnly pledge our best efforts f;mote the restoration of silver to the onit. ? P.erformed by it before the ini on l!f S lelslHtion of 1873, reserving to urseiVeS the right to exercise our best ment as to the means of accomplish the IT end We believe. that in pursuing follnrse marked out f r ourselves we are of th!T ln the foot-steps of the foremost ie 7 u i pJ?ns ot Popular rule in Amer those l0D B' Dce, and we invoke for ofdnLUF-on whom may devolve the duty future aS the cause of the people in a double portion of his spirit,- . not'rnli- nounce as unjust and false, if toahci, the charge of the partisans of a single gold standard, 'that this meet ing was called or is held to.promote the interest of , any one political party of the past, present or future. We call upon our critics to answer at the bar of public senti ment, whether they approve of the policy of issuing over two hundred millions of bonds in a time of profound peace in pay ment of coin certificates gathered and pre sented by banks and syndicates, when the honest toilers employed by every depart ment of the government are paid in the dollars that combined capital is seeking to dishonor. The correspondent of the Raleigh News and Observer -comments as follows upon the convention: The convention was a success in every way, and represented the aggressive silver sentiment of this county. The people here are thoroughly aroused, and the Democrats of the county are going to send a strong delegation to the State convention. "No straddling and no gold bugs," is Burke's cry. . " - Among those who took part in the con vention were Burke's two last Representa tives in the Legislature Mr., Julius Huf ham and Col. C. Houk, true and tried dem ocrats. Such old fashioned ' democrats as Maj. Wilson, Dr. Jeter, Mark Winters, John fl. Pearson, ex-Sheriff Lackey and hundreds of others were here. Aetna Life Insurance Co., HARTFORD, CONN., Assets January 1, 1896, - $43,560,073. h. i. Mcduffie, District Manager, wly-d3m Fayette ville, N. C. LIBEL NOTICE. The following personal property was seized in this, the Fourth District North Carolina, as follows: September 15, 1895, near Carthage, 1 Bbl. about 4 J gallons Brandy, Mr. Cox, owner R. S. Section. January 29, 1896, at Fayetteville, 13 Boxes Tobacco, Stewart & Skinner. Richmond, Va., owners R. S. Section. February 26, 1896, at Fayetteville, 12 Boxes Tobacco, about 300 lbs., J. L. Allen, supposed owner R. S. Section. Any person having any interest in said property should appear before me within 30 days from date of this libel notice and show cause why said property should not be for feited to the United States. Given under my hand and seal at Raleigh, N. C, this 2d day of March, 1896 F. M. SIMMONS, Collector Internal Revenue, 4th District North Carolina. Thousands ot Woim SUFFER UNTOLD MISERIES. BRADFieLDfS r REGULATOR, ACTS AS A SPECIFIC tfij Arousing to Health) Action all her Organs.; it causes health to bloom, and, joy to reign throughout the frame. j It Never Fails to Regulate A "My wife has been under treatment of lead- I UCCU UUUVA W w . ,lng physicians three years, without benefltw . Alter using inree boiubk w FJSMAIiK BKQUIiATOK sne can ao ner uwu ) i i tll.lnn n4 Bn.hlnff " N. S. BRYAN, Henderson, Ala. BRADFIELD IiEGULATOB CO., Atlanta, Ga.( Bold by druggists at $1.00 per bottle. Beaver Creel and Bluff Hills, H. W. Lilly, President, OFFICE FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, Manufacturers of "Lake George' A A 4-4 Sheeting, Cotton Yarn and Batting. DO NOT TAIL 10 TBY McDOIT ALD'S COUGH Cure. You will find it a first-class remedy. Sold by Druggists. Pitcher's Castorla Children Cry for The same expense and labor that will sow poor seeds will plant and cultivate Peter Henderson's Seeds WHICH NEVER DISAPPOINT. A full supply at HORNE'S DRUG STORE. THIRD SHIPMENT OF ; BIO Y O . TLi JE S RECEIVED AT A. J. PEMBERTON & CO.'S. A beautiful line of Ladies Wheels, CHEAP. At MOORE'S NEW BOOK AND MUSIC STORE : Box Paper and Tablets, Blank-Books, School and Office Supplies Specialties., MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ETC. 32-tf . SPRING, 1896! CORRECT STYLE AND A GOOD FIT IS ASSURED IN A CUT TO ORDER SUIT - OF - CLOTHES. THIS IS FOUND AT CRAWFORD'S. CF" His motto, SATISFACTION. W.A.CRAWFORD, I Merchant Tailor, Hotel LaFayette Building, Fayetterille, N. C. Poor By all means be economical, but don't be too economical where health or life is concerned. The matter ot a few cents should never count be tween the old, standard and reliable preparations and the new, obscure, and in many cases, almost worthless substitutes. SMS of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphites is as much the standard fcr all con ditions of wasting in children and adults where the lungs are . weak or , affected, as quinine is the standard for malarial fevers. When you go to a store to get Scott's Emulsion, don't be fooled into taking something else they say is just as good." isn't Scott's Emulsion has gained its repu tation by its superior merit, and noth ing of its kind has ever equalled it. Your doctor will tell you that. All druggists sell Scott's Emulsion. Two sizes -r Tents and $t.oo. A Strong Fortification. Fortify the body against disease by Tutts Liver Pills, an abso lute cure for sick headache , d ys -pepsia, sour stomach, malai L. constipation, jaundice, bilious ness and all kindred troubles. "The Fly-Wheel of life" Dr.Tutt; Your Liver Pills are the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever be grateful for the accident that brought them to my notice. I feel as if I had a new lease of life. J. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, Col. Tutt's Liver Pills President Isaac Lewis of Sabina, Ohio, is highly - respected all through that section. Helms lived in Clinton Co. 7o years, and has been president : of the Sabina Bank 20 years. He gladly testifies to the merit of Hood's Sarsa parilla, and what he says is worthy attention. AH brain . workers find ' Hopd's Sarsaparilla peculiarly adapted to their needs. ; It makes pure, rich, red blood, and from this comes nerve, mental, bodily and digestive strength. "Iam glad to Bay that Hood's Sarsapa rilla is a very good medicine, especially as a blood purifier. It has done me good many times. For several years I suffered greatly with pains of in one eye and about my temples, es pecially at night when I had been having a hard day of physical and mental labor. I took many remedies, but found help only in Hood's Sarsaparilla which cared me of rheumatism, neuralgia and headache. Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved itself a true friend. I also take Hood's Pills to keep my bowels regular, and like the pills very much." Isaac Lewis, Sabina, Ohio. Sarsaparilla I s the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. 1'repared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. it rc ure Prompt, efficient and r i rz Ml S en v in effect. 25 cents. From LaGrippe. How Dr. Miles Nervine Restored One of Kentucky's Business Men to Health. No DISEASE has ever presented so many peculiarities as LaGrippe. No disease leaves its victims so debilitated, useless, sleepless, nerveless, as LaGrippe. Mr. P. W. Hilton, state acrentof the Mut ual Life Insurance Co., of Kentucky, says: "In 1889 and '90 I had two severe attacks of LaGrippe, the last one attacking my ner vous .system with such severity that my life was despaired of. I had not slept for more than two months except by the use of nar cotics that stupefied me, but gave me no rest. I was only conscious of intense mental weakness, agonizing bodily pain and the fact that I was hourly growing weaker. When in this condition. I commenced using Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. In two days I began to Improve and in one month's time I was cured', much to tho surprise of all who knew of my condition. I have been in ex cellent health since and have recommended your remedies to many of my friends." Louisville, Jan. 22, 1805. D.W.Hiltok.. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Health, Papero' for Sale Old papers for sale at tba Observer Office at 20 cents per hundred . . Pitctjer'o Castorla. Children Cry for