MARY S. MacRAE. Lorenzo Faginoli, who saved Garibaldi's life in 1849 by hiding him in the swamps near Ravenna, after he had been obliged to leave his dying wife iii the retreat from Rome, has just died at Revanna. Garibaldi and he from meir mam? piace saw me Ausinau somicia 'What did St. Patrick do?" asked a marcu Dv Wlth US Ba8S1 aDd tne otner pa" small boy. "Preached and drove snakes triots they had captured, who were soon after out of Ireland.'' was the nromnt reDlv; tried by court martial and shot. J iLf il . t .1 - 1 I. I ana mis is me aenmte iaea mat aweu in The Wearing o' the Green. Latest News from all Parti of the World, Pre pared Especially for the Readers of "The Observer." the minds of many of us who wore the green on the seventeenth. The patron saint of Ireland was a Roman aristocrat by birth and is first seen in Gaul when the fierce: Irish overnowered the Roman province in which he dwelt and. At St. John, Porto Rico, a Spanish. soldier his parents being slain, young Patrick and attempts to assassinate the United States his sisters were sold into slavery. f consuL Gen. Weyler contradicts the re- r or six years he tended the sheep of v a a - - Ai ? v- nortofhis intention to resigu. A man iuncuo, a cuiei oi Antrim, on me erreen . , , , . . hills of Erin, and here at night, the story attempting to hold up a passenger tram in goes, he was visited bvaneelsand Dlanned California was killed; he wounds the sheriff and another officer. The Treasury De partment issues orders for the seizure of the Bermuda if to be found in the jurisdiction of the United States. Thomas B. Keogh is the representative of Morton in this State and is organizing the districts to send Morton delegates to St. Louis. It is said in Mad rid that the Cuban war can only be ended by goes, he was visited by angels and planned out the great work of Christianizing idolatrous Ireland. Being aided by a kind hearted sea captain to escape and return to his old home, thirty years of St. Patrick's life were now spent in preparation for this great work. He. studied, preached, made pilgrimages, wvftug ? a j o iuio uud cuu iu ion, auu i " at last' prepared for this great undertaking, sending large reinforcements to the island laouou IU JUBrVlU III Oi5. Having heard of the arrival of the saint, You woulj pot knowingly swallow poison, When you drink poor whisky you poison blood, body and brain. Besides this you don't enjoy the drink. Buy good whisky. There's com fort, health and enjoyment in it. If over worked, worried or run down, you need a warming soothing tonic. Nothing like good whisky. It aids digestion, makes flesh and pleasantly invigorates the system. Good whisky does this, mind you. Poor whisky ir ritates the stomach, inflames the tissues and poisons the blood. You can't afford to run risks; get the best, it pays. Physicians drink and recommend I. W. Harper's Nelson Coun ty Ky. Whisky. SOLD BY J. W. IHGOLD, PAYETTEVILLE, N. C. IT" o Prince Dichn came down to the coast to drive him and his religion into the sea. But when he rushed upon St. Patrick to attack him, the Prince's sword arm be came rigid as marble, and, feeling that a power more than human was at work, he abandoned his purpose and himself em braced Christianity; To convert his old master Milcho was St. Patrick's great ambition. Accordingly he set out toward the north in the direction of the fields where he' had been used to tend the sheep. Vhen lie came insight of the castle, however, he beheld a great red ligh . on the horizon. Milcho had heard of his annrnanh nnd fearing that he might be induced to leave the faith of his fathers, set fire to his an cestral home and perished in the flames. St. Patrick proceeded to the palace of the King. It was the night before the lighting of the sacred fires, and the Druid priests were gathered to worship in the national fashion. In full view of these ceremonieu, St. Patrick and his followers built their camp are ana sat ooiaiy in its glare. and formins: a comnlete blockade. The twentieth annual convention of the Young Men's Christian Association met in Charlotte yesterday. The Iron Trade Review an nounces very dull times in the iron and steel trade. W. H. McNuit is arrested in Chicago for tapping the wires and causing the big swindle on the New Orleans race track last Sat urday. - -The Democratic Senators caucus on the subject of the Senate patronage ; the two parties are about to come to an agreement as to the division of the patronage among the ninety Senators. mn. Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railway JOHN GILL, RECEIVER. mmmmmmm, j CONDENSED SCHEDULE. In Effect December 8th, 1895. City Tax Sale. City Tax Payers are notified that I Mlu . ing out my list for levying, advert ism? ; selling. Do those who have not paid w.f be advertised T ' antto Respectfully, S. W. TILL1NGHAST 34-6t City Tax Collector. Wilmington & Weldon R, it AND FLORENCE RAILROAD Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. DATED Jan. 27, 1895 2;Q O OS . . A. M. P. M A. M. Leave Weldon.. Jl 53 9 27 Ar. Rocky Mount 12 57 10 20 Leave Tarboro.. 12 20 Lv Rocky Mount Leave Wilson... Leave Selma.... Lv. Fayetteville Arrive Florence .NORTH BOUND. 1 05 10 20 6 00 2 03 11 03 2 53 4 31 12 53 . 7 15 ,B 00 . .... No. 2, Dally Leave Wilmington, Arrive Fayetteville, Leave Fayetteville, Leave Fayetteville Jnnctiou, Leave Sanford, Leave Climax, Arrive Greensboro, ' Leave Greensboro, Leave Stokesdale. Arrive Walnut Cove, Leave Walnut Cove, Leave Rural Hall, Arrive Mt. Airy, 7:25 a m 10:35 " 10:55 " 10:57 " 12:19 p ru 2:25 " 2:56 3:05 3:59 4:31 4:38 5:17 6:45 O oS Fayetteville, N. C, March 19, ?96. Mr. Editor: If Robert Barns, "Nature's Poet as he is sometimes called, had lived in this enlightened nineteenth century, he could not more aptly have de scribed some of the "Religionists" of America than he does in his poems, "To the Unco Guid" and "Dedication," "To Gavin Hamilton." Religious zeal without Christianity has, in all the ages of the past, been a curse instead of a blessing. It was this that threw the pall of darkness over the ninth and tenth centuries, very properly called "The Dark Ages." It was u:.. tl.t ui:i i u T : This was a grave offense. No fires were ? allowed to be lighted before the sacrificial H,U !I5 h?rpors lt ls religion, the religion of fi.Ao trio I n 11? f not t rv . rl o 7 ia ma ooo nvuin r On the following mnrninir' thrfrt Christians of Armenia, and like their pre- the King ordered him broneht before the dece!sors 'their zeal for Islam is only .. . . ceremonial and it was only when St. l atnckJs supernatural powers had out numbered those of the Druids that the King gave up, and, though he, himself, did not at once accept Christianity, decid ed to make the best of the situation and give this great missionary the freedom of his kingdom. Eleven years after h!s arrival St. Patrick equaled by their slakeless thirst for plun der." jit is religious zeal that to-day would again persecute Jew and Gentile for differing with them If they only had the power. I once beard an eminent di vine speaking of a narrow sectarian ser mon to which he had listened, and his comment was, all great and good men are TTT - oroaa men. we Know that the revrs i. rHirinv i . - . . was made a membtrof a cnnnnil fnrmo of this proposition is not necessarily true. to remodel the lawsof the land. . We have heard of Ministers who had So goes the storv of his ministry and Deen Poaching tor years before they found be merely legendary oul . at laey nad uever been converted, unchris them, we w ' u..u.uv , lUUf mhutnnia ! it. 1 ... l " ci kjl lt txiay uh merely legendary , . ' -"-j vu . with no foundation save the superstition . 3udinff from the unkind and of the times, certain it is that at the age Van, n!?e expressions of some of of 120 after sixty years of work among a do1S 'dgut .lt- c T once nerce and idolatrous people, St. Patrick breathed his last on March 17th. 492 in a Christian country of over 3,000, 000 souls, where not an idol was to be found. NEWS AND COMMENTS. Thd Religion of Jesas Christ h as baan wonderfully exemplified in the powerful sermons to which we have listened for the last week, and it is that Christ like spirit, with which he is possessed, that civfes th preacher his great power. Appropog of the sermon on Friday evening, I heard one Minister who takes a very prominent part in the meetings, charged with having got ten religion under that sermon, his reply was: "1 COt that berrra tho wrt unn hAVu SOUTH BOUND. No. 1, Dailv. Leave Mt. Airy, 9 Leave Rural flail, 11:05 " Arrive Walnut Cove, 1,1:35 " Leave Walnnt Cove, ii:45 " Leave Stokesdale, 12:12 p m Arrive Greensboro, 12:58 " Leave Greensboro, i:03 Leave Climax, 1J32 Leave Sanford, 's-iQ Arrive Fayetteville Junction, 4"30 " Arrive Fayetteville, 4:33 Leave Eayetteville, 4:45 Arrive Wilmintrton, 755 NORTHBOUND. ' No. 4, Daily Leave Bennettsville, 8:25 a. m. Arrive Maxton, 9:23 Leave Maxton, g:29 Leave Red Springs, 9I55 i Leave Hope Mills, 1 :35 Arrive Fayetteville, 10:52 " SOUTH BOUND. No. 3, Daily Leave Fayetteville, 4.8 p. m. Leave Hope Mills, 4-58 Leave Rea Springe, 5I42 Arrive Maxton, ' 612 " Leave Maxton, &13 Arrive Bennettsville, 7:20 " .NORTHBOUND. No. 16. Mixed, Daily Except Sunday. Leave Ramseur, 6:45 a. m Lieave Climax, g.35 u Arrive Greensboro, 920 11 Leave Greensboro, 9I35 i Leave Stokesdale, 10:50 " Arrive Madison 11:50 " SOUTHBOUND. No. 15, Mixed, Daily Except Sunday. J'. M. Leave Wilson... 2 08 Leave Goldboro. 2 55 Leave Magnolia. 4 02 Ar. Wilmington. 5 30 P. M. A. M. 6 35 7 20 8 29 10 W) A M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. DATED OO Jan. 27, 1895. c & Leave Florence Lv. Fayetteville Leave Selma.... Arrive Wilson.. Leave Tarboro. . 2 48 P. M. A. M P. M. 8 15 7 15 10 55 9 19 12 32 1 20 11 15 A. M. P. M. Lv. Wilmington. 9 20 700 Leave Magnolia 10 56 8 31 Leave Goldsboro 12 05 9 40 Arrive Wilson.. 1 00 10 27 O OS c"3 P. M P M. P. M. ...... Leave Wilson... 1 30 11 20 10 32 Ar Rocly Mount 2 33 12 02 11 15 Arrive Tarboro. 2 48 A recent expert estimate of the exte nt of the anthracite coal fields in the United States places their contents, at U.921.400,000 tons, aever lo "and those 'who know him o. uutt luuucuofl averages &,uoo,000 can testiry to the fact that he still has it, tons, at which rate the supply would last some his broad minded, Christian liberality ver ....... Leave Mndiann. Leave Stokesdale, Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro, Leave Climax, Arrive Ramseur, 12:25 p. m. 1:28 '35 3:10 3:55 Lv Rocky Mount 2 33 . . Arrive Weldon.. 3 48 .. P. M. 12 02 12 54 A. M. P. M. I t. 5:50 265 years. proves it, and a man of this kind will do more good in a year that one who, as Burns says "Grunts up a lengthened solemn groan auu aamns ail parties but his own." The town of Wenatchee, Wash., is to be moved two miles from its present location to a pome on me Dan or a river, it is a pretty A . .. . , - . tr "J Will flrt in n I fV 1 i fair sized town, too. All the buildings will be T T- j lur " , m 5 every la the nsnai wa, to the neAcat 53285 I here is not an adequate supply of water where the town now stands, and in addition SHOULD YOU TRY UeDOBALD'S COUOHCTTRE the citizens are incensed at the avarice of the and fail to be benefitted by it, return emntv vYYuors oi me present town site, who have """" tt,lu j"" money win do rerunaea fixed the Price of nrnnorfv nt n uow T,i,Ti figure. Ltn rirsn Lrv i- r fi i-rv NOUTH BOUND CONNECTIONS at Fayetteville with Atlantic Coat Line for all points North and East, at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Greensboro with the Southern Railwav Company, at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk & Western. Railroad for Winston-Salem. SOUTH BOUND CONNECTIONS at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk & Western Rail road for Roanoke and points North and West, at Greensboro with the Southern Railway Company for Raleigh, Richmond and all points North and East, at Fayetteville with the Atlantic Coast Line for all points South, at Maxton with the Seaboai-d Air Line for Charlotte, Atlanta and aU points South and Southwest. W. E. KYLE, J. W FRY, Gener,l&rPaa8ngerAgem tDaily except Monday JDaily except Sun!aj. JVain on the Scotland Neck Branch Read leaves Weldou 3:48 P M, Halifax 4:05 P M, arrive Scot land Neck at 4:55 P M. Greenville 6:37 P M., Kin ston 7:35 P M. Returning, leaves Kinston 7:20 A M, Greenville 8:22 A M. Arriving Halifax at 10:55 A M. Weldon 11.20 A M, daily except Sunday. Tiains on Washington Branch leave Washington 7:00 A. M., arrives Parmele 8:40 A. M.. Turboro 9:50 A M; returning leaves Tarboro 4:50 P M, Parmele 6:10 P. M., arrives Washington 7:35 P. M. Daily except Sunday. Connects with trains on Scotland Neck Branch. Train leaves Tarboro, N C, daily except Sunday at 5:00 P M, Sunday 3:00 P M; arrives P.y mouth 9:00 P M, 5:25 P M. Retaning leaves Plymouth daily, except Sunday, 6:00 A M, Sunday 9:30 A M, arrive Tarboro 10-.25 A M. nrt ll-4.n A m. Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Goldabio daily except Sunday, 6:05 A M, arriving Sniithfield 7:30 A M. Returning, leaves S i.rthtield 8:00 A. M; arrive Goldsboro 9,30 A M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mauti 4:30 P M. arrives Nashville 5:05 P M, Spring Hope 5:30 P M. Retnrning, leaves Spring Hope 8X0 A M, Nashville 8:35 A M, arrive Rocky Mount 05 AM, daily, except Sunday. Trains on Latta Branch Florence R R leave Lata 6:40 P M; arrive Dunbar 7:50 P M. Returning leave Dunbar 6:30 A M; arrive Latta 7:50 A M. Daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton branch leaves Warsaw for I'liu ton, Daily, except Sunday, at 4:10 P M. iietnirJ, leaves Clinton at 7:20 A M., connecting at Ware with main line trains. Train No 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily, all rail via Richmond, aud daily except Sunday via Portsmouth and Bay Line. Also at Rocky Mount with Norfolk and Carolina Railroad for Norfolk daily and all points north via Norfolk daily except Sunday. J. R KX2TLEY, J0H2T Y. SIYIKE, Gen'l Manager. General Sup i T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager.

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