ii 4 DAILY NEWS SHEET AND ADVERTISER. sJj ft TIMBER 90. FAYETTEVILLK N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 15, 1896. PRICE 2 CENTS. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : rear. $3 OO in advance. panj v- -piljr one month, Weekly one year, 35 in advance. I SO in advance. ,;; to hminess what steam is to nereis but one way of obtaining business IjOCAIj news, Middling cotton is worth on this market to day 1 cents. There was 2.6 feet of water in the Cape Fear at 8 o'clock this morning. Hope Mills, Bluff Mill and Cumberland Mill are all mrming on half time. Hurrah for the Gold Standard. All the children participating in Colum bia are requested to meet at the Graded School Monday morning at 10 o'clock. The Democratic Executive Committee of Sampson has called the county conven tion to meet in the court house at Clinton on Saturday June 6th. mi n i in i 1 J 1 me Doara oi Aiaermen noia a special meeting to-night at 8:15 o.'clock. A num ber of important questions will come up for discussion and decision at this meeting. a sexton tor the cemetery will be elected. Weather Predictions Chief Moore, ton, D. C. 11:30 o'clock. Fair Hi lev Wins. At eleven o'clock last night the jury in the great land suit of Riley against Hall, returned a verdict in favor of Riley. It is a suit by Noel Riley, a legitimate child of John Riley to invalidate a deed made by his father, granting all his property to his illegitimate children. The following were the issues submit ted to the jury and their answers: 1. Was the execution of the Deed dated Sept 29th, 1887 from Jno. Riley to W. J. B. Hall and the other defendants obtaiued by the undue influence of the defendants, or any one in their behalf? Answer by Jury, ye9. 2. At the date of the execution of said Deed, did the said Jno. Riley have suffici ent mental capacity to execute the samef Answer, yes. 3. If the said Jno. Riley did have mental capacity to execute said Deed, was he at that time a person of weak and feeble in tellect! Answer, yes. 4. What was the value of the land des ribed in said Deed at the time of its exe ution? Answer, $3,160. 5. What was the consideration paid for said land by the defendants? Answer $200. 6. What was the annual rental of said land? Answer, $200. to-night and Saturday. Gen. Thos. Gill, ci'y, 10:30 o'clock This moon is much like the last one. Don't look for much rain inside of a week. Also, the indications are that we will have cool snaps rather cool for the season. D P. Williams a Mayor. The election of town officers took olace in Roseboro last Mondav. and resulted as follows: For Mayor, D. P. Williams. For commissioners, A. R. Harris. A. M.,Hall Wd Black Britt. Town marshal. Mils Vinson. htler and Silver be Blank. Reheard several prominent Cumber M county Populists say this morning Whey thought Butler was fixing to re wn to the Democratic party and that if 7 he could go without them, silver or "w. fco say all the office holders and le&ders. W ti, . ... , , --v ,un gltJa ranK ana nie are Failure of Mr. John Clark. Mr. John Clark, the cotton manufactur er and principal merchant at Manchester, made a deed of assignment this morning, naming as his assignees Messrs. Isaac A. Murchison and W. J. McDiarmid. This is no great surprise, as it has been an open secret that Mr. Clark has been struggling hard against the universal tide of business depression ever since tha last death blow to silver. His liabilities are placed at $2,500, outside of mortgages. His property consists of a cotton mill worth probably $20,000, mortgaged for $9,600, store, turpentine still and several farms, all mortgaged. Mr. Clark started in business with the Little River Manufacturing Company and succeeded to the business by purchase. He accumulated a lot of property and was at one time very well off. We learn, and we trust that there is good foundation for the statement, that Mr. Clark will be able to meet his obliga tions and start anew. People and their Movements. 0iQg disgusted with a party whose msion with their natural enemies. object iL v. lDe KcDllhUo.r,,, Rioted jr r" Alderman T t tit ,. . , . , u. . vvnat nas received a : Z ' CoK Joh W. Atkinson, of Wil- -. x,. v,., requesting him to be Dre possible at the laying of the corner aomiv Uavis monument at Rich- Mr W -iuu. it nieh 1 e"liste(1 ,h,ring the late war , v a., as nnn rF Jaff nn oi 110(10 ' , " " v M-rav io WUjPUaVl TIT TTT . . manvu Wr,Bht says that he has H,L, ' 6 Panted arms to Jeff Davis. Mr. G. W. Alley, Jr., the efficient agent of the C. F. & Y. V. at Greensboro, was in the city this morning. Messrs. Isaac A. Murchison, W. J. Mc Diarmid and Dr. F. M. Register, of Man chester, came down to the city this morn-iug. Miss Kate Gainey of Sherwood, was in town shopping this morning. We are endebted to Miss Lottie Temple Thornton one of the graduating class, for an invitation to the commencement exer cises of the Salem Female Academy at Salem May 23rd to 28th. NiJ Hlevethat there are many living r J can SUV Q r.,W 1862, served three years isinrt . "v0 aruuna rucnmona. 14 vo. a, 10th Va. Bat. ft ?en,ited in 1862, sevent eeu di We learn that Mr. F. R. Rose, real estate agent of this place, has sold a desirable lot on Haymount to a gentleman who intends building upon it immediately. We are glad to note prospective Improvements of this kind in or near the city. SPECIALS FROM BALEIGH. BOYD, THE FAVORITE. TJie Observer, Fayctteville. Raleigh, May 15, 3:15 p. m. Convention met at noon. There was a hot fight on report of Credentials Com mittee, which developed into a Pritchard Settle fight. Settle was downed. There was great disorder. Majority report was favorable to docker y. Russell men likely to get minority report adopted. Delega tions from Wilkes, Perquimans, Wilson and Union were seated, a gam of 24 votes for Dockery. Other contests are being taken up by counties. Raleigh, 3:40 p. m. The convention by a vote 130 to 90 adopted minority report in Craven county case. Atm this Russell victory, there was great demonstration. Cumberland county contest now before convention. Raleigh, 3 145 p. m. Minority report seating Russell dele gates from Cumberland was adopted, 122 to 90. Minority report seating Russell delegates from Edgecombe was also adopt ed, 136 to 76. These votes are slaps at Hoi ton : that is the secret of them. Raleigh, 3.49 p. m. Russell men claim that on first ballot be will get 104, Dockery 89, Boyd 21, Moody .10, Lusk G. The Boyd men say Boyd's nomination is practically certain, that Russell is weakening and cannot show the strength wbieh his men claim. There are bets on Boyd. F. A. Olds. The Warsaw Convention. A. R. Middleton and .Neill Waddill, both colored, are delegates from this dis trict to the Republican Convention at St. Louis. S. W. Hancock, of Craven, is the Presidential Elector. As will be seen from the following from the Sampson Democrat, the Observer's account the day following the convention was entirely correct: Warsaw, May 12. There was a large attendance here to day of white Republicans, in fact a full convention, with Dr. Cyrus Thompson, Populist, Holding the rudder. The doctor says he happened here bv accident, but a delegate says he was here by appointment to prevent a nomination for Congress, and he succeedly, admirably. After appoint ing a credential committee, who remained out several hours, the report seating the McKinly, Russell and Fusionist element was adopted by a vote of 18 to 11. Dur ing the debate oaths passed rapidly, and a row seemed imminent.) The convention nominated A. R. Mid dleton and - , delegates to the National Convention, and S. W. Hancock, of Craven county, District Elector. Nomination for Cn-jress was deferred (you see Dr. Cys hand) till further diiec tions. Dr. Cy seemed lonely for the want of Populist followers, but button-holed Republicans like an old stager. Dr. Cy, you can't lead erood white men into such a I slum. Abe Middleton had the whole thing bottled up and run it just like he wished, and many white men declared they would not follow any further the dictation of the eolored brother, but that party which had given good government to North Carolina, the white man's party. So be it. NOW IS THE TIME 1 We are making Summer Suits, Pants, Coats and Vests, at greatly reduced prices. We Measure and Cut by the "Hunter" Chart and Rules, and use no other. We never fail on a good fit T. B. NEWBERRY, Manager, No. 13 Gillespie Street. May 15, 1896. 90-3t-wkly-21 Stone Contractors. Bids will be received for the laying of the foundation of the new Jail for Cumberland county, b J. b LONG, P. O. Box 222. or Martin House. Fayetteville, N. C. A lot of old Lumber and Wood, from the Old Court House, for sale cheap. V" ICE ! ICE ! IGE! THE FAYETTEVILLE ICE COMPANY Are now prepared to furnish Ice at their new quarters, Welsh Building, Franklin Street. ICE DELIVERED AT ALL HOUR9. 90 - Dreams of Beauty for the Summer Girl I Are those Airy Sheer and Fast Colored SWISS IMLTLTXLiS, In Linen Grounds, both Dots and Stripes. Our policy of getting goods every day has enabled us' to keep up with the frequent changes in styles. New lot of Laces and Embroideries Received To-day. A New Lot of those 35 cts. Embroidery Hand kerchief 8. Just to blow a little this hot weath er will sell at 15 cts. Ask to see our Scriven Drawers, at the new price. New goods every day. CAPE FEAR DRY GOODS CO. Fresh Arrival Ferris Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Dried Beef and Smoked Tongues, Hazard Peachesfor Cream, . Antelope brand White Heath Peaches, Acme Chipped Beef, Crystalized Ginger, Shredded Wheat Biscuits, "Gem" PettJjohn, Shrewsberry Cheetney, Flake Tapioca, Quakers' Oats. Very attractive line of Crackers and Cakes. Your attention, if you contemplate an Af ternoon Tea, Pic-Nic, or the like. Boys' and young and old men, Roysters' best, and Tenny's elegant selections command your attention. If you don't see these goods you miss more than you think. ' With, the beautiful Parafin Wax Candles, just received, I don't care how many marriages we have and how many Candles they light. . THE HAY STREET GROCER. & S HUSKE. Children Cry fQ. Pitcher's Cactorla-