THE OBSERVER FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1896. E. J. HALE. Editor and Proprietor. E. J. HALE, Jr., Business Manager. THE KEYNOTE OF BR YA N'S CA NDIDA CT. firtt in the list. The leaders of the anti machine elemenrefisllv in the tnlnt-if7 if united were, however, not to be di- Pottd.ry tftblishmentl and when he makes .... .1 lirt hi minrl that - tin nrantc. verted from their purpose. They had re- ; " . V TmV lu" . , cognized in the evidently sinrprp Mpfiroc. . i . . ., CT y " waj, cvcu mouga wiser neaas want u oin mc irue ueau oi me people s upns- erwise A 1 1 ma mm m .1 mg, mey Drougnt tne scattered fragments butler's plan. ot tneir side together, and the thing was The story of the Doliticians is' that Sen done. tor Butler had no decided ide thnt Rrvn br, t OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE Oak Ridge, N. C. vvuhq iur. uryan repeated witn ap proval in Judge Tougee's home Mr. Jef ferson's description of a boss-ridden peo The question has been often asked since Mr. Bryan's nomination,' "what is the se cret of his hold upon the people; how could even such a speech as that which secured h'm the nomination at Chicago effect that end t" And so on. Perhaps a solution will be found in the following ex tract from the telegraphic account of Mr. would be notified by the Populists of his nomination. He almost concluded that there should not be anv such formaJitv- and 'it was so announced. The nntirUal K pie in contrast with a Democratic people, world took it for granted that Senator t 1 t .. . I "D ll I 1 . 1 . f mW " v mwm I m inr he. simply demonstrated the fact that no mistake had been made at Chicago, nd supplied us with the keynote of his candi daey. TBE BOLTERS' CONVENTION. .Butler knew what he was talking ahnnr and that there would be no nntifieatinn But about this time Tom Watson began to gee in nis work, tie tirst started by writ iug letters and sendiner telegrams rnSi.. tor Butler. The North Carolina ruler nd vnT2riLw no attention to these. Snddenlv. it ia Pnr hoanfitni,. aa tliouernt. the Ponulist eandidntn fr V;no. J a aw n Tirki m President changed his tactics. He.evi- Principals. Situated in the Piedmont section of North Carolina, 1000 feet above sea-level (near Greensboro;. Full view of the mountains. 221 boarding students last year. Terms moderate. You know something of this famous school. nip Institute for Yoni Lais, balcony of the hotel to 400 neonl irh?erVo ortcn of Goldsboro, was among the lat l? the conclusion, as said that Mr. Jeffer,on had the orreh m! ter, and he has come out in ,, M-"" oiar yesieraay, mat tJryan must when he said that republics were founded in ter denonn.inrr ti.e u: ; ienlnnsv nrf i"n nnnKAnin- flmf fl.1 & 1L Ul Uls "me. WTT.T, PROT? A "RT.V WTU TXT rrnt. mil lil 1UQ jealousy, not in confidence: that confidence xt i . . was everywhere the parent of despotism. w .iearQ trom tDe telegrams from While politicians are saying a ereat rTsTconfideS in tU lidSRSU JS? qnS' lllelp. "tional con- deal on the subject, Senator Butler is saw- rams from oioBuwuuuenun mer leaaer mat tiiev take t,; . u:.. .. . .. . no part in the details of government t eiuunng, mat "mere is no will show vou a Deoole whose leaders Innk rtnf doubt that the Dlatform will haar;in for themselves, not the interests of all the peo- commend the principle of an income tax. mg too much confidence are jealous of their aud Posslb,y suggest an amendment to the liberties, are watchful of their public servants Constitution in that direction " auci uareiui ot me pontics proposed by the vf -.i different parties, and I will sliow vou a neoole Yet their "gans, with exception of the ing wood. He has much more ability and brains than Watson. Tf h AA to Watson, it is a r cued that ir f,i. sake of the silver nominees. He is more conservative than the vice-presidential nominee, and may have seen that no harm could come out of the Pnnnltet noti fication, and that it didn't amount to much Hi RALEIGH, N. C. If you are looking for one of the very best Female Schools, send for its illus trated catalogue free. Prices low. JAS. DINWIDDIE, M. A., (ot University of Va.) that have a good government." (Cheers.)" World, have denounced the income tax 7"'" th it didn't amount to much 98.50 per Month $6O0 per Month It is perfect! nlain fiom thi that. Mr plank in the Chicago nlatfnrm n n t 'T' " a "u,u 8 "W' DO& c- m rd, &c, in Club. i i i - o t " - v. u oo- i vut. it.uiuuu iu ll U W mniiHr. 1 r is aecorron I Bryan is an anti-machine man. Evident- sault on property! doesn't mean that he will be successful in TFI R I IIMHTflN INQTITITTP 1 r ha ilocm'coc o Dnoo T1 U . 1 . I Tf iu n r trnnoit f U n 4 . . I HDV ffl OTH of the enriHioto txtKiiiKi mnn I w 41 AAlkJ X 1. J VJ A bi wv. uvuiwo c i'uoo! jluo jjcujji, some- I " w "uuu iuai w o are assured in I 1 . T - uu ujoj ia&u the sAm tn0o, fu tit , , .. "uomer question can come ud in 6. llltu iur. v,ievejana, me Which the Pnnnlut o " :n turn to him to save them from their worst time server, will be the strongest man be- be so deeply interested, and then Tntlr Military Board School i, . . ... I no n i-TUT... i .i .i ... I Hnrlish. Scientific, Commercial, Mathematical, t j ttt , Classical. Board, Washing, &c, and Tuition for 10 mos. chine." As our readers well know, the tQe use of his name. Observer is almost extreme in iis belief in the efficacy of party organization, and it never tolerates disloyally to such rightful authority. But it is equally opposed to mat perversion ot Dart v. organization Butler and Tom Watson. Atlanta Constitution. i Hon. Thomas E. Watson has landed With hnfrh fleot linnn fU 1 1 C . i j -e,.u.i..uu i n puu iuc uchjk. oi vnairman which advances the ends of individuals to Manon Butler ot Worth Carolina. the detriment of those of the party which i?-hureis ?Irtuddy, luiver in the jump u , which Mr. Watson has made unon the the organization was created to serve, national committee which comes with That was Vance's doctrine, precisely; and telling force. thfl Orsrrvrr nfrpn hnrl noooo He raises an emuhatio nmtpcf it out .in the meat fW mn ;n us. k," intention of Chairman Butler not to C3 Q u.uv.v A tl 14 1 UC" half three years ago, when the whole pow er of "the machine" was exerted to crush him. In jshort, Mr. Bryan is another Vance, and ther people have discovered it by the same instinctive processes that led them to follow almost blindly our Caro linian Tribune. notify him or to ret Mr. Bryan know what was done at St. Louis. Mr. Watson states that it is humiliat ing: both to the nartv nn r,;.ir let the campaign go on in this unheard-of manner. He says in his paper : "If Mr. Brvan is aaham n, ,.. ... iut VUICS wnicn are necessarv to lof t,; with him without raisin? a national rn rtt . pus, such as was promised should there be a refusal to no notifiy the nominees. Mrs. Morrow's School for . Girls RE-OPENS SEPTEMBER 15, 1896. Expenses Per Term : $10 oo 12 50 $15 00 to 20 00 Music, Art and Board at correspondingly moaerate rates. For circulars apply to MRS. FANNIE MORROW, Fayetteviile, N. C. Graded School, Primary Class, Preparatory Class, Higher English, $90 to $132. 10 YEARS OLD. 177 PUPILS Write for catalogue. IRA T. TURLINGTON, Principal, July 10, '96 5t Smithfield, N. C. The Clyde Steamship Co. "u," muuue. wunu aic necessary to elect him we 7 It was this, also, which led to his nom- !i,ho.tot kno-?. h- He cannot carry' his Miss P. H. MATTHEWS, Superintendent. NewYork Wilmilinlnn IM C ination Chicago. When he rose to 3TM.' ft ' ' W6W,rK WllmiligtOn.N. C. ? .1 ?De agalDSt the ma" oJPle ve taken him to be. Pall Session begins Thursday Bentember - - iu. ouuicutc. . uuuiuf;. jlcl tne com- tutJ ionowing Teacners Tillman had not helped his side to sav m!"ee.d? lts 9uty and notify Mr. Brvan. lst Qrade, Mrss Matthews. theleacr ofl(lw0'c , .AC 1S Humiliating both to the nartv a nrl fn? Miss Atkin-on. the least, and Jones's speech was devoted , ,S Su"",' bo'h the party and Vlr-US ut of Tillman's, so the campaign go on' in thYs unh'eard'of tuoi, ma, viicus ana tussen. the phnm. uiauner. y -w a ivua 1 pions of the gold minority, had it all their Tne Washington Star says : 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th own way Miss Broadfoot. Miss Worth. Miss Sedberry. Miss O'Daniel. Mr. McLean. -AND Georgetown, S. C, Lines. PBOM PIER 29, CAST RIVER, NEW YORK 1 L WAS nnnpr ctmVi I I he rr 1 1 fi ro l cri A-:4.n . . I I he 1 h lira Ho xrU Vn n j - . "w fuvu (.uluui- 1 . rv" oticmiois savs mar an 1 . . vuuiuushu or rne nn. stances, when our . side was hanincr itc investigation- reveals that Senator Marion PI5 - 0 wre in t.he Grade last year 1 j 11- .. . 0 & I Kutler ami I nm Wofc l, i. i . any owners wno wish to cm if .:iT u neaa .n aeteat, mat iiryan came upon the j uC VuJ"? a m,x" known as a -Dayerade." in nVfw " stage and snatched a glorious victory ted.rtheV wi th, he Xrfra. in - Parents and" S-& from it. He literally filled an achinrvni ments, indicateTthat tC S'feffff; '"A Aho?ld :."'. McLean and ar- tor emenne DUDlls. 1 A. B. WILLIAMS, w . o. UUOK, JAMES M. LAMB, Executive Com. THE UNIVERSITY. Hut hip K.ivM.Mn J -i - ... .1 nirn crnr rho rri-FFo . 4.1 -v uuimug wuius ana intellectual 7 6 , fi a llum Lue Georgia game ana oratorical triumph would have heen u uuw mm say ne will void ofeft-ect if it hanot been foS nu" SlS SttS; sual character of the delegations compos- any indications that Tom Watson and AXiajwiiiy. j. ne majority ox tT jjuuci uavenaa a quarrel this majority was composed of the better 2? WaSon J1 got the best 1 4 . c . . OI it. lo all OUtward annpanti cicuiciiLS oi rne narrw rhn 1 j i i t .1 "rr""'""--o tiic 1 . , hmntnf'; r" . V orin aroVna Senator has been for some OQ ieacner8 W4 students, Tuition $60 & M llllcai recrement by nie, even oeiore trie St. L mis conven- year, Board $8 (Eight Dollars) a month the anti-machine rMnH ,t,:i tion. the head nnrl n , . -, " I ' v s u -sonars; a montn. - - vv iiivn accompa nied the silver uprising. If the nominations had been called the same evening, Bryan would have been chosen by acclamation. But the machine element of the silver majority secured an thfClw-" k ln"exlaa and when ButleVheld the reins in everythiDr He the ballotmg began then Bryan was not I sailed along smoothly until hi . ciime in a 3 tion. tne head and nrapt;Mii tu the Pooulist nartv' WW 3 Brief Com, T. . r j uwt.v.vA uc said ' went with a rush. This contiqued at the School, Medical School, Summer School fr X- A0l?,S convention, where the North Teachers. SehnhM .f Carolinian won T ieacflers, Scholarships and loans for the le was eriven further tt, u - - kvni uv mntr placed at the head of the party for the needy. -Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, Chapel Hill, N. C. Located bet. Chambers and Roosevelt Sts. At 3 o'clock P. M NEW YORK FOR WILMINGTON. S. S. ONEIDA on J. to. LKUA1AN fiatnrHa. Cf K PAWNEE,... WednTsSy,' Sept! 9 WILMINGTON FOR NEW YORK. S. S. PAWNEE S. S. CROATAN . . . 7 f" " toSS;' a5' S 8. 8. ONEIDA , Sept. 5 WILMINGTON FOR GEORGETOWN, S. C. I I S&ArTAN"". Tuesday, 25 Tuesday, Sept 1 p . JJ111 Lading and Lowest Throogh SuS CatoS a! frm Pint8 fa Northad For Freight or Passage apply to II. G. SMAlljIlONfiB Superintendent, -Wilmington, N. C THEO G.E 1 R, T. M., Bowling Green, N. Y W. P. CLYDE CO., General Agents, 5 Bowling Green. N. V Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.

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