THE COFKTV TICKET. Very Satisfactory Stafitaieut by tflioirnmn ITIcNeill Let Democrats and Silver Populists Pall together for Victory! Editor Observer: In order that our people may fully understand the situ ation, I ask that you publish thefcllow ing statement of events connected with our county affairs: On Saturday, Sep tember 12th, the Populists under their regular call, held their primaries, and elected delegates to their convention, call ed to meet on Saturday, September 19th. On September 19th, the regular conven tion met and was called to order by chair man C. C. McLellan. Its membership was full and its proceedings were regular and harmonious. It nominated a skele ton ticket in accordance with an agree ment made between a conference commit tee of live Democrats, composed of the writer, Messrs. A. A. "McKethan, H. E. Smith, H. B. Everitt and A. McBuie, and of five Populists, composed of Messrs. Zack Taylor, E. T. Usher, N. C. Thag gard, John D. McLeOd and John McDuf ne, all representative men of their re spective parties. After doing this, it elected, unanimously, Mr. John McDuffie county chairman and left to the county executive committee the task of comple ting the ticket. The convention then ad journed. On Thursday, October 1st, under a reg ular call, the Democratic convention met. It proceeded upon the same lines and nom inated a similar ticket, filling the offices left vacant by the Populists and leaving to its executive committee the task of com pleting the ticket. On the following Thursday, October 8th, both committees met and organized a joint meeting and agreed upon a complete ticket. On Octo ber 15th another meeting of Populists, who were dissatisfied with the actidn of the regular convention (though they were participants in its proceedings without protest and the leader of whom had al lowed his name to be run for two or three of the most important places with but lit tle success) was held and fusion with theReDublican-Neill-Waddill-Tom-Sutton ticket "was agreed upon. At this meeting, called without any constituted authority, the vacancies left by the Republican con vention in May were filled. Among its nominees were: Mr. J. McP. Geddie for Senator aud Mr. McD. Geddie for Sheriff, both nominees of the former convention of the 19th and endorsed by the Demo crats. This being such a very unsatis factory .state of affairs, these two gentle men were called upon to say which side theV were on, and after due consideration they chose to repudiate the support .of the two regular conventions and take that of the irregular Populist gathering and the endorsement of Neill Waddill and his com mittee. At a meeting of the joint execu tive committees the names of these gen tlemeu for Senator and Sheriff were with drawn by the Populists and the name of Mr. N. C. Thaggard, of Cedar Creek, be ing presented by them, in accordance with the original agreement, for Senator, it was unanimously agreed to by the democratic members. They also decided, as Mr. Mc D. Geddie had declined in writing the nomination of the regul ir convention of the 19th for Sheriff, to make no nomina tion at all for that position. As it was one of the places allotted to the Populists, the Democrats also agreed to put up no one. Mr. B. T. McBryde, on account of his recent family bereavement and consequent inability to assume his duties resigned, and Mr. John H. Currie, of Seventy-first, was substituted in his place. This com pleted the ticket. It is a, good one. All able, clean, competent, well-known busi ness men and good citizens. We must elect them. I have tried, in this communication, to give simply a plain, unvarnished state ment of actual facts, truthfully and as they occurred, and I feel satisfied that both the ticket and the patriotic action of the two committees will meet the approval of every lair-minded Democrat and Populist voter in our good old county. Respectfully, Jas. D. McNeill, Ch'n Dem. Ex. Co. MILL GAUGE I OUR CUT OFF ENGINE .SAW UAFU" " DROLLER Address, TAYLOR fFG. CO. v."-4 Mention thi$ Paper.) Charlotte, N. C- A "Marriage" Of Big Amusements. Th ftrfiftt John Robinson and Franklin Bros.' Enormous Shows Combined is an epooh in the annals of amusements, tue like of wmcn nas never before been known. About every decade or so a new kind of the tent ed world dawns upon the people. Of the famous personalities associated with the boyhoods of the men of the present day, 'Old John Robinson," as he was familiarly termed, has passed away, but bis great shows have passed from father to son for three generations. P. T. Bar num is but a memory and Adam Forepaugh's name has even ceased to be cart ed about the country, ex ceptasacircus trade-mark. The face of the genial Barnum, however, is yet made to beam from the dead walls, although his body rests in the sepul uher, and his executors have disposed of the inter est in the show, which was held by his estate. The public has felt that Barnum and Forepaugh's shows without Barnum and Forepaugh were but hol low pretenses, and if it were not for the fact that the Great John Robinson Shows have passed from father to son, it would natur ally have cast round for the coming of the new leaders in this time-honored field of amusement. It is to pitch its tents iu Fayetteville, Saturday, October 24th, and asks a ver dict. All big cities are on the route, and sooner or later, will be readv to welcome the new blood, enterprise and novelty that are wrapped up in just such a stupendous exhibition as this Napoleonic cjuartet is said to offer. S. M. TAYLOR & SON, jV. E. Corner Market Sq., and Branch Store in "Texas" foot of Haymounl. Heavy and Fancy Groceries. We want your trade, if fair dealing will merit it. Just received Fine Bananas and Apples. Canned Goods of New Crop Peaches To matoes and Corn. Clot lung1 ClotMi! Clothing! TBE ROYALL TAILORS IS THE LARGEST HOUSE IN THE WORLD ! Call and see the 3,000 Samples at Hollings worth & Holland's. Suits $10 and up. Pants $3 and up. Overcoats $10 and up. We take your measure and guarantee a fit. No fit no sale. We made 86 suits this Spring and all gave satisfaction. This Pall so far our books show 52 suits. GIVE US A LOOK ! And if we can't suit you in Fit, Style, Woikmanship and Price, then we don't ask to sell you. H0LLINGSW0RTH & HOLLAND. J. F. HIGHSMITH, IYI. D., . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office : Green street, opposite Observer Office, on site of old Dr. Benj. Kobinson office. Telephone No. 37. .Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoriaJ At S. SHEETZ & SONS, A line of Bamples of Carpets of good quality and beautiful designs to select from. Call before the cold weather. Just received Smyrna Rugs, Blankets and Carpets. fe. SHEETZ & SONS, Furniture Dealers. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. F. R. Rose resoectfully informs the public that his office is fully equipped and ready to transact a general Insurance Business. The following reliable Companies are rep resented in this section by F. R. Rose : Fire, i The Delaware, Philadelphia, " Norwich Union, England, " St. Pauls, Minnesota, " Niagara, New York, " British America, Canada, " Phoenix Mutual, Hartford, The Employer's Liability, London, Acciden t ( c Life. These are all reliable companies, in the selection of which F. R. Rose was aided by an Insurance man of ability and long experi ence. Thanking those who have already en trusted F. R. Rose with their business, and those who have promised him a share of it later, F. K. Rose respectfully solicits from the people of this community and section a con tinuance of the same kindness, confidenct and patronage in his present business, which, in past years, they so liberally extended to him in the Mercantile line. Respectfully, F. R.ROSE. September 1, 1896. AT PRIME COST ! 3 1-2 CENTS EACH ! Traylor's "Conqueror," Sineal's "After Hours," Straiton & Storms' "Principe," Parsons' "Industria Cubana" genu ine Key West, Teller's "Mercado." Brenaman's "Spanish Plant," Menken 's "Panatela." I will close out the above standard brands of Cigars, bought direct from large manufac turers of high repute, at prime cost at retail or wholesale. September 7, 1896. H. R. HORNE. NEW CROP MOLASSES, Fine Syrup, Kingan's Reliable Hams, All grades Flour, Best grades Roasted Coffee, English Cured Breakfast Bacon, Fresh Crackers and Cakes, New Crop Canned Tomatoes, Coin, Etc. Salad Dressing, Sauces, Etc. Vegetables and Fruit, New Crop of Virginia Buckwheat Flour a good supply just received. At C. W ELLIOTT & CO. A NEW STORE ! The CashGrocerv. They have a Nice Assortment of Fresh Groceries, Provisions, Fruits, Vegetables and Confectionery. We propose to sell goods at very lowest pos sible cash prices. South-East Corner Market Square, next to Dr. McNeill's office. BP Call and see us ! Cape Fear & Yadkfn Valley Mbi JOHN GILL, RECEIVER. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. In Effect October ISlli, I SNi. .NORTH BOUND. Leave Arrive Leave Leave Leave Leave Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Wiluiingtou, - , Fayetteville, Fayetteville Junction, Sauford, Climax. Greensboro. y Greensboro, Stokesdale. Walnut Cove, Walnut Cove, Rural Hall, Alt. Airy, tlaily '..) (l m 10.1;, 1 1:0.1 11:1;, " 2:40 ' :;.iis 5:1.1 ' 4:02 " 4::i2 " 4::;s " .'.:12 ' SOUTH BOUND. Leave Mt. Airy, Leave Rural Hall, Leave Walnut Cove Leave Stokesdale, Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro, Leave Climax, Leave Sauford, Arrive Fayetteville Junction, Arrive Fayetteville, Leave Fayetteville, Arrive Wilmington, NORTH BOUND. No. 1, Daily. 8:40 am. 10:C4 " 103' " 11.0? II:; T, ) p hi 1 I-' 1- 1 lit; 4:45 7:C5 No. 4, Daily Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Leave Bennettsville, Arrive Max ton, Leave Maxton, lieave Red Springs, Leave Hope Mills, Arrive Fayetteville, 8:,'!0 a. m 9:30 ' 9:37 " 10:03 " 10:o4 11.05 " SOOTH BOUND. No. 3, Daily Leave Fayetteville, Leave Hope Mills, Leave Keo Springe, Arrive Maxton, Leave Maxton, Arrive JJeunttavilie, 4:4' p. m. 5:00 " 5:12 " (i:10 " li:i; ' 7;i5 " OIITH BOUND. No. If). Mixed, Daily Except Sunday Leave R;tmseur, Leave Climax, Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro, Leave Stokesdale, Arrive Madison (i:45 a. m 8:35 " .:20 " 9:35 " 11:07 " ll:.'.r " SOUTH BOUND. No. 15, Mixed, Except Sunday Leave Madison, Leave Stokesdale, Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro, Leave CJiuiax, Arrive Kamseur, 12:3) p. m. r:8 " 2:40 " 3:'.0 " i:!)j -5:50 " NORTH BOUND CONNECTIONS. at Fayetteville with Atlantic Coai-t Line lor all points North and East, at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Greensboro with the Southern Railway Company, at Walnut Cove with the Norlolk & Western Railroad for Winston-Salem. SOUTH BOUND CONNECTIONS at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk & Western Kail road for Roanoke and points North and West, at Greensboro with the Southern Railway Company for Raleigh, Richmond and all points North and East, at Fayetteville with the Atlantic Coadt Lane for all points South, at Maxton with the Seaboard Air Line for Charlotte, Atlanta and all point S'Utn and Southwest. W. E. KYLE, General Passenger Agent. J. W FRY, General Manager. t Bus frj Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- ent business conducted for moderate fees. Our Office is Opposite U.S. patent I and we can secure patent in less time than mosc 1 remote from Washington. . . i ! Send model, drawing or photo., with Jscrip-(j tion. We advise, if patentable or not, tree c. charge. Our fee not due till patent is secureu. r 1 m u.... nktnin Motpnis. , A PAMPHLET, WJ1 vu l? " . ""'nT'eSi ,cost 01 same in tne u. o. auu iuici" r 1 sent free. Address. C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent Office, Washington. U. C. f i