1 1 J AY, AA DAILY NEWS SHEET AND ADVERTISER. EK 226. PAYETTEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 23. 1896. PRICE 2 CENTS. Vie )n,' rt huxhiess what steam is to if I'v i ,,(, -nomer. R.fBinSO PRICK: 11 rj 00 i advanti ',35 in advance. I 50 in advance. Red Springs at the Fair. We trust that our friend of the Red Springs Citizen will not press its advice concerning the attendance from Red Springs at Cumberland Fair. We have Local JSettmg. A gentleman walked iuto the Hotel La Fayetto last night and waviug a roll of bills, offered to bet 50 dollars that McDuffie Geddie would be elected Sheriff of Cum- Macauley. Mone way hit nne way not seen the Chief Marshal, but we know beriand by 40o majority. His money was mat ne entertains tne same ieeiing covered ana turned over to a stake holder of obtaining business ot admiration for the people ot Red frtro . 0 j t- Q . aavm a. "' "'''''"Zackwood2!- S,pringf ' and ,Robeson generally, which is oorats rushe(J ,o oovot simi,ar &moaats but Boston Baked Bean8 at 5c 30ld eUewher9 l"e nve. senumeni in tn.s oiy, unu tfae best tfae Repab,jcan wouid do was tQ at 10c. S. M. TAYLOR & SON, JY. E. Comer Market 8f, and Branch Store in "Texas," foot of Hay mount. Heavy and Fancy Oroceries. We want your trade, if fair dealing will merit it. Just received l.i tJin ctrppts bv news- rers soin cm j - lid bear the stump, ' In red ink. cus to-morrow. "For Transi- that he will at once supply the omission complained of. Our Fair would not seem like a Fair atall if the usual delegation from our flourishing neighbor, famed Red Springs, were absent. Mr. Geddie's Declination. put up one more stake of twenty-five dol lars. He then cried quits. Brran in Indiana. The goldbugs are utterly astounded at the reception Mr. Bryan is receiving in Indiana. Everywhere he is greeted with Free Silver parade to-morrow The following is the correspondence the wik, eat enthusiasm bv enormous ath- selling in the city to-dayat 61 which passed between Mr. D. C. Downing, . Yesterdav was a repetition of the Chairman of the People's party Convention day beforGj at LaFayette twenty-five and Sheriff Geddie: thousand people cheered him. ten thous- Fayetteville, N. c, Oct. 17, 1806. and at Franklin tens of thousands at oth- McD. Geddie, Esq., Fayettewlle, N. C: flr small anf1 At. Trp Wan- . n edieation of St. John's Chantry My Dear Sir: I have the honor to in- .;uf h00j umA u:.. a- kh House is taking place as we go form vou of your nomination by the reo- ..... . . . . , pie's l arty convention, neia oepiemoer J - - as was never oeiore seen. 19th, 1896, for Sheriff of Cumberland her Predictions. Chief Moore, County. Hope you will accept. ton, D.C., 10:30 o'clock. Tnreat- Respectfully, , . , , n . i n, - A D. C. Downing, Chr'm ment ana oaiuruay. vieanug p p noi1fT7 r!ntronf;An M a .JtatAIIKaW J M t A W U AM r LJ Bryan will carry Indiana. People and Their Movements. Fine Bananas and AddIcs. Canned Goods of New Crop Peaches To matoes and Corn. NEW GOODS! Self-Rising Buckwheat Flour. Old Homestead Flap-Jack Flour. Oat Meal and Rolled Oats. Iyoose Buckwheat. North Carolina Buckwheat. Maple Syrup. Assortment of Canned Goods. Oysters ! Oysters ! ! Oysters ! ! ! Crackers ! Crackers ! ! Crackers ! ! ! rrow is challenge day, and demo- on your g::ard, and challenge every tspersoo. Remember that Hanua's in circulation to secure illegal ion. Mr. Geddie's ' Reply. I decline to accept. McD. Geddie. jrtutrs. Attention. knmty Democratic executive com- ias ordered several thousand extra f next week's Weekly Observer Ll A. ' . . . 1 J puuuon among tue voters or Jum- This offers a rare opportunity merchants and others seeking to e their wares and to gain the ear eopk Send in your advertisc- t oacc. on Ticket iu Town. r and Backuer Elector, "Hon. P'Byrd, of Dann, is in the city. ehere to make a speech in the in- Mr. W. J. McDiarmid went north last night. Mrs. S. H. Cotton, of Hope Mills, is in the city. Miss Mary Cattie McPhail, of Antioch, is in the city. Mr. A. M. Harrison, of Tuckers', Ral- Waa If ryau's Chum. Mr. C. W. Bidgood, in whose good for tune in being appointed a special attorney for the Atlantic Coast Line, every one will rejoice, and who returned last night from eigh, is in the city. a trip in the interest of that company, me Messrs. N. G. Wade and "Sandy" Mc- in his travels a mighty interesting gentle- Arthur are in the city. man. It was no less a person thanaciti- Mrs. A. H. Slocomb returns from the zen of Lincoln, Nebraska, and a persona Raleigh Fair this evening. A. S. HUSKE, THE HAY STREET GROCER Fine Mountain Beef, Pork and Sausage CONSTANTLY ON HAND At THOMAS'S STALL. Guarnteed to be the BEST. friend of the great democratic candidate, W. J. Bryan. Mr. Bidgood says that Mr. Garrott, that was the gentleman's name, was a Bryan enthusiast, and thought that "Billy" was the greatest man in America. Mr. Garrett said that the Boltercrats and goldbugs had done nothing but lie from the Misses Lillie and Annie Adams, of Ros lin, are in the city shopping to-day. Little Emma Belle, the beautiful child of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams, is quite sick. Col. Cook ran down to Wilmington yes terday evening. Col. Pemberton is Mayor to-day. Mr. W. C. Houston, of Philadelphia, pre- beginning about Mr. Bryan, He had been the "ghost" ticket, but savs he is utterly amazed, he said, knowing Mr. Bry- ped. He savs that h i mn an as intimately as he did, at the stuff the il!s and that be will nrobablv be great papers had published about his sident of the Hope Mills mf'g company, is LU. J.i I.. . . .1 i J 1. L. . TT HCMl BQtrjere. Wh r infnrmH tht friend, wno was tne puresi ana ongniest ai nope lvnus. he was appointed bv Mr. Ashlev. man in political life. B.I. - " ' I pooard Air Line. . 18 Paying his expenses? eb"e To.,vm. p.Lindley Vinton, of N peaking iQ this 'aim ED. WTLLIAMS'S STALL, is the only place that has the finest MOUN TAIN and DOMESTIC BEEF, juicy and sweet. At RAYNOR'S, Pythian Building Corner : Just received Bananas and Apples. "NICK" RAYNOR. Mr. J. B. Underwood, Jr., returned last valuable Real Estate for Sale. A Question of Party Law. "jS- - " " . . ,7Z sft-, fWfc The Chairman of the Populist party has He went on there at the request ot nis of -rW written a letter to Mr. H. E. King, of the house, Carhart Bros., to make arrange- by D shaWf Administrator, against the heirs ... ... -. r -. rnnfn Qn. nvtnnAmrr Yt i o tavvi tnfV ATr Unnnai WhtlW Tf Rftll land tO DaV QeDtS, inton,of xNewYork, Bolting Populists, stating mat Mr. v.. A Z Tt a Se followiT s State in the inter- McClelland is the recognized chairman of Underwood said that during a conversa- ed be e 08ed to sale by public UourL HOU8 uoor tb av. October 24. 1896, headciuarters. It would be an 1m- remaru iutti xw x ui wuuiu Kiv - - - - . rebate. Mr. Shaw has ACnt nertinence on our part to concern our- McKinley a big majority but that he fear- ut. About 100 acres about 8 to 9 miles west (a gentlemen will cross their selves with the internal management of ed the South and West would elect Bryan, of Fayette ville on the south side or the nicsen 1 SWord in the Superior Couri another party, if it were not for the fact " 2nd. About 130 to 140 adjoining, known as Although Mr. Vinton will that the Democrats of Cumberland have Palmer and BUCknei "the Baker Land." f porters in Fayetteville, yet we made a fusion agreement with the Pop- MciltKr"8 & ' " ulists of Cumberland, in aoing so, me Lindley Vinton, of New York, will speak on The above three tracts are very valuable as Democratic organization made it its busi- the Money Question at the Court House to- farming land. ... . ' tonn . . : . .t-- t.-. u:i:, niffht at 8 p.m. 4th. The undivided fifth interest in about 300 ness to ascertain, to tne Dest oi ciuim-v, T .... Rnpvnsh creek. known as "the are him all; courteous treatment. anl Herman. it fin v vuUir i ' m i I acres un -uitnc k, j lDe aayette who was the rightful head ot tne organ- MESSES. w. H. & E. S. TUCKER & CO.'S REP-1 Gilbert Shaw Place." --.cvi iu uave inn r air r4.; j -Viio nnnntw ir runs asrerrain Th RESENTATIVE AT LaFAYETTE. 3uay uu;ht. n - , . etl mat ivxi . juuu i.n.jvumv. w .v.. - Dlin; D naay uigbt' tbe 13thr man and head. We have been requested, Qur Mr, Harrison will remain in the city b ('Omnj'irtpp toqo nnnnintafl I . 1 i 4-Via, -Torf tVlijf IT! I j. - Ci-i 3 mil. .-n. 1 ;e ; ti uiuiv i aiso lu sitttc, vvxictL 10 icv.t., io-morrow oaturuay; rtun, wuu our samples .t;cmenis ana to man- the opinion ot tne editor oi tne ubskkvuk, 0t JJress uoods, &c, at tne Motel .Lafayette, es: Messrs. R. L. Williams, J. there can be no question about Mr. Mc- W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. Utiiidren Ur' ior Pitcher's Castoria, re 'gu. J. C. Thomson and Duffle's title to the position which he T 'ill Rth A traftt of about 1UU acres on ijiiiie Rockfish creek, near the Gilbert Shaw place. DUNCAN SHAW, Adm'r and Commissioner. September 21, 1896 Tiefac- ilgaaturt fif claims