ELttTTOHS tJP 10 DATE. For McKittley, 261; for BryaD, 157; Doubtful 29 From returns up to midnight Thursday the Associated . Press prepared the follow ing table on the electoral vote: o 2 a - STATR. o o -g Alabama, 11 .. 11 Arkansas, 8 8 California, 9 9 Colorado, 4 4 Connecticut, 6 (3 Delaware, 3 3 Florida, 4 . . 4 Georgia, 13 13 Idaho, 3 . , 3 Illinois,' 24 24 Indiana, 15 15 Iowa, 13 13 Kansas, 10 10 Kentucky, 13 . . . - 13 Louisiana, 8 8 Maine, 0 6 Maryland, 8 8 Massachusetts, 15 15 Michigan, 14 14 Minnesota, 9 9 Mississippi, 9 . . 9 Missouri, 17 17 Montana, 3 .. 3 Nebraska, 8 8 Nevada, 3 3 New Hampshire, 4 4 New Jersey, 10 10 New York, 3G 3G North Carolina, 11 . - 11 North Dakota, 3 3 Ohio, 23 23 Oregon, 4 4 Pennsylvania, 32 32 Rhode Island, 4 4 South Carolina, 9 9 South Dakota, 4 . . . . 4 Tennessee, 12 12 Texas, 15 15 Utah, 3 3 Vermont, 4 4 Virginia, m 12 12 Washington,' 4 .. 4 West Virginia, 6 G Wisconsin, 12 12 Wyoming, 3 12 Totals, 447 201 157 29 Qua ol the Beit. (The following from Manager J . B. Wood of the Danville Academy of Music, to Man ager Blackburn, explains itself and is pret ty conclusive testimony that the Stamford Dramatic Company is just what the press had claimed for it one of the best repe toire companies on the road tins season. Here is the letter: "Mr. TV. J. BlacMurn, Greensboro, N. C: DEAR Sir: Replying to yours of even date, whould say that Miss Stamfords Company is by far the best repetoire com pany that has ever visited Danville. She has not done as large a business as she justly deserved, on account of four polit cal meetings being in the town every night. The company is composed of ladies and gentlemen and is good enough for anybody to go to see. If I can serve you further shall be pleased to do so. Yours truly, etc., J. B. Wood, Proper and Mgr. This company opens a week's engage ment at the Opera House Monday night, Nov. 9th, with that ever popular comedy "For Congress." Admission, 20 cents and 30 cents; children, 10 cents. THE CHUECHES TO-MORROW. BAPTIST REV. C. A. G. THOMAS, PASTOR. Regular services at the Baptist church to-morrow. Subjects: 11:00 a. m. "Contentment, The Great Need of the Hour." 7:30 p. m. "A Crippled Life and its Sad Influence." A sermon to young men. 9:30 a. m. Sun day-school. The public cordially invited to all services. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL REV. ISAAC W. HUGHES, RECTOR. 23rd Sunday after Trinity. 9:30 a. m. Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. Morning Service with Ser won. 7:30 p. m. Evening Prayer with Ser mon. HAY STREET M. E. CHURCH SOUTH REV. L. L. NASH, D. D., PASTOR. Preaching 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School 9:30 a. m. John A. Steele, Superintendent. Seats free. Polite ushers. A cordial welcome to all services. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, REV. A. J. MCKEL WAY, PASTOR. 11:00 a. m. Preaching by the Pastor. Subject the Citizenship of Heaven. Philip pians 3: 20. 7:30 p. m. Last Sermon of the Series. Subject: The Young Man and the Church. 3:00 p. m. The Pastor will preach at McLean's School House. Sunday-school at 10:00 a. m. Visitors welcomed to all services. PAYBTTEVULB MARKETS. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tet ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by B. E. Sedberry & Son, Fayette ville, N. C. The Discovery Saved Hi Life. Mr. G. Gailloutte, Druggist, Beaversville, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. I was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physicians for miles about, but of ho avail and was given up and told that I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Dis covery in my store I sent for a bottle and be gan its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." Get a free trial at B. E. Sedberry & Son's Drug Store. Cure Tor Headache. Asa remedy for all forms of Headache Elec tric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dread ed habitual sick headaches yield to its influ ence. We urge all who are afflicted to pro cure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual jconstipation Electric Bit ters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Fifty cents and $1.00 at B. E. Sedberry & Son's Drug Store. NOTICE ! ED. WILLIAMS'S STALL, s the only place that has the finest MOUN TAIN and DOMESTIC BEEF, juicy and sweet. 13.20 to 12.74. The above is the percentage of strength of "Carolina Baking Powder," in comparison with "Royal,'' as shown by analyses of F. A. Genth, Jr., Chemist. Philadelphia, and the Government Chemist at Washington, D. C. The Royal, according to the analysis of the Chemist, was the strongest of the northern Powders examined by him. H. R. HORNE, Manufacturer. Land for Sale. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Cumberland County, N. C, in a proceeding by wm. uiarK, Aammistrator, against the heirs of Turner McNair, the undersigned, as commissioner appoiniea ior w&i purpose, will on Monday, .November 9, 1896, at 12 o'clock, at the Court House in Fayette ville, N. C , expose to sale by Public Auction for Cash, a tract of land in Gray's Creek Town ship in said County, containing about 33 acres, known as "The Turner NcNair Place." WM. CLARK, Administrator and Commissioner. October 6, 189G. dOTTOItfi Good Middling, Middling, Tinges and Stains, Market Steady. 7i 7 0 Spirits, Common Rosin, Virgin, Yellow Dip, PRODUCE. Extra Flour sack, Family Flour sack, Hides dry per lb. " green per lb. Wcol washed Bacon hog round per lb " ham " sides shoulders Oats 32 lbs per bushel Peas clay mixed Meal bolted 44 lbs per bushel " unbolted 48 lbs per bushel Corn old 5G lbs per bushel Onions select per bushel Lard N. C. Tallow Ducks Hens per head Spring chickens Roosters per head Turkeys per lb Guineas Geese Butter choice yellow Honey strained per lb " comb per lb Eggs hen Feathers new $1 o 25c $1 20 1 GO 1 00 832 00 002 10 020 1012 7S8 5G 32'235 G0G2 5055 4042 40)43 4043 GO 05 lO 24 1518 18 a 20 10 a 18 15 a 20 8 a 9 15 a 25 a 30 12 a 15 9 a 10 8 a 10 11 a 12 35 a 40 A DAY'S PLEASURE ' MARRED. At the Flat River Association of th Bap tist Chuich held at Stovall, Granville county, August 12th, a young lady had such a severe Headaehe that she was compelled to go to bed. A friend gave her a dose of Stedman's Head-Easy, and in loss than thirty minutes she had en tirely recovered and was as gay and happy as ever. STEDMAN'S TRADE MARK HEADACHE nfiidas &m TH0U5AND5 HAVE BEEN CURED BY JOHN P STEDMN, Manufacturer Q rre OXFORD. Al . C , 10, 15 and 35 cents a Bottle at All Drug Stores. Commissioners' Sale. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Cumberland County, N. C. in case of E. E. Gorham and others for partition of McDaniel Lands, we will, as Commissioners appointed for that purpose, expose to sale by public auction for cash at the Court House door in Fayetteville,. N. C, on Monday, December 7th, 1896, at 12 o'clock, two lots of land front ing 77 feet each, on the Wilmington Road, and running back 150 feet being off the N. E. corner of the Cade Land, as per Deed regis tered in Book "I," No. 3, page 91; and also a field or tract of about 13 acres of said Cade Deed in rear of the houses and lots fronting on the Wilmington Road and running back to Blount's Creek. N. W. RAY, H. L. COOK, Commissioners. TRY OUR BLIND ROASTED C0fff AND ' Emperor Blend Tea. Nothing superior in flavor and price rea' sonable. Send in your orders r'ni Staple and Fancy Groceries 4 Oysters To-Niglit. CATSUPS AND SAUCES. BUCK W FIE AT AND MAPLE KVRrp. A. S. HUSKE. THE HAY STREET GROCER, Opera House; ONE WEEK ! Coining Monaay Meier Special engagement of the celebrated Staniford Dramatic Co.! In a repertoire of Delightful Come dies. New Songs and Dances, Up-to-date Specialties, Ele gant Wardrobe. Monday Night the Laughing Com edy success, For Congress. Prices 10, 20 and 30 cents. Usual Matinees. Sale of Valuable City Property. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Cumberland County, made October 30th, 189G, I shall sell at Public Auction, at the Court House door in Fayetteville, on Monday, November 30th, 1890, at 11 o'clock a. m., the following valuable property, in the City of Fayetteville, N. C, belonging to the estate of M. Faulk, deceased, to-wit: Five Houses and lots, near the cotton fac tory pond, sold to M. Faulk by A. A. McKe than, Commissioner, and described in thedeed of conveyance. House and Lots on Person street, known as the Hardie House, with two lots on Adam and Kennedy streets. House and Lot on Mumford street, adjoin ing Kelly and Lilly. House and Lot on Prink Alloy, doseribeil m a deed from Robert Wooten. House and Lot on Person street, near the Half-way bridge, described in a deed made by Heman R. Hall to said M. Faulk. , House and Lot on Moore street, adjoining Evans, and described in a deed made by Dal las Perry to said M. Faulk. House and Lot on Wilmington Road, known as the Nathan McAllister lot. 'This is valuable city property and otters exceptional iuuucements to investors Terms of sale; One-half Cash, balance on six months credit, title reserved until all tne purchase money is paid. J. H. MARSH Administrator and Commissioner. Geo. M. Rose, Attorney. Oct. 30, 1896. Ridgeway High School, FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. The Fall session of 1896 begins August 26th, and continues Twenty weeks. TOTAL EXPENSES: Tuition, 1500to425$ Board (including lights and fuel), Washing and incidentals, qq Music and uso of Instrument, Positively no extra charges. Endor. ed by the University, the Denomi national Colleges of the State, and the ing Female Colleges of the South. a catalogue. JOHN GRAHAM, Principal. Ridge way,