AA ' Iff? 4 1111 II II A 111' 1 1 I e1 DAILY NEWS SHEET AND ADVERTISER. NUMBER 260. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 4, 1896. PRICE 2 CENTS. SUBKCBIPTION PRICE t n..i. np rear, S3 OO in ad ranee - Daily one monln. Weekly one year, 35 in aclranee. 1 SO in adrnnce. Advertising is to business ichat steam is to machinery-the grand motive power. Macauley. Weather Predictions Chief Moore, would have made better progress. Washington, D. C, 10:30 o'clock. Fair to night; Saturday warmer. Attempts to Break Jail. high on the hill. The prisoners confined in the upper ami , AtJ Mr F' W Foster's cottage it was lower cells of the southwest corner of the L" u S? ...... - o VTOOUUU WUl UU IUC UUUSO W0 BUp' old jmI have been attempting to saw their ported only by the posts of the front piazza whv to liberty for several days Dast. Be- and at the rear. If the tid last night did sides partially sawing several of the thick n,ot th,row il dw it was thought probable ,100- . , that the house would break in two with its casing boards m two they have removed own we;ffht the heads from about twenty nails. They The front piazza of Mr. C. Livingstone's are certainly novices at the work or they house is washed away. Mr. Wadley's coicage is aare, out tne lattice-worK is smasbed. The sea washed under the Butters cot tage, demolished the bulkhead and smash. ed the lattice work. The Big Prize Fight. The Observer was one of the few pa- Next week Mr. H. R. Home will move pers published yesterday in America to temporarily into the Thornton Block in or- publish the result of the Fitzsimmons- der that some improvements may be made Sharkey fight. A press dispatch from San in his store on Hay street. - Francisco says of the fight: The fight between Robert Fitzsimmons Mr. E. J. Powers7 cottage was under mined by the waves, but only slightly damaged. Capt. Kenan's cottage is intact, but the front steps are gone and the beach washed M. WM. V It Lumber ISriflKe. I AD UgUI. UULTTtOU UUUOll X- IKOIUIIUUUD I ,pu O L . . i j j . Aext luesuay uigni duuge rarar win : Tu Jr.. " " , " : "uTi;u;r rests on the beach at a sharp angle. The deliver bis well known and popular lec- p.. f. e,,.u ,h! front piazza was carried away. ,-.. "Out .lohunv Reb." at Lumber Bridge. u ,.u,m ,CV hu. Judge Russell's cottage sags badly, some I . ' 0 I rkr fhu on nnnrlc intlnninr thu rt a v niutu "j " " w - - i . . -- u f u.... i i The remains , r iv wan B," " hi. Lmnni ift hiwi The VauADiriDge cottage looked unsafe, of the late James Boone ocoorwd. Fi fft in hu Ubom rtthand U , SUDD0rt8Bt0-tUelront piazza are were laid to rest in Cross Creelc cemetery piazza p.ronk And Sharknv went to the floor. Tho raf'uruu nlu i muH that whilM Sh rtrlrov gone yesterday evening. The following were wag falling from Fitzsimmons left hook on At the Opera House. the pall-bearers: Messrs. i. J. rowers, the chin Fitzsimmons struck Sharkey in The -White Crook," the show whose B. G. Holnnnsworth. V. VV. Cole, G. G. the groin with his knee. Myrover J K. Powers, J.M. Lamb, I. C. 2$tiX for the past week, and in the pa.pits of two itona ana J. A. Lrranam. continually used foul tactics. He would churches last Sunday has come nd gone The Electoral College. The Electoral College, which met in Raieigu Tuesday ana Wednesday to cast the Slates vo.e tor Bryan aud bewail and Watson, adjourned Wedneoday to meet again on trie second Monday in January, clinch and lift Fitzsirxmons from his feet, strike in a clinch, though the men bad pre viously agreed not to do so, and he was generally unfair. we trust never to return. lb ere were ouly two good features in it, the really beautiful costumes seemingly without num ber and the little fat Comedian, whose act ing was so very funny that it kept the au dience in roars of laughter from beginning to end. The ten girls in the play were tolerably pretty, some of them were pretty, but this did not compensate for their horrible sing Police .eiT. A. Deputy Sheriff Attacked. Wednesday night about 8 o'clock two men attacked deputy sheriff Kinlaw near 1 ii ll.tin fTmico nnA rho Hortlltv hft.fl a. owing to trie absence through sickness ot I luo iUOll,u -v Dr. Tvre York There was tmind to he hard right tor nis lite. noDrovisionbvthe law tor casting the Mr. Kinlaw was on his way to the jail vote in the absence ot one of its members, to put in some extra bed clothing for the . , acting Th mal nntin. - . , L I . I O - nMannoro WllftnlUSL SS DB WAS aUUUl IU I . .. nr. , 0 gem were utue oecier. wane mere was turn tne corner uimu ",ttU nothing immoral in the Derformann thr . I ... i -i p t I D r ibe bondsmen of R. J. Price, who was accosted him and asseo u nis name wag & vujgar veiQ runniDg through it recently arrested fordisposing of mortgag- wasn't Kinlaw, and being answered in whi(jh gagge8ted tne second rate music w property this morning, surrendered him the affirmative, he strucK tne deputy tt nalls of New York. ft'iane was placed in jail again. blow over me neau Wnu irK There was not a sQRe female in the Tuii: : i : . . Now Mr. Kinlaw's head has been treated h h COmDosed of about "o tuiiuw uk prisoners wno were m iur i c u-. ,(,.r.,I,,mi.i1 this same way a number of t.mes before, two hun(Jred meD(Illlof whom expressed MathZiZh-Ch wJi lDfaot -'yreoeBt'y hehad gullet sent about the same 8entiments as above writ U t! nA? !, aeainst it witbont senous resnlts and so tan . . 0. it wa3 a show. wbie not ex -.uv. uarns ana uaiias perns. - , A , f ui0 AonA0 nn . . . . trie oiowTniy seivcu B &ctj jmul0ral or baldly vulgar, tbat one th orer the nirer. It did not take him long to stretcn tne WQald Qot wish t0 see a lady attend. Mrs. Jennie Haywood, widow of the late fellow out, but before he could identity t " 7 I l c J.Havwood. difid thia mnrnincr at her bis assailant be saw a numoer 01 mi residence on the east side of the river. The coming to attack him, and feeling that Miss Mabel Green is visiting in Wilming fQeral will uk ni tr,mnrmW t 2 discretion was the better part ot valor ne ton. 'dock from the house and the regains retired for assistance. When he returned Mfg A Worth u 0Q a visit to relatives People and Their Movements. k;n i "'UD9 enterred iu the Gainey grave yard. w decea&ed lady, who was in her 42nd yr, was a daughter of Mr. Elias Gainey W sister of Mr. Noel Gainey. with the police the men had disappeared. in Wilmington. Mr. Jno. Currie, of Lumber Bridge, was 75 A Card of Thank. We reel deeply grateful to our white and colored frien is for their symprtthy, and especially for their assistance in helping us to save our household effects from the fire. But for their timely aid we would have lost all. Respectfully, J. L. Kennedy. Rebecca Kennedy. NEW YORK COST. Be ol Mr. Reuben Pope View Partiallr Wrecked. The people of this section many of whom in the city this morning. are in the habit of visiting Ocean View, jflr jno. M. Clark was able to be out yes- near Wilmington in the summer, will re- terday after a week's illness. The Sampson Democrat 8avs that Mr Kret to hear thS gr61 gj , M83 Eliza WiIlims is on tt visit to Miss Ro PoPpe, Brd:n Calber.and ? Martha WUHatns in W,lminKton. and Miss Minai.8tew.rt Hobbs, ay,"6J "Z ,'iriteil the place CaP- W" C" McDoffie is sick at home Jrttjrof thelate James Hobbs. were J.fitotZtttoecJ His father, the Doctor, ,s able arred at the home of t&e bride's mother, extending from Mr. Fishblate's cottage on to be about, vLrs; Sarah A. Hobbs, in Soutn Clinton, on the north to Mrs. Mayo's hotel on the south Mf Ji?s ManlVj of Dalton, Ga., is in the "wneaday evening, the 25th ult at 7-30 washed away, ine cages oi r. . u looking after his new jail building 0c'ock. Th -if 1 . 1 Z M. Waddell. Jr., Mr. Walters, Mr. Corbets H that the buiiding will ba ready fo, Kev J t VC1CUJUU WttS penoruieu uy M J H Chadbourn, Mr. vv. n. v,uau risoDers by Christmas. ihe&tt.r,. . oouru i u-.. k.h rn nliff Messrs. E. L. Remsburg and hdna oheetz VUU4UH werti: Mr. Jeff. W. Royal appearance or ovtu uc L fnhv business matters to refu ix feetaoe e WMr Jhs Sprunt'8 cottage was under leading parts in his orchestra which is to Mr. jhs. oyiuu 6 ttntri with furnish music for the Kirmess which is to r fint dowVon Ttbe beach and the rear I take place in Wilmington shortly. nd Af wtjre: lur. den. w.noyai Cq Aliss Mary Hargrove; Mr. Marion M Pr and Miss Bery Williams; Mr. Lai 463 Pairs all Wool North Carolina blan kets 10-4. To close out at New York cost. 137 Pairs all Wool Indiana blankets 10-4 to close out at New York cost. 263 Heavy Cotton Comforts, to close out at cost. 367 Cases ol Men's, Women's and Chil dren's rubber shoes for snow and rain to close out at New York cost. 193 Full size Ladies' capes, latest style, to close out at new York cost. 137 Ladies Cloaks and Jackets, all sizes, to close out at net cost. Big Line all sizes and styles GENTLEMEN'S OVERCOATS, CAPE and BOX MACKINTOSHES, AT COST. HEAVY BUGGY ROBES For the People at Cost to close out. Gentlemen's all wool underwear shirts and drawers at cost. Ladies' all wool un derwear to close out. Ladies' heavy ribbed under vests and drawers to close out at prices very cheap. 204 pairs Extra Heavy Horse Blankets to sell cheap. Don't IVIiss this Big Sale, Frank W Tlmrntnn A MUM III .UW R. M. Nimockd, Assignee. GLOVES, Over 75 different kinds for Men, Ladies and Children in WOOL, CASHMERE, KIDS, BUCKSKIN, DOGSKIN, at HOLLINQS WORTH & HOLLAND'S. ALL KINDS AT HOLLINGSWORTH & HOLLAND'S, FASCINATORS, WOOL and COTTON, at HOLLINGSWORTH & HOLLAND'S. to aud Miss Bettie Hobbs. I For Men, Ladies and Children at HOLLINGSMTH & HOLLAND Children Cry forPitchcr's Castor! VP)Vw