Local Happenings Told in Snort Paragraphs Mr. and Mrs. Zach T. Massie of Sy Wa visited the fair last week. ' Mrs. C. W . Davis and two children are visiting relatives at riendersorville.' ' ; Corporation Commissioner W. T. Lee was home for a brief stay this week. Night Services in tbe churches have moved back to 7:30 Don'tiorget it. Lebo Massie left yesterday for Orlan do,. Fla., where he expects to spend tbe winter. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Massie are at Cruso this week visiting relatives and friends. J A- " Born Monday October 1st to Mr. land Mrs. Branner Gilmer a daughter. Maude Duval Gilmer. "'-.'" Miss Nora and Guy Massie and their sister Mrs. Waldo McCracken motored to Cruso Sunday. .' ' ' Special officer Jule S. Robinson and revenue officer John Y. Cabe were in town this week. Attorneys Felix Alley and George Ward attended Jackson county court at Sylva this week. . . " v "V; Judge Ferguson is spending a. few days at home. He will hold court at Rutherfordton next week. ; .'-';-? Mr. H. C. Wilson of Scatesville spent Sunday here visiting his wife who is on 'a visit to her sister Mrs. KH. Reeves. Mrs. A. M. Simons and little daughter Helen went to Sylva yesterday to be with Mr. Simons who has a branch store there. . Mrs. Frank Ferguson was the hostess on Tuesday afteriflbn to the Woman's Missionary Society1. Mrs. G. West was the leader. Vi. , " V Frank Bytt seems to be out of dan ger and will soon, be out of the local hospital. The same may be said of Miss Addie Mehafley. Mr. W. L. Francis a 'prominent mer chant of Bryson City was here last week "attending our fair and visiting his un cle Mr. T. N. Massie. t Miss Alice Quintan left Wednesday af ternoor for Detroit to visit Mrs. J. E. EHwood. who was prior to her marriage Miss Mary McFadyen. Mrs. I, J. Ashe and her daughter Mrs. J. H. Mashburn of Franklin arrived Inst Sunday afternoon for a few days V 191 1 lu xu a. aw(s Married Sunday October 7th at the W. J. Havnes. Esq. offici ating, Mrs. M. M. Norris or Kaicnn Cove to E. W. Sharp of Cruso. Mrs. T. L. Green and daughter Miss Lillian Green went to Clyde last Friday to attend the Medford- Williams mar riage, tbe bride being her niece. Wallace Black well of the wholesale firm of Blackwell-Busbnell Co,, is tak ing In the World Series of baseball games in Chicago and New York. Mrs. Lawrence Green attended the Medford-Williams marriage at Clyde last week where she sang. She was ac companied by"her little daughter Olive jane. . Miss Sxdie Downs of Franklin has been visiting her brother-in-law J.J. Bridges. She was accompanied by ber niece, Miss Fannie Liner of the same place. . Lawrence E. Greene of the postoffice force left Saturday for Franklin to visit his grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Thad Green and to see other relatives. Mr. Greeo Is very feeble, v. T. C. Breeding has moved to his home on Boundary street, Lawrence Green to the Mallonee cottage on Haxel street and E. R. Elmore to Green Gablea on Branner Ave. Chief John S. Mitchell asks os to state that hereafter he and policeman Whltener will arrest any automobile driver who is found under toe influence of whiikt-y. Drivers, take warning. " Mrs. Lucius Bramlett and Miss Jessie Lee left Saturday for Laurens. S. C to visit Miss Grace Poole and will then go to Sumpter county for a stay with Mrs. Alston. While away they will see Camp Sevier. v Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Andrew and their grandson Charles Mayo of AsheviU. have returned home after a visit te Mr. an4 Mrs. J. D. Boone and. taking lu tbe Haywood County Fair. ' tj. T. Reeves of tbe Waynesville Gro cery Co, wert last Saturday to an AsEe vMe bospit.i'J o account of an old trouble that- bee put bin on. crutches lately.. Mrr Reeves and his son Byroa accompmi' ' Mm. . . Keerultlnn Sergeant Jmy MthaiTey U now sUMnei at Ashevill and wsa here tfce fl-M of the week looking for men for th- urtny. He leave today for Marf V. be CI rBd three days. He was first et to Ginboro, thee to Cir!otte a-Kl last week to J sbsriile.' An infant of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell was foand dead In bed at their home in the depot section last Tuesday morning., Death was supposed to have been caused by an illness with which the child had lingered for some time. Miss Sallie McCracken of tbe Baptist orphanage Thomasville, spent Satur day and Sunday here visiting her broth ers, Theodore and Dr. J. R. McCracken and a sister M.rs C. A. Haynes and is at Crabtree this week with relatives. Mrs. J. Hardin Howell and small son left Saturday for Greenville, S. C where they will be with Major Howell as long as he remains at Camp Sevier. Her sis ter. Miss Helen Marshall will be with Mrs. Will Campbell during her absence. Five soldier boys from Camp Sevier hartered an Automobile Saturday and came home to spend Sunday, arriving here Sbturday afternoon. They were: C. M. Whitehouse, L. L. Allen, C. M. Caldwell, Robert Gibson and James D. Keever. , '. Frank Ray our popular merchant has returned from an Asheville hospital where he went about a week before to recuperate f rom: a nervous break down erased by overwork . and worry on ac count of his brother Walter's .serious condition. : v ' Mr. and James E. Carraway have re turned to their home at "Waynesyille after a short stay jn the city.-Mr.Ocil Pless of Waynesville who has been vis iting in Asheville tor a few days left yesterday for Atlanta. Asheville Times Tuesday. Married Sunday October 7th at the Baotist Darsonaee Rev. A V. Joyner officiating Mr. DajtW, Butler and Mrs. Mamie Ogden both of Buncombe county. Mr. Butler will be pleasantly remember. edbere having worked at the Waynes ville Grocery Co., ai meat cutter. Hoi. W. J. Hannah' and family have returned frottdGreenville, Tenn. and other near by points visiting relatives. They went In their Saxon car via Ashe vi'le and Hot Springs and he says there are only a few miles of rough mountain roads on that route. V - ' Hon: and Mrs. C. H. Ray bave re turned from Camp Sevier, Greenville, S.' C Their son Walter was operated on. a few day- gad an abscess was re moved from his brain. It is hoped now that in a few days be will be out or danger. "" ' Mrs. J. T. Duckworth of Canton has han In A she vi lie for a short stay. Mrs. George Smatbers, Mra Henry T. Bart- lett and small daughter, Miss Daisy Bartlett, leave tomorrow for Montgom ery, Ala. Tbey will make the trip by motor. -Abbeville Times Monday. , a. Howell McCracken with the Base hospital at Fort Oglethorpe came home for tbe fair and returned there Monday. He joined the regular army in Florida snd went to Fort. Screven and waa transferred to Fort McPherson and later to Oglethorpe. The Southeastern Fair begins in Al tai a next Monday; Mr. R. D. Noland wkfrnake a Haywood county exhibit Hi's son Reeves will have a cheese ex hibit under state-and Federal auspicies, showing what the factories of our west ern counties are doing. Mr. E. J. How ell will bave charge of an exhibit from Jackson county. Mr. R. N. Barber will have some famous Haywood County apples on display from his Saunook orchard. ' . Tbe Sunday Asheville Times had .the following items ot local interest:- Mrs. James Thomas of Waynesville spent yesterday in Asheville. Mrs. James Reed of Waynesville was in Asheville yesterday. -Mr. David Gudger Is spell ing several days here from Waynesville. -Mr. T. L. Gwyn of Clyde, N, C. spent yesterday in Asheville. Mr: and Mrs. i. H. DucKett, of Waynesville are spending tbe week-end in the city with friends. Mr. E.'L Burn is spending the week-end in Asheville with Mrs. Burn. Mr. Burn is graining at the Offi cers' Reserve camp at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga.-Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Atkins of Waynesville were in Asheville yester-diy.-Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Maney, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hamrick, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamrick, ano Mr. Roy Hamrick Of Biltmore, motored to Waynesville to attend the Haywoodc;onty fair. Mrs. G. CSpragoe has returned to her home at Bias. Mountain after a abort viait with ber sister, Mrs. W. 'F.. Randolph at ber Dome on Cumderiana avenue. Rev. G. P. Hamrick of Canton baa gone te, tbe Biltmore where he will have charge of tbe Biltmore iiapiUt church. . J3iiCI A3X1U&IT Tbe Jortor Auxiliary of the Methodist church, met with Mi's Hilda Way on Wednesday afternoon. The next meet ing wiil be held with Ktos Dolly Lee. Mies WilIU Edna McCracken was tbe leader of tke afternoon. , - . ' RED CROSS RED LETTER DAY Thursday of fair week was set apart by the Executive Committee of the Red Cross as Tag Day for the benefit of the Cause. The league met with much re sponse and enthusiasm in proof of which the amount of $141. was raised. The entire membership of the local chapter wish to thank Haywood County for its lioerality and patriotism exhibited on Tnursday. . ' GREAT WAR PICTURE AT WAYNEWOOD WEONESDAY y "The Tanks' which bave caused bo much interest everywhere in the larger towns and cities as the most interesting war picture shown on the screen will be on exhibition here next Wednesday Oct. 17th at a matinee at 2:30 p. m. and twice that night the first run beginning at 7:30, . "The Tanks" is an authentic picture taken under the auspicies of the British government. It was loaned to the War relief Fund committee, of which W. K. Vanderbilt is president, and the entire proceeds from the picture go to that fund. It is said that several camera men were 'killed during the taking of the pictures and when the spectator gets the close-up view of tbe trenches du rine actual fighting tb story is not hard to believe. MEDFORD-WILLIAMS v A very pretty home wedding was sol emnized at Clyde Friday afternoon Oc tober 5th 1917; at tbe home cf the bride's parents Dr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Medford when Mr. John R. Williams led to the alter Miss Odessa Medford. Rev. Lowell Q. Haynes performed the cer emony. - The home was beautifully decorated with potted plants for the occasion and there were about 65 guests presert. Miss Cleo D. Latimer was maid of hon or and Rev: E. O. Smithdeal was best man. The wedding march was played by Miss Ada B. Willi "0 Promise Me'' was sung by Mrs Lawrence E. Greene of Waynesville.' There were a large numberof wedding presents many of them very costly and beautiful, at testing the high esteem in which both bride and groom are held by their many friends, A handsome chest of silver waa the gift of the grooms parents. .'. . Mrs. .Williams was one ot Clyde a most popular and beautiful girls while the groom'is a state engineer engaged under Mr.'Coble on tbe road work be- tweenjiere and Turnpike. He has made many Weeds since coming to Haywood county. ... , The couple Jeft on the afternoon train for Asheville and their honey-moon was spent at the Langren Hotel. BIG CATTLE SHIPMENT Prof. I. y.WiUiams 0f the fiftnrG"ia iAcrricultural DeDarit- ment, who is agent for , Mr. Hitchcock, the Boston and Aik pn millionaire, is shirking to- rlav about 18 cars of cattle to Mr. Hitehcok's Cedar CreeCc farm near AikelH for winter feeding.-. For Rpveral vears Prof. Wil liams has leased pastures in this county and grazed cattle until wintpr nnnrnaches. when they are sent to Cedar Creek farms to be finished. In this ship ment are some fine, heavy steers. Prof. Williams is always satis fied with the results here. UNIVERSITY OPENING The copy for this issue goes to the printers as usual ten days ahead of- the date of the paper; and at this writing the enroll ment of students in the Univer sity of North Carolina is 1,040. We expected to fall below the last year in alarming meas ure ; but as a matter of fact we are within a score of thejast September number, upon even date. - The upper classes, the profes sional, and the technical schools are not quite so full as last year but otherwise we expect to close the session with a total enroll ment close around the numbers of 1916-17. . , Mornings and evenings some 550 .men are in military train ing under Capt J. Stuart Alkn of the Princes Pats, Lieut. Leon ard of the Harvard Reserve Corps, and Mr. J. V, Whitfield formerly commandant at Hor ner's. University JJews Letter. - fXEJimilAMCKDJCB SEBTI7IS ' Sundav School 9:45 a. m. Orga Is id elaas for men atlO o'clock a, m. U a. m. Sermon by the pastor Kev. G. P. Mason. . Christian Endeavor meets at 7:00 p. m. Evening eemce- at 8:00. Sermoa by tbe pastor. " "-- v. . i:ti. ..4f ' all lka aarvicea. ,Vi.itoi. la the city esoeriaMvU .uTTS: wvj-cvai, W. G. DAVIS KILLED IN AU TO WKECK NEAR ASHE- -VILLE a Last Friday night at a late hour the Buick "automobile of W. G. Davis of this place plung ed over the steep river bank on the west side of the French Broad near the concrete bridge near Asheville. In the car was General Davis and beside him sat a woman named Carrie Turner who had been staying at one of the local hotels, who had come here from Asheville.' Some1 say she is or iginally from Pennsylvania. On the rear seat was J. N. Leather- wood and Robert Mitchell of this place. It is reported that the woman wanted to drive and that she and Davis both had their hands ' on the wheel whe it leaped from the road to the depths. She and the other two men jumped from the car, prac tically unhurt, but Davis was carried down the bank and was seriously hurt, the car turning over several times in its mad journey. Dr. Gardner soon passed and took the injured man to an Asheville. hospital where he re ceived attention, but little hope was held out for his recovery. His family were sent for Mon day but before they reached the hospital Mr. Davis was dead. His'body arrived here Monday everting ,and he was taken to Cove Creek for 'burial, where reside his parents and. other rel atives. He is survived by a wife and three children who live near Maple Grove church about two miles from town on the Dellwood road. . Mr. Davis was 35 years old. For years he was a well-to-do merchant at Cove Creek and last year moved his store to Hazdlwood and ' did business there. He sold or closed out there and since then has run an auto public car. Once or twice before he .has had accidents with his car. , It?3s said that w.he.n this last sad ' accident occurred that the lights were out. ' Policemen who Were early on the ground found empty bottles in the auto and evidence, that the parties Were drinking. It is also said that Davis, was known to have had Impntx on his person and that r . -. , i . none was iouiiu on mm aner the accident. The other men and the woman came back here next morning, but we are informed that the woman is wanted by -the authorities at Asheville on a charge of reckless driving. PRESENTS JUDGE WITH PIPE. The; October term of Sune' rior court for the trial of crim inal cases adjourned last Satur day, lasting only one week. At the close of the . session the bar nassed resolutions com mendatory of Judge Ferguson and in a short and appropriate address Judge O. V. F. Blythe presented to the Judge a long stemmed clay pipe together with some smoking tobacco which was accepted by the Judge with the promise Khat it would be used to while away the posible lonely hours of the coming win ter evenings. Hendersonville Vistor. . . TO TAX FLAGLER MILLIONS Lexington, Ky., Oct. 4. The I State of Kentucky today tooK initial -steps toward bringing suit for an inheritance tax of at least $3,000,000 against the estate of Mrs. Robert W. Bing- i ham, widow of Henry M. Flag- i low MrViiVi is vo4noH nr. nhoilt $80,000,000. v It is asserted that eighteen other States ,in which the Flag ler estate has holdings likewise will bring suits. Trust . companies "acting as administrators for Mrs. Bing ham's estate' in Kentucky have asked that an appraiser oe named, and this will be done next Monday. In Kentucky the tax fight will be led by Attorney General Charles Morris. The Flagler-Bingham holdings in this State rr-tly are worth $5,000,000. FAN IDEAL LIME TREATMENT foryltMM !!! tram chwtilc fr et trsablaa. cr eoucha ceVu. la ECRMAN-S ALTERATIVE T!i Cl --!- iwwmrmilon which inw e UkM fcr tt ptrmu wnhoat dl t.rhl 4lirMiom. Am ifteJMt tonka ud timaVtiti r"wr. own!"! rlcotl. ! U ttw, tl-UL eew eve WANT AOS. FOR A CHANGE boy some of our sliced boiled ham, chip ped beef, veal loaf, bologna sau sage or breakfast bacon. Mil ler Bros. FOR RENT One 5 room and one 11 roam house. Apply to Mrs. Rosa D Briggs. "OUR LEADER" coffe comes fresh roasted every week. We grind it to suit you. 15c a pound. Miller Bros. WANTED to do your portrait work Kodak finishing and picture framing. I 'will please you, won't you let me try? Geo. D. Sherrill, nearP.O upstairs. 5-17 DON'T FAIL to buy a pound of our new big bean Guate mala coffee, 30c a pound. Mil ler Bros. FOR SALE About 420 acres of good land on the head waters of Crabtree, known as the Mason Farm. About 250 acres well timbered. Reasonable terms. D. R. Duckett, Route 1, Box 31, Clyde, N. C. 9-6-8t BIG BARGAIN in dining table, eight leaves. See Mrs. E. S. Harold at Ace. $1.55 BUYS at our store this week a bag of Morgan's Jack Frost flour. Miller Bros. LOST-Yellow male Collie dog white spot in face, white ring around neck, white tip on tail, about 8 months old, answers to name of Raleigh. Reward for information leading to his recovery. Lee & Brown. It. Ladles First A friend with her two children Is visiting me, and becoming annoyed by them, she said to her youngest, a very bright little fellow: "When moth er gets borne she is going to train you." Looking 'innocently Into his mother's face, he sweetly remarked: "Please commence on sister, mother; ladle first, you know." Cleveland Leader. Friendship, antf Enmity. He will never have true friends who ' afraid of making enemies. Hailltt. Optimistic' Thought. When you obey yoijr superiors you ii. M. HENRY Attorney.at-Laiw Practice? in the State and Federal courts. Prmipi attention will be given to all bnain'N? iiitrustcd to his care. Offic: i i the i. IHrdin UrA-ell ouuu.ng below First N.nios-nl Hpn, WavnesviU, N . $1Q Rer-tvi, tfliut- thfro Is i t that awlence ha 1' euro i: fiii -'V!I i t. . u 3tn?es, ana idb 1 - 1. Iha tnlv nnfi.rit" I, V i ;;ti:t!r.:-l ttvatuu'iit. tVIIX'ilUtl. Hai icuieium. a"ufHS-" .. V..i . '. ..-tine directly upon the blouU a:iJ mucuus the srsteni, merely uvbiiu,ii"i ; rr ture in. aoin -- i,.t the offer One Hundred llli. for .ny e that It flUJS to cure, pena lor ii w. Address F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. Sold by nil Drnssl't. We. Tike 'Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Beautiful Suits $12.00 to $25.00 J Women's Suits of Broadcloth, Poplin, ' Mannish Serge and Garbardine, with the New Russian Convertible Collars, clev erly trimmed and smartly designed, . Colors: Black, Navy, Purple, Gray and " Green. Never before have we offered such pretty suits at the prices. A good line jof wash dresses, dark color -for school girls 49c and 98c New Goats New Millinery ' - at Popular Prices dress tuc BauR L A. M. SIMONS, Prop. Waynesville, N. C. , 0. 0. C. MrETSfRSDftY The United Daughters, f the Confe. eracv will meet tomorrdw, 1 r.day, after noonwith Mrs, Frank Ferguson at 3:30. All memterBbe urged to be pit-sent, as the local branch is asked from head quarters to remember our veteran nt Raleigh and the widows of veterans at Fayetteville with a box of canned goods for winter use. It was voted at the last meeting that each member furnish two tins or two glass jars of something. Noc only members but all in sympa. thy with us are urged to help fill theso boxes. Serd articles for this purpse to the store of Miller Bros., whi?re the boxes will be packed next week. SERVICES AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH 9:30 a. m. Sunday School; J. R. Mor gan, Superintendent. Adult clauses, t o which visitors are especially invited. 11a.m. Sermon, Subject: God's Great Woman. 6:45 p, m. B. Y. P. U. Jr. B. Y. P. U. meets same hour in boys department. 7:30 p. m. Sermon, Subject:, "Looking for Jesus." Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening 7:30 o'clock. You are cordially invited to attend all these services. Rev. A. V. Joyner, Pastor. SERVICES AT THE METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School 9:30 a. tn. Hugh Slean superintendent. Preaching Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The Senior League'meets at 6:30. Prayer services Wednesday 7:30 p. m We extend a cordial invitation to you to attend these services. Rev. W. B. West. Pastor. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday, Oetober 14th. 9:45. a. m. Sunday School; Superin tendent James W. Reed. Adult Bible Class Teacher: J, E. Car raway. 11. a. m. Sermon Topic: The Pow er of the Son of Man. 5:00 p. m. Evensong; and Address: "Luke; the Beloved Physician." Everybody cordially invite.!. Rev. Albert New, Rector WANTED Potatoes, onions, shelled Jhesns and peas, eggs, poultry, huUer,- canned goods and dried fruit; also hides and country cured meats. ) Tell us what you Lave or ship to the House that pays you cash. WESTERN PRODUCE CO. 90 North Lexington Ave. Asheville, N. C. n a nic PAY. rrtiSJ lt

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