teatlfervvood Produce Co. Liner Building, Depot Street Waynesvilie, IN. C. We are Open atfd Ready for Business We will Pay Cash for Chickens, Butter and Eggs. Apples. Potatoes, Onions and all kinds of Country; Produce. Bring Us Your Load and GIVE US A TRIAL COMFORT BAGS FOR CO. H. ( Mrs. Linley . . ' ' ,i .-. Mr. Roscoe Crary . .v. . The comfort"bags given to our ' Mi's.. Dave Schulhofer soldiers of Co. H by the ladies Mrs. Everett ROBT. M. LEATHERWOOD, Manager of the Navy League on Farewell Day contained the following ar- tides i - " . ' . ,Bex of talcum powder, box of I foot ease tablets, bottle of vase ! line, peroxide,, tooth brush, Col ! gate's . tooth paste, collapsible j drinking cup, toilet and shaving J soap, writing pad and envelopes, j pencil,' small ' comb, 3 handker- chiefs, straight and safety pins, shaving mirror, needles in flah . nel case, white sewing cotton and i white darning cotton in a small' J bag, brown shoe strings, small towel. , " The following is a list of the members and friends of the Navy. League that contributed toward the comfort bags. I I County commissioners," $30.00, I Lake Junaluska Chapter of Navy League from special offering , gave $71.00 and from box sup pers at .Long s cnapei, $oz.zo, making a total from Junaluska; Mrs. T.; Delos Crary Mrs. Tom Stringfield Mrs. de Neergaarde Mr. W. H. Jones Mrs. J. PfSwif t Mrs. John A. Grier ..... .$2.00 Miss Louise McFadyen ''. .$1.00 .vV.$v.50 $10.00 ;,..$1.25 Yi . $ .75 ....$1.25 ....$1.00 $3.00 $1.00 $1.00 Mrs. Freeman ........... $2.00 Mrs. Ownsby .... '. . . . . ., . . $2.00 Mrs. K. L. Allen . . . ... . .$1.00 Mrs.. J. L. Walker . . .$1.00 Mrs. J. W. Ferguson . , . . .$1.00 Mr. E. B. Atkinson ......$1.00 JWr. Robert Plott .... . . . . $ .50 Mr. liaysor ........ . . . . .$1.25 These bags numbering 163, one for each man in Co. H, cost $27S.24, $279.56 has been turned into the treasury. The memb(T;j of the Navy League wish to tl.rrJ every one that contributed in any way in making it possible for them to supply Co. H with the much needed comfort bags. . NANNETTE JONES, Sec. and Treas., Navy League. Jj I n ha three members yon should know U jron desire to ' " - .'-I enjoy Ufa.,: . -. ----vv uY:, 1. The popular liquid form of Penm-tlie reliable tonteof th America houaeboid, witll a kai hlwory a( ocom la tnaling alleatarrtMl difficukiM. 2. The tablet form, which la mode after the same ' fbrmuUry and iinon oon valient foe many.- , ; ' --.- ideal laxative, by the regular ose or - which eoostlpatioa may be oreom and -. natural actkn tMtored. Muwlto lint DO . . habit formlwt druf. but la ao aid to nature. . Your drugit oai all three. So many . thonaamlt have received beoeftt from the- uae ol one or own mese remedies nai iney .. are a recognized part ol thaaiupuent of every careful household. THE PERUNA COUP ANT " CthaW. OUa a J tr 1 , 3. Manalin-the SCHOOL BOOK PRICES Ex. Cash $0.15 .15 .65 .88 1.35 SPELLING New World Speller: Grades 1, 2 and 3.$0.07 Grades 4, 5, 6, 7.. .08 DEFINING Webster's Common School Dictionary Webster's High School Dictionary Webster's Academic School Dictionary HEADING Reading Literature Series: Primer 12 .25 First 14 .28 Second 16 .32 Third..... 18 .36 Fourth 20 .40 Fifth 22 .45 xth .25 .50 Seventh .25 .50 WRITING Berry's Writing Books Fuller Courses: TW.Va 1 1 1.9 9 9 1.9 a 5 1-9 4, 4 1-2, 5, 51-2, 6, 6 1-2 10 each. DRAWING Graphic Drawing Books: Books 1, 2, 3, and 4, each Books 5, 6, 7, and 8, each .... ARITHMETIC ' Milne's Progressive Arithmetic First Book .. .32 Second Book, enlarged edition .13 .18 .36 ,41 45 with farm problems lhirdcook... GEOGRAPHY Dodge's Primary Geography : Dodge's Comparative Geography .. .88 LANGUAGE 'AND GRAMMAR Practical English, Book I .15 .30 Essential Studies in English, Book 11... 45 NORTH CAROLINA HISTORY Hill's Young Peoples History of North Carolina.... . .80 Chapter of $125.25. From two union services held at scnooi. , house, $22.63, fron? ice cream ' WORTp THEIR WEIGHT IX.GOLD supper held at Allen's Creek, No man can'do he best when suf !? 12.92. " feting from backache, rheumatic Methodist church ....... $8.76 rains, swollen joints or sore muscles. baptist church .... .$2.25 B. H. Stone, 540 N. 2d St., Reading, Rev. W. B. West ....... .$1.25,' Pa., writes: "For months I was un- Kev. A. V. Joyner Sz.oU able to attend to business. I used Mr. I. L. Councill ....... .$1.25 1 Foley Kidney Pills and soon the pains Mr. A. Howell. Jr. ....,.,.1.25 Mr. llilliard Atkins ..... .$1.25 Miss Alice Quinlan ..... .$2.00 Miss Fredericka Quinlan . .$2.00 Mrs. Lena Pa'mer .$1.75 Mrs. Barton . .... .....$1.25 Mrs. Keyser $1.25 Miss Dorothy Mussell ....$1.25 Mr. E. L. Withers $1.25 Dr. Noyes $1.25 J Mrs. Mayer $1.25 1 Mr. and Mrs. Steinhart. . $1.25 Mrs. Young $2.00 Mrs, Mrs. Mrs, and aches were gone. their weight in gold wood Drug Co. They are worth to me." Hay. K. OF P. UNIFORM RANK AT CANTON SAVt EVERY TONOffODDER IT WILL HELP TO DEFEAT GERMANY in the war . as much as a shell fired at the en emy trenches. 1 v Every farming community should have a McCORMICK HUSKER and SHREDDER to m ake the corn stalks into : good feed, saving grain for huma n food. - ' . WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. T. MORRISON & CO. AGENTS, r ' ASHEVILLf, N. C The Canton K. of P. lodge or ganized a Uniform Rank Monday evening with 44 members. The officers elected were J. C. English, captain; J. N. C. Har rison, 1st Lieutenant: William Nixon Davis ; .50 1 Bryson, 2nd Lieutenant : G. C Walker .50 Smith, Recorder; C. O. Riddick Lindsley $1.25 ' and W. R. Shook, Sentinels. The Waynesvilie Book Co. organization will be completed tomorrow night. mi i ... inis organization will come in handy now as part of the Home Guard for Haywood coun Mrs. Williams .$1.25 Mrs. Etta Wyche $1.25 Mrs. Meade ..$1.25 Mr. R. N. Barber .$2.00 Armistead Jones $2.00 Mrs. Emma Willis l.Wty, and no doubt they will offer ivirs. anutn ...... tJja 9 their services to Gov. Bickett." Mrs, C. E. Quinlan $2.00, Capt. A. Howell $ .50 FOR A MUDDY COMPLEXION RufU3 Siler ..$.50, Take Chamberlain's Tablets and C. G. Logan .$1.00 j dPt a diet of vegetables and cereals. Thurman Leatherwood . . .$1.00 , Take outdoor exercise daily and your Mrs. Blaylock $1.25 complexion will be greatly improved Mrs. Scott Brown $1.50 within a few montha. Try it" Ob- Mrs. R. L. Allen ....$1.00 tamable everywhere. MAIN STREET DEPOT STREET SATISFACTION Good will, compe tent and, strictly moral Undertaker at your service day or night. . Up-to-date Parlors. Boone Med ford, Embalmer. MEDFORD UNDERTAKING COMPANY DAY PHONE 33 NIGHT 116-N SlCDlLlflyKS DUsiywcnxaxEQ Don "OycQ(29 M Co A Standard Academy for Young Men and Young Women Offers courses preparing for entrance to College (14 or 15 units) or for life work. INSTRUCTION THOROUGH. ' In addition to the regular academic courses, instruction is offered in the Bible, Sunday School Pedagogy, Piano, and ce. Excellent Literary Societies. Careful discipline. None but morally good students are admitted, thus guaranteeing to boys and .girls a highly moral atmosphere. Religious welfare carefully guarded. Separate dormitories for young men and women. Teachers stay in the dormitories. Iioard, light, and heat furnished at lowest possible cost FACULTY OF COMPETENT COLLEGE GRADUATES: W. A. Hart, Bachelor of Philosophy, Principal; Mathe matics, Mrs. W. A. Hart, Matron; Miss Cleo D. Latimer, a A., Latin-English; Miss Ada B. Willis, Graduate in Music, Piano and -Voice; Miss WilKe Mae Hart, In termediate Department; Lowell Q. Haynes, M. A, History, Science, Bible. ' The present session is prosperous. Attendance is good. The students are earnest and happy in their work. We are able to accommodate a few more young men and women. You can enter now or after the Christmas holi days if you secure a room in time. After this war no boy or girl can be successful who does not have a good edu cation. Now is the time to get It. The times are un certain; but the times NQW are tense and telling. Get an education, ONE OF THE RIGHT KIND, and be pre pared to LIVE and do something after this war. If the war does not close soon, more than ever you will need an education. DR. WILLIAM m RICH' .' .Itt'JSS tan Education at follows. Come to hear him; you will learn omthinjf and will enjoy it. You will not be disappointed, for Dr. Rich has the ability and he means business. Tie places and tke dates are as follows: . - CLYDE BAPTIST CHURCH, Sunday, Oct. 14, 11 A. M.t A TIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH, Sunday, Oct. 14, 3 P. M. CBAB1REE BAPTIST CHURCH, Sunday Evening, Oct. . . 14, T 'dock. .... ROCK SPRINGS BAPTIST CHURCH, Monday Ereafnr. Oct. 15, 7 'dock. FOES CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH. TBcadar Ertxxr Oct. IS, 7 o'clock, - Wednesday PANTHER CREEK BAPr"T,?T "TTTlCR Evening, Oct 17, 7 o'clock; , COVE CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH, ftursday EreaSnc Oct 18, 7 o'clock. , - JONATHAN'S CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH, Friday Evening, Oct 19, 7 o'dx. : WAYNTJSVILLE-BAPTT2T CTTCZirTL Oct XI, 11 'dock, . V C.4JN BAPTIST CHURCH, Sunday Evening, Oct - ALLEN'S CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH, Monday Even ing. Oct 22, 7 o'clock. BALSAM BAPTIST CHURCH, Tnesday Erening Oct - 23, 7 o'clock , . . - . BETLRAPTIST CHURCH, .Wednesday Ertnlng, Oct niTtF COYE BAPTIST CHURCH, Thursday ErenT in Oct 22, 7 'dock.