THg nOPNTAINEEBCOUEIiat 7AYNE3yiLLE, N. 0. , CLYDE CULLINCS. , Miss Fannie Fincher is ren denne ' valuable assistance to During the month of August Mr. f PRIZES FOR WHEAT GROW, , P'. R. Rich, one of the patrons of 1 . ERS , , ' the Beaver Creek Cheese Factor ,: - '. . " v ry, sold $256 worth of milk from !; -two dollar wheat ought to be ' Post "Master VauhriH Rv In hia herd of sixteen Holstein cat-! an attractive proposition to the ' the nostoffice : tle eiht of them ' havin2 aH armers of Haywood. NOur soils - -'.Mi T.vria' ATfnv,! aH ntf ready been in milk eight months. -have a store of potash equal. to Ford werp marripd last Sundav Mr. A. L. Wilson, ot Vilas, sold tne neeas ot crops tor tne next ThS aS aurteWSar and we $106-66 worth of lk from his 300 years; the enerous of ney are quite popular and we , ... . . fi n?1.iover crot)5, anrf .mannw. - P1"688 and suc- them being- grade -Holstein heif- makes it unnecessary" to pur Mr and Mrs Tohn Ti William ers- Tne cows in both of these chaie any commercial fertilize 3 rf now thP Plvdf ir herds received no food except j vith the exception of phosphate an abciMipp from thp 'rifv a fpw that supplied by pasturage, and lime. We are expected m an aosence irom tne city aiew . -.. . . sinvth Carolina to iniwwis"niir days. g ... , ,;-3 VI UJ5J ItH'lUllCO Hi ------- - Mr. E. P. Haynes will within this region plan to make, an ex. a few days open up a erocerv 01 ineir cneese he ins state , 7- - .. mi.' .,.:! k , 1 rur run. nn v on rn mrni hlbit of the home product that fcut, the boys too and for aU Kt.Q oOQ Omia'i nimiW ' 'M foi" the first time a "Bovs' j a J WllOQT lilnn" ia cfovfoH l.fortr busjiness in the Doctor DavJ's office on Main street. Mrs. B. F. Hill of Spartan burg, S. C, is assisting Mrs. of them expect to send a good" i - xo . is started Many Havnes in the milinerv depart--exhibit to' th3 Southeastern J'nir i aatne prizes are offered to fSof KuSWASl 6f this fall. Both Mr. ita boys kept store. irarnnam ana mr, isoiana nave Mrs. D. C. Ensley is assisting :,fourd it necessary to purchase John H. Morgan at the. J. W.1?1"3,11 cars to aid in their; work MorcflTi stnro air) Osfpr SmntTi- I hi the region ers, E?q is rendering assis-' On account of the fact that a tance at the store of Edwin j number of inquiries have come Fincher. j to t-fe animal industry division We do not know how much i seeking information as to where i business The Bank of Clyde does : Noii h Carolina cheese could be' each week, but if- did more than 1 bought. Mr. Ret;d states that t " S S S 1 1 i l . . ;. r $25,000 worth of business week Detore last and has now on de posit more than $100,000. No bank in all the county has grown more rapidly in business and prosperity than this one. A Laymen's Conference of the Clyde charge was held at Clyde Methodist church, Sun day, Oct. 7th, beginning at 11 o clock in the morning. hereafter the Mission Cheese rom this countv should be strong competitors. In addi tion to this we will have prizes fov this county alone. Several of the millers and business men of the county have signified their intention to help the prop os'don through. Also to any nne who is at present a member of the clubs who will join t he vheat club and secure the gre;it- i st number of members to this ' 1-1- - 1 . ! racwry, vvi;:cu ia uviug run vy i .u ... - . , .,, . Knhnri will ho'nr-hnraH to fill 00 3S a PriZe KVll W 1 1 all V f A UX W .lit ' oraers at market prices. None of the other factories will do this as their product is being sold at wholesale prices. One other factory near Asheville will prob ablv arranrr to aid th Vr.lle Crucis factory in supplying home The conference was attended i orders later on. It is of interest by quite a number of visiting aeiegates. it was planned and presided over by the pastor, Rev. E. O. Smithdeal and had for its object, the discussion of plans and methods looking to increas ed efficiency in church work. The need for greater co-operation among the laymen of the church was strongly impressed. The general nature of the con ference may be seen from a list of the subjects discussed. Five Reasons Why I Believe in Mis sions was discussed by Rev. W. P. Fincher, The Children's Home by Capt. A. E. Ward; Giving by Dr. T. F. Glenn; Tith ing by Rev. J. P. Rodgers and Herbert Gibson; Clyde Charge by Edwin Fincher, and Holding Up the Pastor's Hand by the Pastor. The tithing question re ceived prominent attention, and after two stiring addresses on this subiect bv Mr fiih arm and Rev. Rodgers, quite a num ber expressed their intention of becoming tithers. A feature of the conference was a public jnsftaJjation ser to know, in this connection, that the Mission Cheese factory is m charere of Miss Effio Hpfner. tho only woman cheese maker in the boutn. Ail other factories in t fn region which receive orders for small amounts of cheese frorh within the state will turn over these to Miss Hefner for filling, Raleigh News and Observer. ESSAY PRIZES. - i- For the best essavs on "Whv the United States is at War," written by public school teach ers in North Carolina, praztes aggregating $300 are offered by tne xsational .Board for Histori cal Service. To elementary teachers, five prizes ranging irom $10 to $75 each, and to hisrh school teachers spven prizes ranging rfom $10 to $75 eacn, are offered. Essays must be submitted by January 1, 1918 aimuar contests are being con ducted in fourteen other states. The winning essay in each state will be eritered in a national vicj ior stewards, conducted by prizes of $75 each will be award the pastor. Solos rendered by.ed. Miss Wtillis music fcfecher in Full information,' including &?ai InsUtut.' a"d Mf- i the conditions of the contests, Kov Havnes pontnhnfofl nW.i..j . . ' i i : T1L6 aiIU ieierences to material, may ly to the enjoyment of the oc- be obtained from R. D. W. Con- casonTV. c , . , . nor, Secretary of the North Car A Union Sunday school has olina Historical Commission, been organized at Tnm n'a i r.i-v. r ' phonal n n f 1 .-.111 1 i i o , ""j";' oiiu n in meet reguiany in Maple Grove Methodist church, every Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock. Rev. W. P. Fincher of Clyde and Mr. L. T. Freeman of Lake Junaluska are superintendent and assistant; 1S17. He was 14 years old and ouyeriiuenaenr. resnprrivu iv a is miaaori n rminh h,r - 1 - , -.wwv luuvil KfJ llio 111CUUO good opening was reported and and loved ones. He was a good Several coim i ties in the state cannot grow wheat and in many others it is not a paying crop. It is a patri otic duty of the farmers and Tarm boy3 of this county to grow all the wheat they can this year, thereby serving their country and reaping a profit at the same time. Let any boys or girls who wish to grow wheat this year send in their names to the coun ty agent and get busy on the i proposition. Let's run the av erage yield up until Haywood leads the state in average pro duction of wheat per acre. Wm. H. FERGUSON. Co. Agt. ' DON'T BE A ROAD HOG ; -.-'It doesn't matter what you are driving, give the other, fel- i- -T.-.i- : . .-4, v.. iuw xiau: iiie juaa nn ann i irv to pass him at a - dangerous speed. A man with sense enough to' drive a car oucht tn know enough not. to make a fool of him self when passing ither Vehicles, but it is not always the case. What is the use of, taking a chance by passing everybody you meet at the Jiighest speed your oia car can maxe it does ti't matter so nluch what hap pens to you, but it would "Be a pity for' you to kill or cripple somebodv who is reallv wnrth something to the world. And while we are writing about these thintrs. there is an other class of people who de serve some space. They are drivers of wagons and other teams who seems to have a grudge against people who drive automobiles. The men who drives a lumber watron is iust. as good as the man who "drives a car, it he really wants to be. But we have heard recently of some who cut their wagons ".cross the . .road m a manner which make it plain that they '.visn to give the other fellow .rouble. In some cases they re fuse to let the person the faster vehicle pass. Be fair, no matter how you ride. There Is nothing personal in this, for we can usually spot the road hog and we never fail to give'him a wide berth. Oxford Ledger. .ASNEVILLE-BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ui it to Wart Your Shop51ns Trip, e- fo Maf Inquiries,'. The . ' , V Firm, listed wili Serve You Well ' 1 ' , s ADVERTISING. Booklets Designed and Written. 63 A mAMinn.. Dtil4nV ' "1. - '-111 t . Weekly tiewrapers. . Western North Carolina Territory. Rates? GltL, AUTOMOBILES i ( hevrolet Distributors. Livery and Auto Service. CHAMBERS & WEAVER CO Cash Talks.. "Used Cars. Every make OVERLAND ASHEVILLE SALES CO. Kig Line Used Cars, Cash or Credit ' OK AUTO CO. CAFES Homemade Candies, Restaurant, Soda. CLUB t AFE AND CANDY KITCHEN TO REVOLUTIONIZE WAR IN LOVING MEMORY OF LESTER KINSLAND Lester Kinsland died July 14, the prospects are fino fnr hnilH mg up a large school there, surely this i3 a great opportuni ty for this community. Rev. Willoughby will preach at the Baptist church next Sun day morning. M. B. S. OUR CHEESE FACTORIES HAVE BIG OUTPUT boy and- was Joved bv all whn knew him; he lived a Christian Ufe from the time he knew right from wrong. He had a good book; The Story of the Bible in which he would read often and would turn to the picture where the Lord was cru ufied and talk and dwell upon it. He said before he was sick Washington, Oct. 5. Will a single stroke of American in ventive genius win this war, as it has won every other war the United States has every fo :gh' ?J .Lesaire rresiaent Wnson's warning that the country must not sit back and wait for a mir acle, Washington is tonight ex- ciiea over a new power system that will, if its inventors' claims materialize, revolutionize war fare overnicrht and end th mn, flict as suddenly, with America victorious. ' The system is a "free energy generator" and its inventor is Garabed T. K. Oiracnacinn on American mechanic, who, ha w...v 1 T V been working on his plan. in Boston the greater part of twenty-six years. HerA ar anma the things he says it will do: Drive a battleship any dis tance. Without ston fnr fWl L Propel an airplane around the wprld. Give an aimlano atroni-tVi carry thousands of pounds of munitions. Enable an airplane to wear armor heavy enouch tn tnm any anti-aircraft gun missiles. Send torpedoes at greater speed. Practically rimihTo tho' orLJ - -J v.. uf;a of steam engines. Other than to state his sys tem of utilizing fmfl as revolutionary as Franklin's uiscovery oi electricity. Gira gospan has nrtt nnKYiyiv scribed-his theory. So radical are his assertions that they would be dismissed with a shrug and a smilp haA ha nt k d , 4ai ocucb ; demonstrations, backed up ' his J siaiemeni. umcial action has J. R. BOYD BUYS MASLIN PLACE President J. R. Boyd of the First National Bank has Durchased the beautiful Maslin place on Academy street from Mr. A. R. Jones of Pen sacola, Fla., and will in a short time occupy it as a home. This is one of the most convenient and beautiful homes in town. TO THE MASONIC FRATER NITY District Demitv Grand Mnerar of the 41st District has called a district meeting at Waynes'ville uct. itn at z:so p. m. All memeers of Clyde, Pigeon River at Canton and Sonoma lodges- are invited to attend .. ' 9-27-4t MODEL WHITE PRESSING CLUB CLEANING. PRESSING. DYEING sad REPAIRING. Membership $1.00 per Montb Ladies Work a Specialty ins a auunng . j v. nraiEi rrop. Depot SI PbeeelS DEPARTMENT STORES X4 .rnwnnrt Sr Pn . D.thoa Hula Underwear, etc. for everybody. Dry Uoods, liuga, jjuttericK rai'erns. DRUG STORES MEETrYour friends here. 43 Patton Ave. PARAMOUNT DRUG CO. . FURNITURE ; when You see a Furniture Ad, thfnk Of GREEN BROTHERS. HARDWARE Builder's Hardware a Specialty. - NORTHUP-MCDUFFI a HARDWARE CO JEWELERS Ths House of Gifts.52 Patton Ave. CHAS. E. HENDERSON, Glasses Fitted, Expert watch Repairing. 15 Church St. H. M. fbost. J. E. Carpenter,. Jeweler. - watch' Re pairing specialty. 16 N Pack Square. KODAK FINISHING Expert work. Eastman .Agency. Mail Orders Solicited. brown book CO. .' KODAK SUPPLIES Ifnniif liMvolnninir. Printimr. Mail Orders, Amateur Supplies. . 'ROBINSON rnUTO 8TUKB. LAUNDRIES ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Av Falks ' ilusic House. - v: 78 Patton Ave. Phone 206. ' ' MEN'S A BOY'S FURNISHINGS J. ' W, ' NEELy r , CO., tor Stein-Block Smart Clothes, 7 , . j OFFICE SUPPLIES r fficb Supply Coh'":TvDewriters. Ad." ding Machines, Safes- 91 PATTONvVE.,; OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN Correct Glasses. 52 Patton - Ave.': (Henderson's - Jewelry'- Store.) Dr: Denison. i , ' ' - - 1 PHOTOGRAPHERS Higgason Studios. 60 1-2 Patton Ave.. Opp. Post Office. ARTISTIC FORTH!-' TURE. .. - . - PiiLTOi Studios.- Pack Souare. - Hls-h-V' grade Portraiture and Commercial Photograp'oy,!"" . PIANOS TUNBD Hepaired. Expert work. All Guaran teed, ; Etks" Building v wii.hams a HUFFMAN.' ' ' ' . ' " REAL ESTATE W. T. Roland A Co. Farms. Can Be Done," ' " "It ASHEVILLB Realty. Investments American " Bank Building, henry t. sharp CO. .; : ' If Interested in Asheville Real Estate.' Talk to JOHN A cue. . , - ReaI. Estate. Insurance. .18 S Pack Square. Pbone 1346,-LORiCK co.. Real Estate Broker. See James W. BEHEN, 11: 1-2 Church SL GROCERIES - CUT RATB8. Groceries Amounting S5.00 or More. Twekd & Collins. . fHE Nichols way tor Laundry Satis faction. ASHEVILLE STEAM LAUNDRY. Tailored Suits, f IS to ?46. Opposite Potoffice. YOURO. . , - " ? TIRtf AEPAIRS LOAN OFFICES Finkelstein's Loan Office. Jewelry Trunks, Leather Goods. 23 biltmore AVE. SEEDS CMttyw-nn ssirri rr WknlAaala anI Retail Seed Merchants, Poultry Sup plies.- ' Send .Us Your Tires and Tubes. . . ' asheville steam vulcanizing CO. PRINTING Print ino, Bookbinding, Loose Leei Binders. HackNky A MOAUE. co. . ' GENERAL MECHANICS write or see McCair & Son for your Track Body. In the Purcbaae of an t AUTOMOBILE There are two points you should consider carexuny. These are Economy and Efficiency Before you buy let me demon- Btrate the New Model Chevrolet C. f. Kirkpatrick Distributor Chevrolet Motor Co. lake Junaluska, North Carolina For Ladies as well as Gentlemen CITY BARBER SHOP Mala 'Street . r i - - - t- ,:.t .i ' - - Six Sanitary Chairs- and Experienced . Barbers . : Ho andfColdBaths "A Good Place to Shave" Massey; Galloway and ' White, Proprietors. ne saia Deiore ne was sick viuuiii action na -.iisir .vnen ne aiea ne tnougntl J , ..u u ic uui niius ie WOUld 170 homp tn hpavpti tn food on a bisr scale the United " i-wuiijiuuic uiure powerruuy than any imana Returnino- frnm fri t ?"eet. brother an sisters mountain section , f "w.t Ti that had gone on before, and he f1 ,xnan any mana- sx&sszbr. t rs!ridhfhora11 thiy.' rwa?1 conceived' to wini of thp offir-nf HaWfojT'ithim in heaven. His family in?war " ports that the eighteen cheese SMfKBUCh,1ilhjA factories now in operation are' if 'd J11 and comfor eellinff abiut iiononi, 'the hearts. The Lord knows cheese per month. Mr. Reod found much enthusiasm over the coming of the cheese fac tories to the section. With the cd-oper)ation of his assistants, Mr. F. B. Farnham and D. R. Noknd, the farmers in ' the mouniain resion have orvanirod iwenty-two factories to date and have requests for perfect ing ir oran ration of ten wcro at places wnere a conditions are extreme . favorable for riictrjr them. There ia alio a Trs.t demand for trained chees rrkers -and a number of young r- i expect to come to West RaL t ' , to attenil the Cbeee Mak i ' c ';rje which wm eb given by " - -' .-4 industry diision of r d.ite. , - . . - , , i , - - - away; He dceth all thinca wll We should all strive to meet our loved ones in a better world where partinsrs will come nn mure, where all is joy and peace. In Secret fpsf imnniao ffii-a-! t una- gossian convinced the' house committee on patents. GASOLINE AT 17 CENTS k ' HINTED IN WALL STREET Nw York JourhaL " Wall Street is now guessmr iLvie, wuere ail is joy and peace, j. V. " ttucaaim fov ever more, around the throne ' at fife wsoline prices to be fixed i our blessed Lord; Lester was so thankful for w i blessings of life, I think we bv President Wilann rw mioo that had wide circulation was seventeen cents a gallon f . o. b. refinery. According to a Wash- all should be more thankful forX,17 Afufx.10 a WJ&i: th Lord has Hnna C .'srt?n dispatch, the . Federal tnd-pray more every day for iVffffi&f in our friends and the aoldier boys, P!11 "n Pluc- '-hat they shall return safe Evi1 ome by and by. - V 1 5 E 2Tarkt t v.' u'-Li 2 V.' : Pl'Ces for Jthesd. products ere & imvc uuuuKiii. majiv imnitAf k.j -i .... . before about writing this,, but raa GelayeLv TTlth best" wishes ley th U. reared, I remirn. production. -itie Admini..' ra tion, the dispatch adds, in con sidering a general plan of Fe r. al control of.the coustry til Something for NO Notfiing? Not at this Store-we don't get things that way. But tell you what wt have that will save you some money. V We have 60 suits of medium weight Cotton ribhed un derwear carried over froirr lait year at last years price 75c per Garment ,? We also have 1 dozen White Mercerized Union Suits which we will sell at preientwholesale rjrice $3.00. . , - Qfe!:2n J 0cl!::ng::Gcm::y": ' . output. -