THE MOUNTAINEER-COUR IER, WAYNESYILLE, N4 C. ZZON COLOIJED CONFER 'V;iiwCiTN SKSSiON'HliKE . : The Blue' Ridge cprferen-.e of the A. M. E. Zion church is hold ing its 25th annual session here and. will close Sunday. night.,- Its territory includes Western North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina and Georgia. This is one of the largest Negro Methodist bodies in the South and includes some prominent colored preachers and educators. Bishop George W. Clinton of Charlotte is presiding. Among other visitors are: Dr. W. H. Goler, A. M., finan cial secretary; Prof. J. W. Mar tin, secretary of education; Dr. J. VV. Wood, secretary of foreign missions; Prof. J. W. Elchel berger, A. M., secretary of Sun day school union; Aaron Brown, secretary of the Varnck, G. E, union; Dr. D. C. Suggs, Ph. D., president of Livingstone college, Sansbury, N. C. ;Rev. E. P. Mayo D. D., president of Greenville college. Greenville, Tenn, and Mrs. M. L. Clinton, superintend ent of the juvenile missionary department. since September 1st 8,905. . number FOR SALE 4 sets of 42 piece dinner sts to close at $5.50 each. One dinner set of 100 pieces at $10.00 actual cost. Lee & Brown Co. pEALTH IS WEALTH HON. G. S. FERGUSON JUDGE FINDS AN OLD POEM ON LOAN Prof. Edward Everett Hale Discovers it in His Father's Diary of 1861. Special to the New York Times. Washington, Oct. 22. A friend has lent to Secretary Lansing the follow ing poem. '"Take The Loan," -which was written by Edward Everett Hale n May, 1861. It was set to music zr.d sung through the country in the fall of 1861, and was found by Pro fessor Edward Everett Hale of Union College in his father's civil war' diary: Come, freemen of the land, Come meet the great demand, True heart and open hand Take the loan! For the hope the prophets saw For the swords your brother's draw, For lieberty and law, Take the loan! Ye ladies of the land, As ye love the gallant band Who have drawn a soldier's brand Take the loan! Who would bring them what she could Who would give the soldiers food, Who would stanch her brother's blood, Take the loan! r REST AND TEE OLD T B Pertinent questions on health, hygiene find sanitation of general interest to our readers will be answered in these columns or by mail If addressed to' this office or to the State Board of Health at Raleigh and accompanied by a stamped, addressed en velope. No diagnosis or treatment of Individual diseases-will be attempted. JSuppose you have nil early stage of the disease aud you are living the ojiaii air life, receiving wholesome food and good medical care. You may feel pret ty good and think you need a certain amount of exercise, such as walking. But when you take even moderate ex ercise the lung works harder, moves through a wider space. Consequently delicate healing tissue is stretched or torn, as a spider's web uiight be stretched or torn, and you give the germ, the disease, a chance to spread. Persons with "lung trouble." as tuber culosis is too commonly called, cannot reaize the vital importance of prolong ed rest in bed in the early stage of the disease. They feel able to be up and about, and thy imagine it "weakens" ANK of the most powerful allies of the germ of coii.s.uuiitlou..ii('e it gains a foothold in the lungs, is exercise. To the average victim of tuberculosis this may sound a little startling. That is why we put it that way. Teople generally believe that a cer tain amount of exercise is always ad visable for an invalid' who is able to lie up and ahout. Yet for the tubercu losis victim it is always a serious question whether any exercise should be taken. Tuberculosis of the lungs, which used len, Marion Progress, Judge Ferguson has just fin ished the last court for this term in this county. We have not Deen ,iortunate in getting per- All who saw our hests pass by, suiiany acquainted wim juage All who joined the parting cry, rerguson anu nave noi naa op- When we bade them do or die port unity oi speamng witn mm Take the loan! at this term, but we think As ye wished their triumph th tnat tne ieenng oi tne commu- As ve hoDe to mee t airain. nity as to Judge Ferguson should And to meet their gaze like men oe stated, we nave very lew Take the loan! of the Confederate veterans now presiding as our judges and we Who would Dress great appea cannot but feel Dride in those of U1 our ranKS or eerned steel. them that were useful enough Put yur shoulders to the wheel, and stroner enoutrh to render ser- laKe lne loan! Vice to the Southland in its hour That our Payers in thruth may rise of trial and yet be strong MWhich w Press with streaming eyes, enough at this time to make the un w lxra 01 eartn and slues. great judge that the lawyers, jurors and the public tell us Judge Ferguson is now making. It is not unusual to see the younger judges allow the law yers to create unpleasant situ ations in the court, therefore we Take the loan! WOULD CO OPERATE VITH CITY OFFICIALS INSURANCE COMMISSIONER HAS HEART TO HEART TALK ON SOME MATTERS. FOR UPBUILDING OF TOWN Commissioner - tect Citizens Young Seeks to Pro- From Loss of Property by Fire. In the effort, to get in more direct touch with and to secure the close co operation of city and town .officials throughout the State, Insurance Com missioner roung has sent the follow ing letter to those- officials: A LETTER SAID TO BE FROM CHRIST The following article' was or icritiallv nublLshed in the Mem. phis Commercial Appeal. It is claimed that the manuscript was found under a stone at Hhe- foot of the cross on which Christ was crucified and was transmitted fom generation : to generation ' and finally published. " The let ter ran in full: -"Whosoever worketh on the Sabbath day shall be "cursed. I command you to go to church and keep holy the Lord's day without any manner of work. You shall not idle or misspend your time in bedecking yourself in superfluity of costly apparel and vain dressing for I" ordered it a day of rest. I will have that day kept holy, that your sins may be forgiven you. ' You will not break my commandments, but observe and keep them, they Gentlemen: The Insurance Be being written by my hand ald partment desires to you in your spoken from my own mouth: You shall not only go to church yourselves, but your maid servants and your.;" man. servants ; observe my words and learn my , command ments. You shall finish your work every Saturday at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, at which hour the preparations for the Sab- SERVICES AT THE BAPTIST CHDBCH 9:30 a. m. Sunday School; J. R. Mor Igan, Superintendent Adult clamns t t whixVi vinitnm o.a I cause it was not i-pcoenlzed until an far ' ii I ... .1 ' -' must tnuiK Witn age Comes WIS-1 especially invited. advanced that the patient's body was dom When We find SO different lla.m. Sermon, hv R. a v PeIl,S consumed by the dlsease-nat Situation as we havo fnimrl oinvJnr urally tends to -ecovery. Nature will Judge Ferguson has been hold- 6:4op. m. K Y. P. U. mtt!Zl7Z.'2 . . . i- 1 X 1 I TT.Xr-.TT . I - - .. ...... .v. . t. uvv iuk tuuna nere. duatre rergu-l o. i. r. u. meets same nour in every nrint .Hr. son eitner Witn a smile or a Sim- Dy department. chance to help him. 7:30 p. m. Sermon, by the pastor. No chronic disease is more frequently Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening (cured to slay cured than tuberculosis CURING TUBERCULOSIS. Rett, trech air ard proper food under a competent doctor's direction our the old T. B. to be known only as consumption be- Nature a fair pie question is able to ouell the most turbulent lawyer or wit ness. He appears to be and is 7:30 'clock- as virile as one half his age. He tempers justice with mercy, Dut wnere there is wilful wrong- doir.g he tempers mercy with justice and none escarJe him His experience as prosecuting omcer has evidently made him acquainted with the real crimi nals,, but it did not harden him. The truth is, he seems to Un derstand that "folks is folks." We regret that Judge Ferguson must move along, that we may not have him again for many years. You are cordially invited to attend all these services. Rev. A. V. Joyner, Pastor. Ladies First a mend with her two children Is visiting me, and becoming nnnoved Dy tnem, she said to her youngest a very origin little fellow: "When moth er gets nome she Is going to train you." Looking innocently Into his mothers face, he sweetly remarked: "Please commence on sister, mother: ladles first you know." Cleveland Leader. of the lungs, intelligently treated byt tne physician. The very pathology of ' tuberculosis Is nothing hut an effort on the part of the :uugs to wall off and localize! the disease to one limited area, to protect the rest of the body against the germs and their poison, to rob the germs In the lung of nutriment. This is what consolidation or Infiltration of the lung in the affected part means. the body to lie In bed weeks or months unnecessarily and without exercise. But the fortunate patient who has tried out the real rest cure knows that It does not weaken. On the contrary, tt adds wonderfully to energy and fight ing power. . When there Is fever that is, a tern peratnre which rises above the normal. 08 or 00 at any time In the day or night then probably absolute rest In bed is the best thing for the patient Sitting around, "taking it easy," is nol enough. The lung moves less when you are lying down than when you are sitting up. One of the chief reasons why patients pick up In strength, weight and health when they euter a tuberculosis sana torium is because there the physicians know the value of prolonged rest in bed In the open air. BOW TO RESUSCITATE MOVEMENT OF EMPTY CARS Washington, D. C, October J5. rairfax Harrison, chair man of tthe Railroads' War Board, authorizes the following The railroads are doing their mt to relieve the sugar short age. Telegrams just received from the Sunset Central, Texas & Pacific, and o'er railroads in the sugar cane lilt state that a sufficient number of empty cars are available throughout- Lou isiana and other cane-growing territory to handle the entire cane crop. Hundreds of cars have also been moved into the Northwest to protect the sugar beet crop which is already moving. An adequate supply of cars is also on hand to move the North west potato crop. In Texas the railroads are bending every energy to protect 'the cattlemen from loss of live stock. Because of the drought thousands of heads of cattle were moved from Eastern Texas last week into more fertile naattirao-A and hundreds of stock cars are DOW heine rnahaA into tv h -n wj mw i.uc BVUUi western part of the. state in or der to make possible a similar movement of cattle there. I la its effort .x to cet empty Trastt cart -into the district trhrre they are most needed, the r War : Board actinjr '""";h & Commission; n C-r Serric has moved 156 -1 f" pty ears from tone rafl-' I 1 - cnothe irrerective rjf ' '3 sir- 1 1 :.f f 8alled on the Webstertan. xne Dans casmer, disguised, was boarding the steamer with bis loot when he noticed a man standing by the rail who looked like a detective. "Do you think that when he sees me on the seas he will seize mer he asked of his accomplice. 1 apprehend yon need not apprehend that he will apprehend yon," responded the other comfortingly. Exchange. VERY man, woman and child should be prepared to resuscitate a person rescued from drowninsr. electric shock or gas Klsonlng in an emergency. There la a method which is so simple and so easy to apply that even a six-year-old child may apply It in case or need. The method la called Senator's meth- Ads. as Reputation Props r Let as build you aa inch ad. in this paper; a col umn ad., a page acL, or any old size ad. Lrt h tell in forceful tetva: What you're got to sell What it worth Wky it's best at that price rmcnt Soch ma adver ts th's' paper w3 lrvt buyer who hardly knew you existed, bc&m you advertised. - , t RESUSCITATION. 8quMZ and rtliiH fiftsan timet minut. od of artificial respiration and Is per formed as follows: The victim is placed flat iiihmi the floor or ground,. lying upon his stom ach, with his far turned toward out side and tba palms of his bands rest ing on the ground besl le his head. In thin position any water in the cheat wUI nut tint of the month and any fluid in the throat will run out of the mouth . me first aid worker kneels astride or the victim s hips and places both hands upon the lower ribs at the small of the Back. The worker now leans forward so that the weight Of the body comes upon toe arms and bands. squeezing the victim s lower chest and siomacn against the ground. This forces air out of the chest The work- er now leans back, releasing the pres sure for a few seconds, and this allows the chest to expand Again through Its own elasticity, drawing air Into the langa. That ia all there to of It The pressure upon the chest la repeated regularly at the rate of about fifteen tlmea per minute, no faster, for aa many minutes as may be necessary and for an hour or more If necessary. This method of artificial respiration has been found to be the most efficient of all manual methods, far more effi cient than the older arm pumping meth od which waa so dlficult to apply cor rectly and so quickly exhausting to the strength of the first aid worker. In- ueeu. Dcoaiers meinoa wui make a dead man breathe. Try It on a volunteer subject and ee how essy It Is lo da. Cat this out and pasts It In your scrapbook where others may read It. Knowing Bchafer'a reauscitatlou method, yon are prepared te render perhaps life sarlng ser rice In an emergency, limy victim baa been sacrificed to the delay of waiting for a lurvg motor or other help when a bystander with a knowledge of this protdura might have aaved a preciaos life. "HEALTH IS WEALTH r - 4 . ."V I I I X Bcaas mt Ht(ta at Rate r lianli mr iiwimm mt mms , 1 '.'-V i m a--nr i iii i it m tmjrm mr to 'A mi m trinr4. - work for the upbuilding of your city and the protection of its citizens and tneir property. Let's have a heart to heart talk on some'matters Building Permits. uur taws require that before a building (In or out of the fire district) is commenced, a permit must be ob tained from your building inspector. and that it must be erected in compli ance with the requirements of the I bath beginns. I advise- you fast aw. mis is a most important law, five Fridays m each year, be lt you wish to avoid tires in your city. gjnnmg 0n Good Friday and con- o. ,v uuiuiJiieu wimf II not. VOUrii: ; ii.. c. -m ;j 1. building lnantnr 1. . ...hW . I.. UI1Um "le 11Ve " rtUayS, -ueing dictment. You can appoint a build- 111 remembrance of the five ing inspector or the chief of the Are wounds I received for you and department becomes exofficio such your Sins. You shall love One officer. I ormrripr nnrl in thpm tiinr. rp. inspection of Buiidinns. ceive the Holy Sacrament, that Does your inspector go over the to say baptism and the supper are- district every bulldlng-once oi the Lord, and be made a mem- each quarter and inspect every build- ber thereof, and in SO doing I ing In city at least once a year? The wiU give you long life and many V w" blessings. Your land shall be v jumr uiuseus ana ueiri -i;i.J j ; u u property than this inspection. No , lvJln money spent wlU pay better than sal- abundance and I Will comfort arv noll m a .t I vnn in f Vi.o rrr.-T-naf fomnfofiAii inspector. Try it We wui help you.Und surely he that doeth to the Eiaetrieai i..BMin. contrary shall be cursed: I will "Electricity furnishes Dower aad (ha I also send hardness of heart on oeaiugnt it is the safest light, when I tnem and especially on harden- properly installed; but when not led and unpenitent believers; he nothing furnishes a zreater menace. I that hath t"r wTCiricai conu-aciorar rinrl it r.mritnhlp " Remember to keep the Sab- endanger the Uvea and property of ath day for th Seventh day I your citisena.. H they undersUnd do- nave taken as a resting day to ing the work there la no excuse for myself. TnS injunction : And he poor work, and such aa la dangerous I that hath a Copy of this letter .na agamsc me law. what is your written by my own hand and ieMLIn8PS,tor ta mkH spoken by my own mouth and Inspections and requiring compliance i il jI ili.. L! l with the IawT jvccpcm it wniiuui puuiianing ii Oangerou. Condition,. ' TO 7 ' in manv niar. i An i-. and their sins as many as the apectora are worried hanuiaa whtia at iiiicnt, ana u rney truiv places are cleaned up on notice, no believe, they shall be pardoned, further attention la paid to them, and and they that believe not this in a rew aays tne conditions are Just I wntinrr nnrl mv rrtmrnnnHmonte imt .. mnh .. " F"Kco upon fUU, " M B-gnH irnn mill Kn J low your premises to become danger- , V" w WTUU oua bacanaa nr your cniiaren, gooas, cattle and to dean up on notice, in inspecting au" other wordly enjoyments ana giving notice to clean up, also no I mat i nave given you. tify the parties who-are accustomed I Do but once think of what T io pay bo attention to the condition have snfTprprl fnr vnn Tf vm, JKff&ri ifc w! be well with you in .: i:V ".'" this world and the one to come, u tuiiuiuuu a warranc will uti , , . ba taken nnt Thi. .m k Whosoever shall have p. cooy of and insure a clean, safe town. this letter and keep it in the Fire oeoartmenta. nouse nothing shall hurt them. "This is one of the most necessary neither pestilence, lightning or oepanments or your city government tnunder, and if a woman be in What is its condition r Whai atten- birth and put her trust in me, lZZJZtEf?'''"! T,pment 8he sha11 delivered. of her and-organization T How is the appa- v vn " ratns? What is the condition of the "u Dluut ".r nvmore hoseT No time to make preparations 3 .me except through the or get ready after the dra haii Hnn I Holy Scriptures until the dar of do you. take eare of your flremenTJuaKnient. Do they practice regularly? Do they I All goodness and prosperity inspect to clean out condltlona likely shall be in th hrnia vhra a . "?a na "ow copy of this letter is found. bv v ui urui urai 1 J H would like to help you and your fire department I will send an expert to examine your apparatus aad JrlU One 104 GALLON Rnwser nil your men. The cost to you win be tank for sale at a bargain. Lee nominal nothlnr whara ha .imnl. wwjoiu. jkv .-a " v-. "v'T crown oo. tm.m, wiU lwbi ui uuiru wuarv ne spends several days. . inspector. FAIR WINNERS A CORREC -unaer tne present law It is no TION longer of the duty of the mayor ami ooard of aldermen to pass on indi- Tn tka Hot nnkl.-.t, t. i. - rXt 0f-win7e;tthrH7vwoodT it la atm thaip it,,. tn .oi mmA . air it stiould ha ve been statprf penaato Kood men for InsDactora ano'I tnat H. V.. McKim of route 4 see that they do their, duty. It Is for won first prize for best Plvm- . a - . I 11 W aa . " ia reason appeal TO you. MSTS OUtn XvOCK COCK. Hen and Den. you good Inspectors f Are they doing I Thp fivp AcAUr their dutyT Ara their aalarlaa such Lr. Ktr T m " CT-JS I aa to eaU for and amaa a. I . i lui riCV afjdrta of good ma a? - Conclusion. - Tbera are many other thing of J mataaj lntarott we might discuss I with psofit In Yact things parUinlagj to your water supply, fir department flr aiam '. system, building ordl naacoa, taspactioa of hall dings, ud Uctrioal InstallaUoa. Write to met On A L - I'tt t koiU them. Lata talk IT ovar a4 UUV I.LuU U J COfSCS a how my upvtamt eaa help yo. K as laoamr to arv yon ad yov paopta. - , Tonrs la th work, -JAaTZS R. TOXTJKJ, - laavanea Con mlasionar." orial Rcv'ew Phtern dross was won b7 Mrs W. L. Hardin. - MOLES FOR SALE Always from 100 to As Uit am 4 ry aaatrg a wta s3a -and f rMng ia aba Euro r iraacb Thor lsat math sholoa; fcr szlt t my Statics Ycrk, Pa. ' . , . , JOE KINDiGr i tHMr i