THE MOUNTAINEER-COURIER, WAYNESVXLLE, N. 0. The Mountaineer-Courier Published Every Thursday by the Mountaineer-Courier Printing Co. J. D. BOONE, Editor and Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscriptions payable in advance 1 year. . $1.50 8 months 1.00 4 months .60 2 months..... .25 Entered at the Postoffiee, Waynes ville, N. C, as Second Class Mail Matter, as provided under the Act of March 3rd, 1879, Not. 20 1914, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18 1917 " Agriculturally and hortieultur ally, Haywood leads the state and leads the south. . o If you want to lay up something for your children buy each one a 2nd Liberty Loan bond. A TRIP. TO CAMP SEVIER Spending Saturday night in Asheville, the writer and Tobias Larson of Highland, Kansas, were joined Sunday morning there by Edgar Selsam and Al bert Abel, and the four of us departed about ten o'clock for Greenville. S. C. in a Prrl. reaching our destination about eighteen months of local origin V (M rl'a- r tonal I n Q I , . . u u. lit. J. lie: vvraLi f.i whx iiiitj. i i nit an v , . . I JttVBl OttlllA'" aitnougn a nuie cool, ana the i County in America," says Dr. L xwub, uamug a lew mua on tne u Lunsden, of the U. S. Publi sea level. Average temperature for 11 months, 59.0 degrees. ' Average precipitation for months, 43.21 inches Finest all the year mate in the world. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT By T. F. Glenn. . The social conscience in this country, if rl have rear! arie-ht the siims of the times, needs en lightening, stirring and quicken 1 x 1.1 1 i w. Water suddIt obtained from in? in recard to the law of homi natural mountain springs; no cide. You .will not question the filters required. statement that the will of' the No case of typhoid in last legislative God is the ground of . 1 1 - - - I . 1 ' J 1 TT moral fiuuiraiuui. aiui nan n not announced his will touching Health Service. The Textile Center of South; 13 cotton mills in 19 in the county. Twice the number of ftninrlln of any city in South with one ex. thf city detour of nine extra miles through Buncombe over the Fairview road within 3 miles of Fairview and thence to Fletch er, were splendid. We met a larsre number of Rolriiera nm. ine in autos to Asheville. Hpti- IrpnHnn dprsonvillp and nf)ni v vitifO I a v iimuviiv llvlilv ui litic tJVUI'i ana mere was mucn other traffic ern Textile Exposition. in Dotn directions. The home of president of fifty We had som littlo Hiffi.iitv six mills in finding a lodging place as the The home of the 'argest mi! city is so -full of soldiers and architectural concern in ' the otners comrncr there on acommt bouth. of them. The streets were full One-fifth of all textile Mr. Ray'Pless made a joy trir to uiyae sunaay. - ; Miss Leona Shook visited her aunt, . Mrs.- Wess Rhinehsrt Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Rogers visited relatives at Crabtiree. Sunday. - ' Mr. Ed Shook who has re turned from Akron. Ohio was visiting his' parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Shook Sunday. 11VI CUJI1UU11VCU Alio TT 111 lASUVllllig I AULL. 4HUU1UT; IWgdO ICXli J1CI C this matter in a voice of thun' Monday to visit hiserandfather. der ? "Whoso shedeth man's Mr. Green at Franklin. . blood, by man shall hjs blood be shed : for in the imam of Hod made he man." Gen. 9:6: Con sider for a moment the charac teristics ox this law. its um W reorref to hpar that Mr James and Samuel Medford are Doth victims of typhoid. We hope for their recovery soon. mt. ugaen uenson, uradv versality it is unchanging the I Kinsland and Clarence Green of icoauu given xuc its euocuneui, I uarutu erects, were seen in nT' for in the image of God made he cove Sunday evening and seemed 'I'U i. X J . l ., uiau. inc uw xur Kayiitu, puii-i w ue enjoying yaemseives TO ishment is found amontr fill the the fullest xr.arit. . races that people the earth. The I Odell Rogers spent Saturday innate sense oi.itudst:ipa on nurnn witm nor aietar Mra v n which this feeling is erounded is son Havnes at Clvde: universal. in - the dramatic Miss Ada Rotters wan lnnlrinr poetry of the ancient Greeks rather sad last Sunday eveninr wonaer wny i Buy a Liberty Loan bond and be pleased with yourself the bal ance of your life. It is a good in vestment too. Senator Overman spoke at Asheville Monday night in the in terest of the Liberty Loan. Ashe ville has a number of working tams who will sell bonds with a rush this week. In the meantime oar town will do its bit. Let Waynesville and Haywood eunty keep up its reputation by purchasing a good share of the 2nd Liberty Loan bonds. They bear no taxes and pay four per . cent interest and you will know that you are helping the soldiers win the war, if you own one. This is designated as "Potato Week." by the agridultural de partment at Washington who have it in mind to conserve the censumDtion of wheat by serv ing potatoes three times a day in all the styles known to the culi nary ait. Eat potatoes, save the wheat and help win the war. o Hay wood county is already lead ing others in raising fine apples and in producing agricultural pro ducts. It also is taking high stand now in cattle raising and ship ments. Let our farmers now be gin to raise good horses and mules. We have the climate and the grass. Buy a good mare at the sale here next week. were Tim i wiio-iix lii uj. mi LexLiit? ma- vucuy ui ure auvieiiL vrreeiui of men in uniform, and thAv chinerv used in the South boucht murder is represented as, the onr thronged the drug stores, cigar through Greenville purchasing crime for which, there was no Mr. John Medford was visit stores, ice crim parlors iand agents. atonement, lake one quotation mg home folks Sunday. cares, and also helped to swell tieaaquarters for largest mill irom a neatnen poet ana see now vur sunaay school seems purchasing agents in world. reouxes our emasculated ju- Annual payrolls of textile mill mcai morality: .j -li- i , , Tnn.M. -11 liU Vl j r j-mviau ui vreoiLU xur U1UUU, IUI one man s blood - the church congregations that night. "Jfw ColAtM All l lon1 o11a1 i'n4iiofwAa A AAA AAA mained there expectincr to work Te largest inland cotton centei a new restaurant ueincr ntted 111 umwu outtes up. Monday morning earlv we went out to Paris, the station on both the Southern and Pied mont Northern, where Camp Sevier is located. At the station, in a barber shop, we found both W IT JonQ and Sam Evans working. They say the house trets fin -full fliAv have, to lock the -door in mvfor to have room ennilD-h tn nrnrlr Thomas J. Abbot Was ninninnr a -l ... " t " i xt; i i j j.n snooting gallery and is salting uuwcu wuusouu uwuar down the coin, fiuv tww being spent for permanent road: was working with an electrician in Greenville County. K)Ut the camp iue nuuie ui eu colleges; r ur We spent most of the mnm. ma.n University (men); Green- ing with the soldiers on their T street, in the tents and in th J 5" ' Military Academy dining hall. Thev are cnmfrt. ' Heart Academy. bly located but "un in the air" that morning because they ex pected to be torn up and scat tered. Most of them were tilne 4- il i . . I XjL nrVZZTJ11 the Prudential j'- voKboiu oytiit; aim otner uom-1 pfmnanv missioned officer. Fanetfo sifr! , . There was a rumor that all the 2.800 telenhone ninn. 'Tis all in vain." Now hear the Divine Legislar tor: "Moreover ye shall take ru satisfaction for the life, of a murderer, which is guilty of death; but he shall be surely put to death." Human blood, if shed by an infernal man-slayer, tne cheapest commodity in this country. Take another- great text: 'So ye shall not pollute tne land wherein ye are; for blood it defileth the land; and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein but by the blood of him tha' shed it." Numbers 35:33. Thf courts are commanded to take the life of the murderer. Thf command is positive, uncondi tional and inexorable. For not and two comm-i-cisl cdleires otfterwise can the citizenship of One of the best nublic school a C0Un1tf?T the terrible re- systems in Son'""-- St. sponsibihty of bloodguiltiness. The Home of c-'-onstern lood r88 uPn th community; Life Insusifance comnany. and Lne. is guilty before Four railroads run into Green. ville; The Southern, Atlantic Coast Line, Piedmont & North ern (electric) and Greenville & Western. Sixty passenger trains daily. Annual payroll of railroads, $2,500,000. Eighteen miles of paved streets. Eighty miles of concrete sidewalks. Nine hundred thousand dollar rather weak at nresent hut -an are hoping it will be better soon. ear. and Mrs. Ciuss Reed wen visiting relatives at . Canton Sunday. , Miss ' Carrie Rhodnrmer tvanf to Canton on business Saturday. narnson Khoaarmer made p trip to Garden Creek Sunday for some reason. -There will be preaching at the church here next Sunday at 3 D. m. Everybody invited tn come. Guess this is all this week as News is scarce at present. PEGGY. DESPONDENCY. Whtm you feI dteerancvd ud d spondBt do not Khr vp but Uk dog of Cbamtwrfaiin's 1Ulii and zoo are almost rtain to feel all riffht wttain a day or two. Despondency is very often due to indigestion and baiiooanesa, fo. wkieh tiMee tablets are especiaHT Talaable. Obtainable ererywhei. Mati In TraSninfr Fighting ian't the only duty of soldier, and exposure, to bullets is not as serious as exposure to all kinds of weather end dampness. Rheumatic achea sore and stiff muscles, strains and sprainsi chil blain and neuralgia, all are enemies of tne soldier, and the relief for all thaaa nains and aches is Sloan's Liniment. Clean and convenient to ' mk mil ililt does not stain, and H I'tihiDirrnVi' m 1 1 i God. The blood of the slain cries Up to heaven for veno-pnnoo Tn - . PVI U I spiration tells us that murder ROCK HILL HONOR ROLL Eleventh Grade fi H h e r Moody. lunreauiteH in nollnHnn Mn., Tenth Grade Bryan Cham- tion that cannot be washed out l1!' E8ther Moody, Hugh Med- uv me wxwni tiT mi rriA ni.iQna v. . viiii!i,ii. ? auxuii t vug wuuia. 11 . - . - Let us bear in mitwi th.t I crawiord, Mamie Carver. things are fundamental and un- Ni5tn Grade Frank Rogers Mr. T. Larson a Kansas news paper man spent a week here with the Mountaineer-Courier and returned home Monday via Greenville and Camp Sevier, ex pecting to return here about Nov. 1st to link his future with ours in conducting one of the best pa pers and printing plants in the State. He was highly pleased with the outlook and we were pleased with him. Commissioner! nmnara in f V. XT I . .. r I tninca nra C. 1st Davis, Tom. Setzer,' Esther ceed to France for early train- . iKSr mentals is the law. of homicide s, Jerguson, Texie mg mere. Another was that Proyresaive er.iHiie mnnth l"Au uy me Aimignty. by the rwS?'?;!rcT" "uoy"- comDanv and some other i "v" Kuler of the universe himaeif lgntn orade Argyie Leath vnniri Wni. . il r'm . . 4 And ntato leonaiotK.- 1 1 erwood. Mollie Teamie. wiuc a tn w iue sec- Ten lianks and two rJuUdin? I i. uwi regiment. The boys have and Loan Associations. tZTJiZ:;-wlw striking down well contented nn to nnv v tjIo . tv, j I in sanction of cml irovernmfnt and they are worrying some as Imperial conveniently equipped Sm 2S SSJES? - to what will be done with them, to comfortably care for both SI6, Jtf'l 41 ate ground of Our company is one of the very transient and permanent guests. Sh53wS 18Jfe lefiri8la best in the whole camn of 38.- FreiVhr reeinta hnirt o. "7e m 01 . yd- The reason 000 men which is 10,000 larger 400,000. annually. . g!?1 Za 1 8 W !? f acI the past few days since that The neonle are the mot h. 5?i murder is a violation of many selective draft men rame nitable on earth oas. im?e .m man. The hu mere irom uoiumbia and Atlan- erwood. Mnllie Tencnie Seventh Grade Fannie Boyd. MXth lirade Mattie Frank. lin, Louise Boyd, Brown Fergu son. Fifth Grade Edna Caldwell Fourth Grade Rdnn RnvH Bonnie Teague, Hugh Leather wood.-Mildred Meadows. Third Grade Lucv Allison 11 M -a m -WT . - We told our readers last week that Haywood was due to win at the Southeastern Fair in Atlanta and she certainly did. D. R. No land won the 1st Individual Drize for the largest and best agricult ural exhibit and he also won Sec ond County prize for Haywood county, len county prizes were offered and thirteen counties in the south and southeast had ex hibits. E. J. Howell of this coun ty won fifth county prize for our neighbor, Jackson county. The Southeastern Fair, Atlan ta Las fully arrived. The Atlanta papers say this year's fair fully demonstrates that it is perma nent and fully successful Messrs Noland and Howell brought back nearly $1,500. in prizes this year to Jiayweod. They have been winning'pretty well for few years at Raleigh and Knoxville tut now they have gone injrfgger c-rany, &' to the? f lory of Hay' u well as with profit to " '"clres.' - v'- ta to nil UD the reo-iments tn full strength. We saw these men drilling, some with uni forms, some " without, and felt for them, as thev have some severe work ahead for the fint few weeks. One of them was so despondent that morning ' that, he took his life, cutting his throat with a razor. We met and chatted with Ma jor Howell, Capt. Swift, Lieu tenant McFadyen, Sergeant Whitehouse, John Jones, Sam Jones, Harry Schenck, Leroy Willis, Linwood Grahl, McKinley Green, Leatherwood, Reed, Leatherwood, Arlington and many others; ' We also saw Capt uavis of the Ambulance compa ny. A little after noon we hoarded the trolley and a few mile3 out from bDartanbury m iuH Camp Wadswrrth which is about tha size r.f Cflhip Sevier, where the New York troona are quartered. These meen eem to oe oetter equipped and stand up a uiue more erect than thn at ri " mm. t amo oevier. lhey are ir.ore lavish ' in eXDenditurea. We were told there Were manv ripK men at Wads Worth snme Keinr .... " ' F "'ft mulionatres. Many have their Wives at SrjartantTurcr nrinla autombiles and other l-.txurUa Always count on New Yorkers ior maxmg a Dig show. -These camps make money plentiful in ooin cities. We clip the follow. Ing brief. facts about Green ville from Last Sunday's News! - Fects Abont CreenviTIe. t r . County seat of Greenvill Coun ty, rwie oi tjontft irolina. Porul a t ion ia 1 J 1 7 .i orvn Eighty per cent white. : ' Lievation -1,040 feet ' aborr c. mrnlK7is ho,yhe --- "'"f tne iioly Snirit the temnlo alae nlUipS. hSiWte tr00?S which enshrinSe ImaW T1 Second GraeWulius Boyd. France 8erV1Ce W Go(L 7116 law has beeTSLn- W ffith' Cari herwood, France. HAPPENINGS OF HAWOOD INSTITUTE acted aad promulgated again and again by patriarchs, by prophets iu aposues. me Lord Jesus Christ during his earthly minis try never uttered a word against infliction of the death penalty rp. - . X' na me Jews. The followioar nroo-ram wan I SrvcwL-in n f k . . . m o li i tiv"."igisirate. rendered in the Adelphian Lit- aul says he is the minister of erary Society Friday, Oct. 19: 1. Recitation, "Naughty ZelT Mary Walker. Piano Solo Miss C. D. Lati mer. 3. A Story Retold Vashti Bagwell. 4. The Necessity of Education Sally Moody. ' - 5. Recitation, "To a Mountain Daisy" Edith Mehaffev. - The Da ner read by Miss Moody was short, but very much to the point God for good. "But if thou do that which is evil, be not afraid, for he beareth not the sword in vain; for he is the minister of ooa, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil." Ro mans Again Paul recoe- nized the justice of this law when he declared, "If I have done anything worthy of death I refuse not to die." WORTH THEIR WEIGHT IN COLD No man can do he best when anf- fttBHnNt 1 1 . Last Friday Miss Hurrins. the :. n T ... - , " ' 1 -wwuu jvuna vr aor muscles president made a very interest- B. H. stone, 640 n. 2d St. Readme.' mg speech on the importance of Pa, writes: -For months I wu bb society work. We are all vervlehu mMA 1 : . much delighted with the good Foley Kidney Pills and aoon tne pain program a week ago of the and aches were rone. They are wo- young; men's Webster Literary their weight in told to me." 1" J. D. Owens. Jr.. Lizzie Grace Franklin, Folsom Leatherwood. First Grade Robert Boyd, Dick Moody. Charlie Price, Dew ey Rogers, Merrill Howell, C. L, Owens. WOMEN HAVE THEIR TROUBLES Not only middle, aged women, bnt younger ones, too, suffer from back ache pains' in aide, swollen ankles, sore muscles, rheumatic pains and kindred ailments without knowing that these are most often the result 'of aerangea . or overworked kidneys 7, Z Foley Kidney Pills ar. eood medSctae V. w nouse door tne city oi for kidney tronble. H.wl iw. i wynesvuie said county and state to W a vaws w - TOWN TAX SALE. ' " By virtue of the tu Hat is., my for collestMn I will sell the folkmins real estat. at the court house door in town of Waynes ville N. C. at noon - MONDAY. NOVEMEBER S 1S17 to satisfy thetanes and costs of sale: J. T. Bisseu, 1 lot, tax and cost N. J. Buckner, 1 lot tu and eost Geo.' W. Coble 1 lot, tx and cost James Conner-, 1 lot, tax and eost IS.M. J. W. aement, 1 let, tax and cos $6.M. Kstats of F. M' Davis, hous- and let. tax and east. $11.90. Mass Mien Msrso hence and Jot tax aad eost fafJw. Sailie Pelten, 1 lot, tax and eost fll.4t. HewelL Skhaaer and Gilmer. R. D. CnWa one-ta ire interest in lot, tax aad eost f8.7. S. Bnpp, 1 let, tax and cost 18.00 I3.M. Addie Bart 1 1st tax and eost UN. J. X. Jones, 1 1st. tax and cost $6.64. 5. L. MeRae, 1 let, tax and cost $4.N. Owrie 6.. Phillips, 1 lot tax and sost $11.40. ' 6. C. Preasley, 1 lot, tax and cost $8.00. W. M. Bay, 1 lot tax and eost $10.41. R. M. RhisMhart. heusa and lot. tax aad cost $30.60. Rofers. MeCrasken and Gihner. 1 lot, tax and cost $$.10. 1 Ceo. Rasadale, 1 let. tax and eost $9.80. C H. Reese, 1 lot, tax and eost $5.10 C. F. Reese, 1 let, tax aad cost $3.00 J. C. Sales. 1 lot, tax and eost $7 M. J. K. Underwood. 1 let, tax and cost $3.82. ' 0). B. Verdey, 1 let. tax and eost . $6.16. Chas. Warner, 1 let. tax and cost $8.26. This October 1, 19a?. JOHN 8. MTTCHBLL, Town Tax Collector. OTIC7 OF TRUSTEE'S SALE " By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a Deed of Trust exeenteil the loth day of Ocober, 19l2 by James . uarna and wife Mary L. Harris t i, W. Reed, trustee, to secure the in debtedness thrrein described to Marv JesaphiAe Garrison which said deed of trust is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina, in book S. of Deeds of Trust P.. 221. and default havin bees made in' the payment o both interest and priincipal on the note secured by said deed of trust and on application and demand of hold - I will on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, vtxi at 1Z o'clock noon, offer for sale society. Ihe debate was very good and we hope to have such a pleasure again. - - We rerret that Miss Inez Pleas has been obliged to return home on account of illness. ;- Last week Dr. W. H. Rich and Mr. L. Q. Harries conducted a campaign for the- purpose of raising the debt on Haywood Institute. Ws horje-that mnrh good waj accomplished. During Air. liaynes absence his place Was filled hi the school room by ifiss Jennie Ilajrnea. . . : BUNCIL wood Drug Co. PLNEY GROVE ITEMS. Miss Jennie Plesa has return ed -home from a visit to her Drother.. Mr. Fred Pies at Spartanburg, S.C - Hisses Iota "Rogers and May Burr Reed spent Saturday and Sunday at Clyde, the guests of Miss Burr Penland. The infant daughter-f Mr. and Mrs.. J. B.-Vance Jiod last Friday" and -naa buri .t th rirjcy Grove cemrtcrr Z':'zf day evening. - .. i ieaticf j.c.c:im Mr. J. C Gunter. ased 70 veara. diui Monday afternoon at his home on Welch street after a Jong illness of Blight's disesss. He lesvee a widow and sever al children. MissCharlott Gunter. Mra. Dock Torpin and Mrs. Thomas Jones of this place two sons at Fort Smith. Ark. and one m Oklahoma. ' The fnnr-1 rv.ixs were eondnete.! her f Imm by Rev. A.' V. Joyner i Ik MUy morning and the remains were ent to Fort Smith, accompanied by his son who had been here for sometime. la-i tm 1C3 Rowfird, 1 100 1W nmtrrm mt thai Mm via tMra tlt lin la at Imt saw in, V.. - - I ahh a. t. . I. ana tt l.tatr. . i'.t.rrtt Cmrm tt IM v ran mm tarn l. tha m4- l ftatwrnjir. vUn Ml a eaaatllatteaal ""aa. M-r-ira a finnIVat traatamt Cmtmrrm, Cmrm ta takas hifm.Hr m OnrtV Waal Maae m4 mma aarfa ml ta aratna. tkOTVhr " la nm taaaaatfc mt tmm ii-nn, mmm r- to aillrX amaaifc wmtYav mm IM I ih.-. mmm MMM M. . lar mr-m It. wart. Tai a. laji irtWlt T l-mrn Hmm4- (or T nw that B) l,m a m r4 t Mat mt lllltainlili Amm r. $. (f)KMET a CO, TMaeaj o. a4 l nnarrtem Re. the highest bidder for cash the follow. in piece, parcel or lot of land, lyinn and being on th north sid of Love St and west skis of Boundary St in the town of Waynes villa. Havwonal County, North Carolina, and more par. tkularly described and defined follows: Beginning at a stake at the inter. aeetion of the side lines of Lav. fit and Brenner Ave., being the aorta corner lot and at the comer east of ' Leva St and northwest of Brenner Ave. and opposite the Judra Norwtw house and running thence wita the -MrUwest aaan.m of Dranney Av North 50 deg. and 22" east 220 fen " to a stake, thence N. 47 dee- so" 295 feet to a stsks thence soot). deg. SO" west SOS feet to a margin 1: f Love St. thence with north m r of Leve St so jh 44 dec. east 200 ft to the berinnfnr corner Mkntalnir . one acre moie or lea ar. 1 Vn. - ta McDowell lot in the Bowie mar ei ajntnars survey of town lota, be longing to the estate of at G. A. rm ThU October 4, J91T. " JAMX3 W. ETXD, Trertee. ' -If laaa SWU iTaaMr rtOa S

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