THE MOtTNTAINEER-COtJBIER, WAYNESVILLE, 0. The Mountaineer-Courier We reproduce in another Dart (of this issue some plain, unvar nished tacts about the Germans and the war in wheh via ara J. D. BOONE, . . . .Editor I now engaged, from a speech Published Every Thursday , :w : BY THE I- ' Mountaineer-Courier Printing Co. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE WAR I THE tVORLDJJ FREEDOM - STAKE - TOBIAS LARSON, Business Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES . ' Subscriptions payable in advance 1 year....... $1.50 8 months 1.00 4 months .50 2 months .25 Entered at the Postoffice, Waynes ville, N. C, as Second Class Mail Matter, as provided under the Act of March 3rd, 1879, Nov. 20 1914. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1918 INTRODUCTORY Since I am going to be conect. made by Lord Northcliff of Eng land, who is the head of the Brit ish war committee in that coun try and who is England's leading newspaper owner and editor. Lord Northcliff's speech was de livered to newspaper men at Kansas City and is taken from the New York Editor and Pub lisher. Be sure to read it. This paper you are reading comes from one of Lord North- cliff's mills in Nova Scotia. He is furnishing paper to most of the North Carolina newspapers prac tically at cost in ton lots or more through a committee of the N.C. ed permanently with the Press association Waynesville Mountaineer-Cour 0 ler - m the capacity of manager Tho Hooverize is to eeonomize. nri hair Awnnr a nafoAnal wiH I vvv4iviui4iv, will nCrr,n tuvJ hnnt nf W ever tried it? This is the first mnve nf mv 1 O business life. ' I have coma to Ashe vi lie has eitablished a mu- Waynesvijle from Highland, nicipal woodyard. If the coal sit Kansas, primarily for reasons of uation doesn't change we should TJ "TV- have one here. bought the newspaper in that Th Marion Progress will go town and have conducted it for from SI, to Si. 60 a year on Nov a period of twenty years. 15th. They will all have to do it xnree weens ago i came to and do it quickly inis section ior tne purpose oi 0 Duymg or leasing a newspaper. '. j I had a list of five newspapers w "w ary. I stoDDed in Wavnes- Manynenators ana congressmen i. aI i. i I will Ha flinarincr rliiWTifr tViis navf J1V IIVAU President Wilson. . ihe great fact that stands out above all the rest is that this ia Peo pie's War, a war for freedom- and justice and self-government amongst all the nations of the world, a war to make the world safe for the peoples who live upon it and have made it their own, the German people them selves included; and that with us rests the choice to break through all these hypocrisies and patent cheats and masks of brute force and helo set the world free, or else stand aside and let it be dominated a long age through by sheer weight of arms and the ar bitrary choices of self-constituted masters, by the nation which can maintain the biggest armies and the most irresistible armaments a pow er to which the world has afforded no parallel and in the face of which political freedom must wither and perish. For us there is but one choice. We have made it Woe be to the man or group of men that seeks to stand in our way in this day of high resolution, wnen every principle we hold dearest is to be vindicated and made secure for the salvation of the nations. We are ready to plead at the bar of his tory, and our flag shall wear a new luster. Once more we shall make good with our Uvea and fortunes the great faith to .which we were born. and a new glory .shall shine In the face of our people. AT ' FROM A FORMER RESIDENT : Dear Mr. Editor:You will find enclosed one dollar and fifty cents for a years' subscription to the Moun taineer and please mail it at .once for we have been lost without any news from Waynesville. We just heard yesterday of the death of Walter Ray and was bo sorry. I wish you would extend to the family through the columns -of your paper our heartfelt sympathy for their sad bereavement. 1 We can never forget dear old Waynesville and its people.: We are farming up m Virginia now and like it fine. Wishing the Mountaineer every success. I remain, sincerely. MRS FELIX CUMMINGS Tip Topf Va. GENTLE, QUICK, THOROUGH When one feels bloated, bilious. languid, has sick headache, sour stomach, coated tongue, bad breoth, or other condition caused by clog ged or irregular bowels, a Foley Cathartic Tablet will give prompt re lief. It is a gentle, wholesome, thor oughly cleansing old-fashioned physic that leaves no bad after-effect. Haywood Drug Co. . ' DO YOU HAVE SOUR STOMACH? If yoa are troubled with sour atom. ach you should eat slowly and mas ticate your food tforughly, then take one or unamberlara's Tablets imme diately after supper. Obtainable everywhere. j. i ior saie. jl sioppea in waynes- ville merely to see the town and will be singing during t Lake Junaluska of which I had session "How Dry I Am. heard. I liked the town and the 0 natural soenprv. mp.r j. u rsnnno . , , Kev. isavlus (Jade who once ana our acquaintance, alter a , . . ... , I . : wpk'! .t.v horp rim natoH in resided in Waynesville, has re- II T7 A TTl7n i a u.- it..- Ifticnprf Vlin nnatnmta nf iha Ran II TT . 1 MTj I M bu equal pa iiiersuiy ui wus l - "r i newspaper, each taking the oth- tist church at Lenoir and has gone pressions. the manufacture of his typeset I am anxious to become ac- : u: l- u i m , .., V . , WUJS uatmiie wincn ne win soon nuainrorl with rYis runnln Yiaf o I . the rriM onrtS: Thnr Put on the market will do he goon to become familiar with thlDe W other will do, the activities and interests and and will cost very much less than l'nilliafinAn ll nii.r nRAfl HAnT IN I1B& ITaM knn .w u.a ouu wuu-1 " - "w. - ntr- ty and become a participant with ling he makes a big fortune and vu iii puma iuf K100KS US It he Will. my iaea oi a local newspaper . i TT T . . . I V is xiome news nrst. Ann an i ' t.., . wiixi if .is response Wfcea cold banr. on a often Potatoes, onions, shelled beans and peas, eggs, poultry, butter, canned goods and dned fruit; afe hides and country cared Meats. .?. Tell us what you Lave or Ship to th Hours that -nova you cash. WESTERN PRODUCE CO 90 North Lexington Ave. AsheviHe, N. C Keep It Handy Ward off attacks-of grip, Cnulfl and inriidnstmn hvtimplv Kmimunwiui cue murougmy test ed ami TKlinhlAiMninrtir nf thit Amni. can household - - PERUNA Ita hAttMP tn h an Fa than anm lltny a long well of dlatressins tlcknesa mittbt have been prevented If this proved remedy had been resorted to In the Brat used for nearly half a century has proved its value. Tablet form if you desire it. . .. At rour drul&its. natmuiuco. . : clti.oue I on 11 uuj: tfj 'i "MOVIE" EXHIBITORS ARE ZA TRIOTIC : Calomel Users! Listen To Me! -1 I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone Tour flruggisi givee back your money if it doesn't liven your liver and bowels and straighten you up without making you sick. - ... . , ,; ' :tt TToem a coia nanrs on as oiten for the editorial rmlicv of the-i . . ... T v ii .Vv. V . "ppeiB, or wnen yoa aare aanuy paper, I shall assist him also in ver on Mon the collection and writing of Mnothtr lookout for are items which concern Wavnes- ,.. t, . . -ii j tt j tirii iiMwwa io conurac. some very serious ville and Havwood countv. With L.- m... . . ui. j v l if 1 aiaamea. inn succession Ox colds .in J??tM V1W' 1 SlaU weaken, the system and lower, she appreciate any news items fromLi:, .1 . . - . . . i tiueuut bo ms wu sr inucn more you or any suflrestion as to ar- iii.i- . . . . . . r- umun w contract caronie caxarrn, tides of local interest. . Ln,n,nr.w , m ' Since the Courier was menrprll . .. . .l it . . . " jour coiu wnue yoa can. unamoer with the Mountaineer, there iIi..- . v ., , ' , " isms vwubh Mma7 aas a great rep- necessarily increased work and It j, upon bTthoul ponsimiuy. i intend to divide and, of people and nerer disappoint, both' with mv nartner TVioL. -T r vV au wutreui ter. Obtainable everrwhera Wftrinn fnnu nnj I- I """""IS cuiu vui uujeeb IS to mnlra it ctill .so as to serve your needs in thN0TlCB 0F summons and war. ' urn t a Ma4.;.M J j - I D A TUT tfkm 1 1m a rnitnmi Washington, D. a October 6. 1917. The United States Civil Service Commission has received an expres sion of the patriotism of practically all the exhibitors of motion nictures in the United States. The Govern ment is in need of thousands of typewriter operators and stenograph ers of both sexes for war work in Washington, and .through its. 8,000 local boards of examiners in that many ciues, tne Cormnission . re quested the owners and managers of motion picture theaters to allow free of charge an announcement on their screens of this need of the Govern. ment The refusals were so few. as to he negligible. Almost without exception Mi movie" men were not 'only willing, but were even eager to serve the Government in the manner requested. mis bearty resnonse from 2nnnn business men representative of everv part of tihe country has a striking significance. It is intereetmo- to note m uus connection that estimated daily attendance at motion picture snows in. the United States is ten naBfon. This allows an trnin nf ovv ior each house. -A 1 1 j i . . . 7 . . r I Hnoiua xaKesicKenin', alivatinr cal- vww wnen a iew ceirrs duvs a large Dome ot iwwianTi'a invar 'ivnaa perfect substitute for calomel. is a pleasant, vegetable liquid Which will otnrt. vnni. li-Ta -Jtiat oa surely as calomel, but it doesn't make yon sick and can not salivate. Children and grown folks can take Dodflnn'fl lavecr TYitia tiAmmoa H ia perfectly iuiimless. jjaiomel w drageroris drug. It is mercury and attacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty calomel today and you will feel weak, sick and nauseated tomorrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of Dodson'a Liver Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great. No more biliousness, constipation, slug gishness, headache, coated tongueor sour stomach. Your druggist says if you don't find Podson'8 Liver Tone nets better than horrible calomel your money is waiting for you , SAVE EVERY TONOffODDft - j - ' '- " " , ' -,. .! ,-. .. IT WILL HELP TO DEFEAT. GERMANY in the war ag muclas a shell fired at the en eray trenches. j Every farming comnniiltkould have a McCORMICK BUSKER and SHREDDER tff make the corn stalks into good feed, saying; .rrain for human feed. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. T. S. OTRjS0N & CO. AGfNTS, ; - ' AST.EVILIC, N. C way of Drintinc In satisiactory manner. Tobias Larson. o CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP, This paper is now owned joint ly by J. D. Boone, the Editor and Mr. Tobias Larson, .business manager, who takes hold this week, each owning a half inter est in the Mountaineer-Courier and the plants of both papers. All mortgages and notes have been paid off and the new firm starts out without any burden of debt and with high hopes of suc cess. .Of coarae the writer is well known here, having spent more! than atiuarterof a century in this -caunty and most of that time in newspaper office. It might be well to say that the paper wil remain Democratic whenever po litical campaigns or conditions warrant and the editor. will cori- .troJ its policies, while Mr. Larson will have the entire business end of the institution unless he is ab sent or ill - ' Mr. Larson has been a large so c'al and business" asset in bis na tive Kansas town having been on th4 school board for years, post :r' rart of the time;, chair-: i cf the Red Crcs?. mpinhpr a tand, and .prominent in! work! We believe he is atf "J deserves ood treat- f I our f r - ' - J. D. I - RANT OF ATTACHMENT Stste of North Carolina. Haywood County In the Superior Court. Lydia E. Tillson and husband. I ' J. H. Tillson. 1 i vs. - W. ,H. Rich. The defendant, W.H. Rich, above named, will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Haywood county, N. C. for the pur pose of collecting $1,570.00 with in terest, which arose 'upon a contract whereby the defendant purchased in writing a certain lot in the Town of Clyde, N. C and which contract the said defendant has committed breach thereof. And the said de fendant will further take notice that a Warrant of attachment Ibsum) m,t of uhe. Superior Court of Haywood in tne above entitled option a7;nf v.. WJefendant and agr'ist the defendant's property on the 2C:h day of October. 1917, directed and delivered to-the sheriff -of Hrvwood Oimt tn cation according to law." And the said .defendant will further take no tice mat he is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of Haywood County, Nerth Carolina to be held oa the 8th Monde beffnn, '. 1st Monday in March. 1918. at tw Court House of said county .in Wayneavflle, North Carolina, and an swer or demur to the cotnnlaiht in ta id action; or the plaintiff will in ply to the court for the relief de manded In said complaint, which wi!l be filed on or hef ore-. the the Brsf three days of said. term. , .-., witneas ray hand, this fJi 271k Here's a message from the Newi- Daner that wnntft tr h ImAtvn Oa a - " ww w uuwtiu, U0 rnena Dy every man, woman and child in Western North ;Carolinathe Newspaper that Kvcs and labors for the happiness, enhghtenment and advancement of the Tar Heel sons and daughters of the Old North State. Sit down and let's have a little say-so with each other. We will tell you some good news about The AshevilM Four Fine Automobiles Open to the Ladies of Wesiera North Caroiina ttZlTJZ ??e"ln Pend-shut fairness-and in equaTopportunity for contestants, this is the greatest subscription campaign over started in "North . CarolinaT It psesents a mct atUactive and pleasing plan to secure a fine automobile, piano or other costly and desirabl "tractive and - , should have one or more representatives. No contestant will suflfer the slightest nandicap on account of residing in a small town or rural community. . Prizes are on exhitit at College and Market streets in Ash Sille. Tbe public is cordially invited to can and inspect them. . - ' - day of October. I3l7. JERRY R. LEATHER WWOD, Clerk of the Sotwvtt Cprt t Haywood ( y, Cart',; . You know these automobiles-Nash "Big Six," seven pas senger. Overland "Country Club" or five-passenger, - Max well five-passenger, and Chevrolet five passenger-iH tried and proven favorites with the American people, and they represent a real money value that is well known. - - . That is the striking fact alwut every prize , offered each is the hitrhest oualitv ani vafnA (fa Mt. . - - ' The othei prizes-pianor davenports,- buggy ; kitchenet LZ P 0W and maiI the Nom wardrobe trunk, gold bracelet wJ'irS. tSrE Jf?P. " the tographs, aluminum ware.u;utervanH Mrvin aA. , a . - - - UlKUiUllU set La Valheres and gold cameo brooches-run the total value of the offerings to the high-up sum of six thousand and five hundred dollars! . In ordtr that no unfair advantage may be enjoyed by'r testants living in or nearJfAthville, ' the territory has -separated into three divisions, with an sntrat-li!' and -luU hat of prizes for each. Competition for Na&li "Big Six" is open to all contestants. . - ,.- y v;:, : ; . CONTEST CLOSES. DECEMBER 8th. 191T 7 : j -No costs or charges to contestants. Full Instructions' rnaid JmniedjateTonTeeeiptof c-miration thckr: - TherVs room and a fair Sell for evsry lady ' who wishes to enter this splendid contest. Every town and conr-ir.Ity NOMINATION'bLANK . , : " V Good or 10,00 Votes r THE ASHE VILLE TIBIES Great Circulation Cam I nominate Mrs., Miss v , " - . Address -"V. . . ..... i . , "Nominated bv P,3lthe Ust cir-3'ion Mank received will count - j r , v '"uiuu'b. nn oui me nn tn&X J 8dn?-f onC ,h3 -Cwnpa-'gn Department cf The AsheyiUe Times.- If 'requested, iunes of those" rn&xing nominations will not be divulged under -anv " circunuttacces. ' .-.