N i& ct FROM -CAMP SEVIER EPISCOPAL CHURCH SERVICES p ideal Happenings Told Short. Paragraphs Jj-V';,'r4.:- 'in 'I " 4 v Miss Jessie Rogers went to Asheville Monday.' - - - Henry Miller was an Asheville visitor IV?"'''- Saturday. , ' i j. '-, :'-:,';: '-. . "' i ' ' " f "-.' I'rT-.-: '. Ernest L. Withers was a visitor to Asheville Baturday. Mrs. George Ward visited friends in Asheville Saturday. Ex-sheriff Mcdford and Lee Ferguson of Crab tree were First Monday visitors. ' Mrs. J. F. Abel and Miss Josephine Thomas were Saturday visitors in Ashe ville.' ; ' v , J. R. Boyd, Jr., and Robert T. Boyd of lower Jonathan were in town Mon day. ' T " Louis Schulhoferis working on the He spent Sunday at m-4 tJreenville, SuCo. A. 115 M. G. Bn Dear Mountaineer,. This bright Sunday morning I will write a few lines to the good old home paper. y ' It . as been very chilly here for the last week or so. We boys are' beginning to be recon ciled since we were transferred out of dear old Co. H. We cane realize that I there are any other companies that could half measure up to the standard of the once Co. H. -I heard that Col. Gardner was trying to get the First N.C. Infty. back again and we would be the happiest boys on attended the funeral of Mrs.. Will Tate earth if we could only be back as we once were. . " :-.-; ..v.y We are on duty eight hours every day Capt. Alden Howell was in Ashevile Tuesday on business. . W. B. Underwood and family are living in Columbia, 3. C. this'winter. Mrs.. Paul tfelcah hsretorned from a visit to her former home at Paris, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Feimet of Tantnn Sunday November, 11th. 10.30 a. m. Kunday school and Bible Uasa. Subject df Bible study: King splomon. Everybody cordially invited. Tuesday. Married Monday October. 6th at the Baptis psrsonag Rev. A. V. Joyner of ficiating, Mr. George Collins and Miss Stella Brooms, both of Swain Co. PRESBYTERIAN CHDRCH SERVICES . ' bunday School 9:45 a. m. Organized cnm ior men at iu o ciock a. m. 11! a. m. Sermon by the pastor Rev. O. F. Mason. Christian Endeavor meets at 7:00 p. m. Evening service at 8:00. Sermon by tne pastor. ' " You are cordially invited to all these services. Visitois in the city especially welcome. V? c Bryson City Times, !l ' ' home.. excepting Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. . . , . ' : - ' . -; .. , Wednesdav is wash day, Saturday moraine is inspection and Sunday ia the nev. il. r. Koamn.-Dresidinff eliter nfldav nf rsat if na nan av)ra rfafoIU this dUtrict, will soon move his family Tbereare very few details for the to saisoury. ue bas been appointed to boys on Sunday. raise the .Superanuate - Endowment Well I can't think of any more at this Fund for Western !N. C. time, I'll close, wishing much success Mrs. Thomas Z Paschal is hrm to The Mountair.eer-Uouner and raaders. . Mis Neta Davis visited her sister v . Mrs. iViley Man at Bryson City last , . : D. R. and R. M. Noland of Fines Creek - ana j. noweu 01 wouauan were in -?'2' town-Monday. ' Mrs. R. M, fthinehart,visitfd her niece Mr. Charles E, Groves in Ashe- K)viiie' last week. ;v -.--....i,.-., .. : Miasea Loo Boyd and Lura May Noland were week-end visitors to Clyde and Canton friends, y-: " ; ? ' ' David Miller, Fred Martin and Ben c West of Camp-Sevier came hem lat 5 nrnay for a visit c 0 ' Watta Foster left for Pullman, Wash ikgton, last Sunday to visit his sister, Mrs. Scott Maxwell. ; - " Miss Effie McElroy of the Mauney Cove ia visiting her sister Mra. Lucius Bramlett this week. t. V : Ed M. Scatea spent Sunday with bis , parent at Haaelwood and retarded to Camp Seyier Monday. V C E. Williams' the merchaat and postmaster at Crab tree was anaag the visitors here Monday. i( X Mra. Ed Ensiey' and small daughter Sarah apent a day or two this week in Clvde viaitinor relatives. - - ; Oscar Morris Who is working at Co lumbia, & C has been home en a visit and retarned there yesterday. uing her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. T. unaerwood and other relatives. She has been in Boston taking training as a CUT THIS notpiuu ior ine past year. John S., Tipton one of our undertak ers and furniture men, some months ago sold his home to C. E. Ray. exDectin to leave here. He has bought back the Jiome and expects to remain here and help to make "Waynesville grow. We are glad that after yielding many other towns id-the Piedmont section he has louna waynesville averages up and will Drug Co, stick here. . Albert Howell the clever Superintend ent of the county home was in town Monday. ' We recently visi ted the coun ty farm and Was surprised to see1 tilings loosing so well. He had just finished sowing wheat and the land was prepv- en as ior a not bed. He also had some beautiful swme. which he showed us. The commisaioners are to be congratu lated on having such a splendid farm and Mr. Howell for superintendent Lee Roy Willis. ' UT IT IS WORTH MONEY DON'T MISSTHIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co., writing your name and address clear ly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for, coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Haywood SERVICES AT THE METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Hugh Sloan superintendent rreacning Services at 11 a. to. and 7:30 p. m. Key, J. M. Terrell will preach at the morning service and Rev. J. P. Rodgers at mgnt. " The" Senior Leaguejmeets at 6:80. services Wednesday 730 p. to. We extend a cordial invitation to you to attend these services. ':. Rev. W. B. West Pastor. WANT ADS. LOST in city lady's heavy gray leath er street gloves. Finder please return to Mountaineer-Courier office. " FAKILT-60-T0-CKMCH BAT A SUCCESS Key. A. V. Joyner's fourth year as pastor of the Baptist church began with a Family-go-to-Church Day which packed the auditorium and part of the Sunday school room. More than thirty entire families were present' including several who counted only the members in town. The sermon was a vary prac tical one on Home Religion. A very ef- lective xeaiure 01 tne service was a duet "Will the Circle be Unbroken"by Misses Luciie Herren and Mildred Craw-' ford. The entire service was pronounc ed very helpful and inspiring and the congregation confidently faces another good year. SERVICES AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH 9;30a. ra. Sunday School; J. R. Mor gan, Superintendent : Adult classes, to which visitors are especially invited. 11 a.m. Sermon, by Rev. A. V. Joy er. Pastor. 6:46 p. m. B. Y. P. U. Jr. B. Y. P. U. meets same hour in boys department 70 p. m. Sermon, by the pastor. rrayer Meeting Wednesday evening 7:30 o'clock. Yon are cordially invited to attend all these ser.ices. Rev. A.! V". Joyner, Pastor, . LOST a light gray hand bag Tuesday between Navy League room 'ad White Sulphur Sorinirm. Retunuto . HvmiLA w. n. J ones ana earn uvaas spent Bramlett's stables lot reward. 1L Sunday with their families here return- : x Ing to Greenville. S. C. Monday. Miss Jackson of Try on and Miss Jar vis of Aaheville were guests Sunday of : their friends Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Smith. ' ';l Mr. and Mrs. C A. Campbell of Del. J; V wood, R. H. Plott of Plott E. G. Rlp "r . petoe of the Maggie commissary were . i'. visitors here Monday.'- . . f -'. ., , ; , Rev. C. E. Steadman, Capt M. D. ' , Kinsland, Dr. J. E. Wilson, Paul Hyatt : ; and H. H. Garner of the Woodrew sce .: tioa were here Monday - -' .-,; Lawrence E. Greene took hia Uttla 1? c ' osnter Olivejane to Aaheville Satur , day to see Dr. Millenderwho says she is rapidly Improving. -: ' . The Womana Misiiohiry Society of the v; -v Methodist church will meet Tuesday af v . " ternoon at 830 o'clock at . the borne of P-r .Capt and Mrs. W. F. Swift of Camp ' '.Sevier arrived home for a visit Sunday ' night Capt Swift expecta to return CreenviDe tomorrow. ' -; -Mrs. Ken MUler nd Miss Wilsie . : Young went with Mrs. Charles L. .MU-I ' . ler andTwo children to Asheville Satur- v . ' She wa4 going to Boston to her y family. - - , -. . - Miss Minnie Foster returned home - " last week from a months visit to her ' v,: - sister Mrs, J. F. Morgan who lives near Brevard. Mrs. Morgan and children v came with her for a visit to the home folks.: GET A $2.00 percolator and 1 pound of our big bean coffee for omy $1.63 at Miller Bros.. f 1 ' .WANTED-te do your portrait work Kodak finishing and picture framing. 1 will please yeu. won't you let ' aae try? Gee. D. SaerriU, near P. O upstairs. 6-17 SEE OUR line of coats and suits at prices which will appeal to you. Frank Ray & Co, - . . SUFFERER FROM INDIGESTION .-s RELHTVED. "Before taking Chamberiam'a tab lets my -hustand suffered ior several years from indigestion, oousing hfcn to have pains in the stomach and dis tress after eating. Chanroerlam'e Tablets -relieved him of these spells right 'away," writes Mrs. Thomas Casy, Geneva, N. Y. .Obtainable i everywhere. . : :. HER SON SUBJECT TO CROUP. "My son Edwin is subject to croup,1 writes Mrs. E. O. Irwin, New Ken smgton Pa. "I put in many sleep less hours at night before I learned of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mothers need not fear this disease if they keep a bottle of Chambrlain's Cough . Remedy in the house and use it ag directed. It always 'gave my boyxlwf." Obtainable everywhere, NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT REW FAKILV II TOWR Our pew partner,' Mr. Tobias Larson of Highland. Kansas, arrived here Fri day evening with Mrs. Larson and two children Miss Lavinia and Stanley. They moved into the home of Mr. anjf Mrs. W. Davis Ray on Haywood street Honoay ana tne children entered our city schools. - For years Mr, and Mrs, Larson have been prominent in the bus iness and social life of their native town and we commend them to our people and bespeak for them a warm reception wa N 1 EiU: Agenta lor Waynesville here. and vicinity. Good proposition. Previous WE HAVE IT NOW-Jack Frost flour at $L66.-Miller Bros. FOB SALE About 420 acres of rood Unci on the head waters' 01 urabtree, known as the Mason Farm. About 250 acres well timbered. Reasonable terms. D. R. Duckett, Route 1, Box 31, Clyde, N. C. , 9-6-8t experience unnecessary. Free School of Instructions. Address Massachusetts Bonding ft Insurance Company, Acci dent and Health Department Saginaw, Michigan. Capital $1,600,000. - FOR . SALE--4 sets of 42 piece dinner sts to close at $5.50 each. One dinner set of 100 pieces at S1U-0 actual cost. Lee & Brown Co. One 104 GALLON Bowser oil tank for sale at a-barrain. Lee & Brown Co. : ': The local branch of the Woman's National Council ef Defense will meet next Wednesday afternoon at S o'clock at 'the Navy League Room over the Bookstore.' Every woman In thr"county is urged to be present as far as possible. Prof.' E. J. Robeson superintendent of the' city schools' entertained the members of the school board and Prin ' cipal W. L. Allen at supper at bis borne on Love Lane last Friday even . ing. Covers wre laid for tea and the evening was verjr pleasantly spent ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howell left last Friday Nov. 2nd for their home in Los AngeJe California, after spending toe summer here with his brother Capt. Alden Howe I. Mru Aldea Howettwtnt w ;lh tbera ij will visit them and her t o daopbUrs al, this winter.,.- ' , Kar 'it a btgoak tree on the lot t 'ow lloe. rVIIx Alley's home Ucodty '.frnoon vliich was leaning toward ' . yi - Avume. He intended fl!iog it i 1 the olhe- c1rett.!n but his voj broke f i u o fell acroae t&atrt brak. an 1 - ?tn'e Wirts atsd rattir 55 j wr oct si commiMics .- a f - --rt t-me. . . JUST RECEIVED a shipment of Mar-Hof Middy suits. -Frank Ray ft Co. ROOMS FOtt RENT, furnished or unfumisned, suitable for light house keeping. Pigeon street, four doors from Main on North aide.' . 10-31-tf. FOR SALE the John Cabe Macon county farm of 105 acres near Franklin and 1 1-2 miles of rtiversiae station ; zv in river bottom, 50 second bottom bal ance red upland DO in cultiva tion. New 4 room house and en a . gooa Darn. Anotner ioo acre tract of grass land partly in 'sod near by. All for $9,000. . T. J Ritchie, Cornelia, Ga. 10-26-St Y. W. A. WILL IEPE1T PASEAIT . -The Baptist Y. W. A. has acceded to numerous requests to repeat the Pa geant Chriat in America" which was given last week. The exercises will tske the place of the regular preaching service Sunday evening. It is hoped that a large number of people will see this Vivid presentation of America's opportunity at this time. The public ia cordially invited to see this Pageant at the Baptist church Sun day evening sr 7:30. ; HAVE IT HANDY -FO CROUP Grandmothers and mothers who have raisAd families of hildrn have lesraed from experience that it pay te keep a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar In the house reedy for emergen. It gives . prompt relief from dreaded cronft attacka, checks coughs and cows, and re'Jevea- whoopinf flSoIuLYsSlrcnglfi Every enlisted man would stand trp stronger during the nra years service if be could nave the benefits of n nnrsn because it fortifies, the lungs And throat, creates strength to avold rrippe and pnr-r.om'a and mikes rich blopd to avert rheumaSc tendencies. 'Send; a botile of SCOTTS 'Mo relative br friend IF State of ' North Carolina, Haywood County In the Superior Court Mark Loftis vs. H. R Beck.' The defendant H. B. Beck, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, against him, and brought by Mark Loftis, for the pur pose of - recovering of the said de fendant the sum of $2,500.00, alleged to be due the said plaintiff by reason of the willful and negligent act of the said, defendant in shooting the said plaintiff on or about the 1st day of May, :1917 and1 that summons in said action has been issued by the said undersigned returnable before the Judge of our Superior Court for a court to be held in the Town of Waynesville, Haywood County, N. C, on the 8th Monday before the 1st Monday of March, 1918, it being the 7th of January, 1918. The said de fendant, H. B. Beck, will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued byrth"esaidttndersigned, Clerk of the jperior Court "ofHay wood County, N. C, on the 80th ay of October, 1917 against the property of the said defendant, which warrant is returnable before tJie aid Judge of our Superior Court At the time and place above named for the re turn of the summons, wnen and where the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the com plaint, which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county during the first three days of said term of court. or the relief demanded will be granted This the 6th day-of November, 1917 JERRY R. LEATHERWOOD, Clerk Superior Court of Haywood -County. - Morgan ft Ward," Plaintiff's Attorner ll-8-4ts fci tbe aervica, wkich $1C0 Revrarcl, $100 Tb Tmim of thw mint wilt to pfftH f kt Um t In.I dtvS4 4lmi( tkt rtrar I a k-n bl I ran in ii lia utf. an m . to La'irrk. U.ll Catarrh Car to ta amir pa .' e ratn . kaown ta (be Hsl k.l fraWrnltT. "aurrb kinc oatlrationai iiM-ca. m)ir t rmnitllHllroal rmattn-nt. Hail a Catarrk CM la tatr inl-mallr. rUiir dlnrrtT annft tb a!ot4 a.d Bleaaa 4llfar.a of taa r'B. taariby 4tmflnf tm fimwaiw f th (, , .0 a-lin 1h fataMrl atmxlk fcr MMUt ramtttuMn m4 KMlai aa- In 'i"f Ira wk. T. aroorvrnr M ril'k la It mllta PMrcn tkat tkr O NttM Inr Iw im raa that tt f.lla ta ar. Imr llM-t teittDwaalata. A&inm r. I. ruryzj co, Toima, e. Sia kr rtrttm, TSc m Enjoy the Soit Light of Rayo Why put lip with a flickering, flaring, smoking old lamp when you can buy a Rayo ?2 RAYO LAMPS give a steady light that Is easy on the eyes. Yon remove neither the chimney nor the shade to light them as convenient as gas. Artlatio m design, they have no cheap ' filigree ornaments that make cleaning a long Job. Your dealer will be glad to demonstrate Bayo Lamps. Ask for them by name. Aladdin Security Oil Is the kerosene of quality for lamps, stoves and heaters. 1 STANDARD OIL COMPANY fNmJaiMv) Wj?"- D- G- IALTIMORB -"C. Norfclk, Vk. un. Ckkrintoa. W. Vs. Blnkaai.S-.Vfc Ckariaa.o..j.d New Goods Almost every day we are get ting in new goods. Come in and look around. SEE GOODS on our 49c & 98c Counters DRESS BETTER THE PARIS PAY LESS A. M. SIMONS, Prop. Waynesville, N. C. - Sylva,N.C. Leatherwood Produce Co. Liner Building, Depot Street Waynesville, N. C. Wc areOpcn and Ready for Business We will Pay Cash for Chickens. Butter and Eggs. Apples. Potatoes, Onions and all kinds of Country Produce. - - . Bring Us Your Load and GOVE US A TRDAL ROBT: fil. LEATHEHV00D, f.I anager WANT; ADS Bring' Results Dsj-irood I Drog Co. " a SMnxt aaaovftrUJf J. U44

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