SMI ' ' AND W A Y N E S V I L L E C O U R I ER VolumclV.' No. 13 ? ; Wayncsvlllc, IM.C.tThursday,Fcbruary 14, 1918 $1.5QaYcar COURT CASES TBIED . The following eases 'from Wednesday of last week" until Wednesday of this week were disposed of by the court now in session, Judge Lane presiding. R. Q. McCracken, passing worthless cheek, Judgment suspended on pay ment of cost. Dewey, Tom, John and Will Carver, Floyd and Harley Grant and Frank Mehaffey, affray; non suit allowed as to Harley Grant; Judgment suspended as to Dewey Carver on payment of one fourth of costs; same as to Floy1 Grant; Frank Mehaffey and Will Car. ver each fined $ll and one fourth of cost in action. Frank Mehaffey found not guilty of carrying weapon. Lee Rogers, destroying wire fence, Judgment suspended on payment of cost The grand Jury made the following report and were discharged with the thanks of the court for duty well per formed. Grand Jury Report State of North Carolina, In the Sup erior Court, County of Haywood. February Term, 1918. To his Honor Henry P. Lane, Judge Presiding: We, the Grand Jury, have the honor to submit the following report: I We have examined into and passed, upon ail bills brought before us withj the exception of those necessary to continue for lack of witnesses. We have sent a committee to ex amine into the condition of the County Convict Camp. They report same in good condition; the prisoners appear to be well fed, clothed and taken care of. The stock seem to be in good con. JUIami w4jI mm Aawrnvtlatllf f A haft m.nufa. The same committee visittd the Can-! j-j c-v, j i. ,. . JZTZZ. flTLLTla WQwen vs. Doice Queen were con. building in good condition; the same is rjvjiv . tTZot T" r' ' Riley Green gave bond for appear We visited ta . body the County next term. Offices in the Court Ho ,rnies. Mg ted a divorce and find them in good con.LUpn.noth, Mithif ing to recwnmemi. . ! was required to pay eost of action. Clerk that certain magistrates in the rural new n. u. W" tow. but ft is pre- sumed that there has been no business . for them to report The main part of our body visited the County Jafl, and we find there the came conditions existing that have been reported for several years from time to time. We especially wish to bring to the notice of the Court the serious public nuisance that we are informed and be lieve has been called to the attention of the County Commissioners at various times throughout two or three admin-. istrations, to-wit: The bridge to the East Fork River approach at what is generally known as Blaylock's Mill in Pigeon Town- ship; the race that conveys the water to the said mil crosses the public thoroughfare vey near to this bridge across this is a single track bridge, and the road way from this to the river approach is very nar row. It is necessary under the present arrangement for wit gong loading and unloading grain, etc., at this mill to occupy this road way, and as it is the - M . , . , confluence of two important roads and traffic bott ways by horse drawn and motor vehicles is heavy is the cause of frequent, vexatious delays to traffic, and ia also dangerous; especially as ' IH , ' L Wroacmng vuoe. xrom m - u-w( ions can not discern what is meeting L Jf, 71 bu.Wing-the noise of the mfll fre- quently preventing hearing the ap - - preach of the vehicles from the op potto direction. The bridge across the race has been for months in a danger ous and un"wful condition; and the flooring of the river bridge is now in a dangerous and unlawful condition. " We are Informed and believe that the reason why this aforesaid long stand- Until further notice there will be no ing nuisance has not been remedied is reeu'ar meetings of the Womans Com. that the County Commissioners take m!tfee. Council of Nations' Defend, the postion that it ia the business Just at the present more effective work of the mill owners to provide some mn one hj th womu in the Red better arrangement; and the mill own.: Cross and Nary League, are have heretofore contended that this j Ou'te a no Set of wore regHer is vp to the County Commissioners. So ed f or work ta the Red Cross and. the tbe-auimnce goes unabated and rrows '.Navy Learn. The yrmtr otllert. of by reason of the increase of the traffic j res' orgn.'rartrts are cordially to on tha road and by increase in the bus- vt4 consul the registration at the . mess at the mOl. which Is oee ef the office' of Mr. Slver, Tuesdays and Jarretf In the county. k , I ThurxdaTs betww elevn and twelve . Ii tWw of the foreroinr we recoavj VoHr A. M.1 The ehirmaa wiH be meed that the Solicitor be Instructed ther to assist , ta bring a bTH ef mdicwaetit sr! . At soon aa the active work Is taken the County Commissioaers or tfee mTJ urp ia any department f the Council a mmti er both valaat this read way aseetmr ni be caned . and race bridge in front of the mill be so widened and arranged as to give a safe and roomy passage for public travel before the next meeting of the Grand Jury. We also beg to state that we are informed and believe that many of the county bridges are in a dangerous and unlawful condition. Our committee sent to inquire into the condition of the County Home re port the same to be in generally good condition; the inmates well cared tor and comfortable as far as it is possi ble to make them. The farm is in not ably fine condition, but we deem a per. manent and 'satisfactory water supply imperatively needed, and in connection with the installment thereof we rec ommend a change in the location' of tike bath rooms and toilets in order to secure the proper ventilation and light in same and a greater harmonizing of the arrangements of the halls. It seems to us that the Employment of a com petent architect in this connection would be advisable. Respectfully submitted, S. H. BUSHNELL, Foreman. Solicitor G. L. Jones on Thursday morning presented the following re- the Judge( presiding; "I wish to herewith report that I have ex- . . th offi of he Clerk of the Court t term ot and find g&7ne fa good order weU kept. j minon mho have property with ont or testamentary guardian." This report was approved by Judge, Lane and ordered filed. The following cases were nol pressed with leave: James Riddle, c c. w.; Sam Moore, a. 4 w.; Mrs. Jane Lackey, Frank James and Houston Green, re tailing. Susie West, retailing, nolle P8860- Divori Divorce cases of Sisk vs. Sisk and John S. and Robert D. McCombs and McCoy Town of Waynesville e0nnt 7 T w ,.i . ed and George Ward appointed as ad ministrator of M. M. Wells, deceased. In the case of R. M. Sutton and other creditors vs. M. M. Wells and others the jury held that the real es tate which was held by Mrs. Maggie Treadaway waa held in trust for M. M. Wells at the time of his death and that .v. w. v. a sue is urawwu w " ----- "t. , 0mffl I . excus-l Mondayfor good cause- W C Garrison W. E. Sheffield, F. E. Hay - " , rw- Abel W M T j ,'Cathey RjJey G(n yg jameg ' p. vm the nlaintiff was . . ... nn . , . . trnm rw.: ember' 25, 1915 whHe the costs of this action must be paid by the defend-' lots, , John H. Gossett won a suit against! J. C. Cole and was awarded 118.92 while Mr. Cole was allowed an off-1 set of $42.50 as counter claim. M. Silver failed to recover a fee. flri. Oliver xaueu w rctwTc, m Waynesville Hospital for P. services. In the case of State vs. C. D. Sut phen and The Waynesville Hospital, Inc. vs. C. D. Sutnhen a compromise which the latter paid (9nn ..v ani1 , mother party of $50. $100 Howell, Jr. " ' mMim . . to be turned over to the hospital. And thus ends a long controversy the cit izens will be glad to know is settled. m a v .. J " COUNCIL OF NATIONAL DEFENSE SOME TIMELY VALENTINES (By Jesse Daniel Boone) Oh! dear Woodrow, we'd have you know That we would still approval show 'Till wars shall cease, and all have peace In France, in England or in Greece Dear Governor, we thank you for That telegram you sent, and more. You didn't fail to hit the nail Just where it's force should well prevail. Now Chamberlain, you cause us pain. When information you would "gain; You broadcast facts, make known compacts And show up doubtful facts, Oh! Teddy R. so bold, bizarre, You're not so much as you think you are. Each day and hour, as you grow sour, You farther slip from ruling power. Now if you please, good Colonel Fries, In all known efforts now to squeeze From young and old, small sums of gold, We hope you have a "strangle" hold. Good Captain Page, you are a sage, In spite of public growl or rage. Hold down the sharks, in spite of barks, And make them sell as per your marks. Congressman Zeb, son of a Reb, You'll soon be famous as Bone Dry Webb. You made a hit when you beat Britt, So don't you worry a little bit. New Mayor Queen, we ajl have seen That summer, winter, and between, You do not swerve, but only serve, Your people with good grace and nerve. Judge Morgan, too, hats off to you ; We find your record's good and true. The culprits find, while often kind, You have a just, judicial mind. Our Waynesville Chief, though not so brief, Is not much loved by thug or thief. Keep up your rep and watch your step, And may you never lose your "pep." For John R. Hipp thefell be no slips When pressing office cup to lips. He has. no fight and that's but right ; His winning prospect is most bright. Now candidate, get on our slate, Before you find it rather late ; If you are wise you'll advertise ; An office waits for him who tries, HOSPITAL NOTES. Tipton Furniture Company, surgical , dressing carriage; Mrs. L. A. Miller, ! i un nniitm. Ttr P T.. - . . uua UUB1WU V x. .... fv t ' McCracken, half barrel apples; Mrs. &ott Brown covers; Mrs. Lindsley, jar grapes; Mrs. Van Toy,! nalf bushel potatoes; Medford Furni- ture company has loaned us a much needed sewing machine. We wish to thank our friends for their continued interest in the hospi- taX ' .. , I appeal to those whose account are overdue to made an effort to pay them, The hospital badly needs the money, Those who havn't the cash might pay in country produce. This is your hospi- tel. maintained for your benefit and it is to your interest to support it. Now ti iu jfuu, wwiw -"i----v - would be an opportune time for ! of the t0 contTjbnte otr some lodges ome n- terest and money. CLAUDIA K. HUBBARD, Supt. WHEN THE WAR WILL END Absolute knowledge, I have none, But my aunt's washerwoman's sister's son Heard a policeman on his beat Say to a laborer on the street That he had a letter last week That was written in the finest Greek From a Chinese coolie fn Timbuctoo Who said the negrose in Cuba knew Of a colored man in a Texas town Who got it straight from a circus .clown That a man in Klondike beard the newa From a bunch of South I American; j , ' j : Jews ' H . About somebody ia Borneo , Who heard a man who, claimed to; ', know Os a t well sodety female fakt' Whose mother-in-law will undertake To prove that bar arrant husband's Has stated ia a printed piece That ab has a son who has a friend, Who certainly karri when tha war will and. . tx. WHAT BILLY SUNDAY THINKS OF THE MODERN GIRL "The girl who waits for a boy who Is mine to mh off ha old man's c - a m dough generally ends an old maid or the wife of a 10 per cent man." "The trouble with the modern girl jg that she is too busy learning a song with a title like this: Oh! Does the Spearmint Lose Its Flavor on the Bedpost Overnight?'" Bedpost overnignti' , "The old-fashioned, pants-patching socks-dsrning girl is worth ten of the kind that couldn't go into the kitchen and turn a flapjack without splashing batter all over tha walls." if you kissed a modern girl you'd gtt painter's colic" "Dont blame the men who don't go home early to wives that kiss poodle dog! No man wants to play second fiddle to noodle dor." "If you don't know what kind of company your daughter keeps or , what time of night she turns in ana hits the hay, I want to tell you that your roar when the tongues of gossip get busy will sound aa pathetic aa a wheeze on a jew's-harp.' Bennett Arnold la Vaudeville Bennett Arnold son of Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Arnold, who ! -t Camp McLellan near Annlston, Ala ia a member of "The The?pians." a vaudiville organi zation which entertains the soldiers of the camp and often makes journeys to other communities to furnish enter- tainment We have before us a copy of the Anciston Star and Hob Blast of Feb. 1 which gives a leaghtly write up of aa entertainment in Birmingham's lead- ing o'.ay house. Among the members given was "The Spy, a stirring draasa of the war and representing aa elabor- at bit of staging iataraparsed with comedy and mstramactal aeta. Corpor- 1 H. W. Dowinga aa the 8py shewed mach abOity aad waa weU tttpportel by Corparal George Barry as the Cola. nVrorJ K. W. XirscBbaaaa an1 Bugter B. t. Arnold." THE CANDIDATES , So Far as is Now Known These Are The Men Who Ask Demo crats To Support Them It is yet early but there has been a lot of speculation as to who will'be the Democratic candidates for office in Haywood county and this district in the June primaries. As far as we are informed these are now candidates: Hon. Zebulon Weaver will likely be the only candidate for congress and he is likely to have Mr. Britt as an op ponent. ' " For Judge of this district Capt Wm. J. Hannah of Waynesville, Capt. A. M. Frye and Hon. Thad Bryson of Bryson City are candidates. This is Jackson county's time to name a state senator for Swain, Jack son; Transylvania and Haywood. Coming down to county offices we have heard of these: For representative: W. H. Hender son of Canton, Robt M. Leatnerwood of Waynesville. There is some talk al so of D. L. Boyd of Waynesville in this connection. For County commissioners. . John Allen of Waynesville, W. F. McCrary of Crabtree, and H. Arthur Osborne of Canton. . For Clerk of the Court, Jerry R. Leatherwood of Waynesville and Robt. L. Noland of Fines Creek. For Register of Deeds, Geo. C. Hay. nes of Clyde, Chas. C. Francis of Waynesville, C. C. Kirkpatrick of Crabtree, G. N. Hen son of Canton and Wade H. Noland of Fines Creek. For Treasurer, C. B. Atkinson Way nesville and John Sentelle of Pigeon. For She riff, John R. Hipps of Crab tree. Tne names of C. A. Haynes, J. T. Duckworth. Thomas Osborne and Spurgeon Byers have been mentioned as oossfble candidates, but so far as we know, they are not running. May the best man win in each case ! our wish. RED CROSS CHAPTER I The members of the Haywood Red i Cross Chapter are earnestly requested ' to bring all ' clean scraps, both old and I new, light colored and white, but per j fectly clean from which to fill pil ! lows, 5000 of which have been asked ! from the Southern division of the Red Cross. This chapter desires to send 100. This may be your bit Will the members living in the country pjease help the chapter? 60 of these ' pillows have already been made and gtuff for "cuppings" is needed for the rai i. vww, jwu o uitu w liberal donation from your scrap bag. DEATH OF MRS. a F. MEDFORD Mrs. C. F. Medford died last Thurs day after a long illness at her home in Iron Duff township. She was 83 years of age and leaves husband and three children. Funeral services in cnarge of Rev. J. M. Haynes of Clyde were conducted Saturday and burial was at Davis Chapel Cemetery. A large congregation was assembled. Among them Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Med- ford of this city. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Methodist Church W. B. West Pastor Sunday school at 9:45, Prof E. J. Robeson, superintendent The adult - p,, awl growing in attendance and I interest Our rVect is to enro'l every g,. of the church In the Sunday scr-oo'. We court on yen to helo. president and J. D. Boone secretary Prnlsynorning worship nt 11 ' Other officers and committeswill be o'c'ork:- Subject of sermon "Christ-! appointed later. The organization of lsn as Light" This sermon is com- this class fill a long felt need in our nlerfen-'sry to last Sabbath's discourse Sunlay school work. We expect to en on "Christians as Salt" n fifty roen during th next two At the eveninr hour. 7:80. all other, months. The T. E T clsst for women n--. irations will worshio with us in '"relit rr Can W. J. Hsnnah is a a rnion service. Rev. A. V. Jvner large enthusiastic group f workers wi.'l presrh on the subjTt "Lov's !s rv mim wvicea are accom. ri-vi,:f rret tt1 Mar.v a-in's are nnd'r -o accatoired to ro'nc; at n'tV, Le give rrrrther JoTer a recoH breakinr audience. The B. Y. P. U. and Chrirt'an En- dearor sociefe will me wi'h the S or tearce at 6:80. ' Pever rneermg Weni lay evening t 70. ? T iJ"" - -lially invited to at-' teed all thesa servieea. k ' i : - . Ml Jos-oWa , TSwras ieUiwd Thosadar tram a Mirktfol visit ta Mrs. E. T. Tamer at Dayton. O. LINCOLN PROGRAM. The fifth grade gave the following programs in chapel Tuesday morning: 1. Song "America," by school. 2. Acrostic, "Lincoln," by seven girls 3. Recitation, "A Tribute to Lincoln," by Gladstone McDowell. 4. Oral Sketch of Lincoln, by Millard Revis. 5. Dialogue, "Crowning Lincoln," by four girls. 6. Reading "Death of Lincoln," by Louise Green. 7. Dialogue, "Our Flag," by three boys and three girls. 8. Song, "One Land United," grade. ; , 9. Talk on Lincoln's our superintendent. 10. Closing song, "Star Banner," by school. IRON DUFF JTEMS Within the last week the death angel has visited our township; on the 5th of February the year old child of Mr. and Mrs. James Stephenson died, whooping was the cause of death. On the 7th day of February, Mrs. Med ford, wife of C. F. Medford, the cause of her death being tuberculocis. The deceased leaves a husband and three children to mourn her loss, beside many relatives and friends. Uncle Lebo and Aunt Jane Medford live with her and her husband. She had been a consistent member of the Baptist church for 15 years. She said that she did not fear death, but had a desire to live for her husband and children. The language that she was a good woman would not be strong enough to give a true decryption of her life. Rev. J. M. Haynes of Clyde con ducted the funeral. Despite the muddy roads many people attended the funeral. Theodore Stevenson of Tennessee, who has been visiting relatives in this section has returned to his home. He is a biblical student and an inter esting talker but has some what de parted from the faith of our fathers. Wilburn Noland a Rock Hill student was visiting Saturday and Sunday in Iron Duff. at y- atriri SERVICE FLAG. The U. D. Cs. are asking the co operation of every Haywood county patriot who loves the flag and our Haywood boys, especially those who have relatives in the service, of se curing a service flag for our Hay wood county boys. Each star on the flag will represent one of our boys in service. When we have secured a star for every boy in the county we will have a pulic flag service when this flag wiH be displayed. Any contribution from $5.00 down to 25 cents will greatly add to this fund. Send or give your contribution to the chairman of Service Flag com mittee. Mrs. R. O. Covington at the n. Dim Air. Wont you help secure the service flas for our 'boys? SERVICES AT BAPTIST CHURCH. Sunday school 9:45. C. A. Haynes, superintendent Sermon 11 a. m. Subject: "The desire of a good man. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock the pastor will preach at Francis Cove. Last Sunday the "Joyner Men's Bible I Class" waa organised with T. L. Green and promises to be one of the best In the entire school. rt Be-em s-d Fidelia clas'es f T0rv.r vet: r-v.'omen, " hv J- Mown t-& Mrs.. ' A. V. Joyner renvlv. AT you who are not connected with Sun- ache we porrtiallr !-t vou to me and Join n of the- asea. - A. V. JOYNFR. Pastor, I Col J. W. Brrt- -nd f-- Kava reraTard from a sad journey to Loaia- " vHU wba rW att- wval " v-. - fW'-t- t-om !Tr-tr rrr-d iB V .U ani N. rk at RusselMlle. - by rood oAtBa fiv Spangled