'1. taring Mm In W' f juA waa getting very faint. Ton would f and then he asked, "Bow do yon fee!. "Where do yon com fromrl an- JJU X1K The City Barber Shop CENTRALLY LOCATED ON MAIN STREET Solicits Your Patronage EIGHT CHAIRS, FIRST CLASS BARBERS AND FIRST CLASS ' WORK HAIR CUT 35c SHAVE 15c GIVE US A CALL IK HEALTH IS WEALTH E" HYGIENE HEALTH . - i ; mm VI m p immi eae sMtee mmm m im hatM STATE BOARD OP lie Antedilaviaa Tcxclier Ae one thing strperlntendnnts, pria exaals mad teaohers la sosne schools hate worse than physical edoeatian la invriag parents - coming arwaad wKa grievances or complaints against me eUeval methods. The writer Is a pa rent and a doctor and ha recently found It saceaaary to call on the public achool principal to lean why no ra ces ma were given the chlMTon -no outdoor recesses. On the dar of lata particular Tiait the weather waa tdaaL though a bit cold. But the ground waa till damp from previous rains. It was Immediately after noon inter mission, and all the school children had played about the yard In the noon hour while waiting tor the bell to ring. The principal of the school in ques tion is a typical mollycoddle. Alwatn hag some slight cough or "cold" and week of fine weather. Se we took Che matter to the sup art n Baling at sehoola, who, being a taM annua) he rn laMMdiatety roroeartaert the aaa. Iptety of tha cosaplaiat and the prtastpa! ta qnastlon tor ah? stewardship. AJtar that, mans eaasa a Uvtot Instlvtttanv Sat All this taoahte la wantt wOa, parent values the haalts of atf K m. e-caned "estae" a toastttis, adaaoMa. sbImI aM&k m,31 mm ' - mllL wetting, chorea m. Hans' aanev), and many other ooadlOana of school eh dren are onrtaiaty invited by psosoae ed confinement m the warn atmos phere and the strict discipline of the average schoolroom. It is np ta aV parents to see that a regular fifteen minutes of recreation, ex arctic and re lease from restraint ao hard far the chiM's naturally active nervous sys tem are forehconung in every sohooL and to pretest promptly and vigorous ly when an antediluvian teacher e- By virtue of the tax. list of the town nf Waynesvilje, N. C, for the year. 1917, I will on Monday, July 1, 1918, sell the following real estate at public auction for cash in front of the Haywood county coutr house at 12 o'clock, noon, for uncollected taxes and cost of this sale. This June 1, 1918. JOHN S. MITCHELL, Town Tax Collector. W. C. Allen, 1 lot, tax and cost. $50.78 Miss Helen Berry, 1 lot, T. & C. 5.42 J. R. Biddix, 1 lot, T. & C... Mrs. Ida Bryson, 1 lot, T. & C. Mrs. Ida Brown, 1 lot, T. & C. Mrs. Stephen Cabe, 1 lot, T.& C. Mrs. C. M. Cooper, I lot, T. & C. 4.60 8.00 3.10 7.30 7.30 always nursing It He was a bit Cab- jsays to repeal this ancient, wise and bergasted at the suddenness and re- hemence of our inquiry. He finally ex plained that there had been no re cesses for some weeks back because of bad weather. "Had we allowed a recess this forenoon, for insUnee, many of the children would have got ten their feet wet In the yard and probably their parents would have complained to ns about it." The same parents, you see, would have no pos sible objection to the children getting their feet wet at the noon hour. This was carefully pointed out to the prin cipal. He was also advised that the achool board rules called for outdoor recess morning and afternoon when the weather waa suitable, and that un less this recess was regularly given K would be our painful doty to bring a complaint against the principal, in the Interest of the health of the children. No recesses were given for another indispensable provision for the physi cal welfare of the child. Question and Answers. Perspiring Feet W. W. R. What is good for per spiring feet? Answer: Tepid foot bath each midday, and ehanse of rtocJtinc, also of ahoss If possible, at that time. Wfeea feet are dried, apply an alcoholic sotattoa of salicyclic acid, on ounos la the pint, or a waier eoiuuon 01 otriMai formajoaayqe li quid, on ounce in th pint. ftry. tnat over with boric acid powder, er. talcum powder. Alum In the Biscuits. Dr. K. M. Kindly advise me If bak ing powder containing alum is inju rious to health. newer: If the biscuits are good we at them, and we never trouble to In quire abaet the Inflnitaefnul e.uanty of alum they mlsht contain. We think that idea beioncs with the netted Uat good tea or coffee la not healthful. f We Do Kodak Finishing Films left to be developed before 5 today. KM ready tomorrow at 5 WE SELL KODAKS AND SUP PLIES, MAGAZINES, DAILIES, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SOUVE NIRS. CRANE'S FINE WRITING PAPERS, RUSK IN & VASEKRAFT POTTERY. : : : : : Ctje Biktn Wft hop C. C. Conley, 1 lot, T. & C 7.80 Chas. Conner, 1 lot, T. & C... 9.80 Frark Coxe estate, 1 lot, T. & C. 53.50 R. V. Davis, 1 lot, T. & C... 13.60 F. M. Davis estate, 1 lot, T. & C. 18.00 F. D. Ferguson, 1 lot, T. & C. . 37.50 J. W. Ferguson, 1 lot, T. & C. . 70.46 MrsJ.W.Ferguson, 1 lot, T.&C. 13.60 W. T. Fortner, 1 lot, T.&C... 7.30 W. W. Foltz, 1 lot, T. & C. .. . 6.26 Jno. Forgie, 1 lot, T. & C... ... 3.10 Sallie P. Fulton, 1 lot, T. & C 19.90 R. D. Gilmer, 1 lot, T.&C 12.30 Mrs. R. D. Gilmer, 1 lot, T. & C.222.70 M. L. Gregory, 1 lot, T. & C 24.94 Mrs. Addie Hart, 1 lot, T. & C 6.26 Mrs. Emma Davis Henderson, 1 lot, T. & C 4.16 R. D. Gilmer's 1-3 of Howell, Skinner & Gilmer, 1 lot tax and cost 3.80 Hiram Kirkpatrick, r lot, T.&C. 26.20 Geo. E. Knight estate, 1 lot, T. & C 179.00 J. P. Kuykendall, 1 lot, T. & C. 10.86 J. R. Love, 1 lot, T.-& C . 38.00 J. R. Love, Admr., 1 lot, T. & C. 7.30 R. G. A. Love, 1 lot, T.& C... 17.50 D. R. Langley, 1 lot, T. &C... 3.10 S. W. Medford, 1 lot, T. & C... 6.28 Mrs.G.H.Mehaffey, 1 lot, T.&C. 8.00 H. M. Mehaffey, 1 lot, T. & C. . 8.00 Mrs.W.F.Mehaffey, 1 lot, T.&C. 6.00 W. P Moore, 1 lot, T. & C 7.30 R. M. Morris, 1 lot, T. & C... 5.00 R. Q. McCracken, 1 lot, T. & C. 7.96 Mrs. Emma D. Norwood, 1 lot, : T. & C. 63.50 Pilcher & Gregory, 1 lot, T.& C. 24.94 F. W. Poindexter, 1 lot, T. & C 9.40 G. C. Presliey, 1 lot, T. AC... 8.10 W. M. Ray, 1 lot, T. & C. 19.60 C. M. Reed, 1 lot, T. & C 15.00 A. G. Rowland. 1 lot, T. & C. . 5.20 Mrs. Annie Seidenburg, 1 lot, T. & C 6.26 S. W. Stubbs, 1 lot, T. & C: . .3.10 Bartlett Skinner, 1 lot, T.&C. 9.50 Judge Thompson, 1 lot, T. & C. 13.60 J. E. Underwood, 1 lot, T. & C. 5.62 C. B. Werly, 1 lot, T. & C 6.26 J. R. Walls, 1 lot, T. & C 5.90 C. S. White, 1 lot, T. & C 17.80 H. M. Worth, 1 lot, T. & C. . . 5.20 B. W. Wright, 1 lot, T. & C . . 10.46 E. M. Young, 1 lot, T. AC 14.70 Colored List Jeannet Casey, 1 lot, T. & C. . 5.26 A. S. Copeny, 1 lot, T. A C. . . 11.30 Francis Gray, 1 lot, T. A C... 2.06 Ernest Gunthal, 1 lot, T. A C. 5-00 Harrison Haynes, 1 lot, T. A C. 6.00 W. A. Lackey, 1 lot, T. A C... 2.06 Christina Love, 1 lot, T. A C. . 13.90 D. L. Love, 1 lot, T. AC 13.60 R. C. Love, I lot, T. A C 5.60 Susan Love, 1 lot, T. A C. 11.50 C. E. L. Love, 1 lot, T. A C 16.60 Gertrude McKee, 1 lot, T. A C. 3.10 Gudger Oby, 1 lot, T. A C iS Susan Osborne, 1 lot, T. AC... 9.40 A Smyre, 1 lot, T. A C 13.50 W. M. Snipes, 1 lot, T. A C. . . 7.00 Snipes A White, 1 lot, T. A C. 2.60 . A. C. Walker announced to The Mountaineer-Courier Saturday that in July he is going to bring to Waynes ville the choice of his lambs and pre sent it to the Red Cross Chapter here to be auctioned off to the high est bidder. ' This suggests the idea: ' Why not a large Red Cross auction of stock and other goods donated ? Such auc tions have been held elsewhere with tremendous success. Usually fab ulous prices are paid for all such do nated articles. At once such sale in Nebraska, the auctioneer ran out of things to sell long before the demand was satisfied, so he put the moon up for sale and it bought $200. He' spied a farmer in the crowd who had an unusually luxurious bunch of whiskers and the auctioneer sold his whiskers for $20. TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE U. D. C. Convention at Brevard W. T. MEHAFFEY, Manager iVearj Diamond Auto Casings and Inner Tubes Wholesale and Retail Jswt now yon will and U be the beet time of this aammer to any ywar casings. ' Cotton in Ugh and aw rwvenuneat needs ships ta carry aw army ta Franca, hence there will ho vary little crude rubber im ported. Get Your Diamonds Now Ojtis Green Hardware Co. Asheville pffpnru war thrift STAxn now (Brevard News) The annual convention of the First District North Carolina Division United Daughters of the Confeder acy, will be held in. the Brevard chap ter house on June 26. Delegates will attend from Ashe ville, Dillsboro, Hendersonville, Mar' ion, Sylva and' Waynesvflle. . AH members of the Transylvania chapter are expected to be present In addition to the regular dele gates a number of state officers and distinguished visitors will be pres ent Mrs. J. W. Ferguson, of Wayn Se ville, will preside over the session. The principal address will be deliv ered by Mrs. Jacksie Daniels Thrash, of Tirboro. Other speakers will be Mrs. R. E. Sittle of Wadesboro, Mrs, E. B. Glenn of Asheville, and Mrs. J W. Pless of Marion, a former resident of Brevard, who is now state treas urer of the U. D. C. Jdiss Annie Jean Gash, president of the local chapter, has appointed tever- al ladies aa chairmen of committees to serve in connection with this meet ing. . Each -chairman named below u requested to appoint at least- two members on her committee and re port these to Miss Gash. i House committee. Hiss M. Br sea. " Reception, Mrs. T. H. Shipman.- Program, Miss A. J. Gash. U txme. Mint Maode Allison. Refreshments, Mrs. 6. L Erwin. t - Finance, Mm. J. A. Miller. . On the afternoon of Saturday, June 8, 1918, the wonderful spectacle of a total solar eclipse will be visible, weather permitting, over a track ex tending from the Pacific (Washing ton) to the Atlantic (Florida). This track of the moon's shadow is 70 miles wide at the western coast, nar rowing to 40 miles in Florida. For about an hour the" moon will gradually encroach upon the sun's disk, the daylight will fade, then the narrowing crescent of the sun will suddenly disappear, and around the jet-black ball of the moon, hanging in the northwestern sky among the brighter stars, will be seen the pearly radiance of the mysterious solar co rona. The remarkable spectacle may be enjoyed for 122 seconds at the western coast, and for half that time in Florida. Then the crescent of the sun will appear on the other (west ern) side of the moon, and after an other hour the full disk of the sun will shine as usual. This, event happens at any one place, on the average, only three times in a thousand years. The gaseous envelopes of the sun can be advantageously studied by as tronomers during the brief interval of total, eclipse, and it is then only that the corona can be observed. It is es timated that there are only about 90 minutes in a century for the invests gation of this interesting but still perplexing outer appendage of the sun. Its shape is not constant, but varies with the 1 1-year cycle of the sun's activity in producing sun spots. Sun-spots are now about at their maximum, and accordingly we may expect a corona with streamers distributed in all directions around the sun, but not so widely extended east and west as in 1900. The streamers issuing from near the sun's poles suggest somewhat certain appearances of the aurora borealis. The light of the corona is partly reflected sunlight and partly radia tion due to the intense heat It re ceives from the sun. But the most interesting part is due to an un known gas, called coronium, which has not yet been foand in the earth or in the spectrum of any other son For this section? of North Carolina, there will be only a partial eclipse. Protect Your Stock and Cattle Against Disease by Using KRESO and KRESODIP the reliable disinfectant & Insecticide Let Us Supply You Corner Drug Store J.K. TH1CPEN & Co., Druggists lots belonging to Mrs. Kate E. Davis; thence north 190 east 137 feet with the line of the said Mrs. Davis' lot to a stake in her line; thence north 79 west 151 feet to a stake; thence to the . beginning. Containing one-half acre more or less. Second tract bounded as follows: Being lets Nos. 1, 2, ,3 and 41 of block "H" of Chestnut Park of the Town of Waynesville as shown on book of maps, page 100, in the office of jhe Register of Deeds of Haywood county, N. C, to which said book . of maps reference is hereby' made for - a full description of said lots.. The said lots as described last being part of the land conveyed to Robert D. Gilmer by W. J. G. B. Boyd, said deed from the said Boyd to the said Gilmer is recorded in book 17 at pages 191 and 192, records of Haywood county. This the 5th day of June, 1918. (29-4) . J. R. HIPPS, Sheriff. WHEN IN ASHEVILLE TAKE YOUR MEALS AT THE Central Cafe Cool, comfortable and central- , ly located. On west aide of Square. Cars direct to all points aa well as depot ,. (Our coffee reputed the Best in Asheville.) -. . u X Notice of Sale Under Execution North Carolina, Haywood county In the Superior court. H. A. Osborne vs. R. D. Gilmer and Love B. Gilmer. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior court of Haywood county in the above-entitled action, I will, on Mon day, the 8th day of July, 1918, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door of the said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execu tion, all the right, title and interest which the said R. D. Gilmer and Love B. Gilmer, the defendants, have in the following described real estate, to- wit:. Being in Haywood county, North Carolina, and Waynesville township, First .tract hounded as follows: Be ginning on a stake near the bead of a branch or spring on the east side of the railroad and runs south. 79 east 161 feet to the southwest corner of DENTISTS FagwVauas) i. Denver,' Dalegatea, Mrs. Edward Patton, Thrift Stamps are gtiO aa anla. Dr. J. H. Smathera, Dentist " Dr. O. 8. Wsldrop, Dentist Offices in Smathers' Building north of Postoffice. Dr. Thomas L Allen, Dentist Ofica over Bank of Canton Canton, N. C. Dr. W. H. LINER, Dentist Office over First National Bank . Waynesvina PHYSICIAN and SURGEON DR. J, P. BROWN . ' v' Phrsidan aad Burgeon. Occupy in Du AieTuoOea. . Pbona No. U, . Mnto j atseV,r Waynesrtile. mxsnART D& VqrmJL, YetaraMria. . i . -'CJ Vv TfiWfO,Ouwy NOTICE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain Deed of Trust made and executed by Horace W. Mc Cracken, Harriett McCracken and Hermes McCracken to the under. signed trustee, dated the 9th day of June, 1915, and duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Haywood county, North Carolina, in Book V of Deeds of Trust on page 301 to which reference is hereby made and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured whereby the power of sale therein contained has become oper ative, said undersigned trustee will on Tuesday, the 25th day of June, 1918, at 12 o'clock, noon, sell at pub lic auction, for cash, at the court house door in- the .town of Waynes ville, county cf Haywood and State of North Carolina, the following de scribed lands and premises known as the Palmer McCracken land in Crabtree 'township. Beginning at a hickory near a spring the west corner of A. T. Rog ers' land; thence east 141 poles with Rogers south line to a small chest nut, corner to Rogers' land and on the .west line of the MeHenry land; thence south with said line 22 de grees to n stake on top of , a ridge comar of McHenry's lands'; thence south 87 degrees east with MeHen ry' IS poles to a hickory on a ridge; MO 1 ... U j. . .L .L. Jl I vision'coraer between the seventy-five and the fifty-acre tracts; thence same coarse south 130 poles with Rogers' line to a stake on said line; thence west 47 poles to a hickory near the top of the ridge in Silas Kirkpat- rick's line along on top of said ridge north 24 degrees east 9 poles to black on said ridge; thence north 10 poles; thenee north 13 degrees west 28 poles; north 49 degrees west 26 poles to a blask oak on said ridge; thence north 7 degrees west 60 poles to a Spanish oak at the forks of said ridge; thence along -on top of the fork of said ridge leading this direc tion' northwest a conditional line be tween Paul McCracken and Silas Kirkpatrick to where the east boon- dry line crosses said to a black oak; thence north with said Kirkpatrick' line to the beginning, containing 100 acres more or less, and being the same lands' conveyed to Palmuster McCracken by James R. Love which deed is registered in the office of the Register of Deads of Haywood coun ty, N. C, in Book of Deeda No. 'fi at Page 126 to which reference is hereby made. Second Tract Begin- nina -on, a stake the southeast corner of McCracken's home tract, in A. T. Rogers old lino and runs south 8 de grees west 14 poles to an old hickory corner' of H. M. Rogers' tract; thence with said line south 40 degrees 64 poles to a hickory corner of said Rogers tract;' thence south 661-2 pofea to a Spanish oak in a hollow; thenee west 26 poles to Smith gap; thenee north 58 degrees west 15 poles ' to Smith's, hickory corner; thence north 2 east with old fence. 82 poles to a chestnut' dak in the gap hi A. Urkpatrick's line; thence downtha ridge -with said line north 87at IT poles te a white oak; thence aerihiS aaaa 4 pelts to a white oak; theaM aorta. 8a decrees east 18 v"; '"njiij ... vf' corner; these his Una oast 47 poles to ta fciaang, eoniiaisg u. V and being th Look for This Sign THE BEST IN OPTICAL WORK AT A REASONABLE . PRICE S.Robinson, 0p t.D. 78 Patton Ave., Asheville, N.C. Just Below Postoffice same lands conveyed to ' P. L7"Mc" Cracken, by deed dated the 28th of May, 1873, and registered in Book A h at Page 395. . 'r' This the 25th day of May, 1918. JAMES W. FERGUSON, . (28-4t) 1 Trustee. EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the-estate of James R, Davis, de ceased, late of Haywood county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit same to me on or before May 2, 1919, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, , All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This May 2, 1918. : (24-6) CLEOPATRA DAVIS, Executrix, When ill TdWn ' get your lunch here.' A goodmesl'ata low price. We also handle groceries. Your trade appreciated. Whitehouse Cafe J. R. WhithouBe,fProp. Depot Street THE SOUTHERN HOTEL ASHEVILLE, N. C is a good place for yon to stop when- jn the city. Oeaajtooasn aad Goad Meals ' .We are located on , Bnt- . mora Avenue, a few steps from Pack Square. , i MRS. WEBB, : ; . '.., Proarietar. -' Bolrrowed oaey does net pay Inter ' eat to the borrower, bat neglected eyesight daws pay a high rate of tranbls ia fa tore yearn, t ; Dr. J. C Denison 1 JJ'ilJX.)J!1 ;4V -I 35 3P A I ASHEVlLLS:iaV 1 t . - j m mr W. t- w . t J efi - -