Keep Faith With Your Boy "Over There When your boy was so little that all the world was a foreign country to him, he trusted you to take care of him. You sent ' him to school "and to play and on your littl.errands, and' with implicit faith he did your bidding. Now we have sent your boy or. your neighbor's boy out into a ' foreign land, into terrors that he cannot even know and his faith has not faltered. He knows we will do our part if he does : his. . Pledge yourself to buy War Savings Stamps on or before JUNE 28th National War Savings Day Saving to help our sons is not to be called by the ugly name of duty or sacrifice. It is love's blessed privilege. Are we keeping the faith? Are we scrimping and saving and giving to help our boys do this thing that humanity has asked of them, and to help them come back to us sane and whole? Are we doing not only our bit. but all we can? This space contributed for the winning of the war by The Waynesville and Annex Pharmacies M. H. REEVES, Proprietor We have 300 soldiers in this camp,. not many drafted, mostly entlisted, and have volunteered to come into the woods to do their bit; they all belong to the aviation service. We have no slackers here and will nob tolerate Kaiserism or anything else that would be an obstacle in the way of our boys over there. Miss Pearl McClure; who by birth is a native of Haywood county, but has resided in Washington for the past 17 years, -has just. completed a successful year teaching in the schools at Leavenworth, Wash., and has re turned to the State Normal College at Bellingham, where she will take a po.t graduate course during ihe sum mer. The many friends and relatives in Haywood of Philetus G. McClure will be pained to learn of his death which occurred in the Sister's Hospital at Wenatehee. Wash., on May 23, 1918. His body wan laid to rest in the fam ily lot in Peshastin cemetery. He leaver' .& willow and .-even children and two brothers in this stale to mourn their loss. In his early life he joined the M. E. church, south, and remained a faithful rr.ember to the end. Succes-' to The Mountaineer-Courier and it? many readers. 'TAR HEEL." Bi YATT & COM PAIS Y Dealer in : BUILDERS MATERIAL Doors. Sash, "Rubberoid Roofing, Finished Lumber, Brick, Lime and Cement. FEED- -' and COAL 'C. S. Meal C. S. Hulls Hay, Grain, Etc I Domestic T- Steam J. At J , Ji(UI( Jiv AH orders given prompt attention . "Quality, Price, Service' Phcne 43. Waynesville, N. C. Depot St. a while;' he is reported better at this time. ' Don't forgot io attend the box sup per r.t the school house Saturday night, June 22, at 8:45, fast time. "HOPE." A follow who has "lust came back from Arkansas, says he accosted a native while" there, with. "My friend, have you lived here all your life?" "No," said the Arkansawyer, "not LOVElt JONATHAN The farmers of this section are get ting along nicely with their crops. Most of them are over the second time. Corn is looking fine and wheat is promising a bountiful harvest. Mrs. Hardin Howell, of Waynes ville, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Howell of this place. Mrs. J. P. Dotson spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Lcatherwood, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rogers, of Can ton, spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Freeman. Miss Maggie Messer is visiting on Jonathan. Several young folks of this place were seen out motoring Sunday eve ring. I. C. Franklin and son, Glenn, made a fishing tiip to Cattaloochee this week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Lea therwood. a son. June 9. Best wishes to The Mountaineer Courier r.ncl all its leaders. "BLUE EYES." ' Correspondence FKOM FAR OFF WASHINGTON ! ! will r!y say that all loggiTrrfead of ten and have had a sub.nan j camps are running full capacity at! tial increase in pay. Both soldier and 1 ,nt .in, I t'n.-lo Sam has his bovs civilian iret the same wages. The gov- I i.i al' of tivm. Throughout Washing-j eminent at lirst only wanted 10,000, I'vsht, Wash., Juno M, lal?. IJear Editor: After many months I will try and write again to The Mountaineer-Courier. I promised to describe logging in the far west in my lat letter but wiil not in this lct- j Ion ami Oregon there is about an equal division of soldiers and civilians ' working side bv side and doing all they can to increase the production of red fir for ships We have an eight-hour work day in- HVDEu MOUNTAIN ECHOES ORGANIZATION OF FOOD ADMINISTRATION IS STFjENGHTENED IN NORTH CAROLINA FOOD REGULATIONS HENCEFORTH WILL BE MORE RIGIDLY EN. FORCED INSPECTORS TO BE PUT INTO THE FIELD-SOME PLAIN TALK FOR SUGAR DEALERS AND COMMERCIAL USERS NEW METHOD OF GOING AFTER PROFITEERS CONSUMERS AND DEALERS ASKED TO CO-OPERATE. 0U0 board feet of A-l spruce pei month, but now they are colling for 3o,lKJO,000 or more. It required an enormous output of logs to cut that ll'.ey mil lu ihlicusk mi. jjiviu..,uu , spruce for airplanes, and duglas atV(f amount, as much less than 10 per cent of the spruce comes up to the required tam'ard of the government I iiiiSI if llM.llllillllllil li I III!" 1 1 I , i i i i H : , , , !ill;l;l'1l'll'H NEW PERFECTION OIL COQK STOVES i Make Patriotism Pay Save yourself labor and drudgery save money by using Inexpensive kerosene ana save coal lof your country -by using a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove. No coal hods or ash pans, no soot or smoke. A cool kitchen and an all round dependable stove that can be lighted and accurately regulated as easily as a gas range (or all kinds of cooking. The long blue chimney gives dean, intense, odorless heat as much or as little as you require. U J.000,000 Ameticaa New Peifoctioa is saving coJ Ur th. naboa ana Uepini hxcin I t - Ll Made ia I-2-S-4 bnM elate, with or without cabinet tap sad even. A4 yoo UaW aboat tk. Nrw Pfectioo Ken-en. W.B H- j Mm AlaeMia 3 stalky OJ-ASraya available, iaiiir. , ,... STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEW JERSEY) Baltunore, MA , - n C Riea-oaAVa. liarteatoa, w. va. I m A" 1 . df. a HasWk.Va, i i -ad We have just enjoyed a delightful and much-needed rain. A few hail stones fell, but not cnou;h to do any damage to ou.- crops. Quite a number of our folks en joyed the Children's Day exercises at Mount Zion church Sunday. Private Ratcliffe Robinson, of Camp Sevier, is spending a few days visit ing home folks. Miss Willena Ferguson, of River side, spent the week-end here with her uncle and aunt; Mr. and Mrs. T." L. Kirkpatrick. Mrs. Perry Smith, of Buffalo, who is sppnding the summer here, visited relatives in Canton last week. I.. V. Rogers returned from Ihe western counties last week with a nice bunch of cattle. Mrs. J. B. Holder and son, Ray, vis ited relatives in Clyde Saturday and Sunday. Misses Zara and Stella Rogers at tended the county commenceTicr; hild at Clyde last week, Miss Stella win ning in the recitation conte.-t. Mrs. E. R. Dotson visited her s.n, Rowe Dotson, in Canton Sunday. Misses Mary, Beulalv Adeline and Conor Kirkpatrick spent a few dayv on Riverside last week with .-elatixes. Lonnie Smith, of Buffalo, S. C. ras visiting Carl Nichols this week. Mrs. W. M. Jones left last weok for Camp Sevier to spend a for days with her son who is very ill then. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hipps and Mrs. Fannie Evans, of Clyde, were sit ing relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dotson spent a few days on Johnathan last week with their daughter, Mrs. Charles Lcath erwood. Misa Jennie Green, who has had sn 'operation and is in the hospital at Asheville, is reported as getting along nicely and is expected home in a few days. ' Som of our farmers are harvest ing their wheat this week ia this vi cinity. "GYPSY. IRON DUFF ITEMS It's beea'a long lima since I visited the dear eld Mountaiaeer-Coarier, but here I earae again. The farmers are leUiag along nice ly with thai wart The wheat fieldi have pat oa their geMee tabs and harvest will sooa he here. J. & Davie, wee is in the hospital at Waynesville, is doing nicely. Jfias Avis Garter, af Fraakfia, I visiting relatives here. Coy Deans has bee ill or eaiU Ralelgh.-Plans for strengthening and very greatly MPMln Administration organisation la North Canna ag eW week by State Food Administrator Henry A. Pago whoha. Just wturnso. mm conference of State Food Administrator, with Herbert Hoover and hU , staj at Washington. Mr. Page bring, back from Washington .T? Information that all governmental agencies are settling down to , hard wortla anticipation of a war of at least two or three years' duration. "Xl profiting by their past experience and smoother running and more etteotivs operation may be anticipated from now on. To Employ Inspectors One Important feature of Mr. Page', new plan call, for th PP" of a number inspectors -who will divide their entir time to Invest gation. oi alleged violation, and to the examination of baker, account. 'n;olce and othar record, ot wholes!, and retail dealers, bottling work, drug .tores. Ice cream manufacturing plant.. oda fountains, flour mills. . on Beed " mills, etc When the new .y.tem ot inspection is effective the elab orate r port, which have been required of all licensed dealers or anuf"e"nwl" b every greatly simplified. The extneslon of th organlzat.on will mpose .o many additional administrative duties upon Mr. Page and executive secre tary Ltfcas that an increase In the offic staff will also be necessary. Sugar Regulation Rigid. In no instance will there be a greater "tightening up" or more rigid en forceirent of regulations than with those that apply to sugar. Mr Pages oftice is already receiving from refiner, and shipper, of sugar statements showing In detail every shipment of .ugar into North Carolina. In the imme diate future every dealer who handle, sugar will be required to keep an abso lute record of all sales of sugar from one pound up. No stated rports from these particular records will be required but such stated report, from these particular records will be required but such records will be subject to exami nation by Food Adminietration inspectors at any and all times. All commercial users of sugar who disregard the rationing plan of sugar Instituted May 15th will be disciplined. Certificates are being issue only for sugar supplies up to July first and many commercial users have failed to apply for blank, upon which to make their sworn statement, and to apply for certificate, because they have already reached or exceeded thir allot ment of sugar. Not only, will such users have their supplies equalized after July first but In the absence of their .worn .tatements by June 16th, they will be penalised as well. The Food Administration demands ofall commercial user, of sugar explanation of their status not later than June 15th, and no cer tificates will be issued after June 15th except under such circumstances as will satisfy the Food Administration that the delay in making sworn state ment and applvlng for certificate, wa. Justified and it l. lsdicated that iom tall explaining wlU be necessary ts bring about this conviction. Wholesalers or Jobbers who sell sugar or sugar syrup to commercial users without receiving In exchange certificate. Issued by the Food Admin tration will have their licence, revoked. Retailer, who make such .ales will b blacklisted and be put out of business by that process. -. Going After Profiteers. The rules and regulations of the Food Administration with regard to margins of profit on foodstuffs will henceforth be more rlgdly enforced and through the assistance of the inspectors who will be put in the field, profits will be checked from the end nearest the consumer. Where the retail price of a commodity em. to be unreasonable the retailer will be called upon te bow his margin. If his margin is reasonable the Inspector will go to the wboltss'.er and if his margin was reasonable the pursuit will continue to the manufacturer or miliar or other producer. It has not been practicable to follow thi. course in the past because of the lack of force to make the inves tigations. To stimulate and render effective the new system, consumers sre now I vlted to report apparently excessive prices to their County or Township Food Administrator uid retailers who are charged apparently excessive prices by wholesalers or Jobbers are Invited te bring such prices to the attention ot the saae authorities. One class of dealer, and millers the Food Administration propose, to go siter eemprises salHers and dealers In corn meal and other cereal substitutes who have taken advantage of the flour shortage and "50-60" combination sale to extort unreasonable profits on corn meal and simitar products. The wheat eon.orvaUoa program has been hide bach by profiteers In corn meal and, other cereal substhata. and these gentlemen evidntly have something conv tag te them from Us Food Administration. 100 Effectiveness. The Fod Administration la North Carolina and throughout the United States has determiaad to make Itself 100 effective," declared Mr. Page la aiscBisIag the sMeaUoa. la every Instance the legitimate interest af pre dacer. consamer aad dealer will be conserved, bat wilful violations of Foo4 AamlBistrattoa rmlss aad revelations, designed as war measaras te assist ear Oeverameat la wtaatng this war, will not be tolerated aad will be paalshsd te the extent of the law. Our asw system of tesesctlea. reisforeed by ear Minority te reaeire special reports ef any dealer, eiaae of dealers or lae vMaals at aay tlahe, aad the authority of ear ta.peeters te examlae boo an, ansssts. favetees aad ether records of all dealers will enable as te promptly spot itiilsilnss aad peemh offenders. This greater eCaotlveeess will re aeeal to the ban sat ef patriotic aad honest aad aeselaea producers aad dealers . Sapolio doing its work. Scouring torU5.F'l2nne (jorps recruits. siaanNBWM struct VKzt a its doiu Y X 1. i L

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