- : -i-; l-1 .1 -;tvil'Vv 'oc '.'V- i'v v . ,-.. x;-. - " ; ? : J . -. - .... , -f';" . ,-. , ' -. ; ;j .. jE-ylA D WAYNE S VI L LE COURIER . - YS"' Volume XI Number 231 ' , v WaynesviUe, Haywood County, North CaroUna, Tbmsday, April 20, 1922 - $2.00 a Year in Advanc 1 ' l '. 111 " ' 1 1 1 1 z. '.ft' . : WAKE FOREST GLEE CLUB. Fire. Hundred People Enjoyed Enter Uinment Tuelay NU-More Than $231.00 Aa Receipto. More than BOO peeple enjoyed the entertainment Tuesday evening at the High School auditorium given by The Wake' Forest Glee Club and Or chestra." The receipts amounted to more than $231.00, 40 per cent of which . goes to the local Baptist church. This musical ' organization, under the direction of Dr. Hobert Poieat always proves a drawing card when ever it is known. This is the second visit here and a much larger crow greeted the organization this time than at the former visit. Much credit is due Mr. C. A. Haynes for his good publicity work. . WaynesviUe is about the smallest town the Glee Club ; visits, but so ; well pleased were the manager and members it is certain they will le- turn next year. Rev. L. B. White of the Haywood Institute, Clyde, wa3 present with a dozen or so of h's students. There were other parties from Canton, Maggie, White Oak and Hazelwood. In fact, it was the larg est, crowd we have seen at the au ditorium except on commenceme.it occasions. t There were 27 members of the or ganization! and we were again re minded of the smallness. of the ros trum at the school building. Several of the members were freely encored and the program was thus lengthened. The following programs was ren- dered: Program, Part One. ' 1. Alma Mater, Words by G. W. Pachal, '92, Music by H. M. Poteat, '06. Glee Club. 2. Old Fashioned' Girl, Al Jolson. Orchestra. . . . 3. Vocal Solo The Bambolero, Les : lie Stuart. -Dr. Poteat. 4. Swing Along, Will Marion Cook. : Glee Club. 5. Somewhere in Naples, t c ' Zamecink. Orchestra. , . 6. De BackslidinV Brudder, J. A, 1 Parks. Mr. Mullinax, Mr. Moor, Mr. Harte, Dr.Poteat. 6. Stein Song, Frederick E. Bullard. Gleen Club. 8. Wabash Blues, Fred Meinken. - Orchestra. . . Program Part Two. 1. Singing, Henri Klickmann. Or chestra. '' ' 2. Southern Echoes, Arranged Glee Club. ' 3. Readings! Mr.-Nicholson. 4. Teach Me, Geo. H. Green, Or- . chestra. ; 1 5. Clementine, Percy Mentrose. Mr. Holman and Glee Club. 6. Fiddle and ' Banjo Selections. . Mr. Groves and Mr. Moseley. . 7. I- Aint Nobody's Darling, Rob ert King. Orchestra. 8. Wake Forest Medley, Arranged by D. Eatman. Glee Club. D. A. R. MEETING. ' The iDauehters of the American ', Revolution bold their regular monthly meeting with Mrs. Prevost as hos- teas. Quite a large number of mn ' bera were preaeat.,'..."'"-1:' In place of the ritualistic service the objects of the society and the Amexi ' can's creed were read in concert, fol- lowed by the Lord'a Prayer. , ' The following offlcera gave short reporta: Mrs. E. B. Camp, Treasurer, Mrs. Quinlan, Historian, Mr. J. M. Long, Registrar, The secretary read the report of Mrs. William H. Reynolds, chairman of International Relations of the Na- tional Society, relating to the terms -. resulting from the conference on the 1 Limitation of Armament. . : A Let of the pledges to the Mem- orial Fund wai read, r" 1 In the absence of Mrs. Carraway, iMrs. E. J. Robeson read a well pre-. , pared and most interesting paper, written oy tne lormer, on . n. "-IviUe aa permanent secretary, This oniah Women of the South. 'Among' aeetun wg ratified by the conven- UiB llVHiW Miwaa mvuw v i Brent of Maryland, Sophia Hopky of Georaria. ! Eliza . Pickens of South ' Carolina and Flora McDonald. r ,' Mrs. Long read the president-gen. ' eral's monthly message to the chap- ' ters. v;-a;-'- .J'-: i':'-:. 1 , 'Mr,, Prevoat, assisted by Mrs. .'Ernest Hyatt, Mrs, Frank "-'Vetch and Miss Ramseur, served a delic'ous al jfad eouray v'i''' j. '-, oC :-. ' F. G. Rippetoei B. Frank Ray, H. .- W. Hoffman .and G. N. Henson re turned - Tuesday night from a trout 'fishing trip on the head waters of Pigeon river. . 1 , ' 1 THE COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CON VENTION. The county Democratic convention met last Saturday at 11 o'clocK and was called to order by Major J. H. Howell, county chairman. A tem porary organization was effected by electing Hon. Felix E, A!.ey chair man and J. D. Boone secretary. A committee to select delegates to the State convention in Raleigh on April 20th was named as follows: J. H. Howell, Jas. E. Carraway, W. T. and Felix E. Alley. While awaiting the committea's re port Judge. G. S.' Ferguson ws called on and made some very appropriate and interesting remarks. Prof. A. C. Reynolds was also called and did his "bit." Other remarks and sugges tions were made by Grover C. Davis and Felix' E. Allen. Delegates ' to State Convention. The following delegates were re commended as delegates to the State convention at Raleigh 'April 20th. The report was adopted: North WaynesviUe Hugh Love, Mrs. Hugh Love, Miss Meta Adams, W, T. Lee, J. F. Abel, Mrs. J. F, Abel, Mrs. W. T. Crawford, Miss Jessie Rogers, Mrs. R. N. Barber, J. F. Clark D. L. Boyd, C. A. Haynes, Wade No- land, Miss Evelyn Lee, G. C. Davis. Dr. Tom Stringfield, J. W. Ferguson, G. N. Henson, J. E. Carraway, Mrs. J. E, Carraway, A. C. Reynolds, M. M, Noland, T, R. Hyatt, Roy Francis, A. J. Davis. South'-. WaynesviUe Mrs. J. M, Long, Miss Margaret Stringfield P. E. Alley, J. D. Boone, R. A. L. Hyatt, Geo. Plott, J. C. Welch, R. L. Pre- vost, W. H. Allen, Moody Davis, M. L. Hooper, J. P. Scates, J. L. Wil liams, H. J. Sloan, W. C. McCracken, T. LK Bramtett, J. R. Hipps, J. H, Howell 'A. Howell, Marion Snyder, W. A. Hvatfc Pigeon IH. H. Garner, M., D. Kins land, J. F. Long, J. E. Sentelle, Mor gan Henson. ;j . y Cecil J.; F.f Justice, C.; W., Moody, 'Dr. J. u Stringfellow. East Fork J. Mcu. Micbai, T. Lt. Gwyn, Riley Pless. ' Beaverdam-Xj. Bat Smathers, Geo. Hampton, D. J. Kerr, Grover Smith, R. D. Coleman, R. Mi Leatherwood, W.' H. Henderson, H. : A. Osborne, R. E. Hipps, Harley G. Reno, T. A. Clark, W. S. Elias, Mrs. C. L. West moreland, John Stevenson, Mrs. U. J. Battison, Mrs. Harry Fisheft Jonathan's Creek J. R,. Boyd, Mrs. J. R. Boyd, R. L. Davis, A. E. Al lison, R. W. Howell, L W. Hall, Mrs. R. W .Howell, C. M. Moody, Mrs. C. M. Moody, N. F. Owen. Ivy Hill Hf P. Campbell, Roy Plott, C. A. Campbell, S- L. Queen, J. A. Low, Mrs. C. A. Campbell, D. C. Campbell, T. J. Evans, Mrs. Florence Campbell. i Clyde Will Byers, D. M. Cagle, W. W. Haynes, Herebel Haynes, Mrs. Geo. C. Haynes, Mrs., Frank Haynes. " Crabtree Mrs. W.L, McCracken, L. V. Rogers, W. F .McCrary, Forest Mesaer, C. T. Noland, J. Lawrence Walker, Glenn Palmer, C. L. Hill, Miaa Lissie Rogers. Iron Duff Alfred Jolly, Lebo Med- ford, J. B. Medford, Erastus Medford, T. J .Davis, Mrs. 3. S. Davis, T. N. Crawford, Mrs. T, N. Crawford. Fines Creek D. R. Noland, Mrs. J. W. Noland, 'Lee Ferguson, (Mrs. Lee Ferguson, Geo. A. Brown, W. W. Kirkpatriek, C. B. McCracken, F. C. Green, N. C. James, Joe Ledford, Bud HiU, Mrs. D. R, Noland. White OakA. G. Baldwin, Frank Teague, Dee Clark, John Messer. j , Big Creek I. H. Hopkins. Cataloochee W. A. Palmer, Jarvia Palmer, Hub Caldwell, Mariott Palmer.-"::' ,."'.;'". Any, Democratic lady or gentleman who desires to attend the State con'' vention is anthorized to do so. The' chairmen of the various pre cincts who . are. the executive com- miixee met ana veiecxea, yy . u. uyers of Clyde as permanent county chair man, and ; J. D. Boone of Waynes 111 ATI " .1' w" ' - i Other remarks' were made 1y W. T. Lee, Swain Elias and J. H. HoweU. ? ; Democrats o Setect Candidatea. Resolved by the Democrats of Hay wood eonnty In convention assembled That the Registrars and Democratic judges in the approaching primary on June 8rd 1922, be and they are here by Jnstructed to- only permit Demo crats to vote in said primary for dem ocratic candidatea for' the various offices to be selected at that time, : ' Th "nritnarv law rMiilrpji tha ' of ficers holding the primary to permit voters to vote for' candidates of their respective parties ' and none other in ' Clouds Have Hovered All Day Long By. JESSE DANIEL BOONE 'Clouds have hovered all day long, And they've changed my weekly song From my uaual word of praise. To some things which ?nay amaze. When the days are glad and bright It is easy, then, to write Lines of gladness, lines of joy, On .themes which do not much annoy. But when rain is pourin? down With direst threats to spoil and drown Things which blocK its path or way, Through the night and then all day, A fellow's bound to be affected And he cannot be expected To be bright and hopeful, too, Until skies are clear and blue; But the clouds and rain will pass,, Leaving longer, greener grass; They will make all Nature smile And will charmingly beguile All who dare to criticise Visits from a God, all-wise. Let us welcome' rainy days With a spirit full of praise. all primaries .conducted under (the law,. . - , The Democrats of this county want all the candidates of both those who may be successful and thoset who may be defeated, to feel and know that the primary has been conducted fairly and impartially and according to law, which requires that only Dem ocrats should participate therein for Democratic candidates. : The above resolutions were unan imously adopted. v Officials, Candidates and State Admin istration Endorsed. ' Wc; the Democrats ' of Haywood county in convention assembled this April 16th, 1922, do hereby resolve: L That we heartily endorsa the present Democratic State wdministra tion of North Carolina, and the re cord of our Senators and Represen tatives in Congress, 2. ZThat we deplore the circum stances which have inflicted upon the American people the present1 Incom petent and partisan Republican Na tional administration. We earnest ly appeal to all patriotic Americans, without regard to political affiliations. to join us in electing a Democratic House of Representatives at the com ing November election, and thus pave the way for the election of. a Demo cratic president in 1924, 3. That being firmly, "persuaded that Democratic ascendancy is for the best interests of our State and coun try, we pledge, ourselves to work, to the extent of our ability for our party's auccesa in the coming election.:- 4. That we endorse-the 'actions of oar fellow citizen, Hon. W. T. Lee, in the office of Corporation Commis sion and commend him to the Dem ocratic voters of North Carolina for renominatlon in the coming primary. 6. That we endorse the candidacy of Hon. jGrover C. Davis for the of fice of Solicitor of the 20th Judicial District. ' :; -The above resolutions were unan imously adopted. Convention adjourned. - MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER. Friday afternoon from three to six Mrs. W. B. Stevenson gave a mis cellaneous shower complimentary to her niece, Miss Beulah Haynes. The color scheme white and yellow was carried out in the decorations. ' IMasters James Stevenson and Vic tor Nobeck dressed as little farmers, presented the bride to be with a beau tiful yellow and white Easter basket which was filled with many beautiful and, useful gifts. : ' v The' following ladies were present Mesdamea Theodore McCrackon, James Palmer, Reynolds, Coble, No beck, Frank Ferguson, K. Patterson, Harris .Schulhofer, ' Walter, Figu- aon, Breeding, R. H. Herring) Claud Haynes, C. A. Holtzclaw, G. F Bos ton, Misses Lou Boyd, Minnie Boyd, Margaret Moody, Maggie .Francis, Mary Burgnef, Flora Palmer, Lavada Palmer, , Minnie - Burgin ; Fanny Haynea;(-:-!-iIli The aostess, assisted by Miss Fan ny Haynes and Mrs. C. A. HoKaclaw,' served a tempting salad course. I BURGIN-HAYNES MARRIAGE. ' The following account of the mar riage of Miss Beulah Haynes to Mr. William H. Burgin of WaynesviUe, which was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents at Clyde will be of interest, due to the prominence of both families. A . u..i.:..1 tt ,i. cic aim Aaucviiie. luu uau leave most beautiful Easter wedding,'. - . , ... . ,, . i here for Asheville at 8 a.m., 11 a. le, because of its simplicity was m - o a n m Yh n unique, because of its simplicity solemnized at the old Haynes home-j leave Asheville for WaynesviUe the Stead near Clyde on the Pigeon on ' same hours. Four trips each way. Sunday afternoon, April 16th at 3:30''' o'clock, and was witnessed by a large number of friends. The house was artistically decor ated with cut flowers, and crab apple blossoms, the color note being pink ahcL white. . In the spacious living room; an arch had been erected, and 1 waAAirt tr Kali onennnloil nnJnn Ua'U the couple stood while the beautiful j . . . X and impressive ring ceremony was performed by Rev. R H Herring pas- tor of the WaynesviUe Baptist church. Miss Ruth Sentel a ronHproH tko nuptil music, , using Lphengran's wedding march, also playing softly during the ceremony. Tk k;j ,o. u.!. . , . . ., . . .. , uim va iu biivuuue, varryiair a v .. i . i . , ' large boquet of bride's roses. 1 Immediately after the ceremony a delicious ice ourae was served by ) Mrs. Haynes. Early in the evening iuE. ana Jars, ourgin leit oy motor for a brief visit to Athens, Ga. and other points. After April 21st they will be at home in WaynesviUe. Mrs. Burgin is to bright and at tractive daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C Haynes and a graduate of of the Haywood 'Institute, class of 1921. Mr. Burgin u a young man of sterling qualities and a son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Burgin of .WaynesviUe, The family and friends from a dis- tance who were present 'at the wed- uig were, w ana Jrs. ju, m. beep herd of Hendersonville, Mr. and Mrs. Finley, Mrs. B. S. Smith, Misses Alice and Helen Smith and' Miss Margaret Patton pf Asheville. - D. A. r. meeting; . The Dorcas BeU Love Chapter will hold their regular monthly meeting in the Community . Club room on Tuesday, April 25th at 3:30 p. m. AU members are earnestly requested to attend. WALTER CHANSLOR, JR. Tlu.MaiiJa TUT- .-J :VT Tlf 1 fil,nl0, will ),, with" .rrn ' th. death of their oldest son, Walter, Jr, which occurred at' the Chanslor home in San Francisco on Sund.v. . ., 1fif. .. ' " , "'- ' , . u u u'l? 3 1 PT became interested in the young man. his eighteenth birthday, and-waa V Hearing HilUard say he wUhed to very, bright, attractive young man. 'g0 w bugine8, ior himself hs ftecided Hehas been in poor health for the. t6 pi8y 'ft. Good SamariNa" and ps vwo ;v v : ' rgave Wm 5,000 to start business His mother,' Mrs. Ohansjor,was wiUi. With part of the money he Miss Anna Dee Howell of this place, purchased a seven-jassenger Studs and a daughter of Capt. and Mrs. baker car which is in service here Alden Howell. C Mrs. iChanslor has many relatives and ; friends in i this section of the state who. will regret1, to hear of the death of her son. MR. DUNHAM CONGRATULATES , TOWN. F. O.. Dunham, proprietor and owner of the Hotel Gordon and the Bon Air Annex, wired the following to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen Sun day: ; Miami, Fla., April 16, 1922. To the Honorable Mayor and Board of Aldermen: WaynesviUe, N. C. - 4 Your splendid and progressive work since you have been in office is surely commendable. My congratulations, further congratulations on your clean up proclamation, wish you ' would issue one every month in the year. If any work is necessary on my prem ises, have it done and send me the bill. With no fliA and with all of our fine streets and county concrete roads, WaynesviUe will justly .-ome into her own. . F. O. DUNHAM. EASTER SERVICES. . . incie were jni.ereM.inK ""Vices k u -t n f 11. v , . held at Grace Episcopal church last Sunday, with a special Bermon from the Rector, Rev. Albert New to uni form rank of Masons, the Knight Templars. Special music and sermons were had at the Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian churches also, in recog nition of Easter.-; Many beautiful flowery were in evidence and a large number wore new Spring dresses, hats and suits for the first time. NEW BUS LINE. W, L Massie has put on a new bus for the summer which runs op posite hours to Roy Martin's between I kAA -j a .k.nin xr : . i THE WOMAN'S CLUB. The Woman's Club will meet with MrS'., n' ?" Feruson 0,1 Thur3day- April 27th at 3:30 p. m. Those who , can be present will please notify the ' hos'teaa ' ' A full attendance is de-, 8lred as h"e w.ll be important bus,- ness to be transacted, ,.::, ' EPISC0PAL CONVENTION MEETS ubi,i. untiiLn ivnouai. Nearly 150 delegates have notified the Rector of WaynesviUe of their ""cu"u,l -o ue ureaem, on xueauay, when the 28th Annual convention of . ..... M . . ... ... Missionary district of Asheville will ; ' , . , , . convene in Grace Episcopal church. The first service will be held at 8 p. m, on Tuesdayi when the speaker wm be the ReV- A. B. Parsons, Mis- siorrary to' the Philippine Islands. , On Wednasday morning at 7:30 there will be a corporate cummunion for the Woman's Auxiliaries of the district. The business of the convention will begin at '9 a. m. Wednesday. At 11 o'clock the Right Reverend Bishop Horner will deliver his annual address. Several interesting matters w;ll come up for discussion and ballot. Amongst these questions will be the proposed change in the Cannon Law of the church, permitting women to sit on the vestries. On Thursday the vital question of the proposed elevation of the present Missionary district into a self-sup. porting diocese will be the chief topic, The social features of the conven tion include a seception in the new Parish. House on Tuesday night at .9 o'clock, and automobile drives to Lake Junaluska and Balsam Gap on Wed nesday at 5 p. m. V AU the various meetings are open to the public, who are most cordial'.y invited to attend. ;' . ' BILLIARD MATNEY IN LUCK. ' ' Hilhard Mathey who was .Vorkirg 1',! - in .n ,y - - Y":uul" . 7,u 7' V1?" hd he f'' tune to Tail into, tne nands .of a wealthy man of New York City -who now. He; is in the liverv business with h father; Wi L. Mataey; 4 Hilliard left Thursday for a visit to. his friend, Mr. Best of New York. COMMUNITY CLUB MEETING. Much interest centered around the last meeting of the Community Club held on Monday afternoon, April 10, as it was the initial meeting of the club i,n the new rooms. Through the generosity of Dr. and Mm. Way the Community Club has been tendered the use, free of charge, of the upper floor of their large brick stable, whiehc is now used as a garage. As this offer was made the club just two weeks ago it was possible, only through, untiring efforts for the; rooms to be ready at this early date. Under the capable management of Mrs. Lowry Lee, chairman, with Mrs. H. - B. Atkins, Mrs. Jack Way and Miss Alice Quinlan as members of the committee, the spacious floor has been turned into most attractive- quarters, consisting of a large as sembly room, kitchen and dressing; room. The overhead has been ceiled with beaverboard, having the dark oak rafters exposed, the effect of which, in combination with the rough finish of the walls is most artistic r t 1 1 1 "i i .... 1 1 uriKiii, cuiureu cniniz urapenes, nar- 4. . monizing with the rugs adorn the . winHnw. ... shades being used on the lights. The club has also recently purchased a piano. The meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs. Charles E. Quin land. The largest attendance in the history of the club was recorded. Mrs. W. T. .Crawford had the paper of the afternoon, "The Negro of our Community." In a most interesting: and sympathetic manner she handled the subject. Mrs. E. L. Martin led the discus sion in current events. The various officers and committee chairmen gave short report.?. It was unanimously voted by the ' club to offer the use of the rooms to recently organized Recreation Com mittee in the development of our community life. 1 A rising vote of thanks was giver the following: Dr. and Mrs. Way for their generosity, Mrs. Lea and her committee for their work, Mr. Liner, Mr Wpnrv HnHHv nnrl Mr. IJtif?fr fn, h ;fo,Mt onj showed in having the rooms finished on the date set Mrs. J. Howell Way was efectd ai de,egate t0 thc annual convention of the State Federation, which convenes in Greensboro the first of May. The club will also be represented by two other members, Mrs. Quinlan. Pres ident,' also chairman of one of the State committees' on Institutional and Industrial Affairs, Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn, Recording Secretary of the State Federation. Mrs Brooks, pianist, rendered sev eral much enjoyed selections. Plans for the house warming cu. Monday night were discussecL Four new members were flatten in.- Miss Jessie Rogers and Mrs. Jack Way were hostesses of the afternoon, serving' chocolate and sandwiches. HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC CLUB. The High School Music Club met Wednesday afternoon, April 19, 192Z in the High School auditorium.- After the roll call and the minutes the fol lowing program was rendered:. Vocal Solo "Rose in the Bud,'" Dorothy Forester, by Miss. Elizabeth Matney , Piano Solo "Hungarian Concert Polka," Imre Alfoldy, by Miss. Isabell. Davis. Violin Solo "Melody W. F." Rur benstein, by Miss Oia Harris. : Story of Saint Cecilia, by Miss Dorothy Thomas. ' As this is the last meeting of the year the club adjoume.d to meet next September. ALICE HERMAN; Pvess Reporter. ANNUAL ROLL-CALL. The Presbyterian church will have its annual' roll-call Tuesday 8 p. m., April 25th. AU the members are requested te be present. ' i, :.-, We expect to make it a pleasant and profitable occasion. Interesting posters showing the . progress of the church will be dis- . playe,d. ' v . ' .' .' BIDS AGAIN CALLED FOR OH DELLWOOD AND CANTON ROADS Believing on a different beefs they could save money for Haywood, eona ty by re-advertising the county com missioners win again receive bids for the concrete roads on the Dellwoodt and Wood row projects. They will ceive these bids April 28lh. t j , k n ,r''