MADISON G0UNTY RECORD; POLITICAL ' REFORM " AND': THE GENERAL t UPBUILDING OF MADISON . ; COUNTY. ' VOti. II. MARSHALL. N. 1 C FRIpAY. . FEBRUARY 7. 1902. no. e. rfHH((Ht(HmHKHHHIMKm(HUUHKfHfa KADISOI ' " COUHTT RECORD Vr m I ' M M M i m S t ': , And I mean every word of it! GOING TO SELL MY ENTIRE STOCK IF YOU MISS A BARGAIN ITS YOUR OWN FAULT! Shoes For All INFANTS FROM 17o VP.:'-; CHILDRENS 37c TO $1.00 f tCatharina Shoes for Ladies: $1:05; Published Every Friday; by THE RECORD PR INTING CO J. R. Swann, Business Manager. f .f We challenge the Enti erpt Co, rue, url- - : . 4 ' w i - ili " S $2.50 SHOES FOR 12.00; $165 SHOES FOR $1 25; $2.00 SHOES FOR $t.50; $1.50 SHOES FOR $1.15; Henson Special: s BEST $1.25 SHOE ON THE MARKET. $ 1.05; MEN'S FINE SHOES.. 95 SPLIT LEATHER BROGANS, .85 BLANKETS s the official orqan of the $ House Ring and the claim specu J J lators of the county, to point out a single inula nee in which vie 5 have made a mis-statement of $ JjJ farts, or have mis-quoted the records of the county. 5 : Hi - . 111 : 1 s Ml . ' ' so, at?-; ft 7Rn nRAnn mn. jm noGRADEc. $1.25 GRADE, $1.00. $8.50 PURE WOOL BLANKETS, $2.75" 'Seeing is believing," so come and see for yourself. J. R, Swann 1: . THE PEOPLE'S FRIEND. WE WANT 12043 lbs beef hid.B. 846921 chickens, 417642 doz eggs. WILL PAY CASH. SELL ETerjtMng COME TO SEE US. WE BDI Anything Do job want to bnjnpjfhina Do yon lant to sail VAN 'sMiTH " (NEARTHE DEPOT) Buys all kinds of produce nt bigh- est market prico, aud sells all. . v . kinds of . ' - FAMILY & FANCY " at Lowest Possible Figures. , FRESHKME.ATS. of all kinds.copstantly on bauds HOME MADE SAUSAGE - a specialty. " Goods DtllTtrei fres Anyvoere In town. ROUND TRIP REDUCED RATE Offersd by the 8outnern Railway Company for the following special secessions: " . ' . . -- ""JTrtcc.oiut Mardi Gras, Newl Orleans, La., ana nioDiio, Aiar,o. iih to 11th. Tickets will be on ta'e Feb. 4th to 11th inclusircwith fiual limit to return Feb. 15th, ex- ccpttnatby payment of 50 cents aud deposit of ticket with joiut Agent No 707 Grtvier street. New Orleans. La., ' and 51 South LoyaH street; Mobile, Ala , on or before pe'). 15th, an extecsion of limit will be granted toFeb. 23 h. Rata of on first' class imited oa e way tare ror the round . trip. Round trip rate from Asheville $22.10 to New Orleans, La., and $18.55 to Mobi'e. , t : - ' Account . Annual Convention Communication Grand Lodge nf North . Carolina A. r, 4,.A. M Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 14th, 1C02. Tickets will be on sale Jan. 12, 18. 14 final limit Jan ,21st .Round trip rata 'rom Asheville, 11.00. Account 5th, Annual Poultry Show, Charlotte, N. C. Tickets on sale, Jan 6th to 9th, inclusive, with final limit J an 11th, 1902. Round trip rates from Asheville via Spar tanburg 5.25, via SUtesville 5.55! and via Salisbury, tt.20. v ' Call on ticket agents for further information of address. R, Dar by, C. P. & 1 , A.r Asheville, N- C. Who caa doubt but that the Record is having a good effect for the county? We are at last able to take down the' question at the head of uur columos-in reference to the filing ot the annual report of the county officers, as all of Hie annual reports have been filed; except the annual report of the sheriff in ief- enance to the amount of arrears of iusclveuts collected by him, etc. The Clerk of the Court, J. H W hite, and Registar of Deeds, V. B. Davis have filed their annual re ports and they have been approved by the Board of Commissioners, but ou account of the lack of space we do not print them this week but will do so noxt week. The Commissioners still fail to require the sheriff to make bis an imal report and still tail to require him to make a sworn statement of the amount of money he has ou hands on the first Monday in every month, Every time the Commis sioners fail to require thee reports to be made the criminal law of the State is violated in a much more serious manner, in the eyes of the law, than if some poor boy in thf country had been found with a pis tol in his pocket ' or had pitched craps for fun I Why should those boys be pun ished by working on, the chain gang oi Buocombe county, while THE COUNTY OFFICERS VIOLATK THE LAWS WITH IMPUNITY AND GO SCOT FBEE? ;. DR. T. C SMITH. ' Wholesale Druggist, A3HEVH.LE, 1ST, C. 40 years io' drugs. AH IITERESTIHG PLAIT. The Big Birjtes Business at Hot -.Springs. ' The.borytes iudustry'in Madison county x as stated in a late issue of the Record, is attracting the atten tion of the outside world. This mineral is alike useful and Tare. It has been found in - Only four states in the United States and it is a matter of pride to know that the variety discovered in Madison county is claimed to be far superior to any now to be . gotten ' in this country. Some five varieties were early found in the Eastern states, but the ifocketa have been worked our nd the manufacturers . who iiced this commodity look to new del'e for i heir supply, - v : : 7 At Hoi Springs a company has been fr.coriorated that is command i.,g atier.irun and supplying this material to' the large industries that need it, and is known as the Hot Springs Barytes Company. There is an idea that this miner al is used to adulterate food pro ducts. This is erroneous as far as this establishment is concerned, as inspec i -n of the booka of the Hot Spring Bsrytea Company shows that i' c ship the prod net only to paint houses and rubber manufac tories. - . ' " Ttis es'ablishment, under the prcfat management, has been in operation for three years. The stockholders in the incorporation are firms well known in the com mercial world. Among these may be mentioned Dinege. Weinman & Co of Lynchburg, Va.j Geo. 8. Mepham & Cliue, St. "Louis, and Page & Lransse of the same city. President William Steinweld, of tlm Company, resides in Quincy, III. - The able and popular local manager, Mr? V. II. Tetry, who has been with the housa 8 years, is from Lynchburg, V7 f , The output is lSlons per day and 28 hands are ' employed in handling and treating the material. The plant consists of three build ings the mill proper being a tliree- story structure 70x70 feet. A 225.1 horse power Ccrliss I engine, runs the immense works. ; "The corporation is Capitalized at $50,000, and a glance5 through the plant shows that it is steadily mov ing forward, aud the people of Hot Springs are proud Cof having in their midst so admirable a concern that has such a pay roll, the busi ness effects of which aro felt in the community every two weeks. The works now run day and m'Kht and are in fine condition. There are 10 mills ten separate sets of stones that grind the rock; and next it is chemically treated in huge lead tanks, each holding about 15 tons ; then it is packed in barrels.and is ready for shipment. REPORT OF K l! TREASURER'S MONEYS .RECEIVED AND EXPENDED .FOR THE :'MtyKT2Xr JANUARY, 1902 : j SCHOOL FUND Jan. 1, to bal on hand, ' 14, to insolvent taxes from R. S. ftamsey, " 14 to whiskey license July 1 to Deo. 81. " 14 to cash ,4 . " 14 to fine from J H White, 27 to cash from R S Rsirisey, 14 to mnnov rnnpived from Ed Fry for snle of Marshall school property to J N. West 105 00 " 29, to money from Ed Fry for not bprings district By paid out during th i month of Jan. Walnut Creek by J E Wells, teacher Upper California, by Valoria Murray, teacher Upper Big Pine, by R B Col well1 teacher . by L D Edwards, teacher Sjidiug Knob, by Jno G Gorduer, teacher Sodom, by Edniond Rice, teacher Red Hill, by Bertie Leonard, teacher Red- Hill by E W Briggs, teacher, Rnctor's Chapel, by Jno E Rector, teacher Rector's Chapel, by Minn e Lyda, toaohor Piney Grove, by N ra Roberts, teacher Meadow Fork, by H W Hickam, teschor Keenersville, by D M Harris, teacher Hopewell' by Sue R Grindstaff, teacher Grapevine, by!Rob'tT Bradley, teacher East Fork, by Garre'.t Anderson, teacher Doe Branch, py Dalloh Trantbam, teacher Caney Fork, by N Janey Smith, tencjier Chanel Hill. br J B Rice, teacher Big Laurel Sein'nary, by Emma Newman, teacher 25 0C Madison Seminary, by S C Bryan, teacher 48 79 Flint Knob, by Zenobia Chandley, teacher 2 94 Gabriel's Creek, by A H Sams, teacher, 90 87 Terry's Fork, by S J Peek, teacher 68 68 Paint Gap, by Bertha A James, teacher 79 20 Bethel, by L 8 Buckner, teacher 50 00, Little Ivy, by Burgess Morchbpnks. toacher 00 00 Upper California, by W N Mui ray, teacher 2 00 Upper California, by Valeria Murray, teacher, 34 00 Lower California, by W L George, teacher 10 00 Frezel ind, by H A Angel, teacher 62 50 Lower Big Pino, by H D Waldrop, teacher b 00 Zion, by Sarah Low, teacher 22 50 , White Oak, by IJE Burnett, teacher - 57 60- Grassy Knob, by A P Willis, teacher 63 12 Frank Roberts, commissions, ' 78 14 L I Bailey, services month of Jan. 9 00 J M James, services co supt 42 00 J M James, services co supt 12 00 J M James, pd V B Davis, 1 25 J M James services co supt 4 00 Jasper Ebbs, services month of Jan. 12 40 E NFrv. services month of Jan. 5 80 February 1st, to bal ou hand 1866 24 136 21 285 00 500 00 247 00. 500 00 279 70 3919 15 2 41 10 6o 17 00 31 82 27 08 10 45 40 00 2 00 4 34 25 00 35 64 80 0 ) 58 06 7 41 5 62 61 16 64 81 18 64 84 11 ROAD FUND. Jan. 1st, to bal on hand, No 4 township, by paid Ras Bernard, No 4 township,.by paid D L Duck, No 7 towrship, ty paid Chas Beck, No 7 township, by paid W M Rogers, No 7 township, by paid Jas Roberts No 9 township, by paid S L Rector, No 9 township, by paid E N Fry February 1st, to bal on hand , ;fines Jan 1, to bal on hand, To magistrate's fines during January Feb 1, 1802, to bal PAUPER FUND Jan 1st, to bal on hand Jan 81st, cash from R S Ramsey, Feb. 1st, to bal on hand, JURY FUND Jan 1st, to bal on hand,' Jan 23 to cash from J U White, Feb 1, to bal on baiid: ; ? ; v . ' v GENERAL COUNNTY. Jan 1st, to bal on band Jan 20, to cash from R S Ramsey, 2580 65 589 42 75 8 00 5 00 1 38 4 00 24 10 14 00 52 23 587 19 84 1 25 00 85 25 77 93 800 00 377 98 769 66 58 20 822 80 130 54 1080 56 1217 11 Bv naid ont dnrinz month of Jan. By paid R 8 Ramsey cUim dated Aug 6 1901 1C5 55 By paid R S Ramse) keeping jail " 5 1901 ... 86 06 , July 1, 1901 .' 61 66 By paid H B Barnes, fes claim dated Aug 6 '00 11 50 By paid R 8 Ramsey tr'ns pns " 01 30 15 By paid C W Cody, listing taxes 1901,' f 12 60 By paid W J Gentry, bailiff of court Sept 3 01, 18 00 By paid R S Ramsey holding curt Not 4 1901, 89 CO By paid R 8 Ramsey, merchandise for pris ' 81 25 By paid J A Buckner a J Hayme officers grand jury November 4 1901 10 00 By pd R S Ramsey serving jury, claim dated ' November 1001, . g(j 40 By pd V B Day s Clk to B'd cl'm kated 1-7-02 141 00 By pd R A Hederson keeping jail, u " 1 6 02 92 10 By pd S E Tweed listing taxes " 7-9-01 23 05 By pd R 8 Ramsey trans prisela.m dated 11-4 01 44 80 By pd W J Weaver, San Com . "2 00 By pd R C Chandley, list tax " 8 6 01 44 10 By pd Wm Rice ei" co com 'V " 12 2 Of" 10 20 By pd Ira Plemmons ser co com " " 1 1 02 5 CO BypdW J Gentry p. to Any cliri dUd 12 2 01 16 00 By pdW J Geutryblflf of court", V 11 4 01 24 00 Feb 1st to bal on band r 874 92 -. r ' -342 19 FRANK ROBERTS, " ' Treasurer Madison Cuuty. Each barrel holds 750 pounds and there are 15 tons per dy produced which is considered as fine product as can be found . in the United States. It is thought by the manufac turers that there should be a. cus torn duty on this mineral, as Ger many is the chief competitor This would, in the opinion of the manufacturer.", give them the pro tection they desire, and in supply. ing the American demand would be justified in largely increasing theii plant and the pay rolls of the wage earners. EosclutloM of Sympathy Hall of Hot Springs Lodf,No.l79,!I-do.F. ' Hot Spring. N. C- Jan. SI. Whxrkas, Death hat again visited th. borne ot. our baloTed brother, C J. Mor row, this time taking fro,tn him hi derot ed and loving wife, be it, theref mv Boohed, That thia Lodge tenders brother Morrow our sincere and heartfelt' sympa thy in thia his irreparable less, and urge Ihiit he be reconciled In the thought that ahe has gene to her Home to be with Him who doeth all things well, there to await the summons from on High for him to meet her where parting will be no more;. . Remlttd, Tint a copy of these resolu tions be tent to onr bereaved brother, a copv sent to the Madison County Rec ord for publication, and the same be spread upon the minutes of this meeting. A.C. Tainteu, J. E Lance, W. W. PAMtis. . 1 Committee. A Cure for Populism The administration is ramming the life out of the Populist party in North Carolina by appointing its leaders to the lucrative offices. Tbis is a triflehard on the expectant Republicans, but it js an effective cure for Populism. Washington Post. 1 '"1,1 let Enttfpris&. Wo hear it rumored that thefer i to be a large tannery' established at Barnard N. C, We have not learn ed tbe names of the. promoters as yet but understand that C. A. Nichols ot Barnard and John At Nichols of Asheville are interested in the project. "The Record cor respondent interviewed Mr. D. , P. Miles on (he subject a few - day ' sincej Mr. Maes seemed rather; reticent about the matter, but ad mitted that be had been appreach ed by parties to buy- a ' location. Mr.Miles owns some very fiua water power at Barnard and An Umated that be would wither sell the power and location or would take a liberal amount of stock in the enterprise. ! , ' , . - ; Smallpox Situation. The smallpox situation is not : very different from what it was last eek, Seven persons have taken it from the two first cases in the ; families of Henry Massey and' Jas. . Rector. Mr. Frank Ramsey who lives near the house of Mr. Massey 1 . has a case in a mild form. . . A good deal of anxiety was cre atcd in town Wednesday evening, when Ek Rector, the son of James Rector, whohad just begun to re cover, disregarded the quarantine . rules and came into town, went to the post office and into some of the business houses and then returned - home. They Have Been"Sinnt." The North Carolina republicans are grieving over the appointment of Harry Skinner to a fat office. Nevertlielesstheyhavebeen ''skunt." Atlanta Constitution NOTICE. North Carolina. 1 Madison County. ) ' Notice is hereby given to the public that application will be made the governor of North Carolina; for the pardon of John Williams, con victed at October Term 1901, of the Superior Court of Madison County, for the crime of assault will adcadly weapon, aud sentenced, to the Buncombe County chairt pang for a term of (6) six months. W. W. ZACHARY COST! COST! 1 Don't be deceived into buying old; D' shoddy and shelf-worn goods by, the false cry .AT COST. We are not selling "at C08tand will not try to deceive the people wth sush statements, but we res pectfully invite a comparison of our goodsaud prioes';with';any in town. .' ,'-'. Come and see the values we of fer in a At New And Up to Date Line of DRY" GOODS. NOTIONS. II ATS 1 SHOES. CLOTHING. GROCER IES. STATIONERY AND DRUGS at . a - 01 every cescription. Uot onr prices, com pare with our neigh bora aud see who is selling nearestl cost. -. We keep what yon want. " We will make the price right." Don't fail. to eall and see oa when in town. REDMON & ROBERTS, Marshall, K. C-- - DRUGSTORE BUILDING.- ' J.

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