. - i 1 CIRCULATION -OF THIS ISSUEi 1,072. CIRCUL.ATTON -. OF THIS ISSUES r 1,072. RECORD I I 1 - -. - : ' i i i iu -.. .... 1 ' , POLITICAL REFORM AND THE GENERAL UPBUILDING OF MADISON COUNTY. . - ' " iVtM'n:; MARSHALL, N. C, FRIDAY. MAY 9. 1902. NO. 10. 1 ' blD YOU KNOW? THAT on Jan'y. 20th, when I announced that I was going out of the goods business, I had on hand over : ' : : $7,000.00 worth of stock , Which I have been selling at DO YOD KNOW? m . a THAT more than half of those goods have been sold? And how much you have iost by not supplying yourself here? . The Remainder m If you miss a bargain its YOUR LOSS, not mine for as originally stated, I AM GOING OUT OF THE GOODS BUSINESS. :' : : : : : : : ta lk w S J I THE PEOPLE'S FRIEND. Improved arm.lBaehiner THE LATEST LABOR-SAVING INVENTIONS for Agriculture ALSO THE BEST. COLUMBIA MOWER. Reapers, Cultivators, Disc-Harrows, Hay-Rakes and Cultivators. Fertilizers of all grades. It wilt be to the interest of my farmer friends to see me before buying any of these things. .. W. C, SPRINKLE, -; . Marshall) Nortli Carolina. Apra5(lmo 1$; HOII AND INDIAN TER.rl i u II " AiebfcsiieadrbybjieCo ton 3ett, Wiich line. . S J?!? - ffl r-.MMwoiraim)tonlMinpbUMTeM: . S I '' 1 i? witnolii chance. NesAjtau s eiber reach j JmT I 1 director make cloeeconnecijofw n J J B , foralfpartofTexM,OhJhopk- i". I III ndlpdianTerriiory. yNJjfcaaaag,-..,, ' 1 11 Texas, hrblif crops r - . eMtaitt if w 1 Ijlf raised ssd wbrpey6nlepropr. . J ... - '. . 'y L. q M writ lor acopjr oiouA)HndMtD 5 ' " t ,; i . n I n boolilsta, "Homes In iKSf South- Sv : ' . " ; H yjl weei" aad "TnroghTcniawlte ' " '- . ' fj Rll ' Caajera.V' Seal (reeuuTlany- C .'-.-- '. ' . ' a tairmyfbmuX. i al$DTTO!.T.P.A,CIAniMOCJl.TEIW.r B Mhe as::eyille PS gt;r.REPCSITp3Y T?iS.; Morrison,: ASliETVXLXiE. N. C. " TTTOTT GRADE OPES ANT) TOP BUGGIES. WAGONS. ANCHOR BUGGIES AND SURREYS. BUNCOMBE BEAUTY BUGGIES, : r . WAYNE SPRING WAGONS. V - ; "WRITE FOR CDTS AND - i vfc- A- S DR. T. C Wholesale ASI-II 40 years in drugs m m m m m m m m m m s wholesale cost? m m m m m m m m m m is Going m m 31 cjoace and wagon - SURREYS ' AND SPRING PRICES. SMITH, Druggist, wann VTTJLE, 1ST. C. . MADISON COUfiTV RECORD Published Every Friday, by THE RECORD PRINTING CO J. R. Swann, Business MiuiHger, We challenge the Enterprise, the official organ of the Court Ilouse Rvng awl the claim specu lators of the county, to 'point out a single imtance in which we have made a mis-statement of facts, or have mis-quoted the records of the county. Little Windy Tommy, tlio edi-tor-in-chiof, of tlio Enterprise last week used two columns of that paper trying to throw some per sonal slurs at the business mana ger and editor of The Record. That only shows tiio desperate eflortof the Court House Ring to divrt the minda of the people from the issue that is of interest to the people to a personal wrangle among individuals that is of no in terest to any tax payer in the county. The greatest crime they. charge against the business maan- gcr of this paper is that ho was raised in the State of Georgia and that nearly ten years ago ha saw fit to come to the county of Madi son and become a citizen and a tax-payer of thic place. The great est crime charged against the edi tor of The Record is that at one tituc ho had the honor of repre senting the good county of Tran sylvania in the Legislature, But lot us Bee who the lords and masters of the Enterprise and its editor-iu chief are. Senator Pritch- ard the one that they look to for snpport came from the State of Tennessee; John A. Hendricks, who now is, atd lias been their chairman for years and who is6ues the orders of the Riug came from the county of Davie; the Hon. I. N. Ebbs their representative came from the State of Tennessee and not a word of compliant is brought against them by tho Enterprise and its editor-in-cLiof . But when cit'zens refuse to be dictated to by the above crowd it is considered crime to not haye been born in Madison county. Why is all this? It is for no other purpose than to try to excite prejudice in the minds of the people so that the claim speculating business may continue to be profitable and their crowd may still have the oppor tunity of gJtting rich off of the tax-payers of the county. Now, Little Wipdy, as the tax payers of this county are payir.g you a good fee, by the'year, out of tho public funda of tho county to Ionic after the county's interest, instead oi spending all. oi our t iiio in -trying to champion the 'j en UM) of one side of an imaginary Jfiht in ihe democratic party that t riin of tho editor-in-chief of the E 'lorpnee, ,. why not- try to de vise Borne way to get nd - of the h.uh lay that you helped to forco ou the good people of this county? Wo wald like to ask the Entei prise and its edilor-iu-chief if they are.ib favor of repealing that part of the high taxes of -the county ttat jrita levied to pay interest to the claim speculators ? v Til above is a . plain straight forward qu stion and the people would like to hear it answered. Let us have a straight answer to iu Hon. W. C. Dowd, editor of the Charlotte News and Times-Democrat, of Charlotte, and also a can didate for the Democratic nomina tion for Congress in this district was here lint of the week distribu. ting plensaht smiles and hearty bund-shaltes among the boys. Mr. Dowd was presidential elector in 1SO0 and is au able writer and de bater and will let no grass grow j around hia opponent "an3-would make aa awe representative, , Hon. E. Y. Webb, of Shelby, who is a candidate for the Demo cralio nomination Jor Congress in this, the New Ninth district, spent Monday and Tuesday in our town getting acquainted with the boys and telling them what a nice thing it would be to be Congressman Air. vvcdd is a Dngr.t, young man and is ''chock full" of pure De mocracy and if nominated wijl make a vigorous campaign and a good congressman. Een Tillman has pitched Little Johny McLaurin into the Radical party just where ho belongs" Now the subsidised organs of this State can quote fiom him for what he is worth. i The Raleigh New! and'Observer in its issue of the 7jth ins"-, has the following gracious' things to say of T le Record: The iVIadison Record is doing a good work for the tax-payers in -onipelliug the Republican office holders to print the reports re quired by law iu exposing the re lease from poll tax for political reasons, and for bad management "f county affairs. Last week it had a letter from a lite long Re publican, cutting loose from that party. This week it publishes another letter of the same kind. The Rflnonl Kh .wq that. "men who own farms and others who own mules and wagons, cattle, 100 to 300 bushels of grain and various other property and ABLE BODIED MEN were released from paying poll-taxes, while poor old Dave Adams, who we all know is not able bodied and who lost every thing in the recent flood was 'eft to pay or lose his vote. The Re publicans, replying to the attack of The Record, say that the former Democratic board relensed as many from poll tax as the Republican board, the records show forty-nine released by the Democratic board and 204 by the Republican board. The good work dono by the Record in Madison county will TREASURER'S REPORT OF MONEYS ON HAND AND EXPENDITURES MONTH OF APRIL, 1902. SCHOOL FUND. April 1st. to balance on hand By piid out during month of April: By paid P A McElroy, collecting fities from Marshall.., By paid J. H. While, over pay on fine By paid V. B. Davis, registering deed Centre district... By paid E. N. Fry, services Board of Educaiion By paid Jasper Ebbs, postage for Board of Education... By paid Japer Ebbs, services Board of Education..-..., By paid L. J, Bailey, servicos Board ol Education By paid J. M. James, services and postage By paid J. M. James, services , By paid Emma English, English dis'rict..... Bv paid R. F. Johnston, Dewell Hill district By paid James Wilson, Bear Creek district , May 1st to balance GENERAL COUNTY. April 1st tii balance on hand By paid out during mouth' of April: 1 By pnid Gu Parclia. lets j By paid J. A. Parol ia, fees i Bv paid R N. Ramsey, listing taxes By paid J. W. Tliornalgon, fees... By paid A. H. bams, lees. ; By paid E. N. Fry, holding inquest.., By paid H. G. Chandlcy, fees... By paid Ira Plmmcns, service county commissioner By paid J. A. Coleman, foes.. ..;;. By paid A' Stackb.iuso. jr., overcharge taxes 1900.. By pull W. M. English, services oountv commissioner.. By paid W. 5. Rice, services county commiiouer May 1st to balance on hand . ROAD Apnl 1st to balance on hind By paid onl : . By paid H. M. Fagan, tfo. 8... By paid James Iteayer. No. 1 By paid E. C. Laird, No. 9 By paid E. N. Fry, No. V. ........ By p.id W. M. Baokner, No 12. By paid Thos. Frisby No. 18.... By paid C. C. Peek, No. 16 1 May 1st. to balance on hand. ..j... I.. ........ I. ... . : . " - ' FINES. . April 1st to balance on hand .... ........ - . JURY FUND. . . April 1st to balance on hand... - !..-... . - " PAUPER FUND. April 1st, to balance.... L... ........ . 72 30 - BRIDGES.! Aprillst. lo balance no hand.... ....I ... 1187172 - - OUTSTANDING INDEBTEDNESS. Aprillatto baVl.ce.--.... 1200000 , fRAKK ROBERTS, - ' - . . Treasurer MaJisoo County, N C- bear fruit. It has shown that in Ihe mountain counties, as well us in the East, Republican rule iu North Carolina is bad, extravagant, and run in the interest of peanut! politicians. Backner Items. Epitob Record : The people of this section are talking a great deal iu regard to the county com missioners releasing so many men from paying their poll tax this year, there is about 12 men ex empted in No. 4 township and I am personally acquainted with them all and I think that some of them" was entitled to be exempted while some of them are as able- bodied men as there is in No. 4 township. !ome ot them are worth from three to eight hundred dollars, and they are very good farmers and have plenty to live on and besides that theri was not a single democrat in No. 4 township exempted. So I kike it there was not very many democrats in tho 20-1 that was exempted. I think that when county commissioners use their office in a political way that it is time to call them to a halt and see if we can't elect men that will have some regard for their oath of office at ieast. The good rrpublicans in No. 4 township arc as much opposed lo the act of the county commiosion- ers on the 28th hist, as the demo crats and on next November they will bo hfard from, for I have heard a good many of them say that they were getting tirf-d of the Court Douse Ring and never ex pected to vote for them again and the say further that if the demo crats will nominate gond men that is not connected with the Court House Ring that they wiil vote for them. Sol think that if the good people of the county will got together and put up a good clean ticket that it will win. Old Uncle Jimmie Rice died on April 25th and was burud on the 26th. Mr. Rice was one of tho oldest men iu this part of the FOR THE 82096 Go 13 00 5 00 1 25 9 60 500 5 80 4 50 6 22 CI 60 21 61 72 20 1 50 207 28 11889 87 841 84 1 17 1 80 12 85 1 00 100 800 5 10 560 19 30 8 13 38 00 5 40 1301... J 106 35 $233 49 941 54 FUND .J county, being in his 88th year. Mr, Rice leaves a wife and several children and a largo number of grand children and great grand children and a host of friends to loss. Peace to his mourn their ashes. Mr. Arcemus Duck who has been confined to his room for several months with rheumatism is no better and his chances for re covery iu very doubtful. Thomas Chandlrr who had a surgical operation performed on him a few weeks ago is improving and we hope to see him out again very soou, P. M. Webster & Co., have moved their sa,w mill from here to Swain c.iunty where they have a very large contract for sawing. The farmers are very busy plant ing corn just now in this part of the county. The wheat prospect in this com munity looks very gloomy just now. T. C. Buckner has gone to Ashe v'lle this week to attend Federal court. The fruit crop promises to be a good one this year. Success to The Rkcokd. W. L. Hensi.ey. Buckner, N. C, Way 5, 1002. Commissioners' Nesting. May meeting, May 5th, 1902. Board met, members present, Wm. S. Rice, Ira I'lemmons and W. M. English chairman. The following proceedings were had: Ordered by the board that Wm, Tarlton, guardian of Henry Tarl ton, be allowed to list his real estate for tho year 1900, 150 acres of land valued at $400; taxes to wit: Slate 87; pension 18; school 72cta; county $1.75cts, total $3.47. Ordered by the board that W. M. Tarlton, guurdiau of Henry Tarlton, be allowed to list his real esla.e for the year 1901, taxes to wit: State 84; pension 16cts; school 72 county $2.75; total $4.47. Ordered by the board that John Metna'f, A. J. Arrington and W. M. Dodd, bo and they are hereby appointed jurors to lay. off and amend the public road in 14 town ship, bt-giuiiiug near the mouth of Bee Tree Creek runs up east fork to the Cole log yard. Ordered by the board that J. J. Ramsey be released of the taxes on $136, the same having been listed twice; taxei to-wit: State 28cU; pension Sets; school 24cts: county 03cts; total fl.50. Ordered by tho board that N. D. Bhelton, Thos C Crain and Ste phen Dill be and they are hereby appointed jurors to lay off and amend the public road iu 16 town ship, beginning at Peek's school house and runs to mouth of Long branch and from Peek's school house to Robert's mill op Foster's crock, the amendments are to be only to the parts of the road washed away by tLe recent flood and no other. Ordered by the board that Gil bert A Campbell be allowed 2.85 for burial clothes of S. Henry. Ordered by the board that Len Henderson be. allowed 135 60 for keeping jail. Ordered by the board that Dan Lewis be allowed 10.00 for killing two wiVcats. Ordered by the board that N. C. Electric Power Co., be allowed 58 05 part payment for building road up Ivy; ..; " Ordered by the board that A. J. Arrington be allowed 95ct half feet. - . Ordered by the board that R B. Caldwell be allowed 1 75 half fees. Ordered by the board that D. P. Kiles be allowed 3.90 half tees. Ordered by the buard that H. P. Campbell be allowed 5.13 building portico to jaiL . 1 J Ordered by the board Wm. 8. Rice be allowod 3.40 services county commissioner. Ordered by the board that H. M. Smith be allowed $100.00 part payment on building' bridge pillars for bridge at Hot Spring, N. C. ' Ordered by the board that Red tnon & Roberta be allowed 12.00 merchandise for county. Worlej lofes. Editor Record : Being1 at leisure, from other vocations I shall at-, tempt a brief contribution to yoar - -. esteemed weekly, trusting it jteay interest the many readers thereof! ' Lady readers will, please take cognizance of the fact that on the, arrival of May I had my long' " black whiskers removed and now ' resume my former good looks (7) J, give them this notice gratuitous,,. in order that they be not sur- prised when I come and I am " ' likely to make a call any da exv cept Sunday. Our Sunday school. ,v work demands my time and atten tion for that dav. , - Those of the young ladies w.hj have seen me wearing my bearL say that my only hope is among " . those who haye never seen raf in X-g, that ancient garb, while the old ladies tell me that my long beard ' become mo better. However.' I , have cheerfully acquiesed to the . taates of the former and trust thej will regard my previous appear ance as an inevitable thing of the1, past, attributing it all fo my late and serfbus illness Aid to the sage advice of my good physician ia . consequence thereof. Lovingly, Little Oldmah. Worley, N. 0., May 3, 1902. Polls Kot Paid The following is a list of the number by township, as the best that it can be estimated from the tax books, that failed to pay their poll taxes for last year. The list includes all (hose who have died, removed and otherwise failed to pay their poll taxes: 1 TOWH8HIP8. No. 1, (8 precincts) Marshal ..51 No 2 SheHon Laurel :B4 w No 8 Old Bull Creek... ..21 No 4 Middle Fork Ivy 47" No 5 West Fork Ivy 20 . No 6 Sandy Mush .15 No 7 Little Pine...... 37 v No 8 Spring Creek,. 51 No 9 Hot Springs 98 No 10 Big Laurel 12 Noll Upper Laurel ..81 No 12 Big Pine. 20 No 18 Jeadow Fork S'p'r Creek.U No 14 Grapevine 24 No 15 Mars Hill .47 a- No 16 Foster's Creek 23 V Total .-..821 ...204 Number of releases , 725 725 is the number that bave not paid their poll taxes for last fear. When the books are finally oor- rrcted to be certified to the Clerk of the Cjurt, which must be done by the 11th day of May, there may be some changes , in the above,' figurec. . ' Grapevine, N. C. May 1, 1902. To the Secretary and Board pf. Trustees of Mars Hiil College: - Gentlemen : I have this day ' resigned as chairman of said board, a!so as a member of said board, I therefore declare myself no longer a member of said board. " - . W. R. Sams. .Marshall, N. C.Ma 6, 190. I take pleasure in stating that I used the Osborne reaptfrNo. 8, on m farm last year 1 operated it with a pair of mules and found that the reaping was most admir- " ably and easily done on exceeding ly steep bill sides 'and rough land as well as whre Jt was smoother. This machine I bought ot Hon. W.C Sprinkle, who. represents the well kuowu establishment, of D. M. Osborne 4 Co., of Auburn New York. - ; . ' , - (Signed) J. C. PRXTCHARD. If rumors are tree the grand jury was about to puncture a link 6r two of the ''ring." It's a pity they had to adjonra so soon. FOR C ALU EAST TEN NEC C " - . FARMS and City TropTticj ar. .1 II Mills. Write f rt MOEKISTO'W.V I r.il, : : : Hot: I -i, I .. "ti'i