. ... 4''i'" m Mr i x - at; ft Kl Ks. v ft LrfY 4. kW GUARANTEE a 1 eer list pf Aetyal Subscrv- 1 hers in Madison than any ! v 7 other newspaper, ' i- .-T -r; MADISON COUNTY RECORD. f EVERYBODY reads it-'- I $ that's why you can rtaeh J everybody through THE RECORD. POLITICAL, REFORM AND THE GENERAL UPBUILDING OF MADISON COUNTY. fVOL. gir.'-' MARSHALL, 1ST. C, FRIJ)A,V. JjtfJAftY 16 90). NO, 3 To-Lo-Tan MANUFACTURED ONLY B Y SOLD BY REDMOND fe ROBERTS MARSPIALL, n. o. KNOXVILLE, TENN., PRICE 31.00 PER BOTTLE. THE RECORD Tl I Ml ll 1 1 KvmT Friday bt tni RECORD PRINTING CO. W. W, iACHAHY, Kditoh. J, it. iWiyMBuwwM MmtMii, own in ma rioo kmm ick fio't We extend you a cordial invi tation to visit our office when ever yon are in town. Tat Besot Dii It. The Record ha accomplished oue of the objects fir huh it has been fighting ever since it started. We have been pressiug the flight for the County officers to make their itemised and verified annual report as required by law. Some of the .officers setsmed deterruiud net to comply with tlie law and it has b'-en a long bitter fight on both ides but for tbf first time in r-r-sasirnis? t-.ttjaw ssms .warn r.wwpi S 8 Coats J F lilson WO G reg ry . J C Tilcm J ii liai cr - EJiViipfs it Brouglilon Burgess flenslev Edwards & Son Editor 2aehary lloves to Brevard Mr. ud Mrs. U'. V Zachary eves today lor Brt-vnid whiie Mrs. Zacliurv Till hoard with lur autiv till spring, This move is made on account of Mis. Zachaiys health. Mr Zacharv will move to Brevard in the spring but will keep Harrells Printing House.. .... i,- , , ai.. r isimm up ins tiui:ucc ncjtf jusu till? Bduir as he bus in the past. l!r. Zachary will spend ai-out half his time here and Ins partner Mr. Guy V. Roberts will be in the office all the time, which will enable them to seive their clients in the future j'ifit as effectually n they ha"e iu the past. NEW CENTURY COMFORT. Millions are daily finding a world of comfort in Bucalen's Arnica Salve. It kills pain from Burns, i, W Peek.. J 0 Ell,-r N J Lance Walker, Evans & fi-gswi K T M Insurance Co N K Bryan T M McPeeters 11 20 4 72 15 96 2 13 T 73 3 45 1 48 48 133 72 n oi 6 42 7 37 15 19 T dicCrary 1 7o tn- Scalds, Cut, Bruises; conquers history of the eon., ty.ev.-ry county jUlc,r8.' nd Fever Sofea curM officer has filed hit report wiiich has been approved and ordered re corded by the boarJ of com mis sioners. - The reports now go on a permi nant record for all tiiu to come the disposition oC the finaucies of the canty for the y ar 1002 will be a perm ina nty record ami there can Je no disputes about what be ' earns of the funds. Il has been the lawtver ainoa this ha been a! act county that ach recoids should be 'rent Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Boils and Felons; removes Corns and Warts. Be-t pile cure on eaith. Only 25c at Reduion and Roberta d' ug store. SPECIAL TAX APPORTIONED TIib money raised by the high tax law bug (men apportioned among the holders of the claims against the county !iich were imued prior to the panMie of the The money just paid 7 per m the outstanding indebted kept bat it it an iinposibility to go ne.s ;f th-- cooity 10 hich it wax back behind the ear lc)2 and tell just B f t th n oney t bat was paid out by the couuiy officer. IL 1 - . i-l 1 Dcunnij cumiiiMioners inougn nam: till refuse to comply with the Uw W M Oolor in regard tohayinit theeXjiidiiure ! W M CoVr : of the fonnty and, repin ( the J v '-,n"k; 18 bo",J'-- m J. .w . : :j ... .1 ..!n. Ji" ' . commisrieners iudividuaily pub lished according to law. ' Wc are of the opinion that the solicitor and thegraud dry - wi 1 take th'tparjtof the fight off c-t our bands by treating them juat as tbejr . do all other persona wh wilfully Violate the law. "' The Rutberfordton Sun is the latest candidate- for journalistic honors. It cast its first ray of San Shine on Jaaaary 1st, and is well got en cp. Mr. C. EX Wilkie is editor aod proprietor and will no doubt make the Sun grow greater and brrchter with each issue. May it c"- ""tori- r ' it reaches applied. The follow. ng is a list of llie p'l'Mins lio gut ihe money with th amount t-e: ..npo itaeach 428 O7 64 2 U83 22 20U 2J 172 63 241 67 82 80 293 75 418 43 8"4 67 882 22 . 1 89 07 25 57 7 4 87 1 U Ramsey 1 70 .1 K .1.. s 0 8 T A ( Valcr 12 W J G,i.iK.T 10 76 I N Eiiiis 23 77 Levi Hamlin 3-? J R S.wi.,11 8 30 M F Whit 6o4 W A Hensley 1 0 Yiites Ti.son" 64 A J Ii,. belts 2 (38 W J Hains 8 76 J A Brookshire 4 46 DRLnsk C A Ciun U A Hendersou :.. W B Rolens J M Uudyei. Jr . John .Ur.ett Fowler Shelton R S Ramsey Lil v B Lunce J E Gregorv. C B Mushuuru Buncombe county D E HeuSley about the sins of others while at that very moment he U owing just and lion, M debts that he is 111, iking hi efforts to pay. If there isn't a hell tor this sort there ouyht to be, and we be ieve that an especeriallv warm corner will be r-served for them. Statesville Landmark. BE NOT DECEIVED We have heard it rumored that since Mr. Zachary had decided to move to Brevard that Swann was going to move to Raleigh or some where else and that The Record would surely die. But Swann is nbt going to move, neither is The Record going to die. So just send In your subscription and get your only county pape.. "a measley shame1' that Clarkie didn't come back to school after the holidays were over Jack Rober-son is thinking of go ing to Saul iago Cuba to accept a position as a statiouary engineer remains wn- hrnniTnt In the old one would thiuk I WSS S big Methodist cbuich w here a large'owuer and had lot of land to sell, number had gathered to bid her I am only a small truck grower, farewell. After a very impressive'and have been in the business but funeral services had been conducted short time; but from my exper her remains were laid to rest in the'ieuce and observations I think chat Frank Roberson and Tom Kis r old Jewell Hill cemetery around ;the outlook for our part of the are burning Mrs Freshours coal and 1 where she had spent her childhood oil these wintery evenings. 'days. Our wide-awake policeman W.i May the God she loved, the God M. Lawson is succeeding nicelv in she served and the God who has keepine the boys straight. i taken her home let His richest country is flattering." SANDY SIFTINGS. J. F. Gregg has been quite sich with LaGrippe the past.weuk but is aom better now. . n . . . 1 , . c t. 1 r : 1 Uardeunire snielser 01 ewpon j weings iorei er e upon ner .ami J, A. Farmer, the postmaster is Tenn is visiting friends and relatives lly and fiieuds to comlort them minow a)(e ,o bfl gt hJg of.ce after If advertising does not pay why is it that all of the largest and most successful merchants of the country are constant advertisers. .Miss Mate Johnston, 8 . bond .. . Tho Kogt-rx, 2 boinU Reduion Urns., judgment J J Krdinon.' .... J C PritcUrd. i.C Pritchtrd Mrs Emeline Ramsey J E I! ice J M J'Hih. . J K Brian....! . J M Wallm rtj Wsliin ... ... Parnet Fort ner N W Andcnon. ....... 1. J W Young, J M sD0aG0G BaaBBa 1 to, i. Murray W W Muray J W Crow ; 1 ' 28 Snm Ui and Anil aod SoforUu If all t e fel ows who try to Iriuk up all t e liquor every Chr st mas were to r solve to go to Keeley in a bunch, Col. Oebura would have to enlarge aud take in about a third of the town. Aud it all the others who wil never pay an account uulew practically nbligrd to do t-i wore to be sent t" jail, tun couu'y jail ot Guilford wuld have to likewise et larje Greensboro Record. Not on if would the Guilford jail have to bo Milarged but nd the jails in te country if all the dead-beats should be incircer.'ed And if the churches woai firwaP the members who refute to pay their debts the church rneinbornhin would be great- AIXISOH-RECTOB 31 Mr. C aude R. Allison and Mrs. 15lPnra T. Rector were hannilv mar- 3 ned on last Wednesday evening at 1 00 ,h .... ... - j n gins. The wedding was a very quiet affair and only a few intimate friends were present. Rev. M. A vVood pastor of the Baptist church performed the-cereraony in a very impressive manner. Mr. Al isou is foreman of The Record office and has been here about one year coming here from Hendersonville where he was for merly connected With the Hustler. Mrs. Rector is the eidest daugh ter of Mr. W. C- Sprinkle and is the widow of the late John A. Rector and has been our efficient postmistress for more than two years. Tbeir many friends join with The Record in wishing them a long and happy life. 47 8f 2 92 43 7 08 56 08 1 27 7 50 81 42 2 80 iii and around Hot Springs. John Click died at his home on Sh;it In Creek last Sunday morn ing his remains were interred at the , Click grave yard Monday, Mr. Click was 76 years of age and had j been in f, eble heu'th several years. Wonder what makes I their hour of trouble until they all shall meet where known no more. B. trouble will be E. Gl'THRIE. MONEY IN TRUCKING Huston : H Jenkins go down ts Pink Roberts' j so often. I Primary Department, Death of M.r Vane Samsey. At 12 o'clock, on January 12, Mrs. Nettie Ramsey, the daughter of Mr and Mrs. J. M. Ramsey and wife of Vance Ramsey, who re cently gave birth to a young child passed very quietly away to U. M.itMiews, of Smith County Texas, gets $1860 from 18 Acxt s of ground. having a s. rious attack of Lagnppe for two week. I 'I 1 . : . . . .1 e i x ne writer visiieu irienas on Pa paw an I Little Pino Creeks Sun- tiay, JUouiav ana luesday. also vijited the school at Kalamaxoo and can say it is one among the nicest school buildings in the county, Miss Janey Smith is the teacher, siie is au estimable young lady and a splendid teacher. Th- writer went on his war to The Coilon Belt Route, through Mars Hill Tuesday eve, by way of Vf.trahnil T avnBAf t .1 .ia-v A m,.... lis General I'rtssenirer Deoartnient ' ".TI" uu at i.dis .4 r ...... : A , r at oi. i,., givuiri uui u. -(.....i,. .in(. ilul visiting menus and relatives garding tnegrowiug of fruits and T, H. Reynolds and wife will v 'gi tables along ita lines in East start for Palistine, Texas Monday em Texas. Here is what a Smith l'1' ist. where th-ry will spend a ..!.. : 1 .1 - Cm 11 u man amimn ishe, dnrinir iMiicaiiii iiivu luohiaaoiui he seasons just parsed, the inter- receive her reward which she has 1 view apneai ing 111 the "Di versifier so faithfully worked out in this , published at Ty'er, Tex is. world, Mrs. Ramsey leaves a hus- I Mr. H. B. Matthews said; band, four children one being only "I bad two and a half acres in ten days old and a host of friends, stiawbernes: gath:red 21d crUe,!ii0 the Record. to mourn their loss, bflt we are .sold for 8140. 1 put out eight acres to ,1 ake that their future home: The writer enjoys visiting old friends in dirl'ereut sections of the county and especially the young laaifs. Wishing the editor a prosperous and happy new year, and success. 1 ii iy 'depleted bnt the reuse of'rei 1 igioo w- uld not suff r. Cu ike cnt ary we think it wn I te ad vance i. for of a dad heas the h ud' t endure i tha pinun, eanc timoD ou hypocrite who sits in te 1 txttt-er a"d ta"- r'"' ' HO T SPRINGS DOTS. EcrruB Rcooro. The Curfew law has been passed in this city by the board ol A derman, the k ds under 16 years of age are uot sup posed to be on the streets after 8 p. m. without a lawlul ex, use, nor ihe.nieti after. 10 p. tn. , ' pock Poi4 haa gone to work for Rout G.Nxbt at h's saw mill on Spring Creek . . Tl e order nf Sons of Rest seems to be thriving in this town, they will elect a ne staff of officer iivx week tbore ar srvcral candidal r for '-grand commander." . 1 ' Fra-A I sion thinks it a shatre glad there will be a day of meeting again by aud by. I have had the pleasure of know ing Mrs. Ramsey for the past five years and she has always proved to her family to be a dutiful christian wife, mother and friend as I ever knew. As I stood by her bedside the evening before her death, sbe reached oat her trembling hand to1 me, and after a few other parting words, bid me meet her in heaven, so she did likewise to her family aud many friends who stood weep ing around her bedside. She, like the sweet and beautiful flowers of the summer have faded away and are gone, but as the seed separates itself from the flower and fa Is to the earth and springs fourth again in its beauty, so' shall her spirit which has separated itself from the body spring fourth in its beauty, in the everlasting kingdom of God At a V V on fie 13th her in tomatoes; gathered 1 1j0 crates sld torsyw; planted the same land in lite corn and fall Irish p 'tatoes; corn did only fairly well; .olatoes made fine crop, and gath ering at tins writing, and expect to realize a good price for them in the spring for seed. I had four acres plaulel to Jones watermelons from which I sold $150. I had sit acres pumpki 1 jams; two acrei 1 set early and four acres lite; from the enrly patch I gathered 8201 bushels and sold them tor $230 nd the late planting I am ' not through gathering, though I am eel, ing them at 50 cents a ldhe! as I gather th-m. I cannot tell bo much pr acre they will yield I have one and a half acr-s in blackberries, frm which I sold $100. And for what I think of the outlo A t-f onr country and truck -bu iness I would l aim. is' afrai ' to 'el! n.jr honest opirrot:, fovtoine Contributor. Sandy, N. C. Jan. 13, 1908. NO SENATOR YET. The Legislative Caucus have taken 22 ballots for U. 8. Senator without 'caching a choice .Tne first ballot taken on the 9th. inst '- as follows: Craig 29 Over. in !ii 44 Watson 87 Carr 17 Alex an lerS Hoke 9. .. . There has been some slight chauges iu the votes of all the cart- -didatet from day to day and the 22ud ballot taken on Wednesday' - nig it was as totiows: Uvuman 03 Watson 80 Craig 27 Carr 15 Alex- nnner 7 -;., All th candidates are hopeful" and there is no telling where . whit the Senator will be. Victor Rcyuolds, of Sandy, a utaunch auppoi ter of . The Record, . was hi re Tuesday oa bit way to Mare Hill to visit Irienda and rela tives. Sup. J. M. James, of TV' U Fo k, ws here the rt f eek bK'k j ., r cernir " : r I : 1

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