y:A:nicnM " rvifiviTv ncrnnn isPKrsra? ta-E GUARANTEE a lar-i ba?cwi ftUMlKienftliit'.-i any 2 other-newitpnper. T 3g4a4tflllQn3it)gllC"B"l , 1 W H - r a H f N -VJk II i Li ,! 'la W H I I 1 a aJL m " n H -M ' Kiihserinl on is t!f.lt fin. J .--.Li '.a ... 1 . . .A. , S -. - . . . - r ' ' r-J 1 ' ' 1 . -. - ' -v.--. - riuuiiL nerwrow auvl ma ac.ne.KMlL UfUUIWINId . Ut MAlJISiVN UVUNIY. ". - ,v , VOL. V. ' ' , . MARSHALL, N. C. FRIDAY. ft KPT. J 8 100. " ,' ' - 3-2"y - , . ' . . 1 1 . .... .i p. DHI IT Dill firtrrtnii .rn ti fi. f.r-.i-.. - -....J. . ... . ,. . . i THE 'RECORD VsumiDlvnT E-rioayiOtcthib RB3CORD JR12,TX5Sr GO ,J. K. 6WANN. SoaoB M-anaokb. VT,,W.5A.OHARar,AQOiATiewiaxK4 tVSt We extend you. a eorflirfl invi tation to visit our office allien ever you are in itown. If you dot it Vtke w.-rrfhiup MhAt we sai, just remeniW fTnit von have yourddetvs aliout cer aio ; itblugs aud we-dn too." ,- A stick tonnue and a big gall .will decjeve .people for 'time, but 'i ifbey will learn some things by ex V perienoe if not othcrwke. 'VV.lien the courtfl .get through "Wiih-oiu- town affioere they will jirobabiy Uke a grind vet a few . ctlter important pftrsoivnges. i TSvery school in ihe county is now running and alt bfrve good average iitteniiance but tlx re is still v Since Chairman Tommy isgwfiie nwny there ib ranch Bpeeulation as to who will bo Boss now. Jim White and '-Van Davis are the oldest j-echoifjre and nre entitled to pro motion, hirt along aomes Doe and f-aH that lie.enn out Ije bqtn of them and he ought to bo 'J5osa. At this point Bob arrives '"and so forth and -eo .on," and I am "iT" bovt down when I Fpeak. While Tad is -rattling around ilfke a -pea iti ii 'live cent Imlooii. 'CJ-o. Cole, E rtector, She'ton,Jivrrett, Silver and o there will have to sit on the fence and see the high rouck-a-mucks march along. Capital and Character, In CoM for ABntliirf. fSo-nfrd Express.) tSton Btichanari and the Aderholt wuman -went to Carthage Friday and jfave bond $1,000 each for their appearance at the next, term of .court.. Me9Sis. D. A. McDonald and W. H. Br tton are the bonds me". Let the good people of Pan ford anil Jonesboro do i heir duty and tot- thatfthese people get justice before the courts. - If lliese jimple would mv to Mnnshull id joi i the "Kin" they cuuld liotli be jfobm lor nviprovement and ' teacherelecl,,d,oonico,onK wilh ,,h': 'ke 1 -.. - .. 1 , VIIHIUVWl. iiiiu comiuineemeii n: uikuu u itry to got every .age to attend. liild -of .Hdluml Di-1 you know that Tjje REeoirs ,hafl Libored under more didicultie ithan ary other ei.teruriee in tle county and haH aclUblly lived ovw two years now, Ull there are "good Democrats" .not giving at iony aid or .encouragement. (Parents .will you eit quietly bv .And sanction crime and immorality to retain .the friendship of the -Criminals or will you do your duly .by.cotuing out.openly and helping ! 'to Btippress thee evils for the pro rtee'ion of your children if not ior 'yourselves. ' With th' increase in .valuation of ' (property -that will bring in some thing like twelve lhausand dollars "anoro taxes and the profits froni (the Difieusary added if we dou't (begin 'to .reduce uur.coiujty debt considerable we ougiit thon to have A gnardian uppoicrted to ail minister .out affairs. LET US WAKE UP Willi a united effort on tlin part of citizen of our county we could build a number of good pay'ng manufacHtuites .all vulo our .elves aud ibf-reby reap all the profits and other benefits derived from them Ahd why not do ii? we have thou sands of wn'er power going lo wnetc every day -and are pay. ng other people piotits on goods and wares of many kinds -that we might be munfacturing every day Lets be progressive and build up our town and oouuty Aud leave the Drones nuo Kickers to die of pry rot. If t,he President rwill" wants to .punish the numerous thieves in the ditfeftdt departments at Welling ton let iihn enyjWv the Hon. Joseph W. Folk xf .St. Louis and there will soon be cowething doing but with political hireling in iJia ge ithere willnever be any thing but ad . outside bluff , .and u iiwide isuiotheriug and wbitewashing. ' When Jeter -went on the - bench .he said unto son-in-law Toxnmy, I ill unto you the Boss-ship of the Court House Btng, yoa will pre- serve toe nign 'tauaara oi .oosiiam j ist at I have and allow no one to get troua unaer your tastu aov we find Tommy going off to Bit- mbe to stay. - It it possible that .Tommy -cac'l hold the - infernal thing together and hai deserted the -old bip before she wk& ' lStt uto ill Beeori l The Mu Airy Leader of Tuesday iiad lw following relative to the - OciDt'a conduct! . . r - . "The Winston BcRistss Grau lias for Rometimbeen interestiug itself with the doings of the Furry th county officials, and ha far .succeeded in sett ting forth ime fgures that is Dot calculated to e'evate these , gentlonitto . in the niiodi of the tax payers. - If there it anything crooked doirg the' Grt zdk has the nerve to it op withont fear of loss t tterlf. ' The proprietors are to. be commanded for thi attitndo if - therw is wrong doing" f.'f the uewtpaper 1'if.t fails to inter ent itself ia beba'f of the people at a H'hole, fails t be a ftewrf ajr, and should be stsmp- at an organ operated to promote RECEIVER JONES 10SES HIS SUIT- Judge Jones yes'erday announced his decision in the iriundamiH suit hrought bv thf receiver of the Western Carolina Bank against the commissioner. of MadiMiu county Tbe decision is in favor nt the County aid the mandamus is m,t granted. 1 lie yoiui on wtucn toe ecision was made was th.it the mandamus was a money d -niand and should have been brought in term time and not at chambers. No decisiou affecting the merits of the case or the real matter in controversy was rendered Another writ of like character will be brought to the next term. , : The mandamus was brought by Col. Jones to compel the' cotnmis- sonefs to issue to Juib as receiver bonds to the amount of some f 20, 000 ia place of the 11500 honds of the county, aud unpaid interest, which he holds for the bank. - The suit was brought under act of the last legislature relative.! J the bond ed indebtedness of Madison eoiiuty. The receiver contended 1 that the act penm ptorily jorqulmt 5 pwctintercM in place of the outsta4ing bouded iodebt dness. Tbe coutmissioners aonV nded that thn . t uu not mandatory . Uit imUv eruusiive d ftiraply ' authoriJ d the o uiiesioier to relnad the .debt. They further onend that if the act m uiaAdaiury it u uneontita nouat as impairir Ihe obligation of a coa tract made between the county and the . bondholders, sod tbi and the point a to whether the act is mandatory are tli real issues in the case, AsheviUe Citi-xen--- . . . " ' :' ' - --'. Prom a' -simple 'business trans action that wai enacted on our busy streets tbe mural ' below is drawn. 'A young man saw anopportunity to make a turn in real estate, where by, iitipiirchiwiiig a tract -of land and sejmg of a parr, he could invest what money 'be had sav up and malic. a .profit to go towar the purchase of the home. But he needed five hundred dol lars to make the deal. He went to the ea shier of an At lan hi bank and asked if he could Ret, the money. The enshi.-r arid yes, filled out o b'ank note, mark ed the discount in pencil .and told him lo take itto.t'he paying teller It took only two minutes to get the money. 1 he young man made the. deal paid the note when due, and so far as the business w.irld is concerned Ihe incident closed. But here is what tbe young man said to his friend, to whom he re lated the occurence: "I thought Ilio would ask for an indorn'T. I had planned to go and find one. Never thought the bank would shell out tne monev on my paper. I was astounded, because I di id never borrowed any money before, and didn't know I hud any cro.lit." :Birt that, bank cashier knew the young -wan better than 'the young man thought. Tbe yout.g man was 8 ler and industri i.s. lie did not lounge around ool rooms and saloons. He looked at the cashier with clear even .and teld tho truth. The cashier bunked on the moral rink, and made no mistake. The lesson is obvious. Thousands of dolla-rs await legit imate in vestment. Hanks are ready and willing to accommodate you if you have capacity and character. But they are watching you, young man, and he sure they know to whom they extend such ready and valuable aid. Character is capital! Atlanta News. . . Washington Letter Special Correspondent -of Ihe Record. (DaiW BttM.) Tke fact of t he matter is lhat the negro will stay here And those who want to accumulate property will do so, those who desire nly a liv ing will find ihe getting of itaty. aud thobe who eomtnit crime And are discovered will be p. inched. Tbe average negro knows nothing of the man)' plant tngg sted for the goJut on of the problem-and cates ! e iniereftl of an individual few." (Jwi Spartanburg, S. ('. Sepf 14. A motion was nitereit here today bo fore Chiei'Jus ice 1'op.' by attorneys representing the commonwealth ol! Soul h Carolina in the case of James II Tillinan, charged with the' murder of Editor Gonzales, asking .or tb rcvoctfiioii of the ordor ap pointing Judge lownsent to pre ide 'it the comi. g trial. The ob jeetions were based on teuhnicalit ies. Justice Pop.? will annoumnce his decision ilate-r. The term of court, during which Tillman will be tried will be con veued Septemlier 21. Kews nnd Observer The intention of the republicans to force the "rubpe and dark-Ian , tern currency" issue inthSjate iicai, wiiiier lsooiHg to precipitate tne warfhest torrid Rebate that has And now it appears that the list of Pardons by the last three gover nors of Kentucky, rw used in a re cent editorial in this paper, must be considerably augmented by re cent "finds." ; A later compi'ation shows that Beckham pardoned 225. Bradley 423 and Browu 478. These are pardons in felony cases en'y and do cot include an enormone num ber of pardons for minor offeneos. ' la addition to these certain pap ersin that state hsve published lists el it least a doaen qardons in murder eases granted by one gover or alone, before parties were ever hrought lo tril. AsheviHe citizen. In the last campaign tbe Repnh licansiarnored for an honest dol lar. Judging from tn report of the stealing going on in tbe post- office department aud ' in the de partment f the interior, the American people seed to put in tome honest men to protect these honest dollars- The next president will be a Democrat and after he is inaugurated we will have no more aiggers dancing ia the White House nor thieves operating in the various departaienle Greetiville Demv erat ..- - - r Should W Popular. been heard in the J-alls of the Con gress since the days ot tho Mills bilV-badk in 1888..,' 'The republi can leaders in the Seiiate are gon i.ig to have their matches in that body when the debate u -opened and they will eome from the youn ger element in .that! body Of all I the young Mum's debate in the Sena teH'fie state of Taxas stands at the head ns the best equipped stdte in the Union in that regard. It is undoubtedly, from the standpoint of democracy, the ablest represent ed state in the entire country in the persons of the Hon. Charles A. Culberson and Hon. Joseph W. Baiiey, they are both under fortv five years of age, nnd both have ncliiivi'd notable distinction in the political arean Both have had remtdjalile careers' They have attained their present D'sitions through the slieer force of intellecl and exqu site tfitnee f..r the posi tion, and not througe the power of money, as have the mnjority of the wen on the republican side of the enaie. Those two men will take commanding positions in the com ing debate Jor riiire.ieons that their leniocracy is on straight and thev lave -the brains to back -up thier reputations i democrats, i'he so- called leader of tbe 6eualo' Mr. Gorman, will not shine in this de ite, tor'tlbe very good reason that his tariff coat has rents and ho'es it that will be plainly visible to he naked eye vlen such men as Aldrich and Spooler pet on his rail, His tatriff record has blow holes in i i and he will e compelled to take a bads seat. The eal lead ers m the n2Xt session 'of the Se- ate will be Culberson and Bailey of Texas ; Carmack, of Tenenssee Patterson, of Colorado, and Money f iVississppi i There is no better ipped man in the Senate than ulberson. He is essentially a law er. and it is the q'.K slions of th w nnd tho constitution that he refers but he is perfectly nt home ti a tarrifl debate, This is his first xperienceas a legislator, and he s not been as ready to jump into the arena of deba'e as has his dis- tinguUhed and brilliant roll 'agu Mr. Batley who had ten years' ex perience in the House before he cme to t he fyenate. Senator Cul- l)erson,8 past experience in public life has been confined to the exe cutive pepartment of government al affairs as the Attorney General of Texas aud GoVi-riior of Hie same state. He was twice nominated and elected Attorriey-Geiier.il, and twice nominated and elected, with out opposition, to the United Stale- Senate .as a tribute to his brilliant recorb in tbe former offices be had held. As Attorney General of his state he defended the state's rghts iu a suit before tbe United States Supreme Court, involving the vali dity to the tide to Greer Count,, Texas, and his speech in ' the case before. the Supreme Court waj so brilliant that it called forth: the encomium ol the most distinguish ed men f tbe bar in the country. Chief Justice Fuller told Col. R B Culberson, the father flf the bril liant young Attorney-General, that that it was the finest argument he bad ever listened to in all his ex perience at tbe bar, and praise Imm Sir Hubert" was praise- indeed His two terms as Governor of Tex as reached the high water mark of statesmanship and unanimous election to tne ' benats wa a foregone cwclasion. v He is easily the leader of his state, a state of strong and virile men, aud can stay in the Senate m long as he desires, and with little or nsi oppo sition. His .colleague, Mr. Bailey raisly iakes rank a one of the best debaters fa the entire Congress of. the natieii. His specialty it the i el the President of the donate to restore Ihe names of Senators Till 'hian and McLanriii, of S uth C'aro lina, to the rolls of the Senate from which theyhad been stricken after their 'li-it fight on the floor of the Sena'e was the finest personal tri umph ever seen in the Senate, nnd was so disisjnntbd by-Hbiialiir For'a ker, one of his chief and one of hi:', a'dest opponents. . Look out. for these two young .ginn.3 in the next Congre 8. It has been Ihe opinion-of tbe majority of mankind that tnere was very fit: lo difiience between tweedledum and tweedtedee, but it seems there is considerable diffe renoe so -for as this republican ad ministration is conoerned. For in stance. Several months ago divers military and naval officers station ed in Portoiiico wer; chirged with smuggling-not not only charged with it, but caught "with the goods ' to use the slaug of the day. The officers themselvi'S -did not deny it. T heSJnited Stales district attorney for Porto Rico, at ' the request of the collector of customs, instituted prosecutions Hgainst the " official smugglers. The cue was perfectly plain and the result-, would have been in no doubt had the case gone to trial. It did not go to trail, Low ever. J'ereinptory orders came t oin the Dep.rtment of Jns'ice at Washington to discontinue the prosecutions, and when the federal judge at San Juan undertook to f point a special prosecutor to take charge of the cases h ito was warned off and told it would be better for hisoflieial scalp not to get too busy. The whoie aflair was dropp. d. But things seems to be difierent over in our Philippine possessions. At least, the cable brings the intollegence that Captain Harry B. Chamberlain has been tried by tlieourtot custom i and sentenced to pay a fine of $500 for smuggling, thougn the articles smu.led were addressed i "pro minent military officers and their families," re-idem ut Manila. There was no hulalialoo at Washington No orders went out to ' smother'' the case against Captain Chamber. lain. He takes his medicine. It would he enteresting to know why this dill'erence 'twixt Porto Rtcan twe-'dledumand tweedledee At a venture it might be surinissed that thero ae no sentatorial sons iinltw in the smuggling business at Manila. , . mm in line i We trie light in line for the Pall necessities with im elegant kj mock in iov p:n-es. e are giau io ob uoie io iiiukc me uou- jk !nin. of buying and selling easier this fail Uae ever before. Business Increasing Our buincss has increased so imich that we tia"ve been 'j compeKed to enlarge our store house in order fo mtrke room for iIim hirg... us3 iitment of goods we have bought foe- 'our fall trade. Fall and winter goods. We have just received big a let of shoes for men, women and children, s tit ibletfor fil l and winter wear, to which we in vite your attention. Also just received a splendid assortment of Mens and boys Clothing, wln"h we ar offering at extremely low prices considering the quality nf 'lie go ids See this lof 'Of clothing before the pret tiest and I est is su'd. And we are just mow opened up a larje bill of Dry goods and notions including fi'itinels, on ings dress goods, and almost any thing you cm c.ll for in these lines. We solicit your trade, and will & I way treat you right ut APnA tint t-mnrn i W. Reagan Ri c. Book keeper and Salesman. i BOB, The rnpub4ican 1. adeie arc al! at sea and absolutely unable to agee on what legislation is necese-.rv by the coming Congress.- President Roosvelt demands that the Cuban reciprocity treaty must first be at tended to, end cays lie will call an extra session of Congrees for that prupose. Ti;e rei.ublicsu lead.-rs iu the Senate are ill oppose I to reci procity legisla'iou, and Senator AldrieJi, Piatt, Depw, H inna, (2'iay and Spooner have all advised him not to cail an ex'ra session this fall, aud they ar all opposed to his policy. There is a like division of seniment on the necessity for financial legislation, and evn those who desire change iu the law are hopeles3ly divided on the scope of the alterations that should be made Ou the trut question the President has declared for publicity, but be is powerful slow ia putting it into operat on, and a majority of the republican leaders are for letting well enough alone, so antitrust leg! slatiou will be at a standstill There . Are a respectable minority of the party in power who beliv in some tort of tariff c ingce, and who are WANTS TQ SEE YOU AT HIS STORE AND WILL MAKE JT TO YOUR INTER EST TO CALL. I am the largest buyer and shipper df Tan Bark in the County. See nie before yon sell your .Bark, (Buyer and Shipper of Botanical Roots and Hei'bs. A full iinc of Dry Goods, Notions, .Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Gro ceries, Delf" w-aFe, Tin ware, etc. p .. I want yeur traele and will treat you eight. Drop in and see me before yau .buy. R. II. WARD. on hr.d that is "the old flag and an j Softie people tell lies wit! the sppropration." oflreial graft and tongue, pros',ituting he wondeiful plenty of loot for themselves and gi t of speech to base purposes, their politioil strikers I '1 his is very bad. Others live to Th: republican leaders pretend j lie. This is very much worse. A to be amnions tor the nomination story told of a minister who had of Roosev It, yet more than half of : but rec.-ntfy taken charge of a them are opposed to him. The church, lie called one day to see cohesive power of public plunder holds t hem together, but long-head ed men like Root aud Quay Vnow that the en 1 is near and are leaving the it-dnl!efted ship. There is an a family of his puiitioners. The lady of liie house not being pre pari d to st-e him a t the moment sent 'her little son into the parlor to entertain the preacher until the nniversnl unrest, and even the chief , could herself go to see him. Anxi of tiepr phets, if in the flesh, oouldjoti' tc keep tip a conversation Ihe not predict what the present, repnb I preiv.'her among other things in- lican President or the cming re Dublican Conzress will do. the oe inocratic trouble are ii finiiesiinal enmnnred to the renublican fc ion al diBagrermen s. Every democrit is united upon opposition to trusts, upon tar.ff re form, upon equal taxation nnd up on equal r glits to nil and special privileges ti none, and that 1 the winning platform. CsiARt.ES A. Eswabbs. TEACHERS' INTERSTATE . EX AMI NATION COURSE. Teicbers wiehwtg to pt-pre for examinations should write, at-wico, t. Prof. J. L. Graham, LL 152- 154 Randolph Builli'rg, Mem- An exch mge says a new gam tariff, baring beta ou the Ways called Christianity' isbeir.g p at and Means Cummitteeoi the Honse ed in its town. The girls get on;,or,eD year., ad in defending ctn one side and are Cbrittiaos, Ihe: ,. . ... -... bovsw: on the other side and are heathena. Then the hcthens em-gnt ' ten, dunog tbe long brace Christ Unity". . . r -session of the last Congre-a to com- phi, Tcnn., for uatticular eon- being pressed by tbeir Constituents ' cernirig hi special Teaclvers' Ex to thateod, but they will uot meet amination Coutse. with any success, unle-s they work J this Course w taght fey enail. a Uarawney wittt t democrat mnA Teachaw for examin 1 r--r wiired of the little fehow how o!d he was, and received the prompt teply. ''I am five years old at home six at school, and three on the i-trcet ars." Such "biiuging up" ot children ns this accounts lor rruch nio.eof the rascality that all cis Ui: country than ' we are ccunomed to suppose. Fremont Visitor. If Doc charged tbe county 20cts. per gal too much tor oil,' dont you guess l e "doe's other things" the same way. . . .. Thnv was a transport landed at New STork the other day bringing 302 lUd bodies ef Soldiers who lost their lives in the Philippines and the rar is said to have been ' oer for a year or more, ain't .we paying pretty dear for a fe Ma'ays and niggers and a Broncho admin stratioii. ":;;','..'.v : which liny w i iu, .. . B. , ct of tbem are Ukmg onlr to, , u tb fool the yotef the country. The, ,he republican politicians are also at . . M - loggerhead over the Panama c-, Tewhing protoa, and M aalqucatinn. Matty of the ledew ' Tetthcrs wiefcinf to awvnee in are controlled by thr transcontinea ' their profession shonM. immediate tal railroads of tbe coun'cy, and y avaii thursclres of it. Enclose reaty do nev want any canal, while lUmpofrtplT 6-18 f other favor the ' Niearsgna route' - . - ' and in coneqnenc there has been nothing done, and wont be durii.S tlie xt sesfciou. One thing they always unite ep lifetcirg Vtjrtnt Law. 3USCRIBR FOIiTIIK RECORH Slifrifl Swann is doing his duty with the floating population, and tl blind baggage travellers and it will -not be long before no loafing vagabonds will be ic these parts. Ceuyeie, (Ga.) Frte Press. Ttw merchant who advertises bis goods grows from day to day l.i'e others drag along iu th same c!J ruC.tnd rrnmble liecmjse no nr'TS owej their way. You must ir.v i . i bgaiarn if y i want ix