; ;lMlllimriMlltllllllll; j ; Medium ; ; Through which yoa reach the ; ; ! ! people e Madison County ! I ; ; ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r)fLy TATB'R Tub- ' ' XZ.' lUhed in 1h County. ' '. sS7 ay ear in Ad-Vance Job FrintUf tt"tfj tad NmIIt Don IttHMIKIIIIIIHIIIIIHHi POLITICAL-REFORM AND THE GENERAL UPBUILDING OF MADISON COUNTY. VOL. IX. MARSHALL, N CM FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1907. w lecord "lilloKiSiiy ,'"-i'-' it no. 9.. val -! . Tit TV- 3T . Uncle Sam's Income. Speaking of swollen Incomes, that of Uncle Sam is now reaching truly sensational proportions. He collect ed $7G2,38G,000 during the fiscal year ended June 30 last an Increase of $G5,2S5,000 over the revenue for 1904 05. The tariff and Internal revenue taxes were Immensely productive and as a result the deficit of $23,004,000 In the year before gave place to a surplus of $25,GG9,000 at the end of June, 1906. The tariff produced $300, 251,000, thu3 breaking the record, -which was $280,000,000 In 1903. In ternal revenue taxes amounted to $249,150,000. These figures reflect the unprecedented activity of all classes of Industry and business during the year. Tacoma Ledger. D I RECTO RY METHODIST OHUttOn ' Kev. R. X Parkkb, . . ... Pastor. oerviuea evciy ouuuj , ' Ding and night. ' Sabbath, School every Sun day morning. Prayer Meeting every Wed nesday night. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RiV. C. 0. Ghat,. ..... .Pajtw Services erery VSunday t 11 . m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Prayer mMtiag WilU evening at 7:80. BAPTIST CHURCH Est. J. W. Suttlk, Pastoi. Serricei every "Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. 8abbath School at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting Tuesday eve niofat7:30. MARSHALL ACADEMY Miss Rosi MoCokb,. . .Principal town ornoiRS RosiEftr N. Ojltok,. . .. . ..Mayoi J. A. CbaIOMiles, Chief Police. LEWIS J. BALEY, Attorney-At-Law. MARSHALL, N. V. Practice in all the State ,and Federal Courts, also iu the Pen ion Office and other Govern' ment Departments at Washing' ton, D. 0. CMS.X WASHBURN ; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Mxbshaxx, N. 0. - Will practice in all the State and Federal Courts, also in all Government, Departments in Washington; Especial atten tion to collections. ZACHARY & ROBERTS ATTORNKY8-A1VLAW. :' ' .Marshall, C. Practice in all the Courts of ' .-'..the. 15th; Judicial District, and in Supreme Court of N ortb r. . uarouna. J. H. HUNTER , . Marshall, tCF.'D. 3.-" Practical Surveyor and No n. ; tar' Public. AH work prompt f$?ly .and accurately done. ' idelity Lodge, No. 148. Marshal!, N. C Meets every. Thursday night, -A cordial, welcome to all' tisU-CW-fnic Knisrhu. VAN B. DAVIS.' O. a W. H.HENDk;RSON,K.E.&S. t, M.Qnittr,&t., AaaarUleK.C. I. N. Ebbs, HetSprInp,M.& ; GUDCER & EBBS.s - ATTOKXSTSAKSCOUKSEIXOBS . . IT ULW. r7 Will practice in all the Courts of - the totate. CoUec a specialtj. ' ; THAW IRWIN Death of a Juror's Wife Was " theTause of Delay THE ENTIRE COURT SADDENED Eosband Summoned to Bedside When Trial Had Been in Progress Less Than Four Minutes and Death Came Shortly After His Arrival New York, Special. Another trag ic chapter in the history of the Thaw-White eposide was written Thursday when grim death stepped in to halt the famous trial in its fourth week. The wife of juror No. 11, Mrs. Jos. B. Bolton, passed away soon after her husband reached her bedside. Ho had been summoned from the court room, where the. trial had been in progress less than four minutes. The formal announcement of Mrs. Bolton's death was made in court shortly after the hour set for the afternoon session, and Justice Fitzgerald immediately ordered an adjournment of the case until next Monday morning. The court, also ordered, with the consent of counsel, that the other 11 jurymen be given their liberty and no longer be held together. He admonished the jurors to be guided by their honor and their oaths and not to read the newspapers or discuss the Thaw case with any body. Doctors to Testify in Court. The statement in court that counsel for the defense and prosecution had considered the proposition of taking the dispositions of Doctors Bingham and Deemar, the Thaw family physi cians, during the enforced recess which was endorsed by Justice Fitz gerald, subsequently modified by by statements made after recess. Mr. Haitride, of counsel for Thaw, says that the defense has decided that it will be of greater advantage to have the physicians testify in court. Mr. Hartridge said that what they have to say would be of greater ad vantage if told to jury by word of mouth than if depositions were read. The death of juror Bolton's wife cast gloom over the criminal courts building and had a particularly de pressing effect upon every one con nected with the trial. -The prisoner seemed to feel tho matter quite keen ly when he was brought into court to hear the formal announcement of the order for a postponement of his further hearing. The fact that the Thaw jurors have been kept in close confinement since they were select ed for trial service and that Mr. Bolton had been allowed to visit his wife's home only three times during his wife's fatal illness, lent a pa thetic aspect to the case and the greatest sympathy to the afflicted man was expressed on all sides. , .Trial Resumed. The trial was resumed on Monday. Expert testimony w.as taken to prove Thaw insane. "I never wanted to shoot the creature.- I never .wanted to kill him. I knew he was a foul creature, destroying -the mothers and daughters of America, but I wanted through legal means, to bring him to trial. I wanted to get him into court in Virinc him to iustice. But Pro vidence took charge of it; it was an act pi JFrovidenee.." This is Harry K. Thaw's own story of the killing of Stanford White. It va fnlH hv him to Dr. Britton D. Evans, the alienist, last August in the Tombs. Dr. Evans repeated the prisoner's words to the jury which is tring Thaw for his life. District Attorney Jerome fought hnnl font week arainst the introduc tion of this evidence, which the de fense believes' is conclusive proof that Thaw did not know his act was wrong. Once the testifying . physi had declared that in their opin ion Thaw .was insane, at the time he made the statements to them, How ever, the riles! of evidence, permitted the introduction of the prisoner's words. , , For- a Two and. One-Half -Cent Fas- v' . genger Faxe-- Madison, Wis.. Speeial.The State railway commission ordered that the railwavs' in this State give a. flat two and . one-half -cent passenger fare, and recommended ' that family mie? age books of 500" miles be. issued for S10. The last Legislature created the railwav commission and conferred upon it power, to fix rates an A regu late' service. " The decision announeea is the result of an extended hearing before the commission. ; , THE N. . LEGISLATURE What the House and Senate Are Do ing Day by Day. In the House Wednesday the Bick ett bill, designated to provide amply for all the insane of the State, was taken up and passed without opposi tion, thus becoming a lav. The Blckett Bui The following is the text of the Bickett bill which passed the House by a unanimous vote, and which is entitled "An act to provide for the mental defectives of the State." Sec.. 1. That a State Hospital commission is hereby created to con sist of five practical business men, to be appointed by the Governor, who 'shall carry out the provisions of this act and shall be known as the State Hcspital commission. Sec. 2. Said . commission shall have the power to elect its own chair man and secretarv and to fix the time and place of its meetings. The said commissioners shall hold office until the work herein provided for shall have been accomplished and they shall have made report of the same to the general assembly and shall have been discharged. Upon the death or resignation of any mem ber of said hospital commission, his successor, shall be appointed by the Governor. The commissioners shall receive $4 per diem and travelling expenses, including hotel bills, while actually engaged in the work of the hospital commission. See. 3. The said hospital commis sion is hereby authorized and direct ed to make additional provision for the care of the mental defectives of North Carolina along the following lines: 1st, they shall purchase for the hospitals at Raleigh, Morganton nnri GnlHahnro? Filch additional laed as they thall deem may be wisely used in conjunction with said hospi tals, and may also purchase such oth er lands in some other section, if in their judgment it is for the best interest of the State and uppon the lands purchased or those now owned hv thn hnsnit.ila thev shall erect such additional buildings upon the colony or cottage plan, or enlarging the pres ent buildings as shall be necessary for th iare and accommodation of all mental defectives, including epU leptics, dangerous violent ana inair gent idiots, and all incurable as well as curable insane; all insane had im becile Croatan Indians and all other mental defectives, whose condition ia snoh that in the opinion o the hospital authorities they may require hospital treatment and can De ad vantageously treated in such a colony and they are authorized and requir ed to make such repairs, additions and improvements to the present hospitals as may in their judgment be necessary for the economical and humane management of the same. Sec. 44. All moneys expended by the commission in carrying out this act shall be paid by the State treas urer on warrants drawn by the sec retary of the commission and coun tersigned by its chaiwnan. Any lands purchased or any additions or repairs or improvements made or buildings erected under this act, tho cost of which exceeds $3,000 shall be paid for after submission to and ap proval by the council of the State. Sec. 5. The commission shall re port at least once in six months and as often thereafter as shall be re quired, to the Governor setting forth fully all its purchases and expendi tures of any kind by thisact. The Governor shall have the power upon complaint or on his own motion, to remove any commissioner for neglect of duty of any unbecoming conduct. The position of commissioner under this act shall not be . construed to be an office within the meaning of Sec. 7 of article 14 of the constitution.'-' v -' ' For the purpose of carrying out the act there is hereby appropriated a sum not exceeding $500,000, of which not more than $125,000 shall be available, for each year of the four years, beginning December i, 1907, and if in any one of these years, the revenues of the State, jiot otherwise appropriated, shall not.be sufficient to meet the appropriation! herein made, the State Treasurer is authorized to borrow enough money to make up the deficiency and is author ized to provide for paying the same out of the revenues of the succeeding year and the money so borrowed shall be 'used exclusively "for the purpose of earing for the insane as hereia provided. .. . " . ; Other Hatters, v The appropriation committee Wednesday-afternoon -rTeported -unfavorably the trans-continental rail way, bill. Strong argument in be half of . the project were made by Senators Webb and Breese, Repres entatives Boyd, CoL S. A, Jonea, At torney Welsh and others. ( .. The House liquof traffic committee failed to reach a 'conclusion on the till giving Scotland Neck the privi lege of voting on the question of pro hibition or dispensary. i AnrnmittM rerorted no I. duo itSvaMBWv w a j favorably a bill, whieh had passed tne xiouBot' itiviutt iuuu, u county the right of voting on pro hibition or dispensary. The same committee could not agree on .the House bill making Madison cflunty dry. Tn iio lnnisp Thursdav there was full discussion of the bill to reduce nA fix nassenirer rates on all rail roads doing passenger business in this State. Many amendments were offered the bill as filially coming be- tVia knilv ia na follows: V"V A Bill entitled an Act prescrib ing the charges railroad companies may make for transporting passen- r ret The General Assembly of North Car olina do enact: Keprinn 1. That no' railroad com pany doing business as a sommon earner or passengers in ine oiaie vj. North Carolina shall charge, dematfd r receive for transporting any pas senger and his or her baggage, not exceeding in weight two nunorea pounds, in excess of the following charges: (a) All railroads whose gross pas senger earnings per mile of road op erated, owned, controlled pr leased by them, as reported to the North Caro lina corporation commission for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1906, are ."MJ550 npr mil of rnnd so onerated by said companies, or in excess there of, two cents per mile. (b) All railroads whose gross pas benger earnings per mile of road op erated, controlled, owned or leased by them, as reported to the North Carolina corporation commission for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1906, are kss than $1,550 per mile of road operated by said companies, but in excess of $1,000 per mile or road operated by said companies, two and one-half cents per mile. (c) All railroads whose gross pas senger earnings per mile of road op erated, controlled, owned or leased by them, as. reported to the North Caiolina corporation commission for the year 1906, are $1,000 or less per mile, of road so operated by said com panies, a rate not exceeding three cents per mile, to be fixed and deter nuned by the North Carolina corpora tion commission upon hearing and investigation duly made by it. Section 2. In the case that any , railroad company operated as a com mon carrier of passengers in the State of North Carolina is owned, controll ed or operated by lease of other agreement by any other railroad company doing business in said State the rate for carrying the passengers as prescribed in section 1 of this act shall be determined for said railroad by the average gross passenger re ceipts per mile of all roads operated by said railroad conmany, whether the same be owned or leased lines, as reported to the North Carolina corporation commission for the year 1906. Sec. 3. That all passenger accom modations on railroad trains operated from one point in the State of North Carolina to anv other point shall be provided in every railroad train se parate coaches for white persons and colored persons: Provided, That on roads, the business of which will not justify the hauling of separate pas senger coaches for the two races, the North Carolina corporation commis sion may allow such railroads to place partitions in cars to provide for the separation of the races: Provid ed, further, that in every first-class passenger' coach there shall be at least one apartment used as a smok ing apartment, unless where there is a saparate smoking car on the train. Sec. 4. That mileage books of 1,000 miles, in each book shall be kept on sale at all railroad ticket offices in North Carolina, and when such books are purchased they shall be good in the hands of any person or persons named therein on all railroads on hih the fare is the same as or less than the fare on the road of the company selling such mileage book; and when the mileage is detached from said books by any other rail road company than the one which sold it, the said mileage shall be re deemable on demand by the railroad company which sold it. Sec, 5. That section 1105 of the Revisal of 1905 or North Carolina be amended by striking out the word "nothing," in line 26, down to and including, the word "consideration," in line 30, and inserting in lieu there of the following: No act regulating the carriage of passengers shall be construed to prevent or restrict tran sportation companies from contract ing with managers, owners or pub lishers of newspapers for advertising space in said newspapers published by them at the usual price at which said space is sold, and payment for said advertising space by transport tation at the lawful rate; which tran sportation may be issued to the edi tor, manager or - publisher . of said newspaper, or any bena fide employe of eaid newspaper, or any mejnber of the family of the said editor, pub lisher, or manager dependent on; him for support. - ,- . -' . Sec. 6. That any railroad company violating' any provision' of this act shall be liable to a penalty of $1,000 .for each violation, payable to the per- SirjJl Pay your bills in a business-like manner, J pMJ iS'"!. yfo&$2 by check. It greatly usillUtes the conduct WwIfifiL ' 4 ttllVjjIjjjP of your business, both private and commercial, 3Sra? I '''.t whito at the sama time Tour funds are abao- PbAKl ' X'S. iDOOLriJ lute1' ,afo BusineM conducted through a 011 f f?'--4 YJhtfffP bank is always more dignified. Even if yoa iStijf I V fffifff use your money fronr week to weak and month vVillvf t r iarU to month, fay tC Anujh tki Bank. The re- ftfeL'TH " "! JffmrM turned checks are legalceipto for every bUl jWflft6 f (llliltll - 4 PER CENT. INTEREST ' Mflf. "TTmN ten irinma paid on timb deposits " .. ' iSfru i 'EF"'l I MliBi B & B B & B "OLD VELVET" "MARK ROGERS" FOUR ACES" FINE OLD RYE WHISKIES SOLD BY Madison County Dispensary Marshall, N. C. son aggrieved by such violation, and recoverable in an action to be insti tuted in the name of said person in any court of the State having com petent jurisdiction thereof. Sec. 7. That any .perosn or persons, except those permitted by law, who accepts free transportation, or trans portation at the rate other than that permitted by law, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 8. That all laws and clauses of laws, and especially section 2613 of the Revisal of 1905, in conflict with this act, are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. That this act shall be in force from and after July 1, 1907. Passed Third Beading. Bills passed third reading: Amending the charter of the Tuck aseegee Railway. To incorporate Nazareth Orphans' Home, in Rowan. Authorizing street and inter-urban railway companies to build and main tain water power plants. To establish a dispensary at Creed more, Granville county. To amend section 1891 of the Re visal regarding the appointment of guardian upon certificate from hos pital superintendents of the insanity of patients, allowing guardians to be appointed also upon such certificates from government hosppitals forv the insane outside "of North Carolina. To amend section 3147 of the Re visal, ragrding the statute of limita tions in criminal actions. Graham asked that the railway bill be made a special order for Wednes dhy Instead of Tuesday, and the Sen ate took this action. The time for the registration of grants of lands was extended for two yeara.. Under Death Sentence He Attempts Suicide in Cell. Kansas City, Mr., Special Frank Hottoman, under sentence of death, with Mrs. Aggie Myers, for killing Clarence Myers, the woman's hus band, attempted to commit suicide in his eell in the county jail. Mrs. Myers is in jail at Liberty, Mo. Her sentence has been appealed to the United States Supreme Court Hold-Up Men Toiled. Memphis, Special. Three armed negroes attempted to hold up a street ear in South Memphis on the last trip Friday night, but a platoon of police officers on board ava them a surprise. Two, of the negroes threw down their arms and surrendered, but another named Denver ran and was seriously shot. The street ear com pany had advanced notice of the hold ip and loaded a oar with blueeoats. Jost now it is ulte eV to Jolm the chorus of moral reform.'"; But It 1 quite aa difficult now- as "It ever waa to be honest, truthful, and Just, maintains the Christian- Register. . NEWSY GLEANINGS Locusts are devastating Southern Algeria. A campaign aealnst bull fighting is being waged in Mexico. Marshall FfoM's- pstatn has been inventoried at $75,000,000. Thertotal length of railways now working in Mexico is 13,507 miles. A Berlin urchin accidentally struclc th Emperor In the face with a snow ball. Frederick WeverhMiser owns 30, 000,000 acres of timber land In the West. Admiral Nebogatoff's sentence of ten years In prison was approved by the Czar. At present we are importing seven times as much sugar as the domestic production. Nova Scotia will train college stu dents In war engineering, a depart ment having been organized at Dal housle University. The Illinois Senate passed a Mil prohibiting cigarette smoking in pub lic places by school or university pu pils under eighteen years of age. Declaring Germany's aim Is to cripple Great Britain's power that she may seize colonies, the editor of the Liverpool Post warns his country men. Comtfl Henry d La Vaulx made Ms two hundred and first ascent since he began his career as an aeronaut, sailing over the famous terrace of St. Germain, Paris. Government ownership of tele phones is proposed by the Province of Alberta, Canada. Manitoba re cently voted for Government owner ship of telephones. The liquidator of Manuel Sllviera ft Co. estimates that perhaps 180, 000 worth of cattle has been stolen from the Cuban pastures of the fugi tive Havana banker, who has cor nered the cattle market in Venezuela. Mother Burned to Death. . Ponotonoe, Miss., Special. Vainly endeavoring to extinguish flames which enveloped her infant son, Mrs. Charles Mauldin was burned to death at her home near here. The child's clothing caught fire while playing about some burning leaves, and be fore assistance could reach them both Mrs. Mauldin and the child had been burned. 8ur Enough Americana Nov. The baseball team of the provincial school of Nueva Bella at' San Isidre claims the championship over all na tive teams of the three provinces ot ' Neueva Bella, Balacan and Pampanga. Some time in March the San ' Isidre team went to San Fernando, Pampaa. ca.and on Saturday morning played the Saa Fernando team and won. A ter an intermission of thirty minutes the San Isldro team reluctantly play, ed Tariac and tost ; The latter team had been sitting in the shade all the morning resting. In the afternoon ot March SO, the slrts basketball teams ; played an exhibition game .- R waa a spirited game from start to Inlsh. All the prominent Filipinos came to. witness the game and every one waa ftlghly pleased with the Innovation.- Philippine Education. v Ml TV 1 i, l:,f.l I : i '"vl v. :-i .'"'vr.v-i 't Hs,' I.-,'-: i " ,' '

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