1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n , ; v The MedttSm ;p Through which you reach the ; ; ! ! neoole of Madison CoVinty 5 I riNtJ TR Tub- " -i X luhed in the County :. 1 :! : - ' ? ' wv - j " . , a year in A-d-Oanc X Job r -.nliRJ Pr mp-ljf and Ntlr Do , t M--M-t-f-t-H--! -M t I I H I I I M ' ' J ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION i III I III I MM I III I II I I T POLITICAL REFORM AtyD THE GENERAL UPBUILDING OF MADISON COUNTY. MARSHALL, N. C FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1907.. NO. 18. VOL. IX. ft t : .1 i Imagined to Death. The thought of execution can- kill. We ao not all yet realize the tremend ous effects of imagination. One of thjB grimmest examples la ,-that of the French criminal condemn ed to die who was offered the choice of public execution or of being priv ately bled to death. For the sake of his family's reelings ne cuuae ter alternative. He was placed upon a j . table in his cell, he felt pricKing sen cations in various veins, he heard J what he thought was his blood escap ing into a bowl. Soon he died. . But he was un wounded. He had merely been pricked with pins. The .sound which be heard was that of running water. He had succumbed .under a scientific experiment. Lon- i don Evening Standard. DIRECTORY , IB MBTBQDIrtT HUttOH tTr R .T. Pakickr Pastor, IbA v ' Services every Sunday, mor- ninnr and niffllt. Sabbath School every Sun day morning. Prayer Meeting every Wed nesday night. PRESBYTERIAN OHTJROH n.i P&itoc Barrio every Sunday all . m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath Bcheel at 10 a. m. Prayer meetiaflj vYednid evening at 7:30. BAPTIST, GlTUfcOH Ext. J. W. Buttle, ... Pastoi. Servicei every Staad'ay at II a. m. and T:80 p. m. Jabbath School at 10 a. an. rayer meeting Tveaday eve aing at 7:88. MARSHALL A0ADEMT Urn Resi MoCoaa,.. .PriMA TOVTNOmOlKS J. A, Ckaiomxles, Chief Pol9e. 'tESVIS J. BALEY, K Auorney-Ai-Law. . MARSHALL, H. O. r .Practice in all the State and Federal Oourtf, also in the Pen ioa Office and other Govern ment Departmenta at Wuhing ton, D. O. CHAS. B.MASI1BURN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Mamhali., N. 0. Will practice in all the State and Federal Courto, also in all Government Departments in Washington. Especial atten tien to collections. ZACHARY & ROBERTS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Marshall, N. 0. Praetice in all the Courts of tha 15th Judicial District, and in SuDreme Court of North Carolina. J. H. HUNTER Marshall, R. E. D. 3. Practical Surveyor and No tary Public. All work prompt lj and accurately done. Fidelity Lodge, No. 148. Marshall, - N. C. Uuti Tfrv Thursday nisht - a 1 walr.nmA in all visit , A 14 '1 Ul. " : HI " In Knirr. '' ' ' ?' ' ' VAN B. DAVIS. C.0. ' J. JLGodfer, Sr., . UN. Ebb, " Aiherille, N. C Hot Springs, W.C ' GUDGER & EBBS, , , ATTORNEYS AX1 COUNSELLORS . ..AT LAW. - - : EP'.VVM practice In ;all ths Courts of lb Mate.' Collec tions a special. 7- , f - - NORTH STATE NEWS Items of Interest Gleaned from Various Sections n,miu ta rciCUADC fRQM MOUNTAIN TO SEASHORE Minor Occurrences of the Week of Interest to Tax Heeli Told in Para graph!. Four Burned to Death. Caroleen, Special. At 11 o'clock Wednesday night a large two-story dwelling house at Henrietta caught fire from the closet below, and before the family or neighbors awoke ' to make the discovery the flames had ad vanced too far to save the building or any of its contents. The most dreadful feature of the disaster was the loss of two little children sleeping up stairs who were burned to death and their bodies can scarcely be rec onized. Two sons of Ms. McDade, who occupied the house, were so seri ously burned by their efforts to make .. .1 !i 1,4- their escape wai u is not wiuugm. mk they can live. Also old Mr. McDadie was badly burned and may not recov er. Details would pronounce this the saddest calamity in the history of the town. The two young men of the Mc Dade family died from the horrible burns received. The young men were 18 and 20 years of age respectively, and nearly gave their lives to save from the flames the two little ctniaren aged 4 and 6. Mrs. McDade may yet die as a nltn victim. Mail Bobber Captured. Wilminot,on. Snecial. The mystery concerning the disappearance of package containing $10,000 in curren cy in transit by mail from the Atlan tic National Bank, of this city to the Chemical National Bank, of Nsw York, was cleared up by the arrest at the instance of postoflice inspe tors of Edward A. Nelson, 27 years of age, employed in the railway mail service. The contession ana arrest of young Nelson was accomplished by Col. S; T. HoflJon, chief of the posfci office inspection service at Baltimore ; Postoflice Inspector Wm. J. Maxwell, of Baltimore, and District Inspector S. H. Buck. Nelson had recently re signed from the service to engage in the confectionary business on one of the most prominent corners in the city and accompanied by his wife, to whom he was married 15 months ago, and by his mother, he had gone to New York. The robbery was accomplished by Nelson by slitting the mail pouch that contained the package and he had hidden most of the money under his dwpllino' Bon.l was triven in the sum of $5,000.00, his wife and mother raising that amount on property they owned. All the money was recover ed. New Bailway Company. Winstnn-Salpm. Snecinl. The El kin and Alleghany Railway Company which wan chartered bv the recent Legislature with a capital stock of $li!5,uuu witn tne privilege 01 increas ing it. in 3.000.000 was rwrmanentlv O " Tr ' l organized at Elkin. The meeting at which tne organization was enectea vm a larce and entnusiasuc one. con Ristino- nf men from Allechanv coun ty, Elkin and vicinity and a number nt nther ctnnkhnlilers from Winston- Salom and ntlipr nl.qpps The first business was the election of a board of direetors which consisted of thft following named: Messrs. H. 6. Chat ham R A Tioiiffhtnn: A. O. Click. Ci. T. Roth, A. M. Smith, E. F. McNair, R M. Hhiitham. C. .. Smoot. A. H. Eller, H. E. Frich, Choate, C. M. Smith, K. V. Jb'ieldsJ. J), iiendrea, ana w. J. uoyies. Studying Labor Condition!. Winston-Salem, Special. Mr. D. A. Tompkins, of Charlotte and Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, of Washington, the snecinl enmmissioner for the Depart ment of Justice, appointed by Presi dent Roosevelt to make a report on labor conditions of women , and chil dren through the country, spent a whil in the city enronte to Wilkes county, where Mrs. Foster will study tne conditions in tne rural sections. . Cotton Mill for Hendersonville. A special, from Spartanburg, S. C, to- the eharlotte-Observerof Friday say :' A""nuinber of representative business men of Hendersonville, N. C. spent Thursday in the city inspecting the, Tlnvtnn Potton Mill, of Which A. B Hal vert ia mesident. with the view of erecting a cotton mill in Hender sonville similar to the JJrayton juui. ... tT A company is being organized in neu iersonvillle with a capital stock of $300,000. The majority of the stock Tf ia eftid. h HA been taken bv the peo ple of Hendersonville,'. while the..rev mainder will bo raised outside. NORTH CAROLINA CROPS Conditions for the Part Week as Be ported by the Department. The weather and Crop Bureau of the Department of Agriculture issues bulletin of conditions for the week ending Monday, April 22nd. The cold weather of the week end ing April 15th continued all the past week. The temperature for the state averaced about 7 degrees below nor mal. The highest was 76 degrees ou the 20th in New Hanover cunty, and the lowest was 30 degrees on the 18th in Lincoln county and on the 20th in Buncombe county. It was impossible in the issue of April 16th to report fullv on the weather of the loth, lie norts now show that that day was ex eentionallv cold all over the State, and it was pernups uw "-j on record for that date. Killing frosts were c-eneral all over the State ex cept along the immediate coast, and the damatre has been very great, ice formed in many localities, and some correspondents report ice 1-2 inch in thickness in places. The temperature rose from the 15th but it turned cool again in the latter part. Partly cloudy conditions generally prevailed. Thunderstorms were general on the 18th and 19th, and hail fall for the week was reported in Cherokee county doing some damage. The rain fall for the week was somewhat below normal except in the western comv ties. A. H. Thiessen, Section Direa tor. IMPROVEMENT ON THE GIN. Two Charlotte Men Invent a Device That May Bevolutionize the Gin nine Business There will be a Saving of CoBt in Production and Time. Charlotte, Special. Messrs. T. M. Wehh and T. J. Davis have invented an improvement upon the present cotton gin that promises to revolution ize the system. The improvement has been tested and found to be a success. The simple little touch given bv these Charlotte gentlemen saves one-third of the cost and half the time in training a bale of cotton. In other words, if the invention could he added to every gin in the country the cost of ginning a 13.000,000 bale crop would be reduced from $26,000,000 to $17,333,334. The old saying that necessity is the motner oi uni-n- inn " w litprallv true in tnis ca?e. The power bill "of the ginnery of the Elba Manufacturing company great that President Davis kept after Mr. Webb to reduce it. Mr. Webb saw that he could not do this with tUa nrospnt. oins. so he set his inven tive mihd to work on the gin with the results recorded in the foregoing paragraphs, and by the elemination ii friction Messrs. Webb and Davis have invented a device that will give a longer staple, reduce the time one half and cut the cost one-third. Ex pert gin men have seen the gin tried and they declare that it is the best, and only material ohange made in saw gin since it was invented. The power cost now is about 30 cents a bale, but the Webb-Davis patent will reduce that 10 cents, and the bale can be ginned in half the time. The aver age .80 saw gins turned out a bale of cotton in an hour and a quarter. The Webb-Davis gin will cut that time in two. These facts have been demon strated time and time again at the Elba plant on the corner of Kast beventh street. Bloody Blind Tiger. Hamlet, Special. Love Knight, a Croatan, shot and killed John Davis, colored, on the State line six miles south of here early Thursday morning The killing, it is said, was the out growth of a quarrel begun in a blind tiger Davis was instantly killed. Knight fled and has not yet been cap tured. This is the sixth murder near that place witnin niomus. Bond Issue Carries. 0 Higb .Pointr Special, In Jho elec tion" Belre foTbids to the amount o'f $125,000, the v measure carried by a goort majority, less than twenty-five votes being cast against it." Seventy- five -thousand of the amount is for city improvements and fifty thousand for' tha .RancWph and . Cumberlanu railroad. It required 305 votes to cany the, election, and by thiee o'clock the necessary unmber had been secured. Late JVetvf In 'Brief MINnn MATTFRS OF INTEREST It has summoned the District Attorney of Iciho, and it is reported that tbe prosecution of Senator Borah for land frauds will be discontinued. ro,,v,tovi nf thp American Revolu tion contributed $28,237 toward the jompletion of ContiiVntal Hall. Dr. Ira Remsen, president ot Jonns Hopkins University, was elected pres ident of the National Academy of Sciences. Tha .Tamnstnwn Exposition manage- that the Fair will be open continuously after the opening Say, April zb. TIip iWisinii of the Virffinia cor- joration Commission to reduce freight nd passenger rates is expected witnin the next week. TIip .rpnoml board reports that inprp m-P S.lflf) natients in the Virgin ia State hospitals and no insane a. now confined in jails in Virginia. The Peace Congress in ew orlt .omp tr an pnd and Andrew Carnearie was decorated with the Cross of the Legion of Honor by the J rencn uov Bmment. Ti,o .lofonilnnta in the Eddy suit filed their answer to all complaint of Mrs. Eddy's son and otners, aenjiug 11 the allegations mate against them and nnttiu? counter-charges. Tostimony given in the rlarnsDurg ioritni innnirv indicated that Con f D tractor Sanderson knew long before tha cnntmnl u a warned mal lie would be the successful bidder. .juiinufc- - r V Ak-ed. reaching New Jork, teemed emphatically tnat n would become ttocckeieiier s pastoi a m tkat Pv-Sheriff "Ld" Cat- lahan may confess the whole truth of the Breathitt county feud murtVrs is to worry Judee Hargid. " Petticoat politics" is said to be the rea cause er vvesi ronn a iic ent "tempest in the teapot. Mr. Hugh L. Bond conferred in SjShi .. with Hill representative regard Log the terminal transfer controversy. Ex-Judge Stevenson was held up 10 Philadelphia in true Wild Western fashion and robbed. Whnt the "Anollo Belvidere" and ii. im: Tkrtufo." chnll wpflr til me iicuM i "ii " hide their sliapeliness is puzzling a whole town in tonnecticutt. More Ohio counties are reported to hnvo ioined Taft's boom. Mr. Tafl made a careful address in Ponce, Por to Rico. Cuba is burdened with an overa bundance of ready money, both th Treasury and the bants having mu lions lving: idle. . Details of Mexico's earthquake mnlri it nn Ipsa flnnftlilinff. Chile ve- nnrto vnipanip pruntions. and earth ma . ..... - j j shocks wece felt in many parts of th world. A Kill o-rantincr the risrht of appeal in criminal cases audi creating a courl for that purpose was introduced it the British parliament. Mexico's earthquake was wors( than at first reported, no fewer than five towns being destroyed and manj persons being killed. S.rotarv Wilson denounced manu facturers who are advertising that the purity of their products is guar anteed bv the Government. IWoU Marshall T,ord Roberts joked with General Botha, Premier of th Transvaal, at the Lord Mayor's lun cheon, the two having: formerb fouerht each other. The investment of a part of th permanent fundi in railroad bondf caused a heated debate at the Daugh ters of the American Kevoiuiion oon- cress. TiSvA nprsnns were killed and a scow hurt by the wrecking ofthe Oriental Limited on the Northern Pacific rail road. Mrs. Charles J. Holman, the mothei v.plun tJeshitt Thaw, in an inter view, defends herself, and says shi would have killed White naa nei t'uuehter told her what she told Thav The medical building of McGil University, at Montreat, was destroy ed bv fire. Znhn Smith, in court at Lexington srpH that he bad been in duced by Judge Hargis to kill Jamei CocltrilL i The . Philadelphia Board of Tradi attopted resolutions depreciating ieg islation hostile to raUroads. V, ' Andrew Carnegie's' gift to the Un ited Engineering Societies a big build in in New York, was dedicated. - Th nir American fleet of battle ships and crnsiers is now anchorei off Jamestown, and tne pian oi u cboraire is being worked ojii. President Zelaya, of Nicaragua writes to President Roosevelt consent ing to a general peace conference. Mpay BY CHECK. 0 Pay your bills in a basiiest-like manner, by check. It greatlymcillUte the conduct of your business, both private and commercial, while at the same dm your funds are abso lutely safe. Business conduotod through bank ia always more dignified. Even if yon use your money km week to week and month to month, pay A Ormqk tki Bank The re tained checks are legalreceipU tor every kill you ay. 4 PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME B&B B&B "OLD VELVET" MARK ROGERS" FOUR ACES" FINE OLD RYE WHISKIES j SOLD BY Madison County Dispensary mm m marnaii, A mimhp.r of Hungarian miners em CU 1U IUC , Wheeling, were ambushed and oni 1 J : t U .i ll T) i .. 1 mino npnl killed. Vanlkner. at Martinsbure npheld the undated will of John W Cnswell, deciding it to be nis iasi wn Th Virsinia State Council of thi Royal Arcanum is in session in JJan ville. RnsRell B. Ward a merchant ani cattle dealer, committed suicnide ii Pricess Anne county Warfielfi at the Public Uv T.rnw mpptinsr in New York declar .j . o p1 hia intention of prosecutm"- thosi using large sums to influence voten in the Maryland campaign. Bruan and Warfield were centen of interest at the Brooklyn JJemocrat ic Club s Jefferson bauquet Sftveral meetings were held in con nection with the Peace Congress ii New York. The conference of British colonia govemers, which will continue abeu one month, began in .London. Plans for New Battleships Signed Washington, Special. Secretary Metcalf sinned the plans and specifi cations for the two 20,000-ton battle ships to be built for the United States navv. Thev are to be of the eeneral type of the Dreadnought of the Brit ish navy. The plans will b sent to ia manv navv vards and such private IHins- firms as sismifv their in tention to make bids, iney win oe sent out on April 20, and bids will b opened on June ZU 18 Inches of Snow at Denver. Denver. Col..' Special. According to the local weauier oureau s meao urements, 18 inches of snow fell her liirino the storm which came fron . . . f . the north. A heavy precipitation als was general in Colorado, benenminf the orain crops, whicli were tureaien ed by drought. Freezing weather l n ' . ontiPinnteH hut little damasre win di done, as veiretation is covered witl snow. Damage estimated at $500,00i has been done to truit trees in tu Arkansas valley "Cry of the Unemployed." London, By Cable. The "Cry of the unemployed" was raised in Lon don again when several thousand skilled workmen who had been dis charged from Woolwich arsenal, as an outcome of War becretary s nai riiMip'a nf'hptnp. of reducing military expenses marched with bands ami banners the long distance ironi svooi wich to the House of Commons to im-, press their greviances upon the gov eminent. THE DAY OF REST IN FRANCE Patient "Doctor, this appendicitis makes me suffer terribly. Won't you operate upon me?" ' V Doctor "Impoasible; the law ior bids me to open on Sunday." La Llb- i orte. DEPOSITS n. v. BULL KILLS A MATADOR. First Death of the Kind in Mexico His Unlucky Day. BUH fighting In Mexico has had its first death; that is, the first death ot a human being. The superstitious will nod sagely when, they learn that the fatal fight -occurred on the . J3th of ., January. According to Modern Mexico it was a great day. Antonio Motftes. a fav orite matador, had had trouble get ting one hull, a native Mexican pro duct, into a good position for the final thrust. When he did so, after much maneouvring, be himself waa backed up against the wooden fence mhivi surrounds the rine. He killed the bull "beautifully," but In the animal's dying rage the bull caught and threw the matador three times, inflicting the fatal Injuries. After preparing the body for ship ment back to Spain, where all good bull fighters come from and where they are always burled, it was placed in the chapel of the Spanish ceme tery in this city where, through the carelessness of the guard, the candle was allowed to fall over and set flro to the draperies, burning down the chapel and cremating the body. Aside from the natural interest; in such an event and the dramatic feat ures of the fight, death and crema tion, it was one of the most interest ing sights to see the crowd of Mexi cans of all classes, from me mgnusi. to the lowest, which hung about tha house where the dying favorite lay. This crowd was never less than 200 and often greater than 2,000, a most interesting commentary on tha statement, often heard, that bull fight ing as a sport is on the wane in pop ularity here. However, some Httla agitation, backed by well known peo ple, has been begun looking toward a permanent closing of the bull rings. What the result of this talk and the petitions will be cannot be forecast, but the fact that this was tried once before and was a signal failure, and aian that- a new steel ring has just hPAn, huilt and will be ready for oc cupancy next year, point to a probable failure of the agitation. ' Held For Manslaughter. Savannah, Ga., Special. In the police court George Hulbert, watch man: R. E. Wallace, engineer, and W. E. Jackson, fireman, in the em ploy of the Central of Georgia Rail way, who were in charge of the train and crossing when a sight-seeing auto mobile was run down on Saturday - v last, injuring Miss Mary ; Teresa Rourke, of Brooklyn, IS. i, so oaui.v she died and severely injuring sever al others, were held , for trial on a tharge of manslaughter. , - ; ; i . COULD ONLY WSTEN; " i , "I think Mrs- GoldrockS is such eleaiant person to talk to. donjt yoo. No You've o'vldently had better urk umn-I have. I have never been. able to do an thins but listen"'-.-- jijlwauic-a Sentinel." -. ) ' , - if. i .1 v. r ' - I

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