t ; Mint nun m tinnmi z.. fUbid in tb County , ; ;liiiiiilimiiiiiHHiHM1f The Medium ; ; Through which yoa reach the ; ; '. i people tf Madison County J ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION j IUIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIHII X 1 a yar in AdOanct 'TJ' 'X "I ': f , t Job Print! rrxaptljr ud Nattl t II 1 1 M I 1 1 I M I I I III 1 1 H it POLITICAL REFORM AND THE GENERAL UPBUILDING OF MADISON COUNTY. i i VOL. IX. MARSHALL. K C, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1907. NO. 20. THE SET. Knicker Does he oome from the best families? Bocker No. the strictly fresh. New JSfork Sun. Fatally Hurt by Hail Stones. Casville, Mo., Special. Allie Bee son, 16 years old, was rendered un conscious by falling hail, and she may die. The hail storm was the most destructive ever known in Bar ry county. Ice balls as large as hen's eggs fell to a depth of two inches. Town Destroyed by Tire. Warsaw, Special. Fire totally de stroyed the town of Tyszowce, in the province of Lubin. . Three thousand fiersons are homeless. DIRECTORY METHODIST CHUBOH Rev. R. J. Parker Pastor. Services every Sunday, mor ning and night. Sabbath School every Sun day morning. Prayer Meeting every Wed nesday night. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH r t Pim lt Paiio Serricai every 8udayU a. m. P- m- . Sabbath Scfee-ol at 10 a. n. Prayer meeting Wedaead veaUif at f 40. IAPTIST OHUSOH Kit. J. W. Sdttlk. . . '. Pastoi ServTcas avery " Sunday fill m am . a. m. ana i :su p. m. Prayer meeting Tuesday era. ssr MA amgai7:tw. MARSHALL AOIDEMT- Miss Reai MoCom,. . .Principal town ornoxes RoBirr N. OAto,v...nj J.-A. Ubaiomiles, Chief Ponce LEWIS J. BALEY, Attojmcy-At-Law. MARSHALL, N. O. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts, also in the Pan aion Office and other Govern ment Departments at Washing ton, D. O. CIIAS. B. MASHBURN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ' MABSHALL, N. 0. Will practice in all the 8tate and Federal Courts, also in all Government Departments ia Washington. Especial atten tion to collections. ZACHARY & ROBERTS ATTORNEYS-AT-L AW. Marshall, N. O. Practice in all the Courts el the 15th Judicial District, and in Supreme Court of North Carolina. - J.H. HUNTER Marshall, R. F. D. 8. ' Practical Surveyor and No tary Public. All work prompt" ly and accurately done. Fidelity Lodge, No. 148 Marshall, N. C. Mot ftverv Thuradav nirhi A cordial welcome ia to all Tutt ing Knight. . VANB. DAVIS. C.C. W. H. BENDkiRSON,K.R. & S. I. JL ndger, Sr., - I. N.Tbba, , :;. Asaerllle, N. C , Hot Sprian, M.C - CDDGER & EBBS, . ' 1 ATTQBNEfS AND COUS'SEIXOSS , ; IT LAW. ( ' ... . V fOT Will practice in all the - Courts of the btate.' : Colleo- tins a epecialtx. terns of Interest From Many Parts off the State MINOR MATTERS OF STATE NEWS Happenings of More or Less Import ance Told In Paragraphs The Cot ton Markets. Tar Heel Notes. There was another negro shooting icrape in Statesville Tuesday night and as a result Tom Ferguson a back iriver is dangerously wounded. Charters are . granted the Clarkton Planning Mill Company, Capital stock $25,000, O. L. Clark principal stock holder. Another charter is granted the High Point Machine Company, capital stock $250,000, which is to take over the High Point Machine Works and the Dixie Motor Company W. VanBrunt and H. A. Meagraw of High Point being the chief stock holders. The cwupany will make numbers of articles, including bicycles The King Whiskey Distilling Com pany, Salisbury, has changed its name to the H. J. Summers Company. A charter is granted the Montreat Concrete and Building Company, to make blocks, brick and tiles, capital stock, $50,000; Fleming Ramseur, of Shelby and others stockholders. An other charter is granted to the Newton Purdle Lumber Company, Elizabeth- town, $40,000;, F. A. Addnigtou, of VV ake and other stockholders The coiuny suwrintendent samp- son informs the State Superintend ent of Public Instruction that con tracts have been let tor seven new public schools and that four local tax elections in school districts will be held in a few days and that a favor able result is sure. When the board meets nest Monday three more peti tions for such elections will be pro- sented. A first-class county high school.iijfei eatatdished ;tt Kali to burg, aim besides this more rural schools are to be built. B. C. Beckwith of the State board of internal improvements sold the State arsenal in the corner of capital square by order of the Legislature for $lot). The building is 90 veais old The penitentiary authorities an- nouce tliat John Bailey, a mulatto, aged 22, sentenced form Mecklenburg last December for 25 years for mur der, escaped from the convict camp near -Godwin. A reward of $2o and all necessary expenses is offered. A new company of the national guard has been organized at Shelbv to take the place of the one disband ed last week for failure to appear for inspection. It seems that the fail ure to appear is owing to some local trouble. In a few days the new com pany will be mustered in and will take the old place in the regiment. State Superintendent Joyner is no tified by Superintendent Giles of Mc Dowell that local tax elections were qarried in. two school districts in that county and that another is pending with good prospects. The agricultural department is making very complete arrangements for its summer series of county insti tutes for fanners. These wiU cover more than two-thirds of the State, and very great care is to be taken in making up a strong corps of field workers to conduct them. The de partment is very mnch gratified by the fact that from year to year interest in and attendance at these institutes has increased. The work of arrange ment is entrusted to State Veterin arian Butler. Two lives were lost on the Seaboard Air Line at Norlina, Engineer N. S. Efferson drove his fast freight train northbound into the tender and some cars shifting engine in the yards a quarter of a mile the other side of the station. The' engineer and his fireman B. F. Johnson were instanly killed and their engine utterly wrek-ed.- Strange to say the engineer and fireman on the shifter were unhurt. George Fox Kills Fred Muse, j Spencer, Special.JTred Muser Col ored, was shot and killed here early Thursday morning by George Fox, a fellow laborer at the Southern Rail Way cinder pit on the Spencer yards, It is learned that . Fox, who- worked on the night Bhift went to sleep on duty and. that Muse attempted to awaken him by Jboldifig a. lighted rag under: his nose. This enraged Fox an 4 a quarrel followed, which, was renewed at intervals during the night TARHEEL CRCP BULLETIN Condition of North Carolina Crops for the Past Week as Given Out by the Department Conditions for Week Ending Monday, May 6. The weather was very favorable during the past week in most re spects. The temperature was slight ly above normal, and the rainfall was also somewhat above normal but was unevenly distributed. Tuesday and Wednesday were fair. On Thursday and Friday heavy rains fell in the eastern half of the State and moderate rains in the west ern half. These rains were in gener al beneficial, but some correspondents report too much rain, the effect be ing to , delay farming operations. Some hail fell but no damage result ed. The remainder of the week was fair. The temperature vas highest on the first two days of the week, and the highest temperature reported was 90 degrees on May 1st in Lenoir County, during the remainder of the week, the temperature was moderate except on Friday when the lowest tempera ture was generally reported. A. H. Thissen, Section Director. Greensboro Female College Corn- mencement. Greensboro, Special. Folowing is the programme of the exercises of the commencement of the Greensboro Fe male College: Sunday evening, May 19. Sermon before Y. W. C. A., bv the Rev. W. A. Lambeth. Monday evening. May 20. Recital bv expression students. " Tuesday, May 21. at 11 a. m. Bac calaureate sermon by the Rev. W. J. Young, D. D., Richmond, Va. Tuesday, 4 p. m. Alumnae even-ins-. - Tuesday, 8 p. m. -Piano recital, under the auspices of the alumnae association, hy Claude Robevson. Wednesday morning, May 22, at I:50 o'clock. Graduating exercises j, y. enmng of theses; com erring ceitili cates, diplomas, Bibles, etc. Literary address at 11 a. in., by Dr. C. Alphonso Smith, I'niversilv of North Carolina. Wednesday, 8:H0 p. m. Annual concert. A most cordial invitation is ex tended to the public, especially foi mT students, to attend these exercises. Officers Seize 50-Gallen Still. Fayetteville, Special. Saturday night Sheriff Watson with Deputy Sheriff Culhreth seized one of the big gest "moonshiner'' outfits ever cap tured in this cjunty, composin r a 50- g-ihon still and lij0 g Jious of bee.', sitjeted at ,he head of an ii:in".'"si a'.'t berry s.v.....:i in lhv wildest pmt of Rockfish township. The blocka de rs were evidently resting at home, but every thing was ready for the night work of turning beer whiskey. into Fatally Stabbed. Wilmington, Special Sunday night in the northern part of the city Geor ge Brown and Robert AYalker, an adopted son of Maj. Andrew Walki i. an officer of the colored troops in the Spauish-Americiyi war from this State, became involved in a ditriciully with the result that Walker stabbed Brown to death, -long knife-having penetrated the breast between the ribs in the region of the heart. Brown ran a block and fell dead in the street. Walker, who is but 15 years of ag?, made his escape. Brown was 19. The coroner' held an inquest at the city hall and fixed the responsibility of the killing on Walker. North State Items. A charter has beeu granted .the In vestment Company of Wilmington. Hugh MeRae being the principal stockholder, the capital stock beiim $200,000. Corporation Commissioner Rogers has gone to, investigate complaints made by persons at several points on the line of the Transylvania Railway, between Toxaway and Hendersonville. The Greerisboro High School Ath letic Association has decided that no member of the high school baseball r footbalL teams will be allowed tu play .i until , he has' , signed a pledge stating that he will not under any cir cumstances take .drink of whiskey while he is away on a tri to play or while the. team is togetlier for prac-tice.- v ; '' -": State Veterinarian Butler has gone to Tryon to investigate the cause of glanders existing there. It is a very dangerous and deadly disease, and is communicated to human beings. It is the first ease reported in North Carolina in almost - a year. " This State ia remarkably free from it. . Late fletvs In "Brief MINOR MATTERS OF INTEREST North Texas suffered severely from a tornado on Monday afternoon, sev eral small towns being swept away. Rev. Dr. John Watson ("Ian Mc Laren"), died at Mount Pleasant, Iowa, of blood poisoning, resulting from tonsilitis, on Monday night. Interesting discussions were held at the National Taberculosis meetiug in Washington city. The trial of William T. Haywood, the labor leader, for murder, was bs gun on Monday at Bois, Id;f,io. Near Mullins, S. C, on Monday a negro attempted criminal assault up on a young girl. He was shot to death ly a posse that was trying to arrest him. Serious rioting has had to be sup pressed in Rawalindi, Punjab. Seven of the crew of the oil tank steamer Silverslip were killed by e plosions of benzine aboard and the others were rescued by a passing vessel. Not less than 1,144 executions have taken place in Russia as a result of drumhead courts-martial. The new treaty between the LTnit ed States and Santo Domingo was ratified by the Dominican Senate. The explosion of a powder maga zine in Canton, China, killed a num ber of persons and did immense damage. Robert S. Dickson, accused of ab ducting Madeline Detnpsey, daughter of W. L. Dempsey, of Fredericks burg, left town after furnishing bail, and a Washington detective was un able to locate him. Hollywood Memorial Association elected officers and made arrange ments for Memorial Day observance in Richmond on June 3. An offical of the Independent Watch Dealers' Association brought the high tariff law home to Mr. Roosc yelt in a striking way. A Kent uck v thoroughbred and an Arabian horse will take part in an endurance test across the continent. The text of the new German-American tariff agreement was made public. Letters from Rev. J. K. Cooke, who is accused of leaving llerastead, L. I., with a 17-year-old pirl. are said to hint at suicide rather than arrest. New York State is believed to be on the verge of its greatest political contest. Hughes and his policies forming the bone of contention. Edward Gibson, colored, in a trial lasting 17 minutes, was sentenced to 12 years in prison and to remain in iail until the payment of $3,000 tine practically a life sentence for at tenrDtinir assault on a New Jersey girl. The reports of the auditors of the Harrisburg capitol show that Sander son & Co. made profits of 1,000 per cent, and more on some of the fur nishings they supplied. On the plea of wishing to protect the Italian immigrants on board, ihe Italian Commissioner forced the bur ial of an American woman at sea who had died of cancer. A quarrel among labor unions has caused a building tie-up in Philadel phia which may throw 30,000 men out of work. An Austrian count was killed by a posse in California in mistake for a desperado. The Steunenberg murder trial is ex pected to begin at Boise City, Idaho, next Thursday. Railroads centering in the Pitts burg district have announced a con siderable advance in treiglit rates east of the Mississippi, effective June 1. All records , at Ellis Island were broken more than 20,000 immigrants landing in 24 hours. Sir.George Gould Arbuthnot, head of Arbuthnot & Co., of Madras, India, whose London house failed for a large sum, has beeu arrested. Premier Botha sprang a surprise in the Imperial Conference by hold ing out for freedom to put up tariff harriers aramst British sroods if deemed expedient. Three cases involving freight rates on cotton piece goods and cotton waste from points in the South tn NewYork and other Eastern points were argued before ,the inter-State commerce' ' : commission. The cases were those of the Warren 'Manufact uring Company and others 'of-' War- renville,- S. C against the Southern Railway: James L. Quimbyy of Lang v, S.: C against the Clyde Line Steamship Company and the River side. Mills, of Augusta, 'Ga., -against the Southern ' Railway. : Briefs were filed and the cases wlil be taken into consideration at an early date. : King Edward and . President Fat hers, Of" France met. V'. ' "-"in ninaaau itllfiflln Fay your Ulk is boaineM-llke manner, by check. It gteatlyaeiUUtea the conduct f your bnsineM, both prif ate and oomiMroial, while at Um lame time your fundi are abso lutely sale. Buiinen oouduoted through a hank la always more dignified. Even 11 yea use your money from week to week and month to month, fay U tknogk tM Bank. The re turned checks are legalrecipU tor every kill you yay. 4 PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS x$P&' I vhile at Um fame time your funds are abto- i Q mmwsmm B&3 B&B "OLD VELVET" "MARK ROGERS" FOUR ACES PINE OLD RYE WHISKIES SOLD BY Madison County Dispensary Marshall, N. C. Directors of the Cotton Belt Kail way in Texas held a meeting. J. SV. Maxwell, general superintendent, was elected vice president and director, vice W. E. Greene, resigned. Direc tors elected are F. E. Brit ton, H. E. Farrell, St. Louis; W. C. Connor, Dal-' las, Tex. ; M. A. Cooper. T. .1. Joiner, Sherman, Tex.; James Garritty, Cor sicana, Tex. According to report J. Edward Ad dicks is to finance the double-tracking of the Siberian railroad. President Defines Position. New York. Special. hi a lett'.T read Sunday before the Central Fed eration Union, President Roosevelt states that if evidence is submitted to him showing that there lias been a miscarriage of justice for or against Moyer and Haywood, awaiting trial at Boise, Idaho, charged with the murder of former Governor Stuene berg, he will bring such evidence to the attention of the attorney general for such action, if any, as it may be in the power of the Federal authori ties to take. Cotton Buyers in Session. Atlanta, Ga., Special. At a meet ing here of the Southeastern Cotton Buyers' Association presided over by President George A. Nicholson, many questions of importance to the buyers were discussed. The relations be tween the cotton merehnt and the pro ducer, as well as the relations be tween the merchant and the spinner, and regulations to exchange these re gulations were among the subjects dis eussed. Prominent buyers from many Southern cities were in attendance. Two Bodies Float Ashore. Pass Christian, Miss., Special. The drowning of five men of the schooner Sioux on Monday night came to light when the bodies of two floated ashore and a third body was seen off shore. The missing include Captain James Connelly, formerly of Balti more. He and the four sailors start ed to row out. to their schooner Mon day evening, but they never reached the vessel. The Sioux is from Biloxi. Miss. Stroke Killed Minister. Parkersburg, W. Va., Special. Rev J, D. Simmons, os this city editor oi the Baptist Banner and one of the best-known ministers in West Vir ginia, died at the Virginia Hospital at Buckhannon. Last Sunday Rev, Mr. Simmons left here to preach si Buskhannon, but before ehurch t'imt he,was stricken with apoplexy and was found unconscious in his room al the hotel. He never regained consci- l ousness : His wife and daughter wer at his bedside.5 - 'f 'iv ' ' -'V ' V V .T Two men -got five days in Jail lor sleeping pa the stej of treasury department In Washington.' ' It tie? slept'.lnslde, suggests the New York Herald, they would get from 600 to $6,000 a yeair. " . i 9 g0 Mi WEWSY GLEAXIXGS. Heavy rains have fallen In New South Wales. American tourists now throng the Paris boulevards. "Tne' Board of Magistrates ot New York City voted to wear gowns'" on the bench. The outbreak of cerebro-spinal meningitis at Belfast shows no sign of diminishing. Organized labor leaders are re garded tn Washington as bitterly op posed to President Roosevelt. A notorious brigand, Stanislaus Lis, the author of many crimes, has been captured at Lublik. Russia. Magistrate Cornell said that crime In New York City has become a busi ness and was never more prevalent. Enrico Alfano, accused of two murders in Italy, was ordered back to Italy in Irons from New York City. Victorious Honduran rebels fought among themselves at Tegucigalpa until the Nicaraguan troops arrested them all. President Finley, of the Southern Railway, in a speech at Mobile, said that railroads must borrow to make necessary improvements. At Stockholm, Sweden, the First Chamber of Parliament adopted the report of the committee reducing the duty on unground maize. An association of Cape Town busi ness men has been formed to secure the permanent establishment of a diamond cutting industry in the col ony. Governor Hagerman, ot New Mex ico, has resigned, and Captain Geo. Curry, a former Rough Rider, has been appointed by the President to succeed him. The stone pile as a punishment for Chicago confidence men, pickpockets and other "crooks," instead of fines, is provided under the new vagrancy law in the Illinois Legislature; FASHIONS IN GOWNS. Short skirts are bound to become popular as a result of their adoption by Mrs. Roosevelt. Already Washing ton society has given itself to imita tion of several new spring abbreviat ed gowns worn by the wife of the Presiden.t, and the style has even crept into Fifth avenue. One of Mrs. Roosevelt's gowns Is a soft gray plaited skint, a full three inches above the ground, with a half-fitting coat (brimmed in Persian braid. The effect is distinctly tlailorish and smart, al though women of low stature wKl think twice before approving t. With the gown Mrs. Roovelt wears a hat of black Milan braid, made In two. teobions. The crown is laid In folds alons-thcrtrim,- and ia the folda are small white rooebuds, surrounded by maiden hair fern.' Uncurled' ostrich tips in black end white re clustered at the left . side, v The hat la 'very trim in appearance, and yet does not . rob Mrs. Rooeevelt of her becoming air .of I'Presi? 1 Ditikrviauuis. ,..yiw A 'GOOD BEGINNING """ V StilTaNow that we' are engaged you- must- - economize. Jack I do already; I'm not calling on any of the other girls. Now Tor Sun. , ' ;! U '-i ) I

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