imillllllMIIMMMMlin : The Medium f ; ; THroafh which you retell ihe J people Madison County X J ' ADVERTISING RATES CN APPLTCAT1C3 MIMIIIHIMIIIttlti e , - POLITICAL REFORM AND THEGENERAC; UPBUILDING OF MADISON COUNTY. VOL,XlY IffiMABSHA 29,1909 NO. 4.V nil Hi Mi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 it .l?; ' PJ . , - ""' ' :''-- " .. . ,, -..., '. -1. '. : 1 1 - 5 i f -J-.-. PPNSfRVAIION -lfdcnl .Approves Report : -of National Comrrassiotv SENDS MESSAGE TO; CONGRESS '." Hp . j ' -- . A . r; -T-'--" i- , 1 ' : .-' .. .- -' ,, vrgef MeMrg to Conserve the Nat- nrai Resources as a Legacy to Poa terifrJMrtld. li '-ptft lki e TWthont Delay. : v'T ;:. miflte ' -to f Ooi;OF t JoQorii bearing on ; he conservulion ot 'jonr .-jiatuml moBittf:'i(.;nV -vW (r'f ? ' i Xa transmit -iwewitai report of "tte .'national conservation eommtesioht'tov fether with (he- acappaflyin&- papers. r-This repottw,; whiab ntiirth yvt... the,. conference 6t ',. Povernora last , -j, wan . uiiamuiuusif ;pprovea ny 4he reeent' joint cortferfenbe' held hi m .itx! -between 'the national oa- . -servation commission . and. Oovernois f the -States, State conservation eom misaiajw and eonserration ' commlt V; ees of great oiuikationa of' eitiv ,ens. " It is tjieseforeri:(a peculiar ' ense representative of the whole na tion and all its parts. t " , ; , The.' facts "set fprth in this report' eonstknte-an. imperative call to actr -'ion.. The situation they disclose de HiaMds that we, negctinft for a time, . ' if need, be, smajler. and .,,lesvitl -questions, shajlncentrata tja .jbffee-- -;ive-part of. our -tteution'! npon. the . i -reat materiaL foiindations pf nation-. v: r 1 existence, pjpgre& anS jprosperity'. . .The progrees: di bur knowledge of . hi country . wiltf ebnt'iiraally iead5 to :roaoprato'inlormBti8ni and- better "vn of the' 'stiurees -of -national . ;trengthrnItis:not"necesSary that, this knowledge ''should: be vxact in very jminuf e-;dBtaili.s It Jssgential. , - mai it sirouiq;icorjeojiyae8cn:De tfi general sityatiool The popseryation of our resources IsJthe .fundameiAal question, before this .nation. . " Our population is now addiqfr about MMklUi. r -f fc , doited from the 'p'roduefs of "buf'soiL. With-the stedyWrtfr i6 'pohiK(te Here after make; irreater"iind not less de. . ,mand8,pe,rit!apita upon all the nac y. Lnralresourcs 'foi - theif-i.livlihoodj eomfortv andficonvenieiipa. i"It ishib r time to Realize that our rcsponsibil- ity to the dining millions is like that of pnrentu their children, nd' thsi : in wasting; -jour, resources we. .are wronging on descendants.' . Our river can and should be made to servo; oiir "people veffectirely 'in. .transportation,- but1" the Vast expen-; 'ditnres J9f pur waterways. bwejDfit resulted in .maintaining, much -less., jn promoting,' .inland navigation. There fore, let na. take immediate steps .o ;, ib& reasons and to prepare 7 and' addptya comprehensive plan- for inland wafferway navigation, Our fores U are fast disappearing, and 'less than oue-fiftt 'of them are being : conserved, and -no good purpose, can be met by failing to provide the rela- : tively small sums needed for the pro-1 : Section, use anij. improvement of all 'forests still owned by the govem iment.'Eetna' enact laws to check , tne wastefuJr! destruction f tt for ests in private-lands. The American (i'Pl4, .stand nearly as 'a unit fjjr '. waterway fdevelopment and for forest . r ,prptectioni . j- i V , Mineral Resources Wasted. ; 'f-Jv -: ? 7 Our' ' mineral resources - once ex it . rliausted , are "gone ' forever, and th ; i needless waste, of them costs ua .bnnr Ji dredsjt pf .-hnman lives 7 ; and ' nearly t30000jbd0 a year.: Theore lojt 5 tis uiidejrtake without delay the in yest.g(iti.. necessary before our . " 'peopteUirUt , be in position through :." v". ?Statsi6Hori, ori. otberwiseV to put an t;5-I--:"9dt'fothi8 huge loss ana "waste," anU ' .jBOnserve .both oar tninera) resQurees : Hd tbe-lives ofJ the men who take ' them frointhe eartii.i-. 'V i-uit .iTh conservation "of our na tnfan tesouroes is of first; consideration, If we of this ceneration destroy Ihe re- L ' .- Bourcetr from , which' pur . children V ' would "otherwise derive their livli . ' heodj wefreduce the capacityjOf bui .v'ifp'JWd; t0nppqri.,a pppuiauonf ana sc r,r.7 titter degrade the stapdara jor 4jvipg f"'J ".. itr depye' the; 'coming, generations J ; y " If' we allow great industrial. organ- " t'rtaztionstict iCexreiser unregulated coni .-..trot 0i7ha.meansiOf produetionand c"" 'tlwJ Americans 'of to-dayaftd'i th f -;uturjf ; of .ifidustrial:-lSberty, a righl - .vavuj Ma, v aau fm just r- VSvhwinjfoa. elose,Jias at ieaat seen w , Iarly ,ib(f, TuaaameKtaf.nb.'of '-f ree- of eportnty fofr.wraeitrt. ' 1 No inlir ftod--oOi.afi wit,ti'inSdbi ; allpwed to play be game of eomppfi tioh th'.loVde'A eiee The uneheXk-k.-: ed ex1steneeoTmpnniaJteiani!Om. pntible with equality of ,oportunity 1'he' ireason' for .'the' eserct-'e. ' : .''erl-inlvii:5jis,rtt mo'ao-: lie is ' fo equalize; opportunity. Waterways.. , f .. ' Aecordiiisly, I tuge that the brbaj plan for the development of; oui warerwavs. recommended by the: In' land Waterways Commission, be put in effect without . delay. - ' Tbe rwork of ; waterways develop ment. should, be .. undertaken' without delay. T Meritorious projects in knowr conformity 'with the general ' outline of any-' comprehensive- plan should proceed at once. Tbe cost of. the 'whole work 'should be met by direct appropriation jf possible, but if nec essarx by tbe issne of bonds in smflC denominations, - . :- It is especially important that thi development- of water power should be, guarded with the utmost care both by tbe national government and: bj rtho State's in" order to protect, the peo ple against the upgrowth of lmonopob .and to' insure to them a fair share in the benflts which will follow -the de velopment of this great asset whicli belongs to the people and should bi controlled by them. ' - .. t i Forests, - ' I urge that provision be made, for both protection and more -rapid de velopment of the national: forests. Otherwise, . either the increasing nsa of these forests "by the people must bo checked or their, protection , against nre must be dangerously weakened. If we compare the actual damage on similar areas' m private and national forest lands during the past year, the government fire patrol saved commer cial timber worth as mueb as too total cost of caring for all national forests at the presnt rate for about ten years. . . ,. ' Lands. . - The use df the public grazing lands should be .regulated in such ways as to improve 'and conserve their value. Rights to4 the surface -of the public land should be separated from rights to.forects nporf it and to minerals be neath it, ' tnd - these should be Sub- tect to Kcfihmtft. disnoRal. - ' The coal, oil, gas' and phospbafe rightft still: remaining with vthe gov eminent should: be withdrawn from entry and leased under conditions fa- 1 1 n ' . I ' t : l j. voruoie iop economic development. .. . ... :. , . : IBneralfl? r xne consampiionf.OT nearly aii ni rtta . t ? . a i it. increashing more . ramdlv t than' onr population. Our mih&tFHfcaste -ia'-'ijbont oueixtli of our-pWduct, nearly. $1,000,000 for each working day in the year. The loss of Btrueiurai : materials through fire is abput another million a day. The' loss; bf- life in-the -nines is ap palling. Tlie.Jarger part of these losses ,ca4;be. avoided. .. V.A partipf the action" pf the joint conference says: We also especially urge On the Congress of the United States the; high desirablity of main taining a national commission on the cbnsecvation ' of ' tchresoiirces of the country ,,'emppwered .': to co-operate with State commissions io he end that revev sovereign Commonwealth and eyer&section of the country may attain tha1 "high' degree' "of : prosperity and athe sureness- of perpetuity nat urally acisingrin the .abonndant,. re sources and the .-"vieo'n": intelligence. d-airiotfem of : bureople. "''. In this : recommendation I jnost heartily "concur, and I urge that an appropriation of. at least $50,000 be made to over the expenses of the national' eonserration ' commission for necessary j rnt, assistance and trav eling expenses. This is a very small sum. I know of no other way In wtSetT Ufa" appropriation of so small a sum would result in. so large a bene- , fit to he, whole nation. . THEODORE ROOSEVELT. v Paler ,lTot . GnUty.' "Tampa,' fla., ; SpeeialThe ury tryiing JTrsi; ' Pauline: Palmer for " tbe murder of her hnsbaifd.'Luke Palmer; in "July . last, '.at 4heir home, Friday rendered a veVdict of not guilty, af ter a trial lasting a' week. The de fense claimed the killing was done to protect, the chastijiy orjojie Ppwers, 13-5ear-old Bervant girl,, who waj be ing assaulted by Palmer ;at the time; The State "tlaimed conspiracy to kill Palmer-:'forilife insurance. 'f Womanhood ' SCust. Be Protected," V. .'I','.!:' 8ayt egro.Bialiop. i: - Franklin, La., Special stanj ready to go with the. whites i today right jnto heJt; to ' protect, sa woman, white or blacky against" a fiend,"- said Bishop -B W. Lampton, of U African JJethodist Episcopal -Church, in : his charge" Jo ilie -Louisiana -Conference, of histehutcV hent .Saturday -nigbt--'Won7ataboQd.jnMtbA-prQtee,ted; jeti M dolour; part.,'; ..'- , .Wosld JTot .tocrearat. Penno f . J Wasnington,' : Speeial. - A -motion py Repj-esentativeC Qlcott, V (pf-'f -New Tork,!.to increase the pension of Julia 9.. C'dthlan, widow of ARear' Adi miral Conghlan, TJtaitad. Statei navy, from ?50. a month aa provided for in a pWori bijV 4q.l00;a month creat ed a 'LVely interest in ihe'. House .of Representatives. After a ; vigorous debate-the' amendment was lost by a vot0f 42 to 103. ;y ,.v SHIPS IN COLLISIO White Star Liner Rcptit!icarKj mid Lloyd Uner Florida MEET OFF iSlAKI KennhUerCktM ta Bottom After TJm loading Ear 711 Passengers an f Crew Greatest Pea W History Wireless Telegrapny -- rour - Killed, '.'-' ;.'.t. i New .Tork, Special-r-Grave anxiejtjUney enel CbarlesvW, Russell, also pervauca ,uBie, oaiuruay una MiHtTri i day nigtit is the result or the tSbrtf-if oft Nantucket on. the coast - of.,,New England, folowmjt the .rawminCT tarly Saturday of .the big Whit fitarl aboard, '. by.. the. steamer ! ploridft - of the Lloyd-Italian line. . The wireless. telegraph played ah important parti in the grave incidents happending ail sea, far from the shore, and. proved its utility as it, has never done before.. Bit by bit it told the tale, first an nouncing the news of the collision and the plight of the liner, which news came direct from .the . injured i mi Sa i-'ii-.iL- ': snip useu. i nen it icia tji me reo cue of the Republic's passengers, the condition from tine to time of .'the sinking ship and finally summoned" from the adjacent seas the "i White Star line Baltic, tfie French steamer La Lorraine, the Curnader Lucania and the revenue cutters Achushnet and Gresham. . At 8 o'clock p. m. the wireless brought' '.'"yeassuring news from ..Cap tain Ransom, of the steamer Baltic. He said that the Republic was: still afloat: that the Florida, with her own people and most of those frojn the -Republic aboard, close,.to 2,000 souls in all, was nearby, arid, that the Baltic was near thelscene, standing by ready to lend. aid.i'Tbe steamers. La Lorraine and, Lucania, Captain Ransom said, were: jds$ In the vicinity and tjie epublierough -her wifej less outfit, ; was . nirecnnhe menis til- -iop .jammiMfShff! : . Until an earlv hour Wunaav it was .believed the crashina togeter,f lh two big- ships had; not resulted' death of injury, to' .a single passead ger or member of the crews. Shortly, after midnight, however, the wireless feleirraoh "flaslfed the iiews th'a't two passengers on the.' Rep'u&lic- had been 1 .1 , ' , a .11 ' 3 T A Kiiiea ana iwo oincrs .injurea.!, L.a.iu in the day another wireless message told of four' deelis oh board the Florida, either of members. i: of the: crew or steerage passengers-. . x, It is, apparent that Jhie. Florida must, have been "betweeti ' 30 or '- 40 miles, off hp' bourse triV being any where near the Republic,-as the east bound and westbound 8tc.amer,:.lanes here are that distance apirt. ' ' -The collision,, being ?midsh1p7: at-' most immediately floodedthe engiije room of the Republic and of course. rendered her absolutely helpless.1 Fortunately," her wireless'- equipment was well supplied witluStorage. ht7 t eries 'an d three were used, .for more than six hours, until they gradually became exhausted. After . that,' re course to signalling by means of sub marine bells was adopted. ' In ' the middle, of .jthi? forenoon ,the tinsfer of psssengets'1 fo tlie Florida was made, and although he. fog rwas very dense, unusually calm weather foi?. f hie season of the year in the North Atlantic enabled the transfer to be made without accident. . By noon thff' Baltic and LaLorraifte were close io th ; sceaa of epjlision, buj. owingi to the dense. fog,:'wer noablfl to locate the Republic, although the' rabmarhie bells could be heaird 'f r- qitehtiy: - '-ztxi Th prompt closing of the Rennh lic 'a water-tight compartments which kept her ' afloat 'anil nndohbtedly saved the dive of iifny .ofhose; won board.' In the afternoon it wasulearp-i ed from! the Baltic that; these eorn partmejBt '7 were 'Stilt holding the; Tes sel ilsove waterf But that the:tulk heads aud compartment" doors;-, wjbk givjf way at' any moment : v fe ' r A dispatch at 8:30 Sunday night said: 'Republie gone dQwn.?; No on, aboard. - All crew safe in "reyenuj eutter Gresham." ;iVy T;?f"J ' ; An hour laterV another wu-'eleis . .i a.t..- -1.TL message was recewea siawng.wBc.,, revenue mttyrfOrastai&twiM Vi:. kAif ?m4' KM. Renobhe crew on board wa pro ceeding to Gayfcead.y!;il:. ,'ft!i' ThaBaDlifl'a'Masiamtoiuid' 900 nctmning- Italins inany of them Survivors of the eartnquaKe. on noaro thi Floridai - which -left fJaples n January 9th. - r.'.-V:-"--'VvV:w.' Lincoln'! Native qonntr Votes ;Dry. Hodgorivilte, '-Sy. Speiwl--iiH a lecal option election Larue "county; I A wiaeh ADraham Lincdla a. was cora nearly "TlOO years ago, voted ''dry' fcy. a -majority of lA&Jfy-yptyJ; 'pi more than 4 to lKjwnst, license. , - 7 . 71v. 1 r.4fi f EUHD SOOT. TESTIFIES TeUi the Grand Jury What He Know Aoont tue jfarchaee of fba CanaL yeu Awwa w van one Anyuung. r,Waah.ington, Special "I aiinply brought my subpoena, and oomcienea UB, ,"' jocularly remarked Seere- wry oi Bute ILhn Root, who Fri day was' one 'of the: chief witnesses before the United SUteV grand jury 4 a LU . 1 ' ' .a V n V .'" aueged nb ift; connection wtth the purchase of.the.Panaina' aftaU The Secretarj Wade, the-remark, to. newspaper men who sought : tpjnteryiew him a few minutes bafors he went into the frfand furT- irorinr.. SAnafni- Vnn-r t P,ennsylvaniL-aad Assistant Attor- gave . testimonT. AIIl declined to thww' ail light'Vipon 'the nature of frWWmi Njjjelljjpay' be VHP. vv iqs wimesaes isainraay,, .. ' f Well, '' said' Secretary Kbot as he emerged frontUhe' grand jury- 'ioom, "I cannot tell you boys, of. eonrsa, how, I testified. But I wjp -say this it is the'flrst time I have" ever been in Wiis 'building ' since the trial of Lnarles J. GUitteau for the assassina tipn of President 'Garfield, in 1882. was then here as a Spectator only." COOPER-SHAPE TRIAL DRAGS. Third Day's Session of the Cooper , Sharps Trial Closes Without the Addition of a Single Juror and the List Remains at Six. Nashville, Tenn., Special The third, day of the Cooper-Sharpe mur der trial passed not only without se curing another juror, but if the mo tioiof the State is sustained, one of th six . already chosen -will be eli minated beeause he was intoxicated when he reported for service and was chOsen; ' The. Jstate claims it secured knowledge of Juror Leigh's condition affer titjliad accepted him. ' ... The, . summoning of 500 additional talesmen begah-tate Thursday after- Jiooii. '-'tefc Appear "Monday to complete ihemy t try the-alleged slayers of ex-Senator, dward; W. Carmack. . Whlen tbaiiix apjected jurors were brought info?' couri Friday morning, WP. pf di&W vJ-. WhfieSvortlK called I fcdgs -Hattn4 Said YJadgerXv JEeertr used f to 'my morhmtr'toddy for a'tuod many years Land' I misseni: ifpoVerfully this morn- U&:i-Can't:;I,go oaeV-just one. every morning V' .V ''nih6' constitution" prohibits unusu- P alVa1 cruel punishments, ' ' remarked the ourc .judalur- '.' Mr. Oflicer, see that fhosa gentlemen who are w6t;to hve' i toddy get their toddy hereafter. 'T !--' FLOODS SWEEP TRANSVAAL. Bursting ' Dam Floods'- Gold Mine, . :rv:-Drbyping J60 , Laborers. , Johannesburg, By ah.le.r One huur dried . and feevent-tbree persons are known to Mvebst;rhoir lives Friday as jSfi tesiilt,;ot-.thfl,. flodda . which are genaralj t.hjp.ugb.ot ..,tbe . Transvaal colony ahd northern Natal. Great dainage'c tslor-' has been dote . to priporty.jByiheihrursting of Knight's damhe 'WHwaersraud gold mine in the,.,ojafcliwe"stei-n'. part of the Trans' vaarewasf iffooflcd'-'and ten white med !'andk"150 batWeBS.-feere drowned.. The water fram,jl$a-dam a,lso flooded the lower sectipift 9 tne-own of Elsburg where a number of houses wire swept away and 13 ' persons pensnea. gold dredger valued at $60,000, brokie adrift on the Kaap river and was wrecked. Saves' Woman But Loses His Life. Scrantbn, Pa-Special-rMi" J Duf., fv.'ttion muHtei' of tho Delaware. Lackawanna &: Western " Railroad ' at Hailst'ead. -.was-, run down and . killed by the-ew. TTork flyer just in front of th'f station Sunday atternoon. Duflj ijai 'biit on the tracks to rescue a -woman; wn "was in-danger of being funfJ'down by another train going in stfcOpposite, direction. . 'i llojt; Shoot, Hia rherr"i ;C ' Jsk'sonville, - -.Fla,, Special Wil- liamOi Bethea,'a jwmg white man, shot and instantly killed bis ' father, George JJethoa,- late Friday afternoon as the' old man was entering the home of 'hia 'daughter . jn the western sec-tko.'-of ; the' city. v There had ; been bad J?lxd -between father and son for some Atimo which: terminated , in- a quarrel irfucb .caused th old man's .death;'- Bethea. iB under arrest - ." ionaa Elected Chief Jostica. . Clumbiai;Bpe(wax associate - j w ticet'Iii JB Joea,; of Lancaster, was elected Thie JusticV f the Suprem Court of South Carolba for,' the un expired term of Chief J ustice Pope, whose resignation ias been accepted.' Mr. Jones has served on the Supreme Court Bench i since 'Jangaryi , 1890, with onspieuous ability. He is rec pgnised -as a mah' of unusual ability, and his v-writteri opinibns as a; mem vher,oftbe Supreme "- Court have been Wvefsally'tommended " afid favor ably, received. Mr. Jones', has been-in 'tctive public; life formany years;. COV'MT COTTON REPORT South Carolina Credited With 1,13, ,620 Bales and 4,229 Actjre Gin- neriea. , wasnington, Special. There- were 12,667,231 running bales of cotton Tinned from the growth of 1908 'to January J6, last ariinst 1033951 a year ago, and 27,441 active ginner ies, against 2766 a year ago, accord ing to the Census bureau report 'of Saturday. The report counts round ae half bales and excludes linters. It includes 232,521 round -bales tor 1909, 188,037 for 1908 and 90,456 Sea Island bales for 1909, 80,190 for 1909. The total bales ginned in 1907 up to January 16, was 12,176,199, rep resenting 93.8 of the crop of - that year and of the 1908 crop 93.5 was ginned by January 16. : Today's, report shows bales ' gin ned and number of ginners operated respectively by States' aa follows: Bales. : Gins. Alabama..... . . . Arkansas Florida.. , Georgia. Kansas, Kentuek ' and New Mexico Louisiana . Mississippi ' . Missouri. . - North Carolina. . '. Oklahoma . South ' Carolina.'. . Tennessee.. .. .. . Virginia 1,317,266 ' 3,477 t 931,540 2415 , 93130 .1,951,740 2:115 3,459 1,787 6 .. 458,723 1,696 ..1,551,265 3,476 .. 5582 ;78 '.. 661,295 2,756 .. 62118- 984 ..1,193,420 . 3,229 . . 321,677 ' 649 ... .3,529426 - 3443 .. 12,614. 115. Sea Island cotton Distribution of for 1909 by States is Florida 345,- 007 ;Georgia. 43,244; South Carolina 13,205. The corrected statistics of thel quantity of cotton ginned this season' to January 1 are' 12465,293 bales. ;' ' -! - " SUPPLY CP COTTON. Secretary Hester's Report Shews 5,663,567 Bales Against 5,415,900 Last Week. New Orleans, La., Special-Secre-1' tarjr- Hester's, statement of the world's visible, supply of cotjon is sued Saturday' shows the t3tal ible- to 5be" 5563,567 - bales, aauls 5,41500 last eeklahd:4QJJ.4Ast year. "Df this the total of American cotton is 429,567,. against ,4,449,960 last week and -57734,730 last year, and of all other "-kinds, including Egypt, Brazil, -India, etc., 1034,000, against 966,000 last week and 1,102,- 870 last year. t Of the world's visible supplyof cotton there is now afloat and held in Great Britain and "Continental Europe 3,207,000, - against l!2;f3S,Q0O last year; in Egypt -297,000,;. against 238,000 last year; in India 347,000, against 471,Q00 ; ahd vin the United States l.TlS.OOOjhgakst 1,391,000 last year. . '' i- ;.' . JNew York, bpeciai.-T.pPJ;. cciiion quiel; middling uplands 10.00; mid dling Gulf, 10.25; no sales: Futures- opened hrm and - ciosea barely steady. Months. Open! High.Low. Close. Jan.. . 9:78 9.7o a.or 9.67 Feb.. March April . Ma y . 9.70 9.76 9.67 9!o5 9!74 965 9.68 9.67 9.66 9.60 9.59 9.47 9.46 June . July . 9.67 9. 43 9.41 9.67 9.52 9.48 9.47 9.59 9.46 9.43 Aug . Sept . Oct 9.38 9.41 . . . . 9.S5 9.33 9.35 Dec ., 9.36 9.40 COLUMBIA COTTON MARKET, (Quotations by L. V. Dibble.) The Columbia cotton i market ' for Saturday was. as : follows: . . Good middling. ...... v .9 1-2 Strict middling . . . . . . '. .. '. -9 3-S Middling ; . .9 1- Low middling. . . . 81-8 . Raleigh Spot Cotton. ., . . . v. .95 bales. 9 3-4-to 9Mc. Receipts Saturday; .-. Price, best grades.. Virginian Railroad Completed. Roanoke, Va., Special With the completion Saturday . of v the" long bridge across Hew mer, . wesi.; si. Roanoke, the .last gap, in .the .line of the . Virftinian Railrad. - which has been-built by Henry H. Rogers, from. the coal fields to the sea, was ciosea and .the first' train waa rju), through fram Roanoketo Deepwater, W. Va., the western terminal. ? : " . ;-' , ' " - r ' '-i - '- . . Thaw Will be Tried Again. New ; York, Speeial.-r-IIarry & Tfeaw will bevgiy9P trial 4 ..New York City , to determine "Whether -he is sang or insane. An order to that effect wa issued by Justice -A. S. Tompkins, to whpm( ian ' appel , ask, tno for a trial' was made by Mrs". William Thawj,1 Harry's mblherrUn- UCl f.UOI.4V;Y3 JL VlAipw -- -- will not tir feive'n h 'trial by jtiry", the case' to be heard .efore , a .ourt 01 judge of j New York . City. with or without the assistance of a i r"efered US VUa J UUJU AiJ r -v. ., fcjpvr- THE NEWS IN BRIEF Items of Intst QBthered By Wre a Ctible ?l GLEANINGS FROM JJAY TO SAY UrO'Xtema Covering Events of Hon or Leas Interest at Home ant) Abroad. - General Miles, who has just re turned from.Enrope, spoke of 90-milo rides, like that taken by the Presi dent ,as hofhing and said he could duplicate the feat at his . age. The famous' Spring Hill Coiiego, -one of the oldest Jesuit colleges iu -the Southern States, and well known even in Europe, Was destroyed by lira Monday. . John D. Rockefeller has given an other $1,000,000 to the University of Chicago. Mr. Rockefeller's total contributions to the univenritv gregates $24,800,000 for endowment uuu umer purposes. The Brookside Worsted la, North Chelmsford, Massachusetts, were burned on Wednesday, , loss $650,000. The cotton cron for mm ia iw estimated at 12,759,000 bales. Suit was bee-Tin at Nanhvitla Tmh on- Wednesday, against Duncan B. " Cooperl and son, Robin, and ex.-', sheriff,'" John D. Sharp, for the 'kill ing of U. S. Senator E. W. Carmacfc. iP:iJ. Keiran. of the Nw Vni-fc - Fidelity Co., who has been in biding unocr cnarge or embezzlement, baa surrendered to the law officers. Ex-Secretary Elihu Root has been named by Republican caucus to suc ceed. Senator Piatt of New York. tyhose term expires with this eon- At. Hope, Ark., an 18-yoar-old Negro has been lynched for speaking insultingly to a lady saleswoman ia a store. - Boston had - an ; $800,00( fire Sun aay hicluding. $750,000 Worth: ; of antdjmobiles. V Another "Nigh t Rider, Ed. Marshall is ' to be tried at Union City, Tenn., at once. ' $35,000 worth of Guilford, N. C. 5, per cent road bonds were sold " itorjday for $60,537.40. - ' , : Blood hounds effected the capture . bf a Negro who attempted foul as sault on Mrs. W. J. McLeod, neat Clinton on last Wednesday. The Federal grand jury has found - a bill'sfor peonage against Joshua W. Ashley,- a member of the legislature fpi 'Anderson county . ; Judge Jones designated Febrnary 19th as the day for hanging the sis Night 'Riders convicted of murder in " the first degree in the case of tho ; slaying of Capt. Rankin. Abbott L. Lowell has been named- '' the successor to Charles W. Eliottr,' as ' president of Cambridge Univer- . sity; '-. Tbr Government was sustained by r the Supreme Court in the $1,623,900 fine against the Waters-Pierce Oil Company of Texas. v r The Chicago and Alton Railway has filed an appeal in the adverso $60,000 rebate fine case. Two local option bills were mtro- duced in the West Virginia Legisla- Washington Notes. .AoAPfvo T. T.illov. vohn wn a AloftfAA.?.- , V . T , . , ..... Governor of Oonnecticut. did not re- - i sign as member of the lower House of-Congress. He was declared, Wed nesday, ne longer a" member of that v . body. Mr. Willett, of New York, made a bitter attack Tuesday on the Presi dent, but the House stopped him " Senator Bailey discussed the ! pro- posed increase of pay for the Presi- i).n : . anrl AtliAva ' tftrif i.ieinl Xfr. Roosevelt's allowances of expenses. President Roosevelt asks the gov ernment of California to consider hia reasons, now on the way, before en- , acting bill, pending teat is unfavor able to Japanese citizenship . ? 'Mr.' Rayner started a Senate fi . nnirv intn th' tilwd snitu airalnat Sv- eral newspapers. C."P. Taft arrivetl in Washington to testify. , ' 7 ErQueen Lillioukaluni is still pressing her claims before the Honta ' AnmTnittA ' Rha 18 willinCT to SCAAna ' $250,000 for her elaim- on Hawaii. - & Foreign News. ', TCarthnnakA shocks are - still - portad from Messina and fires break " out. anow.ana rain cause greavaui- . . faring. , 1 ! ' .""A'disastrious fire swept parts tof the -afflicted city of Messina on Tues- - day.,, " Ge.n. Jose Miguel Gomes was of- k ficiaVlv oroclaimed president of Cuba . oh' Wednesday. . t ""'Vffle ConsiU Stuart ' K. Lupton.U; tpaacceed Consul Messina.' . Admiral Rojenstvensky, the com mander of the Russian fleet wbiehi the Japanese destroyed, is dead. ' ,7 . K.

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